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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Aguililla, Michoacán: CJNG Seizes Aguililla As its Own

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Within the Aguililla area of ​​Tierra Caliente in Michoacan there is a real state of disappointment. The informational news dispatches report that the municipality is under the control of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación.

Yesterday several subjects of this criminal group entered with armored vehicles, with homemade steel plated trucks. They traveled through the Dos Aguas community with these armored vehicles. 

The sicarios fired several shots into the air to intimidate the neighbors, the population that’s in Aguililla. Some of those residents abandoned their homes to avoid reprisals.

Others could not leave and chose instead to stay there. This occurs three days, just three days after the clashes allegedly unleashed by an attempted incursion that left 8 people dead.

We have just seen a part of these trucks, part of these handmade armored vehicles from these criminal groups. It is known that Aguililla is a municipality coveted by the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación because its leader, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes aka El Mencho, is from there.


  1. cjng is all hype
    atte basement_ management

  2. Cjng is for the people. they don't kidnap, extort or kill innocents

  3. Is it just me or does anyone else think when they see a Mexican news reporting it reminds me of La Dictadura Perfecta and the news reporting green screen from the movie?

  4. All that money wasted on armored trucks that don’t run?

  5. In the first clip you see the f250 towing the other armored vehicle, why is that? Engine problems or ran out of gas i think

    1. 5:01 PM One of them got lite up when they went into Aguillila the Gallinas unidas were sitting on the roofs shooting from there early in the morning around 5 or 6 am. By midday most of the Viagras from Aguillila had given up and were seen hog tied in the back of the pickup trucks leaving Aguilila. Some are saying 20 people while others were on a hill that has a small chapel hiding up there. El Tena Templario sent a bunch of his people from Tumbiscatio to try and help the viagras from Aguillila. CJNG couldn't find their target Chirrius Revueltas who was hiding in a house. The Sedena eventually came up and CJNG left they went to the house where he was hiding at and took him out of the town to Tumbiscatio. The funniest video is where you see the viagras from Aguillila running by the small chapel with their tails tucked behind their legs.

    2. Cars manufsctured from china. It doesnt run!!!

    3. Cars manufsctured from china. It doesnt run or the cartels are getting her 3D printer to make 3D printed monster trucks. Either case it wont work.

  6. Esos de la nueva andan con todo! Ni el sicario 006 y sus secuases pueden ni podran, si cds lea mata a 1 cjng les mata 5, nimodo escondanse que les llego el cucui malditas 🐁🐁🐁

    1. Cuicui is a pig,
      the scary one is El Cucuy,
      alias El Kooky.
      Get your criminals straight.

    2. 10:23 donde dice cuicui? Dice cucui
      Aprende a leer primero!

  7. Cjng left because the army came to rescue chirrios revueltas aguililla plaza boss for carteles unidos so as right now carteles unidos got the town back again.

  8. His own hometown don't even like the tweaker boss smh

  9. Secret management on suicide watch right now

    1. 6:58 Secure his Tesla,
      Eric Trump locked himself in his garage with his Tesla running.

  10. This might be the reason why my Mexican food places here in town have gone from limes to lemons!!

  11. I surprised that CU did not even fight.

    What's the lesson for us all?

    Don't steal el senor Mencho's coke.

    1. Cual pinche coca... si ese muerto de hambre mueve puro cristal al igual que todos los putos michoacacas

  12. Cjng the Mata inocentes. Who remembers them taping a dynamite to a 10 year old kid and blowing him up? & I'm pretty sure C.U done horrible things to innocent people in Michoacan

    1. I remember not to long ago in TJ a 5 and an 8 year old were torture killed and burned by CDS for like 5,000 pesos

    2. 8:58 PM Chapo is a pedophile who like small girls. The person who tied the dynamite to the 10 year old kid was killed for that very reason.

    3. Or the American females CDS had kidnapped in Sinaloa an held them over 3 years. Until they were rescued.

      The irony.

  13. What media don't tell you is this cowards are killing innocent civilians CJNG is no different than VIAGRAS or ABUELO querian andar de arguenderas michoacanas apoyando lacras despues no lloren ninas 😃

  14. First el Aguaje, now aguililla.
    Cjng is on a roll.

    1. No they are all hype......
      atte basement_management

    2. All hype????? YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol

    3. 537 that's what el cholo thought. Look how he ended up.

  15. They went in, CU showed up and cjng left running except their trucks


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