Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Authorities Arrest 'El Durango', High-Ranking Sinaloa Cartel Member in Sonora

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

José Bibiano Cabrera Cabrera is known as “El Durango” and/or “El Trakas”

José Bibiano Cabrera Cabrera, alias “El Durango”, a suspected boss of Gente Nueva, a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, was arrested in Altar, Sonora.

His arrest was carried out after an operation implemented by elements of the National Guard (GN) and personnel of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Attorney General's Office in Altar municipality. Immediately after his arrest, a Mexican Army helicopter transported the suspect to Hermosillo municipality for future legal proceedings.

Local media have indicated that a susupect identified as Daniel Jáuregui Martínez was also detained in the operation.

El Durango has been on the government's radar for several months. But the operation to capture him intensified over the weekend when a group of armed men ambushed Mexican Army soldiers in Caborca. The attack left 9 dead, including two military men, as reported by Borderland Beat.

According to the investigations, El Durango also headed the "Grupo Delta" cell, which is reportedly led by people aligned to Los Chapitos, sons of Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán. El Durango was reportedly the right-hand man of Humberto Limón López, alias 'Noveno', 'Chubeto', and/or 'El Cazador'.

Through an Instagram account, El Durango boasted weapons, golden handguns engraved with his alias, wads of US dollars and Mexican pesos, as well as tactical equipment. He sometimes posted messages and did live broadcasts taunting and threatening his rivals, as if he were a drug cartel "influencer".

Borderland Beat analysis

In Sonora, Los Chapitos are competing against La Barredora 24/7, headed by Rodrigo Páez Quintero, nephew of old-school drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero. One of his main lieutenants is Jesús Darío Murrieta Navarro, alias “Cara de Cochi”. La Barredora 24/7 is linked to La Plaza and/or the Caborca ​​Cartel, which has presence across Sonora.

As reported by Borderland Beat, much of the violence in Sonora is driven by conflicts between several factions of the Sinaloa Cartel and local drug groups. This turf is a strategic location for drug trafficking given its proximity to the US state of Arizona. Los Chapitos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel operates there with the support of Los Salazar faction. They are said to be competing with La Plaza and/or the Caborca Cartel.

Local reports have mentioned that the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) may be working with Caro Quintero to fight the Sinaloa Cartel.

Other groups have been reported in the area, including a gang known as Los Jabalies and/or Los Jabalis, formed by the Villagrana family, and Los Memos, headed by Adelmo Niebla González and/or Guillermo Nieblas Nava ('El G3').

Full picture of El Durango

El Durango was taken via helicopter to Hermosillo

El Durango under custody prior to his transfer to Hermosillo

Sources: ExcelsiorNoticias en la Mira; Tribuna; DRV Noticias; Quadratin; Eje Central; Infobae; NarcoStudios 701 (Images); El Debate de Sinaloa; El Clarinete

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  1. Is this the guy who was taunting el cara de cochi like every other week?
    Jajajaja pinche vato incado y llorando, no que muy bravo? No que apagava la lumbre a pedos y la chingada? Nimodo a tirar rata como lo hacen el cdsapos!
    Las chapitas are weak, they wont last long once his worse nightmare el Sr Mencho les aviente a sus 🐓 a pelear contra las chaputas!
    Baw down to el señor de los 🐓🐓🐓

    1. La Mencha can’t even take Michoacán. What makes you think he’ll take Sonora? El Noveno has been smashing Caro left and right in Caborca.

    2. Bruh you a loser stop supporting cartels get a job go to school find something worth LIVING for

    3. Parece Kiko, llorando en la esquina

    4. The boys over at r/NarcoFootage will be devastated their narco-influencer is gone. At least they still have William “Maniaco” Alvarez with Carteles Unidos to follow.

    5. @7:25 dude is always commenting CJNG is the top cartel like suck they sick already Holmes. Straight 45 year old fracasado typing from his mommas basement

    6. OG Shadow? Yea that dude is a fakest of the fake.

  2. this guy was paid very well,he was doing alot of damage to caborca. chapito is putting alot of money into sonora and too some extent bcs.i dont understand why the attack on the military its not his m.o. if it was ordered i doubt he wouldve done it, he mustve been drugged up when he saw the lone patrol

    1. It was leaked when this war first started that Cartel de Caborca had ties to GN. It might be the same scenario like when CJNG ambushed and killed 19 state police officers since they were riding around with Viagras at the time.

  3. thanks BB! lets see what will happen next. Will RCQ make a move? what will happen next? questions that we will probably know very soon.

    1. Thanks BB! lets see what will happen next.Will RCQ make a movie?He is supposed to have gone to film school so who knows?One thing for sure he has a lot of subject matter for his movie,he apparently been in the estacas blindados at the front,fact he is know to carry hair dye with him in his skinny jeans?
      He made a decent documentary about the inequalities of prison life when he was in the jug?Anyone see it?

  4. So RCQ now owns and calls for support from GN or maybe Mencho owns them and is helping this way, because Salazars had all the Federal and local cops.

    1. @7:31 Good input, as I've said before all cartels use government at any given chance. It also shows how corporations work with local diplomacy, GN in Sonora could be supporting Caros while in Michoacán they could support Viagras (which are supposed to be allied to Caros enemies for example).

  5. They said that he was arrested a few days ago, but it actually happened today. Pretty strange, isn't it?

    1. my guess is the government was waiting to fully confirm his identity. and then once that happened they leaked it officially in the media. but the pictures made it before, although that wasn't intended.

    2. They leaked it officially in the media?
      Waiting to fully confirm his identity,from his falsies,last time he saw them they were in a glass of water,they were secuestrado and ransomed,El Durango was originally from Ulster in Ireland(hence the name)now he may not be able to go back,who will take his place?

    3. @7:26 HUH?! That made absolutely no sense. Your comment reminds me of schizophrenia gibberish.

  6. This is big L for el noveno....

  7. It will end bad for durango....

    1. "It will end bad for durango...."
      Maybe he will be a hunted man depending where he lands,but if he could get a medical to remove the rat from his arse they could attempt a rescue,even if they couldnt remove the rat they could still use the intel the rat gives them?He was bad into coke and having rats rammed up his arse off a female with a strap on,strange shit that.El Durango may be freed who knows,i dont?

  8. He will probably spend his entire life behind bars with the evidence they have against him. He admitted a few crimes on Ig live. He probably thought that they'll never catch him.

  9. This guy looks like he was mated and birthed by oscar de la hoya and el z-2 el lazcano

    1. Haha I do see lazcano in him now

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. @8:30, but did you see el lazcano in your momma!

  10. Andassss valiendoooo verrgggaaaa

  11. Pa que vean que caro manda

  12. From photos posted here, the guy looks nothing like them. The guy in the picture may be the other guy who was captured with him, is he related to El paletero? with the same last name

    1. El LP
      "The guy in the picture may be the other guy who was captured with him"
      Thinking the same thing but the guy caught with him was the other guy who was with the same guy.It many be him?

    2. The guy next to him is Erik Cabrera his cousin, aka Delta 4, from altar gente nueva group,, the paletero guy that was arrested is Gerardo Jauregui and Maria Fernanda Jauregui both sons of the paleteros (altar people)

    3. The guy next to him is Erik Cabrera his cousin, aka Delta 4, from altar gente nueva group,, the paletero guy that was arrested is Gerardo Jauregui and Maria Fernanda Jauregui both sons of the paleteros (altar people)

  13. Les estan quitando Sonora Jalisco Juarez y Quintero y Beltranes a Sinaloa.
    Aqui se esta viendo.
    Por eso se juntaron los gueyes con CDN. Para cruzar drogas. Porke por esta frontera esta valiendo madres al igual que por Chihuas y Baja al parecer.
    Pinchi Sinaloa sin la ayuda de el Gobierno de Mexico y E.E.U.U. no vale madres!


    2. Y asta con la ayuda del govierno mexicano y USA ni valen verga, no pudieron en juarez, no pidieron en TJ, no pudieron en nuevo laredo, en todos lados que se pararon los madrearon, los unicos que la levantavan era nacho con los de jalisco pero cuando el chapo y mayo lo traisionaron pensando quedarse con jalisco se les volteo el chirrion y ahora asta miedo les tienen al cjng! Nimodo otra guerra que no van a ganar las Gilbertonas

    3. Pues Los Menchos andan al cien con los Beltranes Quinteros Y Los de Juárez llevan años jalando juntos

    4. Se ve que no saves nada compa... hablas puras mamadas del blog del narco... ese vato del Durango les estaba dando para llevar a los Quinteros abelillos cochis y toda la bola juntos enpujandolos para fuera de su propio bastión de los Quintero caborca...hablas del cartel de Sinaloa hay varias fracciones y siguen con mucho poder aun peleando entre ellos para seguir con precencia en chihuas,Sonora,zacatecas,Sinaloa,Durango,Coahuila las bajas,Aguascalientes,asta en jalisco y nayarit tienen precencia.y sales con tus mamelucos jajaja

    5. Por eso se juntaron los gueyes con CDN. Para cruzar drogas. Porke por esta frontera esta valiendo madres,el blongo congo bellongo,Aqui no bumpo rumpo,pimpo snipo,Chiuas big ass,stonko bonkon.Pinche Sinaloa Quintero Puro buro.Saludos guey

    6. 10:45 7:40
      Ya hasta les tumbaron a el Conejo en Tijuana aparte de esto mi buen.
      Para que se hacen pendejos?
      No se a terminado Sinaloa claro pero de que les esten arrimando los enemigos una chinga a.estos se las estan dando.

    7. 10:45; nunca mataron a nadie importante los deltas. Si acaso a tiradores de muy bajo nivel. Pq no se quedaron dentro de caborca y se establecieron? El miedo no anda en burro. Fue el error más alto el haber matado militares. No hay nada mejor que estar en paz cada quien lo suyo como antes, las guerras no son buenas para nadie

  14. Sigue la mata dando plebes pura gente del noveno

  15. Chapitos lookin weak asf

    1. They were already weak from the beginning. that's why Mencho took it upon himself to expose these fake gangsters

  16. Things were out of control in Caborca, it was almost daily the killings, everyday. It would stop, but only for a day or 2. If the killings stop drastically, which is good for either side specially the Altar people since they just took a big hit, it means that there is a truce(tregua) agreement. Noveno people lost some influence on the military since fighting with them and killing them 2 soldiers. Time and actions will tell

  17. Another L for SINALOA

  18. Todo parate del show hombre no pasa nada fue mucha la paliza ke le andabamos dando y los jaliscos nada k ver

  19. Any one can act brave if you have 20 dudes doind what you tell them but acr brave when you alone all these so called sicarios will cry if you get them alone

  20. Eldeldesierto was Durangos ig moniker.


  22. Este wuey esta gordo, no es el Durango., será el otro mentado ?

  23. That's not el Durango

    1. Sources? Or you just making a statement with out foundations!

    2. This is going around on r/NarcoFootage because many of the photos we have of Durango/Traka show him weighing about 50-70 pounds less than he does in the arrest photos. They also seem to think that all the videos Durango posted of sicarios doing flips and shooting and other weird drills actually showed Durango himself and not his soldiers. Durango never showed his face (or any of the sicarios’ faces) so we don’t know that he is currently as skinny as he appeared in photos from 3+ years ago. That is pretty much the only substance for the “this is not the real El Durango” rumor; old photos of Durango that showed a skinnier man than the one who was arrested.

    3. At 11:46am, this is why I commented he might the guy in the photo might be the other guy mentioned. The guy with the last name of the paletero

    4. @EL LP: No the man pictured is the real Durango; the eye placement and spacing between the eyes, the nose, the spacing between the nose and top lip, all the same as other photos of Durango. He certainly looks fatter than in other photos from over a year ago, but it’s the same guy.

    5. @EL LP: also, here’s a recent photo that allegedly shows a heavier Durango, albeit with his face covered.

    6. 6:37pm, right on! It's going to be interesting to see if Noveno or the menores proceed to war with the faction in Caborca.

    7. Are you happy now LP? See thats how you speak with real sources like 6:37

  24. Seems that Grillonautas has an interview with El Durango and they will release it soon.

  25. That's not el Durango te lo aseguro

    1. Ok pues te vamos a creer mas a ti que a todos los periodicos! I want pictures and sources o nomas hablas a lo pendejo?

  26. Replies
    1. 12:32 yes it is. Sorry for your lose

  27. Seems like this guy was effective bt he out himself out there way too much

  28. Replies
    1. The black polo and jeans look started in the Zetas with Z1 back when he was still a PJF. Then other Zetas adopted the look in homage to Z1.

  29. Any of the comments referring to people like chaputos mencha cdsnitch...etc means they lack the intellectual prowess to make an valued argument... Sorta kids play like calling some one butt face 😅 js

    1. This really is hilarious but only because it is true

    2. 7:20 or maybe they are just having some fun and the ones getting mad and thinking its true what those guys write are the ones with the small brain

  30. Wouldnt it make a change to see one of these guys who was actually in shape.Dont they believe in lifting weights in Mexico or just lifting deluxe burritos

    1. What does weights have to do with anything? I done threw it down with fools that lift all day and they still got their asses beat, muscles really don’t mean anything if you’re not a skilled fighter at all maybe to fools who never got into shit they might be intimidated but those muscles ain’t fooling no one

    2. 6:22 HEY! meatballs matter, after all their price is smaller size that won't get up for the president or the national anthem and sterility, and holes in the brain, cause of the steroids.

  31. $100 he escapes by December, the same way Vic did.

    1. Stop betting money if you are not gonna pay

  32. Los pollitos fighting the GALLOS
    Gallos= CARO, MAYO and MENCHO
    DUMB kids are GOING to be taught a valuable LESSON

  33. Shouldn’t this guy have wounds and missing limbs from that Grenade exploding on him. I remember reading that a Grenade went off in his truck and theirs a video of it.

  34. Mayo and rcq aliance in Sonora? Cuz the border still controlled by Mayo people and rcq its only figthing vs chapos people Does anyone know something? It is said that rcq has no problems with mayo

    1. It’s weird. Caborca and people from gente nueva altar had/have beef. On the other side altar al Nogales mayos had/have beef. Did magdalena stayed under cazador control after the shootouts and the military ambush in ejido la cebolla and the Blackhawk shooting? Or did Nogales mayos kept it? Idk. If killings stop in Caborca drastically that means something was arranged behind closed door, after Durango’s arrest. It will be known in the next couple weeks/days. War is not good for either side;costs a lot of money and too much attention being drawn, specially since it’s close to the border.

    2. agreed 12:58 if Caborca goes quite a deal was made.

  35. Hey MX apparently there was another Salazar lieutenant who was killed in cajeme yesterday

    1. Thank you! I found these sources about the attack. Where can I find more about his connection to Los Salazar?

      I'll keep looking over the weekend and will continue to monitor. If you find anything else, please post here and/or email us. Thanks again!

    2. Found this too, which is a juicier source.

    3. Sources say it was Filiberto or Heriberto. Found another.

  36. Se oye por ai que todos lo detenidos ya los dejaron ir y que no era el Durango, Alguien tiene información??

  37. Well, since this event took place let me tell you how Caborca has been. Peaceful, no more shootings, no more houses shoot. Like it never happened. Went from 100 to 0 in a blink of an eye. Some arrangements were clearly done behind closed doors. It might be a truce “tregua” or something else. Wat is no bueno and maybe they came to a deal. If it explodes again well it means they were just taking a break but so far it stopped (killings)

  38. Not him Ai anda con el noveno...


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