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Monday, April 5, 2021

Borderland Beat Forum Temporarily Discontinued

Borderland Beat Annoucement

Hello readers,

Our forum has been discontinued temporarily. The provider was charging is too much and restricting a lot of our content. 

We may return to the old forum (Nabble) but we are also considering other options.

In the meantime, any stories you find newsworthy of posting on the mainboard, please share it with us at and/or post them in the comment sections.

If you have any ideas about a forum provider, please share them with us.

We apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to get a forum back ASAP.

Big thanks!

- Borderland Beat family


  1. That’s too bad.

    Has BB considered running ads to offset costs?

    1. I don’t see BB ever hosting ads. They have been proudly running ad-free for more than 10 years, so no need for such a big change now.

    2. Yes we can advertise your cheese for $300 pesos per day.

    3. They seem adamantly against the idea, and I wonder why. The "other" website does go overboard, though.

    4. Queso is ganster

    5. The smellier the cheese the better! 🧀

    6. I love borderlandbeat and I miss this board so much when it is down but I don't understand "Nabble". If you go there please leave directions for dummies like me.

    7. @229
      Advertise your new stock of no show knicker lines.The ones you wear on your head

    8. manic mills stalking people

  2. Why not go back to Nabble.
    This new format was not very good either way

    1. I agree nabble was good. This new one was wack.

  3. I do not think BB content is suitable for advertising. Could BB function as a 501(c)(3) non-profit? Donations could support operating costs, legal, reporting staff...

    1. The russians would gladly help, they started facebook and other ventures like Cambridge Analytica, the Tea Party and helped the NRA.

    2. This is a good idea, we would be able to get a good forum to host our materia, plus there will be money to hire additional personnel and hopefully get some people who are actually in mexico who know how to properly translate A from B. A lot of stuff going on in qroo was missed and it was pretty big. I'm sure there are a lot more from other states as well.

    3. 10:43 I thought it was aliens.

    4. Care to elaborate more of why this site is unsuitable for advertisers?

      Most if not all content here is sourced and referenced from news outlets that ALL have advertising...

      And FFS.. are you aware of a site called 4chan?

      They have public forums that range from extremist political ideologies, racism, gore, grotesquely barely legal pornography, and more that I prefer not to mention...

      Considering their ranking on Alexa, the amount of money they earn from their advertisers is beyond comprehension..

    5. 10:43 spoken like a true biden brainwashed cultist

  4. Im glad I really didnt like that new forum format I miss the old one much easier to navigate.

  5. Donate button!!!!

  6. I would be interested in your comments about the family of 5 that disappeared in Jalisco. They think that police hade some involvement.

  7. Can we link the borderland beat discord channel from the other day?

    1. Oh whaaa?

      Please do share.. lol

  8. Blessing in disguise. The host lacked way more than they offered.

  9. Flarum is super fast and its free.

  10. Absolutely no worries or concerns here at all; I personally was not much a fan towards the new forum, along with it’s usability (or sometimes lack of). The actual main site itself however, not only came back polished, but returned along with a hell of a force - bigger team, new methods of sharing, additional/new organization, but most importantly.. a solid administration consisting of the best veteranos we ever had...

    P.S. I can easily vouch that — the forums had always felt like a longtime and appreciated extension of BB, that not only gave so many loyal fans a voice.. but the ability as well to interact with one another!

    Now to business — I had performed quite a bit of research on what has been and/or is currently the most popular platforms to choose from; please take a look below (noting that my choices are in specific order), and I can confirm that each one is currently/totally free...

    1) Codoforum (appears the most solid in every way)

    2) Simple Machines Forum “SMF” (this one does appear to be the most popular - the # of avid fans I discovered were countless!)

    3) MyBB (very simple/fast to setup & use.. Also am a fan of it’s name.. lol)

    4) Proboards (a hard tie with #3 above, looks GREAT)

    5) Zetaboards (Super popular as well.. I guess however I might be a little biased towards it’s name!)

    Lastly.. this all helped inspire me to suggest yet another fun and different way for everyone (admins, regulars, new/old forum users) to literally chat with one another.. LIVE!

    If anyone here is familiar with Discord, or not, it is a platform (hosted elsewhere) that allows anyone to create an invite-only live chat room. To partake, they only need to use an app client — that ranges from smartphones all the way to desktop/mobile (Windows & Linux). Best part of this all is, it has impeccable security and does a fantastic job at hiding one’s IP/Location....

    Based upon my own personal experiences (using for work and outside of).. I can confirm that it really is an insanely popular platform online, and hopefully the following description page will help one discover why!

    Thank you to the Administration @ TeamBB, regardless, for allowing the fans to be a part of expanding and upgrading this bastion of truth..

    With Much Love & Utmost Respect,

    El Bujo (The Owl) aka Active Duty Supporter


    1. ProBoards would not let some of the content be posted. They're strict

  11. Keep fighting the good fight, B.B. and your editors. You’re doing Holy Work.

    No matter what: NO ads.


  12. Is there a support tab somewhere? I would like to throw a couple of bucks the BB way


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