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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Attorney General Investigates Policemen Linked to Organized Crime

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The state attorney general's office opened an investigation folder after detecting that police elements from the public security department, the state public security secretariat and the attorney general's office itself have links with organized crime.

The preceding investigation came about after the arrest of Mauro M. B. Alias ​​"El Comandante", an active element of the municipal police who worked in "La Empresa" a "crystal meth" distribution network for the Juárez cartel.

The investigation establishes that some police officers have been working for years with the Sinaloa cartel group or in alliance with “Los Salgueiro”.

Some of their activities are to provide protection or capture drug dealers who work for other organized crime groups.

Or as in another of the latter cases where municipal police arrested Óscar Jhovanny Leal Holguín, and Adán Israel Gardea Barraza, in the streets of the Sierra Azul neighborhood. Of whom they didn’t  make an official police report of their arrest and were later found dead.

In this investigation, there are currently three police officers who are fugitives from justice. While Ramona Ivette and Irving Leonel were released due to the lack of evidence presented by the public prosecutor.

Source: Canal 44


  1. Los Salgueiro. Never heard of them. I’m assuming they are part of the Gente Nueva faction in Ciudad Juárez?

    1. Flacos salguerio people?

    2. The leaders are from a town called San Francisco de los salguiero Chihuahua. In the golden triangle area. They operate out of Parral and surrounding areas

    3. The Salgueiro have been around for a long time. Noel El Flaco Salgueiro was to some the creator of La Gente Nueva. Him M-10, Jaguar, and R-5. When things began to go off in chihuahua, El flaco was already established and ready to go under El Chapo. Some of the biggest topones were between him and la Linea. They’re not around like they use to be though. They also had ties with la gente de Sonora for a brief moment. They went from moving tons to moving pounds now. That empire is long gone.

    4. @1:46 Así es señor, de hecho los Olivas alguna vez jalaron con los Salgueiro como usted menciona.

    5. Entre los años de 2002/3 hasta su arresto en el 2011 El flaco duró mucho tiempo en sonora. Aunque solamente es un rumor, se dice que tenía unas casas en puerto peñasco y empalme. En el 2007 cuando se calento Chihuahua es cuando se pelaba de la sierra para Sinaloa y los límites de Sonora. Pero quien sabe, el vale ya tiene mucho tiempo fuera del ruedo y su imperio se encuentra en sus últimos suspiros. Lo que se me hizo un poco raro fue cuando lo aprendieron en Culiacán. Para mi que lo puso el Chapo pero su gente se quedaron fieles a los Guzmán.

    6. Hubo un tiempo donde los salgueiro movían toda la coca que llegaba a la sierra y de ay ipa la frontera... pero después que pusieron al Flaco todo se fue alv y otros grupos se quedaron con el bisne

    7. 7:52 pues los otros grupos se quedaron con el bisnes, remember that El Mayo worked with the carrillo fuentes until he took off with El Chapo and CDS, who had "no border plaza" but had all of sinaloa, sonora and Arizona of former DEA agent, Sheriff Joe "el Apache" Arpaio.
      Of course, nothing is ever good enough...every new governor and every new presidente bring in their new teams and corrupt police, except for AMLO, this was before his time.

  2. Is this a good thing? The apprehensions by any official pertaining criminal organizations can be considered corrupt as well? The continuous cycle of bribery and corruption is rampant in Mexico.
    Despite revelations of this nothing changes.

  3. Here’s a good one for you sol

  4. Luego dicen los pendejos seguidores de La Linea que La Empresa solo trabaja en cd Juarez?
    Bola de gueyes los de La Linea y mas pendejos por pensar que estos de La Empresa les iva a ayudar mucho!


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