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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Eduardo Arellano Félix, Ex-Boss of the Tijuana Cartel, To Be Released From US Prison in August

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Eduardo Arellano Félix, nicknamed "El Doctor" for being a medical doctor, was considered the financial brains of the Tijuana Cartel. 

Eduardo Arellano Felix ("El Doctor"), a member of a powerful clan that once headed the Tijuana Cartel, will be released from US prison in August 2021.

Arellano-Felix was arrested in Mexico in October 2008 after a large shootout with the Mexican Army and the Federal Police. He was extradited to the US in 2012 and found guilty of drug trafficking the following year. He was sentenced to 15 years, but will be released early due to time served.

In Mexico, he has no pending charges or arrest warrants despite the fact that he was one of Mexico's most-wanted drug kingpins.

At the age of 64, Arellano-Felix will return as a free man to Tijuana, one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico today.

The Tijuana Cartel holds presence in the area but is no longer the hegemonic group it used to be. Other groups like the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) currently compete for control of the Tijuana corridor.


The Tijuana Cartel controlled the drug trade from its base in Tijuana, south of San Diego, between 1986 and the 2000s. At the height of its power in the 1990s, the cartel smuggled hundreds of millions of dollars in narcotics through a 100-mile-wide corridor stretching from Tijuana to Mexicali, south of Calexico, California.

The Arellano Felix brothers gained an added measure of notoriety when the Tijuana Cartel and its battle with the rival Juarez Cartel were dramatized in the 2000 film "Traffic," which earned four Oscars.

In its indictment against the brothers, the U.S. government said Eduardo was doing business with an illegal enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity (RICO), conspiracy to import and distribute cocaine and marijuana, and money laundering.

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) displaying Eduardo Arellano-Félix's release date: 18 August 2021. He is currently imprisoned in United States Penitentiary, Allenwood (USP Allenwood) in Pennsylvania.

Sources: Milenio; Infobae; Borderland Beat archives


  1. Don’t throw a welcome party with clowns sir I heard they are evil

    1. The clown himself is dead now

    2. 5:20 It doesn’t mean there’s not Another clown out there that wants to kiss ass to the boss

    3. Kiss ass to the boss? Its part of the game got to level up to not be a clown like you.

  2. Where would you hide if you were him? Tijuana, where everybody knows and maybe recognizes you? Or a bigger city like Mexico City where one can hide among the millions? Maybe abroad?

  3. Holy shit as a commenter said in one of my post a big fish is definitely coming out. El Doctor is probably going to resume operations, vieja Guardia is esta activada.

    1. I remember that

    2. There’s always “a big fish coming out”...

      This guy would be an idiot to even step foot into Baja, period.

  4. Congratulations u got out

    1. The top guys usually gets a slap on the wrist. Sitting 12 years for leading a large cartel shows that our Kingpin Act is a fucking paper tiger!

  5. Antrax assasin clown has been dispatched.

    "Mi bandera es Mayiza MZ representa "

  6. CAF will kick out CDS and CJNG of TJ now

  7. Ay cuentas pendientes y Medina las va cobrar. Saludos a Soyotita.

  8. At the time who won between Tijuana and Juarez cartel?

    1. TJ. But then TJ experience infighting with the Teo v Inge cells.

  9. When shit hit the fan in Tijuana half of the Arrellano family got a free pass to enter the US via Otay Mesa port of entry. I asked the security officer doing the case and all he said they are all Arrellano and got a one time entry thanks to DEA. SDSO

    1. How do you know, where you that fly on the wall being metechi?

    2. I doubt a security officer would have that info. Just my thought.

    3. Guys seriously SDSO just gave you some wonderful intel, obvious you guys are not cops HSI screeners are titled Security operations officers btw SDSO thanks brother stay 10-8

    4. El buupog I regret to inform you, but they are TSA screeners. Lol

    5. 10:40- There are Security offices one Pedestrian side that do all immigration cases and special cases. The other is at the vehicle security lot. The vehicle side do all dope and criminal warrants due to access to cells and other higher security items. Every person working the area are sworn officers. The only security guards have access only to protect the buildings due to their contracts with Federal Protection Services. They are not federal employees. They have no arrest powers. SDSO

  10. Sang like a Canary No such thing as time served in US Federal Penal system.

    1. He got locked up in 2008. Think about it’s 2021 lol he’s been in jail for 13 years. He was sentenced 15. Time served being he did time in Mexico 👍

    2. Hes been locked up 13 years. Since 2008, U can get up to 54 days off each year if you behave good/ and if you join programs like rdap(residential drug treatment program) up to one year off.

    3. Your blind as a bat did you not count the years he spent in prison dios mio!

    4. 10:12 well he is from sinaloa you know!

    5. There is no “good behavior time off” in the feds....

  11. The lack of charges in Mexico is probably because any evidence against “Doctor” is over 10 years old.

  12. If you see a clown RUUUUUNN!!!! BI£€#!!!! RUUUUNN!!!!!!!! 😭

  13. Dj Khaled voice..... another one

    Caf escuela vieja .

    1. I laughed so hard at that!
      But I agree they keep on coming home one member of the old guard at a time.
      Don’t forget El taliban just got released not to long ago, he was held for 12 years with no charges in San Diego.

  14. How the f..k would you know , talk when you have done time, I'm tired of this clowns just talking shit when they dont know.

  15. What will he do? Im sure he has plenty of money. Does he still have loyal people in TJ?

  16. How did he get out so quickly? His family is long gone he won't retake Tijuana... I won't be surprised if he turns up dead.

  17. Animo compadres!
    We have already negotiated with Eduardo through his lawyer. He will be allowed to return to Tijuana under the condition that he stay out of drug trafficking and not fraternize with anyone connected to the Sinaloa Cartel. Enedina has vouched on his behalf to Senor Mencho that he will behave himself. Should he violate these terms, well send someone dressed as a demon instead of a clown.

    Caballero de Jalisco🏴‍☠️🇲🇽

  18. He NEEDS to watch his back in 🇲🇽
    If NOT he will end UP like his BROTHER
    Who got killed by a CLOWN in a party (some say it was so chino ANTHRAX)

    1. When will you idiots finally understand it wasn’t chino lmao chino was a boss that sent sicarios it was R13 pendejos

    2. Sissy had him killed. Otherwise he would eventually have gained control of AFO

    3. 11:22 either way it was because of el CHINO. pendejo! 😆

  19. Time served in mexican prisons count.

  20. Excellent perhaps he learned a lesson, perhaps he will doing his old habits again, if yes he should have the baby Killer Cartel taken out of Tijuana.

  21. He’ll be in the witness protection program. He’ll live out his years free as a simpleton.

    1. Wow I can't stop laughing 😂.
      Mexico has a witness protection program? Give me a break. They cannot even protect thier journalists and here a bozo comment.

    2. He will not be in the witnesses protection program.

  22. All these clowns on here commenting like they know anything about this trade. CAF is a big organization, just because they’re not on social media making Rambo videos doesn’t mean they stopped working. The big organizations stay off the radar. He’s gonna be fine when he gets back to Mexico. CNJG are the 69’s of the narco world.

    1. You’ve said it best the Jaliscos are the equivalent of 69 takuache. Most of their cheerleaders are nothing but pochos that couldn’t hang with any neighborhood or anything and want to fit in with the países but they not even from Mexico

    2. I am not at clown, I work at the airport Public relations.

    3. 8:21 actually your Bozo the clown. Thank God we have freedom of speech, other countries like Venezuela, Nicaragua don't.

    4. Lol 821 is calling everyone a clown in here, I call him a frog🐸

    5. Al gualin nadie lo toca. Todos los grupos están 10-5 con el señor. El tres quiso chingarse al Doc y al Inge juntos esa noche. Esa fue la razón principal del canaveral 4/26.

  23. Don't know how much his name weigh amongst the new school just like Juarez much of the old timers are out but Caf need good leadership to stop everyone from jumping ship

  24. He should just chill and watch narcos season 3

  25. Eduardo didn't cooperate, but he didn't work when he was in the game, not really. He was a recluse and considered not involved in the family businesses, for the most part. He won't go back to TJ and he won't go back to the game. There's nothing left for him in Tijuana anymore.

    1. Thanks for the info, J. Where do you think he will relocate?

      PS - I have another question for you. Could you email us to contact you?

      Much appreciated!

    2. You can also reach me at:

    3. Didn't Eduardo get captured right after having a meeting with Inge in El pedregal? Or was that just a tell tale? Because some claim that Fernando had just left the residence when they stormed it.

    4. why would he have a massive shootout prior to arrest which many big bosses didn't even do if he was barely in the game

    5. That was the reporting at the time, from narco tijuana and other ones, about inge being there.

      I think AFN and Zeta too.

      It wasn't a massive shootout, he just
      fired from an AR a few times, and gave up. He was more of a figurehead than a leader, was never a boss in that sense. All of that is very consistent regarding CAF, from all sources. That's why Inge took it and not Eduardo. He wasn't qualified.

    6. All Mexicans have a massive shootout whether cartel related or not, even over a traffic ticket.

    7. J estas ablando de la pancha. El Doc era jefe de que estas ablando Compa. El doc apadrino al Inge acoplarse a su estilo de trabajar. El Doc. Siempre ah estado bajita la mano. El junto con Benja aconsejaban a Ramón.

    8. @3:22 no hace falta explicarle a estos narco analistas. Si supieran quien anda controlando y de quien es hijo 👍🏼

  26. Obviamente no regresara a reclamar un trono que nunca tuvo, pero tampoco descuidara a su familia que esta involucrada, Walin no es Trigrillo es mas del estilo del Min, simplemente estará cuando se necesite y hara lo necesario para vivir.

    No estupideces que ya hablaron con alguién, que ya le autorizaron regresar como si la palabra actualmente valiera algo hoy en día.

    Por Dios el fue parte de Grupo de Tijuana que en su momento hicieron y deshicieron, si bien no es Min y el difunto Mon, pero tampoco es la Pancha ni Tigrillo.

    1. Con respeto que no se le botaba la canica y por eso lo "brinco" el Tigrillo?


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