Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, April 19, 2021

Emma Coronel Spends 22 Hours Locked Up In Her Prison Cell and Wants Better Confinement Conditions

"MX" for Borderland Beat

Emma Coronel (left) is a dual U.S.-Mexican citizen with roots in both California and Mexico. She is married to Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman (right), once considered Mexico's most-wanted drug lord.

Emma Coronel, wife of former Sinaloa Cartel drug kingpin Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán, spends 22 hours locked up inside her prison cell in the US. Her attorney, Mariel Colón, has asked for better confinement conditions.

“Her confinement conditions have not improved yet. She is locked up almost all day,” her lawyer told The Associated Press.

Coronel does not share a cell with other inmates. Colón did not answer questions about whether she speaks on the phone with her twin daughters. 

“She only leaves her cell when they take her out to another interior room. But nothing else. Unfortunately, the prison does not offer any activities for her to distract herself. The only thing she can do while in her cell is read,” her attorney said. Colón added that she did not remember the title of the book that Coronel is reading.

Coronel, 31, was arrested in February at Dulles International Airport in Virginia. She stands accused of conspiring to smuggle illicit drugs into the U.S., and helping her husband tunnel out of a maximum-security prison in Mexico.

Reports say that Coronel turned herself in and was prepared to face federal charges when she landed in the US. Coronel’s surrender signals the existence of a cooperation agreement, where she could provide information or testimony in exchange for leniency in her own case.

As reported by Borderland Beat last month, Coronel is not happy in her current predicament. She claimed that she is cold because prison authorities have not given her adequate clothing or blankets for the low temperatures in her prison cell.

Coronel also compalined last month that they will not sell her bottled water, and that she has to drink water from the fountain. She said the taste of it is so disgusting that when she tried to drink it she got nauseous and vomited.

Sources: AP Español; Chicago TribuneDallas NewsMilenio; Borderland Beat archives

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  1. Jail is not the Four Seasons.

  2. She's reading her first book in jail :)

  3. All that money wont help much in a US prison. Guess she regrets turning herself in now.

    1. Mijo not turning herself in, would cause her to be in deeper trouble, a warrant would have been issued for her arrest. No regrets Mijo, it's not Mexico, where pay the judge a bribe your set free.

    2. 7:56 mija, el chapo, el Guero Palma, Shit Cienpedos, did not pay a bribe, but Cienpedos got released by the US Government, and that IS FACKED UP.

  4. Suelte la sopa pues

  5. In caborca yesterday a group of 60+ armed people attacked a military convoy ambush style killing 1 and seriously injuring another 3. 7 death on the bad guys. Several news report that it was the people from altar. Today a lot of military was sent from Nogales (45th zone) things getting really interesting

  6. Ai pobrecita, eso le pasa por andar de buchona presumida. Mas vale que se lee la biblia a que arrepiente de sus pecados

    1. 1:02 soo many preachers and popes and evangelistas, and La Luz Del Nundo and other telechurches have not learned anything from their bibles...

    2. Asi es amigo. Todos crecimos en una sociedad Romana y abajo sus mentiras.
      Por eso dijó el Señor Jesús; strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to eternal and FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT. But broad is the path that leads to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat.
      If you have any questions about the doctrine/gospel of Christ, feel free..

  7. She was arrested and did not turn herself in like some believe. Also, being born into the lifestyle and "not knowing better" is not an excuse: she knows right from wrong according to the law and should be judged accordingly.

    1. Beautifully put.
      Laws where broken. Whether or not one believes in a imposed governance.

    2. What I find interesting is escape from jail is not a crime in Mexico yet she is being charged with contributing to an escape in another country...

      -Holden D. Cash

    3. 12:47 USA is adding up charges for what lazy Curupt Mexico was not able to do. Witnesses are testifing against her, also her sentence will vary, depending what she spills out.

  8. Reading is excellent form of leisure I would say

    1. Very relaxing. It puts my mind at ease

  9. any updates on the search for hosting the new forums? :(

    Thank you kindly

    1. We promise to have an update by end of month. Buggs is trying to set up the new Nabble but the owner has not yet responded. If you have other options in mind please let us know. Thank you!

    2. Having a discord for the site would be interesting. Lot's of great ways to administrate and verify members to not be bots etc.

  10. Sooner or later the law comes looking for the criminals, to face justice. Did she think prison time was like being at the Holiday inn 😂.

  11. Cry me a river. She knew people were kidnapped, tortured and killed so she could live a life of luxury. Hope she rots there till she's an old bag of shit.

  12. Make it 23 hours.

  13. Lucky her..she will have plenty of time to read books, I recommend Stephen King Novels, I work and find little time to read. I will read more when I retire. Lucky her she has roof under her head.
    Gets TV dinners, can watch some TV.

    1. Sounds like you may be ready for a change of stay.

  14. How can the US prosecute her for allegedly helping plan a prison break in a different country where they have no jurisdiction?

    1. She getting charged with drug smuggling, the “helping the escape” is just a grudge that no gov will forget.

  15. I’m wondering if she’ll use a sob story defense being that she was a teenager when chapo the pedophile abducted her and forced her to live that life

  16. CDS is infighting and NOBODY is safe from that organization,
    she knew CHAPITOS or MAYO would WANT to kill her one of these days.. LETS NOT forget it here CARTELS who would WANT the bragging rights FOR her head..
    She will spill the BEANS and get a SHORT time in PRISON, a new name and be OUT of trouble living in the U.S

    1. Chapitos wouldnt kill the mother of their fathers twin daughters.

    2. Idk, I think if she informed then Chapo himself would order her hit if he could.

    3. CHAPO's brothers were trying to kill each OTHER years back..
      There is no RULES in the DIRTY DRUG GAME

  17. Let me out u got my Chapo


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