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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Guanajuato: The Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel Interrogates Grupo Elite Member

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL) has just released a subsequent video right on the tail end of their previous release. 

For this broadcast the interrogation of an alleged sicario belonging to Grupo Elite, the armed wing of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), confesses his role in organized crime.

This film contains just an interrogation. Just as well the video was sent in anonymously. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: Which group do you belong to?

Captive: I belong to the Grupo Elite sir. 

Sicario: What exactly is your fucking job?

Captive: I am a sicario sir. 

Sicario: Where all are your bitch ass men?

Captive: Some are in San Martin and others in Irapuato. We’re mainly concentrated in Irapuato. 

Sicario: And who is your main boss?

Captive: I’m the one in charge sir. 

Sicario: Which governments support you guys?

Captive: Whoever pays me sir. 

Sicario: And which exactly are those individuals?

Captives: Lopez, Wenso, Toluco, Comandante Chávez,and Peña. 

Sicario: Who hands over to you guys the individuals that are to be killed?

Captive: El Guero, El Cholo, El Comandante Omar, El Mago, and El Pando. That’s who all I can remember right now sir. 

Sicario: Who is the person that gets to converse with them?

Captive: You actually first have to give the... well, it’s just me only. 

Sicario: This will be the fate of whoever is working with those scum bitches from Jalisco you assholes. The state of Guanajuato belongs to the citizens of Guanajuato. We are the absolute Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel you bitches. 


  1. MENCHO should take a fucken vacation.
    They're literally getting under everyones skin, in the worst way.

    Zetas 2.0 inevitably.


  2. Grupo Eliteyyy,imagine the shit this guy has got up?I cant feel for them,they know what time it is when their caught,he was the point man for Eliteyy so feel no pity.Instigators of various brutal takeovers,moving in clockin drug spots,killing sellers,punters,people innocently in wrong place,nah cant feel pity.These are the cause and effect of mexicos internal violence

    1. Cause & effects from foreign governments have suppressed countries like these for decades.
      Players change but their motives remain the same.

    2. Yep 👍

      Sad way to live

    3. 546
      Oh fuck off with your poor mexico the victim of foreign gov boolshit.Mexican politicos have fed the masses that shit since independence,suckkas like you eating it up.Go away,your not millie are you?Sound like it?

    4. Finally. A real comment that is true.

  3. Wonder what these guys thought when CSRL sicarios burst thru the doors of their safe house?

  4. This is the third recent interrogation video from csrl, no way that weak cell is getting that many kills these are innocents that were kidnapped then killed because their family couldn't pay the extortion money. They're told to say they are cjng.

    1. Calm down Cjng cheerleader lmao CSRL is still strong and deep in Guanajuato and Querétaro real talk don’t believe the hype Jalisco ain’t that strong like think their getting handle and treated everywhere they have presence even in their own stronghold Jalisco

    2. Calm down Cjng cheerleader lmao CSRL is still strong and deep in Guanajuato and Querétaro real talk don’t believe the hype Jalisco ain’t that strong like think their getting handle and treated everywhere they have presence even in their own stronghold Jalisco

    3. You mean the same tactic your Gaylord Mencho employs ... like the 35 killed in Veracruz and so many others

    4. Just take the L and move on cjng groupie

    5. That’s just loser talk I told y’all that they were gonna start revealing themselves since last week but nobody wanted to listen😂😂 They stayed lowkey and regrouped and here you have them. Bienvenidos a Guanajuato 🔺 Cordial saludos del justiciero. No soy nadien mas que un vocero del cartel🤫

    6. Why is this always the reply. It’s like a PR statement to save face. I don’t even care about one cartel more then the next. My pockets and people is the side I always choose over any and all so no fan boy back and forth bullshit here. I just see this a lot and I think to myself why would they do that, when the so called group they are faking a killing of could just essentially say they are killing innocents and saying they are our people. But you never see that. Grupo Elite are men who bleed like everyone else and can and will be captured and when they do they know what time it is. Just like the ones they capture

    7. Can you prove this. Because I see this said all the time by people but never any proof of it. I don’t have a favorite cartel. My people are who matter to me most. So with that said, either you are in denial because your a fan of one of the mobs over the other, or you have proof of such. Regardless, there’s no one in this life who is so elite they can’t ever be captured and or killed.

    8. This was all part of the plan. Make your enemies think they’ve won and once they get comfortable you strike. Specially now with the police hitting the jaliscas. Monarcas are getting desperate they didn’t expect such a violent reaction from csrl we shall see how the elections in july play out

    9. 1:11 excuses that's all I got

    10. And you obviously know it better, right? They can't be CJNG cause CJNG are Gods, they can't die, especially if they are "Elite".

    11. @1:11 "Wey ya" (Mexican MEME)

    12. After living in meheecoh for a decade, i totally agree with you ...all I get is lies on top of BS mixed with nonsense !.. many innocents get lynched for their poisonous vindictiveness...."Robo Chicos" for example

    13. weak? let me guess you're a cartel cheerleader?

  5. I guess he wasn’t as elite as he thought 💭

  6. Is this the sicario that was getting quartered while alive? The one where they were sawing off his arm from the shoulder while he was screaming in pain?

  7. This dude is probably innocent or drug addict or someone they just didnt like. They ask whos in Charge and he days me air? This dude aint no Cell leader. fucking sad. They aint getting to any grupo elite people. Any sicario know better than to be captured Alice or without a shootout or something.

    1. That’s exactly what I was thinking. They probably caught him stealing or doing some other dumb stuff and decided to make a video, making it seem as if he was an “Elite” member. His appearance is more of a homeless man, rather than a cartel boss or whatever they painted him out to be.

  8. Local GANG against an I international CARTEL.. Who will WIN?
    SRDL gang REGROUPED and TAKING cjng SICARIOS out..
    LOOKS like it's time FOR CJNG to do the SAME..
    C.U/viagras send HELP to SRDLima.. THEY got pretty bold SINCE last month, specially WHEN they killed CJNG plaza boss TWO weeks ago..
    THAT hasn't happened in GUANAJUATO to CJNG, CJNG though they had the PLAZA but these guys were JUST recruiting more SICARIOS..

  9. I highly doubt hes 4 letter elite

  10. Chopped n Bagged

  11. Come on who gives a f*ck about these tecatos???? I can understand an interrogation for someone like El Cholo of Nueva plaza since he was a big player but why waste time on these low level hitmen

    1. That’s what keeps these low level journalist in business these low level criminal stories or recycled stories of Malverde or the biography/story of Mencho or the rise of CDS etc

  12. You can tell someone is telling him what to say.

  13. Why he did not mention El Mencho?

  14. Serious question , by being so polite and answering the questions with "Sir" , do they think they're going to get a less violent death , maybe a bullet in the head as opposed to the machete treatment ?

    1. Yes. Prob piss them off and they will filet your face.

  15. CJNG should happy there is internal conflict between other cartels because if there wasn’t, him and his Boy Scouts would be wiped already. CJNG will be wiped out soon. They don’t have 100% control of any plaza, every plaza they claim is shared... with their enemies.

  16. theyre gonna read bb comments and start dressing up these sacrifices in gear looking legit. if you ever meet the real deal they have a certain energy.


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