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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Irapuato, Guanajuato: Armed Attack Leaves 3 CJNG Sicarios Dead and 6 Policemen Deceased

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

An armed confrontation leaves 3 CJNG hitmen and 6 police officers dead; In addition, a narcomanta was located in which they warn that policemen will be killed.

At least three armed civilians killed and 6 security elements was the balance of a confrontation lasting more than 30 minutes in the city of Irapuato, in the State of Guanajuato.

It transpired that the assassinated elements belonged to the group of Commander Alberto Becerra Rivera, whom the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) accuses of "having been sold", tentatively, to the opposing criminal group that operates in that region.

In addition to this, a narcomanta was located that belonged to the CJNG in which it warns that for each person who confronts said criminal group, they will assassinate two tactical policemen. Along with the narcomanta, the remains of a dismembered person were abandoned.

All the violent events that occurred last night in Irapuato are attributed to the CJNG.

Sources: Contramuro


  1. There's much more new meat recruited for CJNG

    1. @7:30 Get off CJNG's meat boa.

  2. There were 2 police men dead, not 6.

  3. And yet again, nothing will happen to those responsible. Being a cop
    In Mexico is a death sentence. Abrazos no balazos.

  4. Who ever planted that crap on the pictures ?
    How ridiculous are they ?

    1. 10:30 I regret to inform you, due to many unfortunate events occurring in Mexico every day and complaints that graphic images are posted, now they are obscured.

    2. i think this is what BB meant the other day having to hide blood and guts ??
      they are not allowing or are putting inend to certain pictures IDK

  5. Not such tough guys when the cops actually fight back

    1. They actually came out on top versus the police that’s a rare occurrence

    2. Just wish the good Cops dont die and bad guys get more lead

  6. That's the CJNG elite SICARIOS..
    They ALSO threatened the cops and SAID CJNG will KILL more police 🚔

  7. Les dije pero no entienden pues. Los tweakers no controlan nada, nadie los quiere.

  8. Looks like they are wearing the same uniforms and logos from the elites that were on recent interrogation videos. Karma got those bastards, who knows how many people they have chopped up these past weeks.


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