Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Los Viagras: Times Are Rough for Chucky Espartano

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A hitman for Los Viagra is accused of asking for money and pawning weapons on social networks; so far the authorities have not made a statement on this matter.

An alleged hitman for the Los Viagras Cartel identified as “Chucky Espartano”, allegedly asks for money and is pawning his weapons, as well as the stolen vehicles, because his bosses have not paid them. This according to a post made on Facebook.

In the aforementioned social network identified as "Unidos con Inteligencia", photos of the alleged hit man were published in which he allegedly requests financial support and offers a heavy-caliber weapon.

In addition to this, the publication states: "SICARIOS VIAGRAS They ask for money through social networks because their employers have not paid them, they also pawn their weapons and stolen cars to survive ... would you help them?"

So far, the security authorities have not ruled on the matter, despite the fact that the publication is already circulating on social networks.

Source: Contramuro

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  1. Pinché muerto de hambre. 😂
    Start a “Go fund me” too!
    I’ll give him 20 tacos and a caguama for his weapon.

    1. Cold bro cold lmao

    2. Why do you have Freemason Profario Diaz as your profile picture?

  2. I thought the “marucheros” from cdg had it rough

    1. Nah the worst is in Michoacán and Guerrero. They just force people from the ranchos to pick up a gun and “go defend the pueblo” without even the illusion of getting paid. That’s why Viagras are so hated, because they cannot pay their people and so they give them free reign to go out and commit whatever crimes they want to earn a buck.

  3. Bunch OF clowns..

  4. Abrazos no BALASOS.. AMLO

  5. Pathetic lol let them just die in a shootout that's a better option

  6. Why would they pay carne de cañón? These poor kids are thrown into the lions den and expected to survive with little to no training. It’s sad that they realize their mistake when it’s already too late. In Jalisco you’ll be surprised how many people are ex sicarios like in Tecalitlan (best birria in the area btw) I have friends and know dozens of people who put in their time and were able to go get out with no strings attached. Even though the area is used for incursions into Michoacán because of the highway, most people form la nueva can actually get out if you’re trusted and liked. Wish the youngster luck, he’s going to need it.

  7. Everyone in all levels of the Narco world will occasionally have money problems, some sink but most swim. Since you bring up “Unidad de inteligencia Ciudadana” -he claims people from CDMX& Government officials working for the State of Michoacan” have set up a criminal network they control, the control Fuel/theft in parts on Michoacan, Guerrero and Estado de México ....

    1. All this to satisfy the chinos (💴💰)

  8. Should take those guns and go steal what money he can from somewhere and get into a clean un noticeable car and run to the US and go into hiding on a farm as a worker and live out his days. Only chance he has at this time.

  9. SAPOacanos are some cowards muertos de hambre 😂 no que mucho dinero juanga brielones 😃 This bastards from Sapoacan would sell their family 😬

  10. ESPARTANO? you mean Chucky Sapoacano

  11. I think its bogus
    more like another cartel is doing this as a joke or because if true they would be hunted down by more loyal members
    IDK Just think its strange

    1. No joke this dude is for real. Broke and don’t get paid.

    2. Yup the sad reality. These sicarios often go unpaid. It’s not like the corridos where all is good LOL.

  12. I think its bogus
    more like another cartel is doing this as a joke or because if true they would be hunted down by more loyal members
    IDK Just think its strange

  13. Viagras mugrosos si le uvieran sido leales al Sr Mencho otro gallo les cantara! Ahora se aguantan mugrosos, El cjng es el unico cartel que puede traer la paz a Michoacan!
    MMGA (Make Michoacan Great Again)

    1. 11:31 hurry up or the small yellow school bus will leave you... pinche MENCHA mugrosa can't even clean his own ass no more

    2. 9:00 pues tu apurale guey no te voy a estar llevando de la mano a todos lados! 🤣🤣🤣🐓🐓🐓

    3. 🐓🐓🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💉 mencho gonorriento!

  14. Are you serious ? These are the fn people who have made Mexico inaccessible to tourism and destroy the lives of so many people and they cant even pay their pawns a few measly pesos ? Fn Pathetic ! From top to bottom pathetic !

    1. Buy the guns and save us

    2. Buy the guns and save us
      Nah,ill buy some sandals of ye and an 8th ?

    3. This is the wey

  15. Los viagra's are pieces of sht. But his account looks like it was hacked. His garbage starving rats of a cartel would kill him immediately so I doubt this is really him

  16. Hey mx. 6 dead in parral all gente nueva

  17. Si arriesgan la vida y ni les pagan.

    Escolta Grupo Elite
    El Michioacano 06

  18. If there is only one gun store in Mexico, how is a pawn shop allowed into the gun trade?

    1. Think of it like this James. I have a weapon that I want to sell. Either through word of mouth or social media I let people know about my offer as well as my dilema. What just took place is known as networking. And at some point someone interested will be enticed by my deal. With that being said. Just about everyone that lives in the country owns a gun. Legal paperwork goes out the window when you’re having to defend yourself in cartel land from whatever danger may come your way.

  19. I loathe killers, kidnappers, and extortionists. That's a hard NO on "would you help them".

  20. He can do what other cartel members do....kidnap for ransom, extortion, Rob trains like in the wild west.

  21. How is this even this lmao this is ridiculous lmao when did this crap become news or next thing you know their going to put rumors as new sources smh

  22. I'd like to know what he has to offer, guns are hard to find in Mexico.

  23. He should try selling oranges by the freeway, or maybe get a cardboard sign that says "Will pillage for food." Assclowns.

  24. Haha I've been saying it all along, these dirty Michoacanos can't be trusted. Period. He might have a way out though simply switch sides again to Cjng

    1. Between cdsnitches and CU i wonder who will stab the other on the back first?

    2. @6:28 You must have a personal issue with Michoacános since they're all up inside your maseta and you constantly write shit about them. Did you get punked, slapped, lose your nalgas or your SO to one of them? For all we know this could be fake or this individual could be from any state around that region. You need to talk with a psychiatrist, maybe ARMCHAIR is still around?

  25. This is nonsense. ''The Government have not yet commented on the matter''. Meaning they were never asked, cos its bullshit. It's propaganda, for whoever benefits.


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