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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Mayoral Candidate in Michoacán Is On the DEA's Most-Wanted List

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Sources close to the investigation say that he has ties to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). Several of his family members have been accused of organize involvement as well.
Rogelio Portillo Jaramillo, candidate for mayor of Huetamo, Michoacán, under the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and the Labor Party (PT), is one of the most-wanted fugitives of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Portillo-Jaramillo is wanted on drug-related charges in the Houston, Texas, area. The candidate has been accused of having ties to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

On social media, Portillo-Jaramillo said that he is aware of the DEA investigation and denied any ties to organized crime.

“There are several videos on social media saying things about me. They say that the DEA is looking for me, but I am the official and legal candidate of Morena," he said.

In a press conference on April 26, Portillo-Jaramillo said that he had personally called the DEA to find out if he was wanted. He said the DEA reportedly responded to him saying they were not looking for him. He added that when he registered as an official candidate, he presented a criminal record at the state and federal level. If he had an arrest warrant against him, he argued, he would not have been able to run for mayor.

However, this criminal record does not include outstanding charges in foreign countries, so a pending DEA investigation would not appear on the record.

So far, Morena has not commented on the judicial situation of their candidate in the United States.

Rogelio Portillo-Jaramillo in the DEA portal. 

Marcelino Portillo-Mendoza, Rogelio's uncle, is also wanted by the DEA 

Portillo-Jaramillo's family has long been accused of having ties to drug cartels. His uncle Marcelino Portillo Mendoza is also on the DEA's most-wanted list for outstanding drug trafficking charges.

His cousin Francisco Jaramillo Valdovinos (alias "Chico Jaramillo"), is a suspected leader of a CJNG cell in Michoacan. This cell currently competes with Jose Gonzalez Pineda ("Don Jose") and Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga ("El Pez), leaders of the rival La Familia Michoacana.

Huetamo municipality, where Portillo-Jaramillo is running, borders the state of Guerrero in southern Mexico. His uncle Gregorio Portillo Mendoza was mayor in Zirándaro, Guerrero, about a 30 min drive from Huetamo. In 2019, La Familia Michoacana accused him of being involved with the CJNG. He was kidnapped in March 2021 and released hours later.


  1. Expect him to win.

  2. Doubt that any good citizen with honest intentions will risk almost certain death. Mexico's politics are nothing more than the same criminals many wish to tackle.

  3. But but, cjng doesn't gave influence in Michoacan- secret_magnet

    1. @2:42 You sound rookie as heck, if he is exposed is because CJNG won't be allowed to have any political power in Micho.

      Once again CJNG porristas show their foreigner ignorance.

    2. 12:58 why you mad secret_management? Lets look at it this way C.U. With all their political power can berly hang with Cjng, now with out any politicians backing CU Cjng will mop the floor with them, and its starting to look that way! C.U. Havent had any help from the government lately and they are quiet AF

    3. @10:51 I'm not secret management and it's obvious that CJNG won't win politically or else. The higher powers of Mexico don't want that right now, they wanted and tried on the last sexenio, but now it's too late.

      People in general don't want el PRI or PAN back (on country level). You will see that by the presidential elections of 2024 CJNG will be in a whole different shape.

  4. I'm not sure that's the same individual, they may be related but the eyes, the jawline and the age appearance seems to be the biggest difference

    1. its him. the guy is not denying its him in the DEA website. what he's saying is that he's innocent. plus he has that mole jajaja its him.

    2. Same eyebrows, nose and even mole on his chin

    3. It's him, he got older and fatter


  6. Go to Mexico News. The guy has a father wanted by the DEA and an uncle who sought a cartel truce. He listed himself as white, green eyes, 5'7" in height and 150 lbs. He said he called the DEA to ask them "what the hell", and they told him he was on no one's list. The only problem was that he lied and is another piece of governmental corruption. That is according to the DEA. Remember, only 5% of people charged with corruption are brought to trial. Mexico is taken.

    1. DEA does an excellent 👍 job in ID criminals. I regret to inform you, even if your in deniel it's him.

    2. 7:57 the pinche DEA won't send anymó invitations to Dysneyland to mexican government officials, because they desmisindentified Cienpedos, AMLO made public the case against Cienpedos sent by the US and there was no beef there anywhere, nobody used the cattle prod up his ass, so no confeshun ider, but never say the DEA does not fack up, even magician Mike Vigil has not made his case public...

  7. If cjng candidates win mayority in mich. might as well kiss C.U. Goodbye, C.U. With all the help from all the federal forces can bearly hang with cjng!
    Pinnches Culos Unidos 🤣🤣🤣

  8. 6:04 PM Huetamo, Zirandaro Guerrero, and about 5 or 6 municipalities that surround Huetamo in Michocan. Secret Management doesn't know shit. They also have La Piedad and about 10 or more municipalities surrounding that area all the way into Zacapu and into Lombardia.

    They are working in Zinapuecuaro working their way into the municipality mentioned above.

    Secret Management tells a long tale the reality is Mencho is an idiot who got played but that doesn't mean he isn't going to eventually win against the gallinas unidas. Half the brain power was drained with the capture of the cunis but that isn't going to stop Mencho from taking over they still got Nayarit without them. The long list of people that flipped on him are all afraid of CJNG their is a reason they are blocking roads, crying to the media pretending to be autodefensas ect. CJNG isn't going to accept an alliance with anyone else that is in Michocan they are no good they had their chance now it is as kicking time.

    1. Maybe I'm wrong but before Abuelo flipped to Gallinas Unidas he wouldn't really fight them and that's why he was called to task to show results. I guess he was keeping his options open in case he betrayed but he didn't understand that his betrayal couldn't be forgiven and that's the problem with underlings knowing the contacts, they get a little too smart and brave for their own good. Now he's going to associate himself with CDN/ZETAS through Los Viagras and his pueblo will also start being victimized the same way the other pueblos under GU do. He didn't like the bloodshed before but it won't be over now because the BOSSES are also from Michoacán and want to be able to go to their pueblos. All those GU plaza bosses are from Guerrero just like the Sierra Satanas and don't really care about the natives since they aren't paisanos. What an IDIOT. FOOL is a multimillionaire but still wanted to be more powerful but probably forgot that drugs only have value when you get paid for them and where they're sold. He chose the path of Tessio. He played and betrayed RNOC but will his fate be the same as CESM?
      I'm from one of those municipios under NG control y si no andas cagando el palo then they leave you alone, before when an idiot of CT had control he was fighting the government because some buey in Tierra Caliente wanted to flex y este pendejo haciendo su cagazon pero le partieron su madre.

    2. 3:18 PM They tried to kill him and then had the Marines arrest him. El Abuelo didn't fight that is true but he was the boss of CJNG in Michocan in that whole area.

      El Morisqueto with Camoni who ended up killing him and El Maguey with his 5 del Pueblo were the ones that would fight. They took La Ruana together. You remeber when Hipolito Mora was craying that El Morisqueto wanted to kill him around that time they took it. A while later Poncho, Wicho and El Abuelo steal the coke then take the cocaine route and start snitching on the route CJNG had and tons and tons of cocaine start getting found.

      The Zeatas and CDN have their own issues they can't send help to the chocomiles they have the money to pay for the GN and Sedena they also have the media where they cry and cry and the GN, Sedena, and State Police are forced to help them free of charge.


  10. Michoacanos are deep in Texas!


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