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Monday, April 26, 2021

Mexico Extradites One of the DEA's Most Wanted Fugitives to the US

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Raul Rene Rodriguez Romero

Mexico's Attorney General's Office (FGR) extradited Raúl René Rodríguez Romero, one of the most-wanted criminals of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), to Denver, Colorado.

Rodriguez-Romero is wanted by the US District Court for the District of Colorado for conspiracy to distribute over 500 grams methamphetamine.

Between May and November 2015, this individual was tracked by the DEA as part of a drug investigation in Denver. The DEA has recordings of conversations in which Rodríguez-Romero agrees to carry out financial transactions to hide the origin of certain drug proceeds and of selling methamphetamines to confidential sources.

As reported by Borderland Beat, Rodriguez-Romero was arrested on October 2019 in Chihuahua, Chihuahua by federal security forces. He was imprisoned at the Reclusorio Norte penitentiary in Mexico City until he was transferred to the US.

Description of Rodriguez-Romero, per the DEA's Most Wanted Fugitives website

Sources: Milenio; JornadaDEA; Borderland Beat archives


  1. Haaaay caraay 6'6??? Que chingados le daran de comer? Alfafa????

  2. Mejor se hubiera puesto a practicar 🏀 este buey y aprovechar lo que Díos le dió pero quería ser vendedor de droga🤦‍♂️

  3. That's a TALL dude.. he's 6"6

  4. Haste detenido este wey anda en cien

  5. No indication anywhere of what cartel he belonged to. I think he was a freelancer like El Tio.

  6. Half a kilo
    Wow how much did the case cost
    And how low can he be held
    Not worth it
    Let tweekers pick their poison

    1. You are not paying taxes, so what’s your point?

  7. Most wanted fugitive. Mmmmmm wanted for 500 grams of meth. WoW. 1.3 lb. A few clowns in San Diego will bring 10lb a month for 14 years amd nothing. Crazy world we live in.

    1. 14 years for 10lbs??

      Those federal meth and meth conspiracy charges are NUTS. If you have the gun also, your outta there- 30 years+ game over/ try again

    2. Eyes of law it doesn't matter anything over 500 grams you can he prosecuted to full extent of the law. That doesn't necessarily mean he will get same amount of time as a women or man selling a lot more but he can.

      Plus, just because someone is only selling whatever this guy was, doesn't mean he wouldn't have sold more if he could or that he isn't guilty of other more serious crimes that maybe cops can't get him for so they hit him w this to get him off the street.

  8. I know some people in San Diego who bring kilos a month for many many years and DEA have this guy as the most wanted over 500 grams. That so funny.

    1. You’re an idiot. The highest level conspiracy drug charges all say “500 grams or more”... Clearly the terminology is out of date but it doesn’t mean they are being charged for just 500 grams (1 pound)...


  9. Paisas don't measure 6'6" unless you're Pepe Aguilar. Probably 5'6"....

    1. People in Chihuas are among the largest in Mexico ... I’m the shortest of all my cousins at 5’10 with the tallest being 6’5” ... southern Mexicans are considered y’all at 5’5”

    2. Esos polis gabachos no saben medir estaturas de tan pingos que andan

    3. Chihuahua has one of the largest populations of descendants from Europe compared to the rest of MX.

    4. 4:22 - I would say Nuevo León and Coahuila, given that this area was where the first Sephardic Jews arrived during the Inquisition. Most of the north was uninhabited back then. Chihuahua had some Rarámuri/Tarahumara people in the high lands.

  10. 6.6 why is he not a basketball player ???


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