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Monday, April 5, 2021

Morelia, Michoacán: Mob of Los Reyes Torches Gas Station and Used Car Lot

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Narco traffickers from the mob of Los Reyes incinerate gas station and a car lot; last Thursday they assassinated the owner of the establishment.

A gas station and a used car lot located in the municipality of Tangamandapio were attacked with Molotov cocktails by an armed criminal cell of alleged hitmen associated with the Carteles Unidos.

Unofficially, the criminal cell of Luis Enrique Barragán Chávez and Alfonso Fernández Magallan, "Poncho La Quiringa", known as "La Gente de Los Reyes", who worked for the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), and are currently associated with La Nueva Familia Michoacana Cartel, which belongs to the Carteles Unidos.

According to the report, the event occurred around 06:00 today, at the gas station located on the Los Reyes-Jacona highway, near the community of Tarecuato.

The report ensures that the group of hitmen threw the Molotov cocktails at the gas pumps, as well as at the vehicles in the car lot next to it. 

After the report, firefighters and security elements went to the crime scene, in which they recorded damage to the gas station, as well as to the 8 incinerated vehicles.

At noon last Thursday, the owner of the gas station was shot to death by members of this criminal cell, which calls itself self-defense groups.

The mob of Los Reyes obey Iván García Salgado, “El Ratón”, leader of the region linked to the Nueva Familia Michoacána Cartel.

Source: Contramuro


  1. About 3 hours away west of Morelia is the city of Los Reyes. And so this crime group that calls itself the mob of Los Reyes originated there. Hence, the reason why they say La Gente de Los Reyes in Spanish. These guys are nothing more than crime groups or another one of those armed criminal cells aka comandos that fall under the Carteles Unidos umbrella. Murder, drug trafficking, extortion, among many other illicit affairs are what they specialize in.

    1. Well said Sol Prendido

    2. Probably mad over extortion not being met

    3. the leader there his name is guicho. they're main source of income is extorting their own people

    4. they're viagras. it was looking like cjng was fucking them up. but not anymore. my family is from los reyes i was just there recently

  2. Patadas de ahogado haha no sirven ni para chingar a su madre. They have been doing the same shit for a long time already and it serves no purpose. I guess this is their way of fighting Cjng by burning down their own town hahaha
    F*ck Poncho guicho raton marino teto and everyone else that calls themselves Michoacanos. Useless scum. When 4 letras takes over los Reyes these f*ckers are gonna be hanged like Poncho's relatives at Limon

    1. No wait I taught Michoacán were badass? By fucking themselves up and jumping ship every time they see all is lost

    2. 4 letras needs to regulate their people in some places, porque se están metiendo con la gente inocente. Att: entre Zamora y la Piedad

    3. @5:12 Es lo que les digo a los fanboys amigo pero no entienden, todos esos puercos sea CJNG o Viagras es la misma cagada.

    4. Cjng doesnt have presence in Zamora at all.
      Ahy estan lalo pelos y La changa de los viagras.
      Par de pendejos @1:46 @5:12

    5. @9:05 jajajaja ves mucho al Sargy wey. Lo mismo decían de Guanajuato, que Lima no tenía nada ya. Cuando vivan en México y conozcan gente en el ambiente se ponen a comentar, pinche verguero.

  3. They also killed the owner of that same gas station the prior night.
    Los cejas depiladas aka gente de los Reyes.

  4. Since we're doing Twitter stories now can we get the one were CDS is forcing villagers of mezquital Durango to fight either sending them to fight against CJNG or El Guano(CDS)????

    1. Wild guest. Are u a michoacano?

    2. @4:48 haz de ser una fan de CDS

    3. 4:48 wild guest. Are you a sinaloca?


    Supposedly C.U was dealing with terrorists organizations like Hezbollah---- they were trading drugs for weapons.

    Can this get covered here?

    Mr.Lexington steel. 🤠🤠

    1. 10:56 AM That was a sting operation the people they thought was Hezbolah were DEA agents. They were going to send Meth in exchange they were trykng to get weopons.

  6. THOSE people CAN'T wait till CJNG takes that PLAZA.. The C.U are extorting them and KILKING them..
    GOVERNMENT won't help so the ONLY way they will get peace is BY cjng TAKING control..
    Sad SITUATION 🇲🇽 is living in..
    If PEOPLE ARM THEMSELVES and try to take out the CARTELS they will get killed by police, MARINA or SICARIOS with BETTER guns
    NO WIN situation WHEN the PEOPLE that ARE in office to help YOU are AGAINST you..
    FROM the governor DOWN to THE police CHIEF who are in CARTEL payrolls.. 🇲🇽 SUCKS!!

  7. All you Cjng nuthuggers are always crying Michoacán siempre va rifar pese al que le pese michoacan rifa aquí y donde sea.. Ariva el cartel de michoacan puros carteles unidos

    1. The problem with Michoacán is that they jump ship 2 easy they side with the best cartel every single time pobrecitos. Puro michoacan vale

    2. Puro puto muerto de hambre esos Culos Unidos que mandan a gente ahuevo a pelear. HDSPM si tantos huevos dejen de llorarle al gobierno y rifensela. Según son narcotraficantes mafiosos pero andan de cobra cuotas, extorsionando, jotos violadores, secuestrando y desapareciondo a la población.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣 sientece señora

    4. tengo un amigo en Morelia que ese la lleva con cjng, me dijo que cjng extorsiona que casi todos los cárteles hacen eso

    5. Tengo un amigo en Morelia que se la lleva con cjng,el me dijo que cjng extorsion y que todos los carteles hacen eso

    6. 9:05
      Cjng no tiene presencia en morelia en lo absoluto.
      Morro pendejo.
      En morelia estan los templariòs del señor Fresa.

    7. 9:03 no llores jaja, nunca dije que cjng tenia absoluto presencia aprende a leer y comprender. Nomas estaba diciendo que todos los carteles extorsionan, pa pendejo no se estudia jaja

    8. 9:03 Am
      No llores, nunca dije que cjng tenia absoluto presencia en Morelia, solo decia que todos los carteles extorsionan. Aprende a leer y comprender lo que uno escrebe. Pa pendejo no se estudia jaja.

    9. 924
      BABOSO dijiste que el CJNG extorciona el morelia? Como va aser eso si ahy no tienen nada de presencia? Eres in IMBECIL

    10. @10:26 Cállate ya gringo, mira bien fácil. Vete a vivir a una plaza de esos puercos pa que veas como se la navegan, simple.

  8. Lording for my mothers basement!

    atte secret_management

  9. 319
    "atte secret_management"
    Dude you fuckin spun on meth or what ?


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