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Thursday, April 29, 2021

National Guard Convoy Ambushed by 16 Armored Cartel Vehicles in Nuevo León

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Members of the National Guard (GN) were ambushed by suspected cartel members in Los Aldamas, a municipality in Nuevo Leon and close to the highly cartel-contested area in Tamaulipas known as La Frontera Chica. Early reports say that one officer was killed and at least 10 more were wounded.

Pictures of the attack were shared by users on social media after the shootout was over. In one of the images, a vehicle from the GN is seen completely destroyed from a fire.

Authorities said that the attacking group used 16 armored vehicles when they attacked the GN convoy. According to local media, the detonations caused scenes of panic among the population, and several businesses closed their doors to prevent being caught in the crossfire.

During the shooting, the officers requested more reinforcements from the GN and the Nuevo Leon State. It is unknown if anyone was arrested in the aftermath of the attack. The injured elements were transferred by helicopter to receive medical attention.

Photographs posted on Twitter show that one of the pickup trucks used during the attack had the insignia "Tropa del Infierno" (Troops From Hell) and "Cartel del Noreste" (CDN).

This past weekend, a clash between members of the Gulf Cartel (CDG) and the CDN left up to 10 dead in Camargo, Tamaulipas, about an hour drive from Los Aldamas. 

More pictures of the attack, as shared by local journalist Maria (source: Twitter)


Los Aldamas is located approximately 160 kilometers (100 miles) from Monterrey, the largest urban area in northern Mexico. This town is on the highway that connects Monterrey with Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, just across the US-Mexico border from Roma, Texas.

The shootout occurred close to La Frontera Chica (also known as La Ribereña), a border stretch in Tamaulipas. In the context of the Mexican Drug War, it is a lucrative drug corridor currently under dispute by the Metros faction of the CDG and CDN.

The CDN, based in Nuevo Laredo, is trying to expand east into La Frontera Chica, which has historically been controlled by the CDG.

The CDN has tried to make incursions into La Frontera Chica from Nuevo Leon. It is likely that this shootout in Los Aldama may be a result of a CDN cell that was planning to push north into Tamaulipas.

The CDG commanders in the area are Cesar Morfin Morfin ("El Primito") and his brother Alvaro ("R-8"). As reported by Borderland Beat, CDG in La Frontera Chica has the backing of the Nuevo Leon cell reportedly headed by Comandante Cubano.

Sources: El NorteInfobae; El Chilito (1); (2); Milenio; Azteca Noticias


  1. Is this a surprise???????

  2. La tropa del infierno destroyed a convoy of CDG a few days ago and now they defeated the GN. Morale must be high within the troops right now.

    1. CDN got destroyed earlier this week or last week by CDG. CDG left a beheaded body on top of a CDN monstro there’s a post about it. CDN is a bunch of tweakers they don’t know what morale is

    2. You call ambushing defeating someone? -_-

    3. Wheres the link to that ? A bunch of cdg groupies are always posting defeats of cdn that it seems rare for them to every win a battle

    4. Actually it was cdg who destroyed the cdn convoy

    5. yeah, no. the metros put up fierce resistance everytime when they start entering mier. every time huevos enter well equipped with monstruos in tow they end up suffering massive casualties, that doesnt stop huevo from keep testing their defenses though knowing theyre in a full blown war with matamoros

    6. It might be high right now, but after this it should change. A direct attack with16 armoured veichles....They have to do something about that ( though my heart is breaking just thinking about if they don't...My belved Mexico would be worse off then it is now...But we can't lethope and faith die) Only if the people could build some kind of under ground resistance, things would absolutely get better

    7. The before and after photos aren’t the same two trucks. Only the monsturo is the same. The before picture is of a Chevy dually. The after picture is a regular Chevy truck not a dually.

    8. 9:38 is correct. I follow a cdg ig page and even they admitted to getting their ass handed

    9. What’s the CDG ig page

    10. @8:40 what's the cdg page??

    11. losmetrosviejaescuelaa_

      Not sure if it's ran by a actual member or a groupie but they seem to be pretty accurate.

      ps.....for those who don't know. They promote la demonias ig. Which in turn she promotes her redtube page.

  3. The boys from the cdn do not care what anyone thinks of them they don’t need any help from the government unlike other cartels I have been training with Tyson fury in the uk and I will be heading to Mexico this summer to unleash the fists of fury on the orders of el senor huevo


    1. You been training all year but somehow never manage to step in Mexico.

  4. Awhile ago I been saying to some friends that the area of los Aldamas N.L is hot. And its not in the Monterrey, Miguel aleman hwy, its not even close to it. Its closer to Arcabuz, Tamaulipas, road to los guerras Tamaulipas.

    CdG cells in N.L are weak, they have lost alot of top brass from the General Bravo and China CdG bastion. Back in the early interwars of cdg China faction supported El Gringo Mike, im pretty sure General Bravo faction too. They had alot important figures back then, the majority are dead now or in prison.

    But if CdN breaks through General Bravo that's it for CdG in the area. China will more likely collapse unless they receive support from Mty or San Fer Z. Who knows only time will tell.

    1. I been seeing comments in YouTube saying noreste have the outskirts of M.A under their controll leading to los guerra and that mier is 100% noreste. Did CdG get beat back that bad?

  5. Cdn have been kicking cdg’s ass lately

  6. I thought the cdn were nothing more than a bunch of kids guess not since they are taking the fight to GN and cdg

    1. The regular dudes are kids but the cmdts actually out in battle or making the game plan are experienced many with military and or police background. These are usually the ones leading.. also that green truck with the "cartel de Noreste" is from a different occasion. Lol


  7. Animo Sicarios
    Los menores se pasean por todo Mexicos sin broncas .son los Patrones y dueños.
    Lo de Jalisco fue por traicion del El Lic Y su hija Mini Lic .

  8. Photographs posted on Twitter show that one of the pickup trucks used during the attack had the insignia "Tropa del Infierno" (Troops From Hell) and "Cartel del Noreste" (CDN).

    That picture of the CDN is from an old shootout. Lol

    1. Not saying you're wrong, but do you have a link to that shootout? The sources cited in this article used that picture, but you could be right. Thanks!

    2. Don't feel like looking for the exact story sorry,but look at this article from 2019.. it's the same picture of the green truck .. I believe it is from the villagran attack.

    3. Google. Tropa del infierno. The green truck is from a shootout last year. I think they just used it for reference.

  9. The gov’t has to be under-reporting military/federal casualties. It’s always 1 operative killed and tons of injured, with no follow-up on the injured.

    1. The government complicity is evident on the lack of vigilance, checkpoints and communications, sending one unit to a comadres conflict would be risky, more so having one unit on a cartulina infested area...
      Who is the pendejo in charge?


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