Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 1, 2021

New Massacre in Aguililla, Michoacán: 26 Cartel Members Killed

"MX" for Borderland Beat

No authority has given a statement on what happened. The information in this article may change as more news outlets pick up the story.

A new massacre has been registered in the state of Michoacán, where residents of Aguililla municipality reported early in the morning on Wednesday that a large gunfight broke out between two drug cartels. The unofficial death toll is of 26 killed.

The shootouts were first reported early Wednesday morning, a few hours after the former mayor of Aguililla Adalberto Fructuoso Comparán was arrested in Guatemala. Residents said that shootouts took place in three different points of Aguililla.

Unofficial reports say that the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) killed 26 members of Carteles Unidos (CU). At least 8 of them were decapited in one of the shootout locations, as seen by several pictures shared on social media. In addition, it was reported that local CU boss, nicknamed 'El Bombilla', was killed.

No casualties or injuries were reported on the CJNG's side, but a Michoacan media outlet said it was presumed that they suffered losses as well.

Although a new offensive by the CJNG had been reported for several days in the Tierra Caliente region, specifically in Tepalcatepec and Aguililla, the attack on Wednesday was more brutal.

No municipal, state, or federal authority confirmed the shootout took place. Residents said that law enforcement did not intervene all of Wedesnday.

In previous weeks, the state governor, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, affirmed that the mineral wealth of the Aguililla municipality, as well as the abundance of water that exists in the mountains that surrounds it, was attractive for organized crime groups.


The victims wore tactical clothing, boots, and other combat accessories.

Some of the victims were beheaded; citizen journalists say that some of the CU members surrendered and were killed by the CJNG

Sources: Noventa Grados; (2); (3)Letra Roja; Sol de Zamora; Sol Yucatan; Omnia; El Debate; UDIC (Twitter)

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  1. That’s the largest number of casualties that I’ve seen occur during a cartel vs cartel shootout in a long while. Maybe the govt stopped backing CU and that allowed for a uninterrupted fight.

    1. For sure... residents kept saying the police and military were being sordos... letting CJNG come and wipe out. They probably gave them locations or something.

    2. Negative, this is the 2nd time CJNG massacres viagras like this. The other massacre happened in el Aguaje, when CJNG engaged in a clash with troyanos/viagras, cjng retreated after military was called to assist C.U.
      After everything was calm, cjng returned and caught 22 viagras sleeping and slaughtered them.
      Bb reported it last year I believe.

    3. In some autodefensas pages on fb they were crying for help to the authorities, claiming CJNG wanted to attack the municipal offices, when in reality they went looking for Chirrios revueltas.

      Froctusos and the aguililla faction, tricked mencho into thinking they were gonna fight viagras and asked for financial support, after it arrived. Los revueltas stayed loyal to viagras and used the financial support received by CJNG to keep fighting them.

      How can MENCHO be that gullible?

    4. I’ve been looking for the story for years but when the zetas splintered away from the golfos i remember reading about 50+ truck convoys going at each other in the freeways with casualties well in the 100+ range. The quote that stuck with me was that the villagers said the highway was more bullet and bullet casings than actual road.

    5. @12:19 goes to show why mencho really wants to get this guys

    6. 12:19 PM He isn't gullible money doesn't mean shit to him anymore. It was a good faith gesture. All that indicates that Mencho would rather avoid all the death that comes with war if possible. He did it with the autodefensa movement he did it with El Abuelo Farias, El Tena, Frutoso and los Revueltas, El Boto, El Metro in Zamora. He tried it with El Marro, La Familia Michoacana de Guerrero, he did it in Tijuana, he did it with Los Metros, Nayarit.

      Of these plays he was successful in Tijuana till half of the group flipped. Nayarit he took full control, Huetamo took full control, La Piedad took full control, parts of Zacatecas they took full control, Veracruz they control territory. The chapulinada that El Abuelo Farias did was the biggest hit he took the Viagras and Tempalrios would not exist today if he didn't flip.

      He keeps on making this same mistake and he will keep on making it if it means taking control of an area without having to fight anyone. It just happened to him again in Tijuana.

      New Video of CJNG in Baja California.

    7. 12:05 PM Their have been lots and lots of loses on both sides CJNG has lost people to the government mainly around 200 and 100 or so members to Carteles Unidos while they have killed probably a 1000 or so Carteles Unidos members. They have been fighting the Viagras since 2016. El Abuelo flipped on CJNG in 2019.

    8. 1:09
      That's a wild assumption

    9. 12:19 I DON'T think MENCHO is as gullible as you THINK.. 😆
      He has done THAT all over 🇲🇽 and knows some Will flip but he HAS the MONEY to do it.. IT'S a BUSINESS deal, not ALL deals are a smooth transaction..
      You KNOW he has a SPECIAL team to go find THOSE TRAITORs

    10. Why do you guys speak like you know the ins and out of what’s going on in Michoacán give “UDIC” his props your posting word for word what he saying in his videos give the men his props you fake ass cartel experts you guys don’t even know who these characters are who your commenting on if your going post his word for word at least give him props watch that men’s videos he’s really tuned in to what’s going on in Michoacán he was ex auto defensa by the way

    11. @ElMeroMero.
      I'm surprised your comment didnt get censored.

      But yeah UDIC es LMV when it comes to Michoacan news.

    12. @2:20
      I personally think it's bad business, hes just gaining more enemies.

      I think eventually everyone will get tired of CJNG offensive and all group up to combat them.

    13. @elmeromero bb and Mx did give him props. It’s UDIC

    14. I’m talking about the people writing comments genius I’m replying to the commentator just like you are replying to me where in my comments did I mention BB or MX

    15. Looks like Tlatlaya, or St Valentine's Day Massacre, but highrr casualties, all the ambushers lined up against a wall for the firing squad.
      Aureoles Conejos killing his associates, to make sure now that his boy comparán got arrested in Guatermala.

  2. Good, que se maten en El Monte. I don’t have a problem with that

  3. No chances against the CJNG

  4. Good riddance. They will not be missed. Great body count but needs to get higher eliminating these cockroaches.

  5. Slowly but surely C.U is being left without governmental help. That will be the end of them. Everytime these clashes happen CJNG comes out the victor.

  6. The purge of rivals is on.

    CJNG takes out the medium and small fish, then Mexico brokers a deal with the Big Fish.

    *Mexican leadership is too corrupt and inept to win a war.

    1. Ahi queo ahi queso😖 im gonna call you el Queso babas🤣

    2. What’s the US military success rate in Iraq and Afghanistan?

      The US has been taking military losses for awhile.

    3. Dont ya think a little Odd the Mayor was arrested right before
      humm did he know was he gonna be a target ?
      And why would Anyone ever surrender knowing they are gonna die a painful death

      anyway" more wars and dead bodys between them
      is a good thing right ??

    4. Mexican “officials” broker deals with all fish, even the guppies..

      It’s only evident the most dangerous country on Earth, with the largest criminal organizations on Earth, are the most corrupt ran nation on Earth...

    5. "Mexican leadership is too corrupt and inept to win a war" really!??

      They are too smart to stop a war which is making them rich. Without the WoD there would be much less bribes. If drugs were legal there would be no bribes.

      The Mexican leadership is playing their hand VERY well. Point in case: Cienfuegos

    6. "The US has been taking military losses for awhile"
      Ohh shit here we go again with the defenders of mexican sovereignty,someone wake me up when they fucked off.

    7. Queso no digas pendejadas. Even the best military in the world has failed one way or the other. When it comes to drugs almost every country has problems one way or the other. US war on drugs is an ongoing conflict. Tell me why the have not succeeded yet. You tell me where you from and I’ll find some dirt on your country.

    8. Queso can't help it,
      he was born wrong and twisted from the start

  7. Remember the guys from gallinas unidas that were bashing a thin cjng sicarios head against a monstruo over a month ago and it was rumored that a high number of cjng sicarios were killed in that balacera, then after that images leaked how they chopped them up, well it could be some of those same guys now that got massacred by cjng tweakers. Not rooting for neither but it seems like its just a back and forth thing

    1. Back and forth? Genius. Isnt that how war works?

      And in that clash CJNG only had casualties because like always C.U cried for help and received it from a blackhawk. If it would be just viagras vs CJNG. We would have more dead viagras.

    2. 12:39 so according to you all cartels are tweakers except for your lamr aas Sinaloa?
      What a Chapo nutthugger. Right on the balls!

    3. 1:12 its meant for the groupies who say cjng is winning dumb shit. They kill some cu and cu with government goes a kills cjng

    4. 5:32
      Ah poor little fragile girl is upset they are calling his idols cjng tweakers. Dont get your panochita hurt mencha lover.

    5. @8:32

      So in other words C.U needs to government to fight CJNG?

      And I thought marro was the only crybaby.


    Puro Grupo Elitè

    1. Fuck mencha fuck jaliscas and i dont think a bunch of child and women murdering assholes qualifies as elites.




  9. This men who surrendered yesterday from C.U
    some ended up like this

    1. There is no surrender,surrender to who what?Death is what you surrender to,so kill as many as you can before you go meet it

    2. Bro, you lack common sense I see. Dont blame you though.

      It is well known that C.U kidnaps men and has them forcefully fighting.

      In some instances there is reports of missing men in Michoacan and if jalisco happens to captured them in a gunfight they are released, Sometimes.

  10. Pinches viagras llorones, before the clash the viagras were calling sr mencho and his gunman pussies, and when cjng enter the viagras were calling the authorities for help saying they were inoccent civilians🤣🤣🤣 good thing nobody came to help them, in those areas most of the inoccent people have been displaced by all the violence and by culos unidos who are ran sacking the houses of normal civilians and families of cjng members, like 12:05 said im sure the government is trying to stay out of this one, im thinking because of all the audios that links them to the culos unidos, to much heat they dont need right now that elections are coming up, ora si salganle al topon culos unidos🐓🐓🐓

    1. Pura gallina del granjero menso

    2. Looks like you an Mencho have a thing in common ... yalls love for cocks

    3. 1240
      Thanks bro

    4. @ 2:44 and @12:40 CJNG might be the lesser of two evils in some places but they do the same shit CU does in others. En Ecuandureo y alrededores la gente que segun tienen cuidando y trabajando el area Los Guerreros/ El Laco, son puras ratas puro vato corriente, un tal Pelón Zárate y su gente. Andan entrando a casas a saquearlas, se llevan todo. Andan entrando a fuerzas también a casas corren los dueños y se quedan ahí. Y tiene una pinche robadera de carros, por eso mucha gente ya no quiere ir para aya. Mencho necesita mandar alguien que ponga al tiro a su gente o que los quiten, porque esos weyes nomás andan molestando la gente.

    5. 9:04 dont worrie he will send someone, asi pasa cuando ahi algunos tacuachillos que por un puestesillo se creen muy vergas pero cuando los de arriva de cjng se dan cuenta de volada los mandan al otro mundo

    6. @1:01 La cuestión es que 90% de tu cártel preferido son ese tipo de tlacuaches vergueros y los de "arriba" no se pueden dar el lujo de mandar a casi toda su gente al otro mundo. ¿Entiendes por qué CJNG al final de cuentas vale verga?


    RR from CJNG birthday celebration

  12. “CJNG is all hype” secret_management 2021

    1. 12:41 they are pure hype..
      The so mighty grupo elite is so incompetent that hasn't taken guanajuato even with the help of the government...FACTS...

    2. Just like the US elite special forces in Afghanistan whats your point again 819

    3. @9:58 The point is CJNG should stop creating mayhem everywhere on their ambition bs plans that began with Nacho betrayal. And don't get me wrong I also dislike the ambition Chapo had for Juarez, it caused a lot of mayhem for the locals there, but Mencho is doing it everywhere now.

  13. Enjoy cannon fodders. I bet they don’t even know what or who they’re fighting for. Just go out and make it as far as you can before getting killed and decapitated. The next group is already waiting in line to take their place and march forward into death. Unreal.

    What gets me is how they’re willing to kill and die for a person they never saw in their life and who doesn’t give af about them at all. While big bosses are counting their money, these cannon fodders are being send to death and send to be tortured and dismemberment and burned alive. There is no cause. You’ll be forgotten the second you die and replaced the following second. Just a corpse on the side of a dirt road. Pathetic.

    1. @1:00 Poor economy opportunities to make any real money for most people and terrible education system (crooked gov).

  14. Cjng might just have the best shooters in the game don’t think even the og Zetas could compete with these guys

    1. Lol they are not good shooters just random paisas shooting each other crazy until they get one. Cjng probably outnumbered them or had better weapons that's why they won this one.

    2. You know nothing

    3. No one could compete with og zetas , that was a whole new level of tactical warfare that till this day hasnt been matched , u cant compare elite soldiers to back yard boogie sicarios , maybe the ramon arellano kill squad was as brutal and successful as the OG zetas because they had American and soviet training yet werent actual soldiers , theres levels to this in my humble opinion

    4. OG zetas would slaughter CJNG.

    5. @1:45
      They're definitely better shooters than any surata gang in the states.

    6. OG Zetas were pure killers, not narcos. CJNG have been much more effective as a cartel but the average CJNG sicario would be no match for ex special forces Zetas in a battle.

    7. Zetas in their prime will take on CJNG any day

    8. OG zetas got slaughtered when they tried to get into Michoacán
      Quit posting dumb shit your zetas got put in check!

    9. Crazy to think how far they fallen but then again they were killers first narcos second atleast Cjng seem to be more business like and have a better pr team

    10. Grown ass men arguing over who were the better "OG Zetas or CJNG" you fuckin sad twats.Thats all you bitches can do is fantasize

    11. @11:01 Paisa is the nickname given to any Mexican National not just gang members.

  15. C.U are running out of SICARIOS..
    Only a MATTER of TIME
    CJNG would take that PLAZA easily if MARINA and police DIDN'T show up to rescue C.U

    1. 2:02 cjng got all the help they would hope for in guanajuato to take the state n look 5 years later n NOTHING,csrdl still killing cjng sicarias..

    2. 6:12 otra ves la misma cantaleta, ill tell whats happening grupo elite are not fighting in guanajuato any more the ones fighting are ex csr who jumped ship to cjng vs what ever is left of csr, in other words ex allies are fighting now thats why the narco mesage is sigened cjng: grupo elite, Grupo tactico the grupo tactico are ex csr under the control of grupo elite, the fighting is happening in celeya, leon and i think los apaseos if not mistaking, thats it csr's last hiding places, like it or not cjng won guanajuato

  16. Does anyone else notice how when "autodefensas" have some type of significant victory in clashes against CJNG it gets all the medias attention, but when CJNG massacres sicarios from Michoacan organizations it hardly gets any cover? Coincidence dont think so.

  17. 10, M134's protect MENCHO day and night ain't no one getting to him. Not government or rivals.


  18. Grupo Elite y Grupo Delta eliminado los contras.
    03 RR
    Escoltas del 🐓
    El Michioacano 06

    1. "Escoltas del El Michioacano 06"
      This is gettin to heavy for fuckes sake now we got another nobhead ?
      Told you there are some strange fuckin sad people on here.How fuckin lame are these people ?

    2. Michoacano 06 and sicario 006 are gonna end up fucking

  19. According to el sargy there were 26 plus 9 that cjng took for interrogation and recently not too long ago cjng also killed 15 members from chirrio revueltas faction in aguililla. So that gives a total of 50 men down feom agulilla carteles unidos group.

  20. It’s was only 7 people that’s died from carteles unidos the picture show the Same guys complete and then the same guys decapitated. Their saying their a lot of dead casualties from Cjng as well but this new source is from Jose Lara which is always one side to the truth and extremely exaggerated.

    1. Lies. Other outlets coming out of Michoacan are reporting 20+ dead all C.U members, like 90noventagrados and alertamichoacan.
      And Twitter pages have different pictures not just the ones posted above. I know it's a hard pill to swallow but it happened C.U got massacred.
      And not to mention the FB pages C.U/VIAGRAS run, all crying for help saying they were under attack.

    2. 3:14 Sure body, tipico ojeiter ni con fotos estas contento 🤦‍♂️

    3. Jaja shup up, so in the durango shoot out i only saw like 1 or two dead so does that mean cds ambushed two dudes? 🤣🤣🤣 keep making up excuses while cjng keeps capping contras, to be honest i dont think it was 26 dead inthink it was more 🐓🐓🐓


  21. Great news, just keep killing each others FAGGOTS! 👍😁


    Short video of events that transpired yesterday morning.

  23. Does el payaso still operating in Aguililla? Was hoping to read that he was one of the dead in this shootout guy is a demon

    1. He never operated there, he was in cotija.
      His fam lives in the chicago area

    2. He was never in aguililla idiot. He operated on cotija.

    3. Lol so is that a yes he’s still alive @10:53? Read in the article here in BB that he was the owner of the plaza in Aguililla I’ll make sure to double check my sources next time jajaja

  24. Now to wipe out some tomateros

  25. What happened to Michoacanos stay smashing🤣 they the toughest and badest but got slaughtered like pigs. No ps ta cabron

  26. CJNG has used men from Colombia and Guatemala to train their men and to fight for them.

  27. Idk what to believe.i don't believe they just killed 26people without a loss unless it was a really good ambush but I also don't know it they are all cartel many times have civilians bn killed ,called cartel members then everyone assumes they are.if they r good riddance.

  28. From what I can see from the photos of all the men laying dead is that there is no evidence of an actual shootout. All the bodies lack shots in the torso or legs which is common to see in most topones. What comes to mind is the topones with the furia negra and the cdn, most of the sicarios are shot up all over the place, basically shred to pieces. All of these men have bullet impacts in their heads, some from the back others from the front which leads me to believe that they did in fact surrender and were executed by CJNG. Even the building in the back lacks bullets holes, these vales were caught completely off guard or they really did surrender. After the video of the CU kicking and smashing the CJNG sicario in the monstruo, I don’t think they would have offered them a truce.

    1. I didnt tead this post but in other it said that infact those guys surrender but cjng executed them, they might even have taken a few to give them the old cholo treatment

  29. Something tells me CJNG is taking their time with Michoacán, so they can lure all opposing groups into a false sense of security... then systematically eliminate them all when they least see it coming..

    1. Whatever that is? Don't listen to it very often.


    1. La Silla Rota is NOT an impartial reporter when it has anything to do with CJNG

    2. Also, sillarota doesnt acknowledge C.U as a cartel but rather defenseless farmers who just want peace? You fucken kidding me. If any outlet has received $$ from viagras-carteles Unidos, its definitely them.

      1 montros gets burned in Michoacan, outlets like those boast about how CJNG got spanked?

      C.U gets slaughtered and they try to cover up what truly happened?

      Coincidence? Dont think so.

    3. 10:58 your right..

    4. These Cjng cheerleaders are delusional the fotos are right there lol the same seven body complete and then decapitated. The one came out with the news was el sargy the guy is always in the Cjng nuts because he paid to talk trash or put dirt out there for Cjng adversaries he new sources are always one sided or exaggerated and even at times invented

    5. 557

      That's a Michoacan outlet. Not grilloviagras nor silloviagras.


      Even American outlets have picked up the story not "7" but "26"? Any more doubts?

    7. @5:57 I'm not sure if Sargy is paid but he does have a personal beef against C.U. due to the kidnapping of his father by them, so it's very personal for Sargy. He does get on CJNG nuts every now and then and I mean, C.U. does have a lot of mugrosos but so does CJNG.

    8. 1029
      If that's the case then every other outlet reporting CJNG operations means they're "on their nutts too"?

      literally all he does is "report" not cheer.

      What a karen ass logic.

      Ofcourse hes thrilled that a bigger group is making C.U eat their words. I am too.

  31. Viagras & Familia michoacana are complete shit and always have been even by cartel standards

    1. @10:51 Not true, I lived at Michoacán in the heyday of La Familia when Templarios didn't exist and shit was smooth as butter.

      Who ruined it? The crooked Fecal (Felipe Calderón) government. He unleashed a Federales war against La Familia.

      It was on Fecal's government that Nacho was killed as well.

      La Familia were key people against Z back then. In my honest opinion it seems that Cuinis' big pockets got them and Mencho far, but they didn't expect such amount of backfire.

      It also doesn't seem logical that this war was really started by Cuinis and Mencho alone to be honest, it's not logical that they wanted all this drama.

      I think that the government forced it on them. Think about it, Chapo was a stone in the shoe for certain people in power including narcos from the old days like Caro Quintero; Sonora war?

      I think it's very obvious for those who live in Mexico who is the real people backing CJNG; PRIAN.

      Forced or not (Cuini's revenge), they for sure work with those dudes.

    2. @10:36 I assume he must be referring to LNFM/Los Viagras.

  32. soy quien puso el link de la silla rota , la intencion es tener versiones de dif. Outlets ahora es sin embargo con su version

    1. Cuantos outlets ocupas? No fueron suficientes los que nos proporsionaron ya? 5 putos outlets que isieran tag y todos reportan los mismos numeros de caidos, pero le crees mas a 1 oh 2 putos outlets que estan reportando menos muertos? Asi oh mas pendejo morro



      Covertura de un "outlet" Michoacano sobre la muerte de los 26 sicarios Aver si asi quedas satisfecho pendejo

      Puro cartel jalisco

    3. Guey la silla rota dice que el abuelo y sus autodefensas no son narcotraficantes! Porfavor!!! Lla sientece en la silla rota señora

  33. Too MANY HATERS in this BLOG LATELY...

  34. Mencho is the top dog but he is losing alot of pwople in zacatecas with the sinaloans i believe that sinaloens an CU are working hand in hand with AMLO goverment. So that shows us that every one is afraid of the jalisco cartel expanding...


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