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Monday, April 5, 2021

Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca: An Armed Criminal Cell Immolates Chief of Police

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In the southern Sierra region of Oaxaca, two elements and a chief of the San Pablo Coatlán Municipal Police, from the Miahuatlán district, were ambushed by an armed group from San Vicente Coatlán, who, after murdering them, burned the bodies and the patrol unit in which they were traveling, reported the Oaxaca General Prosecutor's Office (FGO).

According to official reports, the police unit number 059 of the San Pablo Coatlán municipality, who were conducting patrols in the area, was attacked by subjects who were apparently traveling in another unit and, after the attack, to hide the evidence, carried out the burning of the corpses and set the patrol on fire with gasoline.

The victims in the attack were identified as active elements of the Municipal Police of San Pablo Coatlán. Their names were José Carlos Sosa León, 46 years old. He was the director of the Municipal Police; Abdías Cruz Díaz and Elizabeth Juárez Contreras, both were Municipal Policemen.

Faced with the events, elements of the State Police and the Attorney General's Office came to the area.

Experts from the Institute of Expert Services came to the crime scene, and they located 30 shell casings from an AR-15 as well as 7.26 casings.

In this regard, the Attorney General of Oaxaca (FGO), Arturo Peimbert Calvo, reported that an investigation folder has been compiled to investigate the consequences of the events.

The area of ​​the aggression is characterized by the sowing of drugs and the presence of armed criminal groups. It hasn’t been not ruled out that these events are related to some of these conditions, although it isn’t ruled out that it also derives from the land dispute and the jurisdiction limits between the municipalities of San Vicente and San Pedro Coatlán.

In November 2019 in this same jurisdiction, a State Police patrol was also shot at, which left 5 elements killed in the attack. Only 4 individuals were captured and linked to criminal cells dedicated to drug trafficking.

In this area, progress is also being made with the construction of the Oaxaca-Barranca Larga-Ventanilla highway, which is a construction effort that was reactivated in the regime of president Andrés Manuel López Obrador. It should be noted that no progress was made under former president’s Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto.

Sources: Jalisciense1c; Oaxaca Dia a Dia


  1. Better to use "burn", "burns alive", "set ablaze", "set afire"... To catch attention more, just my two.


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