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Friday, April 23, 2021

Officers Attacked by Hitmen in Ensenada Are In Serious but Stable Condition

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

The attack occurred in the municipality of Ensenada, Baja California, a port city under cartel dispute.

The two agents of the Baja California State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI) who were shot by two hitmen in Ensenada are in serious condition, but out of danger.

In a video that circulates on social media, two subjects are observed shooting the agents' unit. The white sedan the attackers arrived at the scene in was rammed by the police vehicle. The criminals fled but abandoned their vehicle a few blocks away from the attack.

Both officers identified as Cristian Armando Mouet Quiñonez and Carlos Antonio Orozco Díaz were attacked on Wednesday afternoon when they went to their homes in a unit of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) after working hours.

One of the agents was transferred to Clinic 8 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and another to the Institute of Security and Social Services for Government and Municipal Workers of the State of Baja California (ISSSTECALI).

According to government sources, Mouet is the one who is in more serious condition and has pending studies to be conducted on his skull and face.

These attacks occur a few weeks after the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) threatened to attack and kill state police officers. As reported by Borderland Beat, the announcement was made on April 1, 2021. The warnings were directed to Baja California governor Jaime Bonilla, who was asked to "pay attention" to his subordinates.

The attack was captured by a home surveillance camera. This was the moment when the police vehicle rammed on the would-be killers' vehicle.

The assailants abandoned their getaway vehicles a few blocks away from the attack.

Sources: Zeta Tijuana (1); (2); (3); (4); Borderland Beat archives


  1. Wow broad daylight crime. No bullet proof windows. Like I have said before criminals have more rights and name and faces blocked, nevertheless the victims, police get thier full names published, and to make matters worse the hospitals they are at, should the cartel really want to finish them off, they know where to go. Dumb privacy laws of Mexico.

    1. Anything goes in Mexico, it's the wild wild west.

  2. Who is in your opinions are the most low profile crime groups/bosses?

    1. The Chinese Mafia in Mexico

    2. D. All of the Above.

    3. The independents who work with various cartels but don’t really fight with anyone. Raul “Tio” Flores Hernandez is a good example. He was also connected with laundering money through celebrities like Rafa Marquez and Julion Alvarez. I am working on a story about a little-known capo who was thought to have been either dead or out of the business until recently.


    4. definitely Chapo Isidro. You cant find one word about this guy anywhere unless the DEA mentions his name

    5. @2:57 That's right.

    6. Chapitio isidro says nothing but great things about those who put him on. He is 100% indepent

    7. 2:59 Tubutama no se olvida,
      chapa chila has something coming.

  3. Hard to say if it was CDS or CJNG. Lots of stuff going on in Ensenada right now. I wish we had more info on these officers background

  4. That whole Pacific side corridor of Baja Ca has been heating up for years now, from TJ all the way down to El Rosario. Especially bad the San Quintin area, so many " imported" Ag workers, most living in squalor. Municipales, the cops , ie worse and worse and WORST.

    1. Yanqui you should start an autodefensas in Michoacan, I am all for it, we would have to watch for infiltrators.

    2. 12:25 there are Autodefensas in Michuakan, organized by giniral Oscar Naranjas of the Policia Nacional de Culombia, for EPN but corrupted by alfredo castillos de cagadas and his cuban sexo-therapist and given to the viagras and Co.
      Nobody is going to tame them with new green autodefensas, it will be a new governor and his mercenaries with charolas State Police, but how decent and on whose side? By the way Silvano Aurioles chief of mercenaries is said to have been found turned into ground meat on the side of a road after they attacked the teacher and his cartulina, LOL.

  5. The real question here should be is that a honda civic? It took a good hit and it still drove

    1. great getaway cars especially for sicarios...

  6. If you don’t already know about this IG account, it’s a great resource (especially with IG’s convenient ‘see translation’ feature). It is very active and seemingly on the ground with breaking news throughout Mexico.

  7. Those killers sure did a good job of hiding thier faces, hope video serveillance around town captured thier faces. A quick call could have had the police looking for the car as suspects, but agayits Mexico where anything goes.

    1. 9:45 by now, México should be bristling with checkpoints like an angry porcupine, and pissing punk cartel members all over like an angrier skunk, but the federales, estatales, municipales, guardias nacional, parking police and viene viene parking assistants can't have anybody doing or telling them how to do their job, blame their commanders for being stupid or for playing possum for the local war lords.


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