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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Sonora, Mexico: Women Continue To Disappear In Sonora

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Attorney General's Office of the State of Sonora received, in this city, the complaint for the disappearance of persons last Friday, April 2 at 12:40 p.m., filed by relatives of Bianca Anahi and Brianda Aderly both with the surnames Mendoza Armendariz

The family stated that it was on March 31 when they had the last communication with them.

From this complaint, the immediate search began, according to the Alba Protocol, phase 1 began, which consists of the internal collaboration of all the security corporations of the three levels of government, both for the location strategy and for investigation.

You took them away alive and we want them back alive

Once the 36 hours of the internal location phase have elapsed, the following Alba Protocol Alert is issued, to request support from the public.

We request your support to share the following files, which correspond to phase 2 of the Alba Sonora Protocol, initiated to locate the Mendoza Armendariz sisters.

Any information please provide it to 911 or to the number 6622-898800 ext. 15511

In addition the following women are also being searched for:

This matter concerns locating Leonor Marisela Gastélum Casillas, 42 years old, the last time she was seen was in the Sonora neighborhood on March 18, she was wearing blue denim pants and a black blouse, any information that helps with her whereabouts is appreciated.

Please call the following phone numbers: 6474828905 and 6441729507

Note: The information that you share is very important in locating the missing as soon as possible. 

Source: Valor por Tamaulipas


  1. Leave no doubts in your minds why some of us are fighting in this fucking war.

    1. Unfortunately most in the Mexican leadership, Media and Church, don’t give a shit what us plebes think.

    2. The false sense of doing something by just copying and pasting stories? No chingues.

    3. So youre a cop?

    4. Heard that man

    5. Dubiety will not waft into our minds from the wretched hearts long lost.


    6. @9:12 hey there young chap. I also do whole video translations within minutes of them appearing online in case you forgot. There’s more to it than just the copy and paste. There’s also me studying my prey for my own little reasons of course.

      @9:35 the curiosity has been weighing on your mind for some time now. As it has with others who’ve questioned me in the past. I actually specialize in using violence to fix certain problems. Granted I should’ve died long ago, I’m actually still here for some strange reason. But no I’m not a cop.

    7. @9:12am these 'false sense of doing something' posts do DO SUMPTN ...getting the women's pics + info out is helpful. You can contribute by getting in your VW Jetta for a Sonora drive search.

      Canadian girl💋

    8. @11:33 Eres chido Sol, pero si dices cosas bien marihuanas carnal jajaja, no quisiera que murieras si vienes acá a pelear con estas escorias. No vale la pena, todo el gobierno de Mexico y parte del gobierno de USA están metidos en todo esto.

    9. 7:57. Stop talking about the Church when it has done All it can to prevent any violence in Mexico.
      Church cannot violently act either otherwise it would be the same as the violent people it is against.
      I don't see people stopping consumption anywhere in the damn world either???

    10. Sol todas están desaparecidas de Obregón?

    11. Not everybody here is a cop, some of us are and some of us are not. Sol, Wichita, and myself among others here are definitely prior military.

    12. Sol, you do a great job.

    13. Good Luck to you fighting this horriable war I do wish you the best

      I agree with you, if you have to use methods of violence to seek truth No one should Judge you when it comes to saving Innocent lives Children need your back If you have child abusers knock down everyone one of them bury them deep closer to the devil where they belong

      thank you for your work here

    14. Sol is the BB version of Alejandro to us! I appreciate Sol and do wish him Luck on his quest!

    15. So you're a feminazi then? solprendido

    16. @11.33 most cringe thing I have ever read

    17. You don’t need to justify yourself to these losers. Keep up the good work

    18. God speed brother

    19. Sol keep doing your thing ignore the cunts and just Fuck em

    20. @2:29 Si no allí sería en sus alrededores. Desafortunadamente siguen desaparecidas.

    21. @0700 hrs.: Amen.


    22. Who are these sad twats hatin on Sol?
      Motherfuckers you wouldn be able to read shit if people like Sol didn get off their arse so shut the fuckin yap from bitches with nothing better to do than be half assed comedians

    23. Translating regional Mexican Spanish language news from small towns or Mexican states so a broader audience can possibly become aware of the daily injustices and horrors that take place is a massive service and does help to fight the good fight, all you lames commenting otherwise so quick to call people out...GTFOH go check you lame as fade haircut in the mirror. People end up seeing news and injustices they wouldn’t otherwise because someone took the time to post it. More than any of you keyboard jockeys have ever done. Hopefully some of these girls are found. Maybe they are taken to the US NYC, LA, Chicago...who knows. Sad.

  2. Chauvin:
    "If you aquit."
    "Then well get free shit!"

  3. Sicario 006 that’s your turf please explain we want answers

    1. Alot of these ladies are invited to narco parties and once they in, its hard to get out. Most of them will end up disappeared and that goes for all the cartels. None are exempt. But again alot of these young ladies are attracted to that life style. They want someone set up with $ to support them. Not knowing 90% end up in a shallow grave or prostitution in some other country shipped in containers. Yet authorities don't crack down on this human trafficking in Mexico.

      El Mty

  4. Armendariz Is a local Obregon Narco name. I suspect this was retaliation or something.

    Anyone else here from the Cajeme area can confirm Armendariz is a local narco name.

  5. That's how sinaloenses roll. Killing, rapping women.

  6. The barredora 24/7 pigs are responsible for these disappearances

  7. Fuck man i hate to see this shit.
    Leave females alone for fucks sake,fight your fights do your shit to other sicarios but dont fuckin take females

    1. These girls probably walk around acting like hot shit playing hard to get

    2. @11:22 has issues attracting chicks.

  8. Apparently its the thugs that work under orders of those piece of sh*t sons of jgl

  9. NO se como pueden vivir agusto alli en Sonora de Cd obregon ni se diga. en cualquier momento pueden llegar Y desaparecerlos, Y ni quien los rescate

  10. Look for TROUBLE and you will find IT..
    Most LIKELY got caught up WITH the wrong PEOPLE.. They are pretty and THAT'S more reason to BE more careful and NOT go to clubs or BIG MAFIA parties..

  11. A ver niños, cuándo empezaron estas tragedias con las muchachas? Cuando empezó la gente de Caro a hacer sus desmadres o no. Al parecer así es su estilo, ¿Vieron lo que les hicieron a las familiares del güero Palma en Sonora?

  12. This is brought to you by la barredora 24/7.

  13. You were in the military or are but so was I and those are fake wars we have fought while the rich dangle that carrot above our head for that base pay ...

    1. At this point it’s not about the money anymore. That illusion faded away a long time ago.

  14. Pinches sinalocas always kidnapping and rapping young women, ah pero nomas se topan la nueva y ni la patas se les ven baw down to the lord of the cocks sinalocas!

  15. Are they bring kidnapped in order to use them in the sex/slave industry? I know gangs are into trafficking sex workers. I would be interested in any comments on this.

    1. They get kidnapped for the plaza boss to have fun with then usually killed, that's why you hear about girl's bodies being found buried in safe houses

  16. Men and boys get murdered/disappear criminal AND INNOCENT and nobody gives a single fuck, women and girls get murdered/disappear criminal and innocent and ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!

  17. Hmmm.. who grabbed a photo of the Olsen twins?

  18. This shit is gut wrenching knowing that they suffer the worst of the worst human nature has to offer makes me sick and quite frankly makes me ashamed to be of the same species as the ass holes who do this kinda shit . I hope those responsible suffer a death as horrific as these women have had to endure .

  19. They probably were stuck up so it was only a matter of time until someone got back at them

    1. Victim blaming is a trashy thing to do. They were probably raped and killed by strung out losers who they wouldn't waste their time with...not their fault for having standards if so.

    2. @11:21. You must have a problem getting laid.

    3. Personal attacks, Queso, are inversely proportional to the size of your intellect.

  20. If there are less women, or even none at all, that very simply means no more procreation.

    Has FEMICIDE of this level and scale ever occurred in Mexico until these last two decades?

    Would anyone else here agree that what Mexico has been seeing is actually MASS FEMICIDE?


    1. Mexico has been seeing mass killings and mass murders including women.

  21. What a coincidence that Sonora is owned by two well know hero Capos MZ and RCQ and women disappear like crazy in that fuckin state!
    All fuckin cartel Capos rape beat and abuse women!!!
    Just that in cases such as with these two dumbfuck characters people refuse to acknowledge that they or their mobs cannever harm anyone.
    Fuck this stupid nutthugger mentality!

    1. Speak on bro,tell these clowns who think its funny cheering for capos and cartels.
      Here is the dark horrible truth

    2. All part of the plan. You think that of all countries, Mexico is somehow excluded from the agenda for human depopulation?

  22. I know a few girls that got caught up with super dangerous dudes. A lot of it is when they are young they get pregnant by a guy that goes on to get into the life. Even if they are estranged many years later that guy goes on to be a Sicario and do terrible stuff. Enemies will try and get to them through baby mommas or locate them and will take whoever is with them as well to avoid witnesses. The other issue is that some of these girls are living double lives, nice family girls during day, turning tricks at night. Some of them hustle and scam men for money, some of those men are bad people. (Former Rutgers basketball player killed one in Adelitas) experienced criminals will know how to make people disappear. It’s sad but there is always more to the story. Even cases that were mainstream on Tv. So sad


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