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Sunday, April 4, 2021

Teocaltiche, Jalisco: Post Armed Confrontation Between CJNG and CDS

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Armed confrontations in broad daylight between the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) and Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS) have taken place in Teocaltiche, about 2 hours north east from the State’s capital. 

Videos from local residents complaining of armed attacks, kidnappings and executions have surfaced online.

The following films are the after action reports from an armed confrontation between CJNG and CDS. For these broadcasts the victors were CJNG. 

Sicario #1: This turned out to be a good confrontation. A damn good confrontation. 

Sicario #2: We are the absolute mob of El 08 (Adrián Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias) you bitches! We are the absolute mob of...

Sicario #3 stomping on face of dead sicario: Absolute 08!

Sicario #4: Absolute 08 you sons of fucking bitches!

Sicario #5: We’re ascending, we’re ascending!

Sicario #6: Let’s go get the rest of them, let’s go get the rest of them!

Sicario #7: We’re going after the rest of them, we’re going after the rest of them!

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!

Sicario #2: That’s right, take a video so that everyone can see that we are the absolute mob of Cartel Jalisco you bitches!

Sicario #1: Let’s get the fuck out of here!

Source: Narcointel; NarcoStudios701


  1. Reload Regroup Response Reconnaissance if possible Rest power naps no tweeking

  2. Both CDS and CJNG are spread thin. These sicarios look like bums. You can tell both sides are have problems finding help.

  3. Lording over my mothers basement!

    Atte secret_management

    1. Atte secret_management
      Fuck off ballbag

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 lmao that dude scret management is a joke

  4. Such lawlessness in Mexico. It's hard to conceive that this drug war is the root of the problem.

    1. You really that naive,this has gone way beyond drug war shit.Take drugs out the equation all these sicarios with guns give up tomorrow?Kinda doubt it

  5. No que muy vergas pinches tomateros

    1. No que las menchas controlan todo Zacatecas y jalisco y ya andan los cds entrando por Zacatecas

    2. @10:49 entrando para correr y morirse?

    3. 10:49 guey no siquiera salieron de las trokas! 🤦 pero segun tu ahi andas 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

    4. teoca has always been chapos plaza is the cjng that are going in

  6. CJNG,CDS,and Russian Mafia are the most powerful syndicates in the world! No chances against this three!

  7. Teocaltiche, Jalisco,

  8. What a shame what goes on in these communities. I can’t imagine living in a country where where insurgents murder and are not afraid to conceal their identities while posting their crimes on social media. As Americans we should do our part. Stop traveling to all of Mexico. Financially hurting the ones on top will force them to take care of the ones at the bottom. Con dinero baila el perro y estos perros tienen que dejar de bailar!

    1. 9:14 the best way americans can help is by not using drugs anymore, remember drug money fuels all that violence in mexico

    2. "americans can help is by not using drugs anymore"
      Mexico has its own drug problem now

  9. Have a great Easter boys

  10. Where's 006 at now? Fake ass sicario

    1. If you don’t understand that sicario 006 is a troll then you sir are a moron!

  11. This video shows how one on one cjng kicks cds ass so hard, puro gallo no gallinas AJUA!! Pura gente de 08! For those who dont know who 08 is, theres a corrido i think maximo grado sings it, "el 08" thats the name of the song, shit just got real for the fat cds sicarios 🐓🐓🐓 corranle corranle!! No podemos🤣🤣🤣

    1. I don’t understand. What vested interest do you have with any cartel or el 08 specifically? Chances are if this guy were to meet you in real life he would ignore your ass as a best case scenario. Act like a Man. Live righteously. Don’t idolize evil scumbags what’s a matter with you? You’re putting your parents to shame. What would they think that their grown man of a son is idolizing another man that kills and poisons the world. One day you’ll see things for what they really are. And I sincerely hope it’s not from inside of a prison cell or worst, think of your family. Nobody gives a fuck if your affiliated they’re not gonna do the time with you or support your family once your one ass gets smoked like the buster that you are. Get it together mcfly and this goes to all the people in the same boat with you!

    2. 9:42 this foo sounds like he's 12 years old...stay listening to ur corridors puto

    3. Are you part of their group? Cause if not youre making yourself look foolish.

    4. At 9:42 and u think el 08 and all the Guerreros from Tinaja de vargas are some kind of heroes? Gtfoh with that, la gente de esos alrededores sabe el tipo de gente que han sido los guerrero, they were all a bunch of thieves and kidnappers. tan chingones fueran y según tan buenas personas ya hubieran quitado su pendejo de Pelón Zárate que tienen en municipio de Ecuandureo, ese vato y su gente son puras ratas, andan entrando a todas las casas y se roban todo, están corriendo gente de sus casas y quedándose con ellas. So F**** them and all those CJNG assholes. Cant say they are like that everywhere but they’re trash in my town.

    5. Wow. This foo said go look up a corrido. That must be the way you found out huh? I cant believe ur mom and dad allow you to bump that garbage music in u and ur brothers room.

    6. 11:29 Am Send the proof to El Payaso so he can send it up the chain of command you know his face book. You need real proof.

    7. Thx 9:42 always best to hear from people that actually live there to get a sense of how things really are. Not just cheerleaders that aren't even in Mexico...

    8. Asta los de sinaloa le hasen corridos a los de jalisco, no lloren nenas jaliaco controla mexico de ahi siempre sale lo mejor

  12. Must of been camping out in the bushes since they are all walking no trucks of theirs in site. These also must be the ones reported robbing people in those roads & towns

    1. Sure why not! Just take the L and move on

  13. That's not there this happen some where else.

  14. Not making light of these plights - otherwise best slogan goes to 'We're the ABSOLUTE MOB..u sons of b*tches' lol

    Happy Easter 🐰🌷✝️
    Canadian girl💋

  15. That ambush was in teocaltiche

  16. In the actual clash in tepetongo, cjng attacked/burned CDS safe houses. Shortly after a clash began.

    1. No cdsnitches will answaer you, this is just the tip of the iceburg! What you are talking about was way worse tgan this, cds taking L's everywere🐁🐁🐁

  17. Notice the faces of the dead sicario is destroyed is this because of continúes firing to the head? Also the other video of dead cjng, guys heads were obliterated is more likely due to been shot at point range multiple times i assume?

  18. I see some rpk and pk machine guns seems mencho is supplying weaponry to his men. I see this war been a stalemate between both groups. Both sides will loose many men, and the ones who loose the most is the sicarios themselves for living that agonizing life.

  19. this actually happened in jalisco, and the dead were np/cholos

  20. Cjng hasn't been able to contain CDS advancement.
    That's bad news for mencho.


    1. Sure why not, just take the L and move on🤣🤣

  21. Sometime in the near future, CJNG wont be fighting plazas But instead will be tryna control CDS incursion into Guadalajara.

  22. Mexico’s cream of the crop citizenry at work.

    1. Armed men walking around at leisure bangin away with automatic weapons and not a gob presence anywhere?
      Dont you know bro,its all the fault of the US that this is happening?Oh and i got a golden unicorn who shits gold for sale here

    2. Top of the food chain in mexico if you got an AK or an AR.
      I want my children to be sicarios

    3. @946 am

      US government does have some fault in Ll of this. I'd say at least a 50%. They, after all, are the real boss of bosses. Mayo, chapo, mencho are nothing. Compared to the real shot callers. Get woke mija.

  23. They should be screaming "100% Carne de cañon" cuz that's all they are 🤣🤣

  24. Waiting for the cheerleaders....

  25. It's clear CJNG has the better trained and most ambitious sicarios. CDS is actually fading all over Mexico. Zambada is old, most of his kids are extradited and Chapo's sons seem to be more akin of that luxury they grew in than of fighting for their turfs.

    1. @2:17 I can tell you know nothing at all. Chapitos are 100% about war (Culiacanazo) and Mayo's age has nothing to do with his empire, connections or workers under him willing to inherit it.

      Vicentillo will be released soon to take the reigns and if he doesn't there's a line of people ready to do it.

      CDS is one of the oldest outfits and they will win on the long run.

      The ones who are fading are CJNG who haven't been able to control any point of importance at all.

  26. Videos from local residents complaining of armed attacks, kidnappings and executions have surfaced online.

    limpa going on in Silence! G

    1. Post the links?
      That rumors been circulating since Wednesday.
      No videos have surfaced yet.

    2. Today CDS lost, tomorrow it'll be CJNG turn. So on and so forth.

      But we have cheerleaders ignoring common sense and acting as if this was a fucken sport. Fucken virgin morons.

  27. Been following drug war since 2005 maybe cjng different I think it's the fund from fenty an meth denver nacho was a real heavy weight selling synthetic never seen a cartel mostly dedicated to it profits gotta be crazy mencho got man power an firepower

  28. Usually When some one brags about something is because its the other way around😀 You can see they hiding far away and kicking they own death homies 😂 this cowards can't win on Sinaloa 😬

    1. What a retarded logic.

      Sooo when CDS records Zacatecas clashes?? Its because CJNG won them huh?
      Got it.

  29. Cjng cheerleaders 📣 will have their panties wet with this one, they are going to start saying cjng has took over all of Zacatecas from this ambush video. they are as idiotic as the screaming lunatic tweaker sicarios on the videos.

    1. Entonces tú no hiciste comentarios idiotas en los videos de Durango? Si vas a criticar a los mangueras entonces también no vayas hacer lo mismo tu cuando salgo un vídeo del CDS


  30. Any SICARIOS that go AGAINST CJNG really have a DEATH wish..
    CJNG are in a DIFFERENT level
    The ONLY place where CDS actually put up a fight is in ZACATECAS and DURANGO (for NOW anyways) cjng keeps GOING NORTH and it's ONLY a matter of time before CJNG gains CONTROL..
    CDS in JALISCO is straight SUICIDE though. JUST saying

    1. 4:18 not everyone is a coward like u bud that's why...

    2. Started Jalisco,Jr! Still in Jalisco laundering money etc..

    3. BS, cjng are picking out randoms and killing them, theyre pussies

  31. Which cartel won this one, I am hoping The Baby Killer Cartel are the ones that got beaten big time.

  32. Don Marios men must be planning a coordinated attack as these men celebrate.

    1. Don mario? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pinche viejillo guango

  33. Why don’t they just call it cartel Michoacan nueva generación?!? All the bosses are from there lol wtf

  34. According to grillonautas this happened in teocaltiche jalisco that's pretty far from tepetongo. I believe that to be true because 08 operated in los altos jalisco. But there was a topon recently in tepetongo supposedly there were 22 cjng from el jardinero dead in tepetongo.


    1. It was actually 30 dead(originally from durango/sinaloa) from CDS and 3 safe house and 7 vehicles burned.

    2. Yeah 08 his people all the guerreros operate in Los Altos, La Barca, Ecuandureo, Yurecuaro all that area

    3. @11:34 That's the only CJNG stronghold that I know of where they really control towns, and a lot of common people hate them in the towns of Los Altos area.

    4. @ at 2:43 yeah Los Guerreros, Javier, El Laco been operating in those areas for a long time. Terrorizing the towns for decades. For a while in the 2010s they stayed to the Jalisco side as they were being held back by a Templario jefe de Plaza in Ecuandureo. But this guy did too much and caught military attention he couldn’t pay them enough to ignore him anymore and he “died” just like El Chayo, Ona trip to Sinaloa, this guy is sobrino of Tony Fierro from that Chalino corrido

  35. I remember the infamous “news blackout” ordered by the MX GOV some years back, with the reasoning being that “it only benefits the criminal groups to have us parade and broadcast their acts of aggression”

    What the hell is all this, then?

    I would think that a real government, one whom is sincerely concerned about its people and the influence that the terrorists of their country have on the disenchanted youth, would do EVERYTHING possible to stop videos (propaganda) like this from being regularly broadcast...

    How would they achieve this?


    1. Formally classify these groups as extremely violent terrorist insurgents (which they are).

    2. Request support from the UN & NATO to provide whatever support possible to help deter and ultimately remove these groups.

    3. Have official meetings with the owners and executives of each company that the groups that host the social media platforms being used to broadcast constant genocidal acts against humanity, while also promoting the concern of the propaganda geared towards youth.

    4. Formulate a plan where the intelligence and government groups of the affected country (MX) will help share their active intel from monitoring/scouring new videos being uploaded.. again the videos that depict violent gore, death, human exploitation and youth targeted propaganda.

    5. Work that plan, in the sense that not one video depicting the active genocide and exploitation of human life remains online for longer than mere minutes.

    And NONE of this should seem extreme, or not possible to achieve in any way... Why? Look at all of the videos from groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and even white supremacist groups today!

    A video simply promoting racial superiority will not last longer than an hour max, on platforms such as Twitter or YouTube today.. Facebook has entire buildings of thousands of employees who perform this work 24x7...

    If they didn’t, you would be seeing child pornography, snuff videos, recorded murders, and lord knows what else all the time.

    Why do the narco terrorists, who commit often the most graphic and inhuman atrocities, seem to somehow get some pass?

    “Oh well lots of the videos now seem mild and are mostly just interrogations or for recruitment..

    Well, and again, a video posted by a group promoting anti-LGBQT or racial superiority performing the very same acts (degrading and forced interrogations or propaganda for recruitment) wouldn’t last ONE HOUR on Facebook, or Twitter, or YouTube, etc....

    Just doesn’t make sense how there has been zero intervention to address this shit, when again, videos by groups who essentially are doing A LOT less won’t even see the light of day!

    1. Surely it couldnt be planned,the world is enmeshed in crazy PC where people are now brainwashed into not speaking the truth for fear of being called racist,bigoted,homophobic,new laws where you can be arrested for the most inane reasons,facebook,insta,YT,etc are huge tools for propaganda,the media is more dangerous than ever never mind universities and schools

    2. I stopped READING your novel at "ask UN and NATO for help)
      That only works in EUROPEAN CONTRIES not 🇲🇽... I read TOO many SITUATION where people in 🇲🇽 HAVE called for their HELP and NOTHING HAPPENED..

    3. 12:23 okay secret management. You should send your little list to the gov. You're such a joke you think you're smart

    4. @9:58 - Thank you to the one positive comment. That is if your sarcasm is directed at every mentioned facet involved in the situation today, and not towards me lol — if so, then you clearly get my point. There is not one government, institution, platform, or even large business that has not been compromised..

      As for the other two, you completely missed my point. What you are saying is exactly what I was implying why there could never be ANY form corrective intervention.

      If Mexico and the US truly were not corrupt to the core, as we all three know otherwise, then my listed actions would be an objectively plausible attack and directly at the genocidal operations of these bastards..

      @12:07PM - the reason they do not “receive help” from the international coalitions is because they know the truth... They don’t want the “help” — because the last thing they want happening is any form of deterrent towards the current plan and on-going rape...

      You think I don’t know the US/MX “agencies” aren’t involved with the narco terrorists as well? Or that NAFTA was more of a NARCO operation than anything?

      I was merely laying out the actions that a REAL nation would take in a dire situation like today, a nation which DOES have the best interests for their citizens and beyond, and is not enabling or exploiting any opportunity for avarice they can...

      That all being said, my post was also geared towards those who unfortunately have no idea on what is happening behind the closed doors, and feel as if this nightmare somehow happened organically..

      So again, nobody is intervening because the governments responsible for the constant thieving and genocide sincerely do not want it to change.

      Independent organizations (Red Cross) will not get involved as well, and for very same reasoning. The means of protecting any form of aide (or military action) are there, but the administration of “those assigned to protect” such patrons are clearly corrupted too.

      Anyhow, if you guys know as well, and aren’t happy about it, then in no way do you have any right to complain. Your passiveness is essentially participation, and it’s the passiveness of the masses over all these years/decades/centuries that got us to where we are at today.

      Living complacently in Hell.

  36. Cds's wannabe instagram influencer sicarios are letting mencho's rapist sicarios win

  37. The guy killed probably was not even a sicario or a narco or had any weapons, he just got his just desserts just in case.
    Anybody not with the crew has been demonized by the jaliscas who eat saints and crap devils, many of these "crooks" look very well fed, but take along some long time abusers of their meth kitchens for show along with their invisible trokes no police or melitary can see...not even Enrique Alfaro (Alias SHREK) or his State Police mercenaries can see them...
    Anyway, another day, another troque for the convoy

  38. Who won this one, only states confrontion.

  39. Animo Compa Mario saludos desde culiacan estamos con usted. Puro cartel de sinaloa alv.

    1. Haz de ser el mismo que comento en 4-4-21 4:57pm

  40. Buchonas de Tenis rojos como les fue? I told you the get back was coming. For those saying it isn't in Teocaltiche look again the landscape is very much the same. It could also be in Zacatecas the problem is El 08 is from Michocna people who work for El Tio Laco from Tinaja de Vargas. It would make more sense if they were fighting closer to home.

  41. I thought cjng had only well trained/in shape sicarias but in the second video I see nothing but fat pigs

  42. Man these CDS cheerleaders are shadows kids. Fuck.

    Cjng loses the clash*titles read*; "mencho people" lost the battle

    Cds loses the clash*titles read* "sinaloenses" lost the battle(operativo mz)🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

    Ego-bruised cheerleaders.

  43. Whats crazy is all these idiots get paid like 3000 pesos a week if that! Guaranteed they got back pay like a mf talkin about i got you next week. Waiting for these foos to get smoked and save some paychecks. Ignorance is at an all time high forreal. You must be in a real dark lonely place in life to even consider risking your life for a dude who isnt to risk it right next you. You got me fucked up

    1. BB reporters should write ✍️ an article on this comment

  44. Mexico is crazy

    -Shawn Lawless



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