Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 9, 2021

US Deports Felon Involved in 1985 Murder of DEA Agent Camarena

"MX" for Borderland Beat

Members of the ERO El Paso Special Response Team escort Juan Jose Bernabe Ramirez, 62, to the U.S.-Mexico international boundary at the Paso del Norte Bridge where he was turned over to the custody of Mexican authorities.

WASHINGTON — A convicted aggravated felon involved in the 1985 kidnapping and murder of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena Salazar, was removed to Mexico on Wednesday by officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO).

Juan Jose Bernabe Ramirez, 62, a Mexican citizen, was turned over to Mexican immigration officials on the international boundary at the Paso Del Norte Bridge in downtown El Paso, Texas. Bernabe is considered a threat to public safety due to his criminal convictions.

On July 20, 1989, Bernabe was admitted into the United States as a non-immigrant visitor in Los Angeles for up to six months.

On July 27, 1989, DEA agents arrested him for his involvement in the kidnapping and murder of Special Agent Camarena. Bernabe was convicted on July 30, 1990, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles, for violent crimes in aid of racketeering aiding and abetting and accessory after the fact. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for each charge. Additionally, on the same date, he was convicted of kidnapping a federal agent aiding and abetting and sentenced to life in prison.

“Our ERO officers, especially those working closely with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, stand ready to assist our law enforcement partners 24 hours a day,” said Denice Seemiller, acting field office director for ERO Salt Lake City. “The gruesome nature of this case is extremely unsettling. Our dedicated officers diligently worked on making all the necessary arrangements to ensure Bernabe’s removal was seamless. His arrest and removal from the United States sends a clear message that we will not tolerate heinous criminals being released into our communities.”

On Jan. 13, 1992, officers with the former U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in Kansas City, Missouri, encountered Bernabe at the United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth in Leavenworth, Kansas, and determined him to be in violation of his non-immigrant visitor status. As a result, the officers issued an immigration detainer with the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).

On Sept. 9, the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles, granted Bernabe’s motion to vacate, set aside or correct his sentence. On Dec. 17, the Court accepted his plea of guilty to accessory after the fact and conspiracy to commit, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and sentenced Bernabe to time served. The next day, the BOP transferred him to the custody of ERO Salt Lake City pursuant to the immigration detainer lodged on Jan. 13, 1992.

On Dec. 23, ERO Salt Lake City issued and served Bernabe a Notice of Intent to Issue Final Administrative Removal Order, and Final Administrative Removal Order because he was convicted of an aggravated felony.

Source: ICE


  1. Seso de preso puro Mata perro.

  2. Maybe I misunderstood but he was visited by INS for overstaying his visa while incarcerated in Leavenworth? Due process? Ironically I have a solid friend doing time on Rico charges out of SoCal at Leavenworth. I THINK he said el licenciados son was there but could be wrong.

    1. Yup you understood it correctly but I believe he was abducted just like Dr Alvarez Machain hence the "cover visa"

    2. Was there but could be wrong? It’s like writing a post here and then at the end of paragraph say I was wrong with info but still posted it!

    3. Mini lic is housed in a special place in California

  3. CIA killed camarena

    1. That's not true despite what was written in books.

    2. Some one already said who it was it was a Cuban cia guy loved by ragon also killed chegue vara and cut his hands off and lucio Cabañas too..

  4. Watch the last Narc on Prime Video ...CIA killed Kiki

    1. The last narc was a lot of bs mixed in with just enough truth to make it seem believable to some ppl... that agent was full of shit...

    2. Stop fantasizing with your hollywood movies. Get a life.

  5. Llo no mate a Camarena.-el #1

  6. CIA killed JFK imagine the rest

  7. Please don’t believe all that tv says it’s called propaganda Russia still to the day uses it....

  8. POOR guy just GOT snatched up and SET UP
    DIDN'T even KNOW what the he'll HE was jailed FOR..
    ALL to protect THE POWERS that BE... EVERYONE knows it WAS a U.S agency that KILLED camera..
    But just LIKE in Afghanistan and IRAQ they made SH!T up TO go and TAKE CONTROL OF oil..
    In 🇲🇽 case IT'S mining, drug TRAFFICKING etc etc... Just SAYING..

    1. @8:53 Oil too fool.

    2. Yup and it’s called government puppet happing as we speak

  9. They remain dedicated in setting criminals convicted of heinous crimes free apparently

  10. Yep:::the CIA vermin tortured / killed him as stated by brave - Hector Berrellez + rigged the 2020 elections!...and Im a Brit in meheekoh.

  11. Historically, most systems—from countries to clans— trade ‘prisoners’ as components of agreements. In Israel for example, one IDF soldier kidnapped can yield the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in exchange. The DEA will not simply close the book on Kiki’s murder. He was an officer who was kidnapped, tortured and murdered. Conspiracy theories about who was the mastermind can indeed coexist with the mere fact that there was a main perpetrator: Cara Quintaro. Considering AMLO’s odd declaration recently declaring his release was justified makes one wonder if AMLO was attempting to project the opposite image to his cartel buddy (no, I’m not working on having you turned in) of what he is indeed doing. If I had to wager, I’d guess that AMLO and the powers that be are moving in on Quintero and all the easing up is of others involved is part of the ‘deal’ and also to allow him to lower his guard

  12. Maybe Camarena went rogue and someone on the dark trail was paid to make it look dirty... just maybe. These guys are always looking for the money and moves to make more money. No one is innocent, not even the good guys... the best ones have to get dirty, that’s how it works, and it works well.


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