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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Zongolica, Veracruz: Who was Zopiyactle Colohua, The Former Mayor of Mixtla Murdered and Dismembered in Veracruz


His wife Francisca Morales is a candidate for the same position by the PRI

Gonzalo Elías Zopiyactle Colohua, former municipal president of Mixtla de Altamirano, Veracruz

Gonzalo Elías Zopiyactle Colohua, former municipal president of Mixtla de Altamirano, Veracruz, and husband of the current candidate for the same position by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Francisca Morales, was assassinated and his remains found in the municipality of Zongolica in the early morning of April 2.

According to the authorities, the body of Zopiyactle Colohua was found around 1:30 a.m. and next to him the body of another man was located whose report of disappearance was raised on March 31, as well as a black bag and a yellow cardboard, with a handwritten message that read.

"This goes for all the extortionists and kidnappers, we are going for you SIERRA, compadrito Mezhua, and your Elite Group, like your salespeople Omar Garcia, Santa Maria, Humberto Zavaleta, And Chacas, stop charging a fee for the sale of narcotics. This is just the beginning, Sincerely, Miiaauu”, it reads.

The discovery occurred on the side of the Orizaba Zongolica highway, on the border with Los Reyes near La Pluma.

The two bodies were handed over to their relatives, after being identified. The corpse of the former mayor was handed over to his family on the night of April 2, and on Sunday the 4th he was buried.

For its part, the State Steering Committee of the PRI political party in Veracruz issued a message in which they wished "condolences" to the relatives.

According to the local media, operators of an alleged leader or criminal group identified as the "Miauuu", who left a signed narco message next to the body, were the ones who carried out the action.

According to the E-Veracruz portal, Zopiyactle Colohua's father was mayor of Mixtla on two occasions. Then he took the place of his father and now it's up to his wife, Francisca Morales, to seek the position.

Mixtla is one of the municipalities in Veracruz with the highest levels of marginalization and violence. In April 2019, the then mayor, Marisela Vallejo, was murdered along with her husband and the driver of the vehicle in which they were traveling.

Before being attacked, she accused of having received threats from her predecessors; one of them, Zopiyactle Colohua, whom she blamed for mobilizing people against her to pressure her to hand over 6 million pesos in exchange for the completion of a work.

Altamirano Gonzalo Elías Zopiyactle was 48 years old, and he was municipal president of Mixtla de Altamirano from 2005 to 2007.

In addition, at the end of 2020, his son-in-law, Gerardo Hernández, was shot while driving a truck on the Orizaba-Zongolica federal highway, in a place known as Cola de Pato (Duck Tail). Despite the accident, he was only injured.

It should be remembered that that same day, around 07:00 hours, neighbors notified the police forces about a dismembered body in the Unión Obrera Campesina neighborhood, in front of the Center for Technological, Industrial and Services Studies (CETis) of Río Blanco .

Sources: Sol de Yucatan; Infobae


  1. Sounds like he took money from the jaliscas.

  2. I think this is Z trying to take back Cordoba from Cjng

    1. I noticed that miauu was el chino antrax Instagram handle...coincidence? Does anyone know what that word means?

    2. In Spanish it’s the sound a woman makes right before blowing you a kiss. This individual that goes by the name of Miauuu has been in Veracruz doing their thing for some years now. There was a manta that I translated here some years back where Miauuu had put down hearts and kisses on it. I commented then that this was a gay person because of those weird designs. I’m pretty sure Miauuu put it down in that manta as a way of mocking his enemies.

  3. Miauu was el chinos instagram handle


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