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Thursday, May 20, 2021

90 Bags With Human Remains Found in Clandestine Grave In Tonalá, Jalisco

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Note: Initially, 70 bags with eleven human remains were reported. The new figures are 90 bags and thirteen human remains.

On May 20, 2021, the State Attorney General announced 90 bags of thirteen human remains have been extracted thus far from a mass grave in Tonalá, Jalisco.

It began on April 25, 2021, when residents of the Alamedas de Zalatitán neighborhood in Tonalá noticed a foul odor while they were walking through an isolated section of the neighborhood. The smell was coming from a seemingly empty dirt lot that was surrounded by brick walls and a gate closing off the entry.

On the exterior brick walls, graffiti reading PET plastic (in reference to PET bottle recycling) and CHATARRA (Spanish for scrap metal or junk) was written. The residents later told Milenio that the property, #102 on Armería Street, was rarely walked by because all the houses surrounding it were abandoned, so the fetid odor could have gone unnoticed for some time.

The smell was reported to authorities. The Prosecutor’s office requested a search warrant for the property which was granted two days later and excavation of the site began. A truck from the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences has been seen entering and leaving the site, as well as a backhoe.

By April 29, the forensics team had already discovered 5 bags of human remains. On May 4, the total grew to 13 bags. By May 13 the total number of bags jumped up to 51. And at the May 18th press conference, State Attorney General Gerardo Octavio Solís Gómez announced the initial number of bags extracted was 70. The new figure is 90 and may increase as more investigations are done at the site.

"The progress of this property is that 70 bags with various human remains have been located that at the moment are counted in 11 victims and the corresponding work is still being carried out," said Octavio Solís.

Currently excavation continues on in search of more bags. A unit of the Public Security Police of Tonalá can be seen guarding the place 24 hours a day.

According to a report from the National Search Commission for the Ministry of the Interior, between December 1, 2018 and April 7, 2021 Jalisco state has had 3,096 new cases of disappeared persons and clandestine graves.

In 2020, 433 bodies of people buried in clandestine graves in Jalisco were recovered. This means that 42.96% of the 859 bodies found in mass graves nationwide were found in Jalisco state alone.

Note: The property number is erroneously reported as #309 in some publications. However Guardia Nocturna correctly identifies it as #102.

The exterior of lot #102 on Armería Street in Tonalá where 90 bags of human remains have been found.

Images of the excavation from the Attorney General’s press conference slides.

SourcesInformador, Video of Jalisco AG  Press Conference, Telemundo 52Milenio, Guardia NocturnaHeraldo de Mexico


  1. I feel for the victims family and hope they can identify the bodies. Pitiful CJNG probably collected ransom on the victims and killed them anyway.

    1. Si saben cómo es el toro de bravo para que se meten en su corral? Los embabucan y se les hace fácil andar con la contra y después están lamentándose. Ya no quieren trabajar honestamente y ahí están las consecuencias

    2. Im thinking more like dead nueva plaza

    3. 3:14 PM Tonala hasn't been controlled by CJNG since 2017 when Don Chelo was killed. The Nueva Plaza took control of Tonala, Tlajumulco de Zuniga, Tlaquepaque, parts of Zapopan in 2017 and early 2018. In 2017 Mencho was able to get Don Chelo and El 85 released I don't know who wrote that article that states El 85 is the boss of the Nueva Plaza that is totally false.

      CJNG is busy cleaning up those areas as of now they been going at it for a while. Nueva Plaza was struggling financially they were known to kidnap for ransom, extort,steal cars, robberies on civilians, homes and businesses. They were doing everything to scrape money from everything and anywhere. You can't blame everything on CJNG when Metro Guadalajara was a war zone. Cholo said in himself that his people would kill innocent people to heat up the plaza the media would take care of blaming everything on CJNG

      CJNG did kidnap the photography students that were dissolved in acid one of them was related to a Nueva Plaza leader they seen him leaving one of his properties. The 3 siblings who were killed recently from my understand were related to Nazario Moreno Gonzalez I could be wrong.

    4. @4:42 something tells me Cholo was made to make a video to his group letting them know that the sicarios who submitted to NG or joined would be taken in and most likely sent to fight their old partners or other fronts. Of course some individuals who switched with Cholo when he made CNP and we're still alive would would still be hunted. "Miren como acabé yo" were his last words in the video.
      My understanding is NMG isn't relevant to what's going on in ZMG so who knows what was the motive for the levantón and killing of the three siblings. Some time back a comment was made that NMG was related to AGV so who really knows and yup those that say EVS is going against his Compadre are not paying attention to the videos that were put out by CNP and LC.

    5. 4:42

      Jaliscas also kidnap, extort, steal scars, do robberies. Force recruit by promising false jobs. If that means that doing those activities, like you said Nueva Plaza is doing, means a group is scrapping by, then by your own logic that means Jaliscas are also broke and scrapping by. Why do you CJNG spokesman always pretend Mencho isn’t doing the same scumbag shit.

    6. every group kidnaps and hurts innocents, that’s known by now but CJNG has a far greater financial structure than NP.

    7. Enrique Alfaro betrayed CJNG, he used to be presidente municipal of Tlajomulco and became MC governor thanks to CJNG, then decided he was the decider and decided he wanted it all for himself, his state police mercenaries are a shining example to Luisiana State Police about how to be one bunch of murdering mercenaries and cover it up to appear to Serve and Protect.

  2. Jalisco where most disappear

  3. Putos CJNG. They are the plight of Mexico, even more so then the zetas a decade ago. Kill These Guys off

    1. I wouldn't be too sure about that one pal, just look up years back where they found over 70 migrants slaughtered in an abandoned home in san fernando, tamaulipas by los Zetas

    2. @6:00 Eso no quita que CJNG sean escoria.

  4. Update: It went from 70 to 90 bags, as reported by El Zacatecas. Article has been amended.

    1. Didn’t bury them deep enough. Once the hot weather really kicks in, the smell rises to the surface.

    2. So far is 90 , there still taking more out according to authorities investigating the case .
      Att El Zacatecas

  5. Wasn't this also a CNP stronghold? I wonder what CNP is doing behind the scenes right now. El Cholo Son I believe would take control by now but with little to no actual power or support from anyone

  6. is it true nacho coronel nephew el aguila is cnp ?

  7. Do you think there is a slight possibility that this is connectedto the recently very public abduction/death of Juan Ramon Valdez-Hernandez? The Lawyer and Professor? The same Town?

  8. It’s sad.. and with that person as the Mx president it’s even sadder.. wtf..
    -the guy who knows nothing

  9. The Governor of Jalisco came out today and said CJNG is starting the forest fires seen all around Guadalajara and other areas of the state, as a means of distracting security officials and causing general mayhem. Jalisco has become the worst failed narco state in the country, but the English language press is mostly ignoring it.

    1. 10:16 ahhhhh
      Don't forget your Spanish president Obrador is also ignoring the situation, as long as money comes to him and his brother, he could care a rats azz.

    2. @10:16 Thank Menchas.

  10. 11:35 money can't buy obrador, (AMLO) jaliskas don't have enough, AMLO is giving Alfaro all the rope he needs to hang himself, it worked on cabeza de caca, the duartes, la chayo robles, and many many other sanababiches.


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