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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Acapulco, Guerrero: Narco Banners Warns AMLO of Pending Betrayal

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

During the early hours of this Monday, several narco banners were located, in which the attention of the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is asked to look at the port of Acapulco and the seven regions of the State of Guerrero.

Pointing directly to the director of the Ministerial Police Esteban Maldonado Palacios and the Secretary  of Public Security of the State David Portillo Menchaca.

They are the same individuals who were pointed out by Said Alberto himself, aka "El Güero Refa" as accomplices and coercers of the homicides perpetrated by the criminal group Los Rusos.

Those who claim to have the support of the current governor of the state for outstanding debts with Joaquín Alonso Piedra aka "El Señor del Torno". In one of the narco banners the following can be read.

Narco message reads as follows:

Mr. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. We respectfully request an investigation through the FGR for Estaban Maldonado Palacios and David Portillo Menchaca. 

They’re the ones who receive money from the criminal cells and cartels in northern Guerrero, the central region, as well as in Acapulco from the criminal group Los Rusos. 

We also want to warn you that governor Hector Astudillo Flores is going to betray you. He’s not going to keep the agreements made beforehand with the government. He is planning on heating up the corridor where the Morena political party governs. 

This information was agreed upon by Joaquin Alonso Piedra and his nephew El Gúero Alonso. If you don’t heed this warning the 7 regions of Guerrero will be made heard in the way of our revolutionary hero Lucio Cabañas.

Source: Valor por Tamaulipas


  1. How many Rusos are they?

    1. It's a different group unrelated to the group led by El ruso of CDS

  2. Amlo r u listening

    1. Almo cares a rats azz.

    2. Amlo is too busy trying to save the world

    3. The new governor IS listening,
      Troublemakers should be getting ready to die.

  3. They are all snitches .... They hard but in the end they all snitch on each other

    1. Is that all you know to snitch this that, you sound like a crybaby.

  4. Who is Lucio Cabanas?

    1. a revolutionary hero from Guerrero. he was an Ayotzinaco like the 43 students who went missing.

    2. Went to war with the Mexican government for 7 years after they killed poor people from Guerrero just because they could. cia had to get involved to kill him too
      And his friend genaro Vasquez suppedly had 300 people under there comand. Killed a bunch of soldiers and cops probably cia agents too

    3. Senator ruben figueroa kidnapped himself to unleash the army after Lucio Cabañas, after the mexican army murdered Cabañas, figueroa came down with his secretaria who was by then pregnant, Lucio Cabañas and genaro Vazquez Rojas were by then teachers, and agitator puppets of figueroa who became governor, his son ruben figueroa also became governor friend of enrnesto "la neta" zedillo, all murderers of Acteal/Chenalho, el Charco and Aguas Blancas in cahoots with angel aguirre rivero and emilio chuayfett chemor "la Emilia" who had to murder again and disappear the students of Ayotzinapa.
      Ruben Figueroa Sr also raped and had a daughter with Cabañas teenages widow, she and her daughter were murdered about 10 years ago in guerrero where they were humble street merchants

  5. The Viagras out there crying that the Governor is not supporting them anymore. What do they call themselves the Sangre Nueva Guerrense out of Zihuatanejo.

    1. 11:33 ur paranoid that they gonna come snatch u up or what... for what we know cjng are known to vent their incompetence n frustration trou banners like this

    2. 1:44 PM Me paranoid of them getting me. They have family over her too just a few hours drive from here. If it comes to it we don't discriminate based on race, creed, nationality, gender, age, or sex. The Viagras are well known to complaine. It is unfortunate that Nazario Moreno Gonzalez didn't do what was right and fudged everything up. His own ego and stupidity made the viagras what they are today.

  6. Is Amlo in the pocket of a particular cartel?

    1. CDS. he met with Chapo's mother on several occasions, remember he also ordered Ovidio Guzman to be set free

  7. Is Amlo in the pocket of a particular cartel?

  8. They killed El Ruso’s nephew in culiacan last nite, Carlos Ponce el chester.

    Y este era gente de Ruso, Hugo Lopez Quintero el traca.

    1. none of the links say it was El Ruso's relative... perhaps just a random murder?

    2. @1:29 Nope. No random murder in culiacan, my family is from there and thats the word on the streets.

    3. It would make sense. Jesus Maria y Chapitos turf.

    4. El ruso is fighting a losing battle. Chapo's sons are next in line, Mayo zambada is on his way out. He better find his place behind the sons or he's gonna wind up on a park bench like El cholo sooner or later.

  9. When are you guys going to realize that snitching is part of the drug game.

    You either talk or get talked about...

    I don't want to hear another chapo snitched or mencho told, esp "snitchaloa", blah blah..

    If you continue it just shows that you are childish and know nothing.

    Also stop rooting for these killer organization, they'd probably murder you In a minute no matter how much you want to back them.

    1. Sorry but most visitors are here for the 'entertainment'. It's like sports: you have your team and your characters and you are willfully ignorant about reality.

    2. @6:55. When are you going to learn its business and not a game.

    3. 6:55 El Chapo snitched!!!

  10. AMLO is in the process of making an example of Cabeza de Vaca. I would not mess with him right now.

    1. AMOOse las anda dejando caer a todos los federalistas, a los antorchistas, panistas, PVEM, MC, priistas, perredistas, unpresidenteds, chayoteros and INE RATS, and i don't blame him.


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