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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Aguililla, Michoacán: CJNG Leaves a Message From El Mencho; "I Am Going to Stay"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Videos and pictures have surfaced online of a narco message from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) leader Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes ("El Mencho"). His directive disseminated in the town of Aguililla, Michoacan.

Just as well they were also found among other communities such as El Limón, Charapo, El Aguaje, El Naranjo, Chila, San José, and El Cajón. 

The Michoacán government tried to suppress his communiqué. But his sicarios made sure to publish his words on film. 

Manta translation is as follows:

To all the townspeople of Agüilla. The submission in which the threats, extortions and other things that a free people doesn’t have to suffer is over. Do not be afraid to claim what corresponds to you, which is freedom.

This problem of ours isn’t with the citizens or with the government, it’s with the scumbags that are depriving them of their freedom. It’s time to raise awareness for all of our people from the municipalities of Limón, Charapo, Aguaje, Naranjo, Chila, San José, El Cajon, and other towns that cannot move freely because of vermin.

That is now over. I didn’t come here because I can, I came because I am going to stay. Have courage my citizens. We will not leave you alone. This is all being done for an unrestricted Aguililla and Michoacán. Sincerely, Mencho. We're not some cheap fucks like those damn scumbags.

Sources: Jalisciense1cTH3PR3D4TH0R Mxx


  1. Instead of being able to go to Aguililla himself, Mencho has to get others to put signs up for him. The man can't even go back home and people want you to believe he is powerful, sad.

    1. 😂😂 true

    2. He has been hiding in a cave, for a long time already, no one has current photos of him, he could also be out there and no one would know it's him, due to plastic surgery.

    3. 6:47 PM What is he suppose to do grab a rifle and fight he already did his thing when he was young that is how he became a boss some balls and a little luck and he is where he is. Unlike Mayo and Chapo who spent their time paying off the police to do the fighting for them Mencho was in the trenches.

    4. When did chapo or mayo hang a manta by their own hand? Man you guys bitch about mencho for every little detail jajaja no matter cuatro letras is here to stay

    5. There was a report a few weeks ago of mencho himself in aguililla so yes he has been there recently

    6. Mencho fan boys cant get Chapo out of their heads. 🤣

  2. Sounds quite reasonable

  3. Bro Mencho is hardcore hes still throwing his name up all over the yard and gives zero fucks,probably the most wanted geezer on the planet and hes causing cain all over Mexico with all kinds after him and gives not a fuck.
    He obviously has big time protection off politicos and his gente

    1. Chapo did the same thing and look at him now

  4. What's next! A presidential run!

    1. Hope so! He would wipe out cds from the face of the earth for sure! Por un mexico libre de ratas!!!

    2. Qué ignorante, CJNG ha demostrado que lo que menos le importa es la gente del pueblo con sus guerras chafas.

  5. O man i want to read secret management's 2 pages about how this is a lie and cjng have been kicked out michoacan 🤣🤣🤣
    Come on bro feed us more of your wet dreams😂😂😂

    1. This kid here needs to be in school. Just childish

    2. 828 yes he is very immature, use too many emojis.

  6. Lmaooo man he makes it sound so good like they be saving shit, Pray for all the poor people and innocents CJNG doesnt hurt them and actually does what they say

  7. If Mencho takes Aguililla and can do what the sinaloenses did (or tried to do?) with Badiraguato, it will launch him into legendary status. Legends always inspire new recruits, which only feed these endless wars.

    1. Taking a tiny insignificant pueblo held by pisas with rusty AR15s will make him legendary? Haha how? Thats Menchos home town he should already own it.

    2. What they do with badiraguato?

    3. What did they do in
      Badiraguato? Aguillila already has a road that leads to the town. The Narcos of the past took care of the town they built the roads, brought electricity to the town, invested heavily in the town, going into El Aguaje and they made the town a lemon grove paradise, they built the canals ect. Aguillila doesn't have much its main income was Drug trafficking and the money sent by the people who migrated to the states.

    4. @billy Jean I'm guessing Turing badiraguato into a pueblo magico. Fixing roads providing health/education helping the poor etc...

    5. There is no EDUCATION in badiraguato
      There ARE stories HOW the kids have to walk for MILES to go LEARN how to read
      Why YOU think CHAPO can't READ or write?

    6. Badiraguato has always served as the perfect backdrop for Chapo to showcase his humble roots and and justify his "no other way out" reasons for becoming one of the most bloodthirsty kingpins in Mexico. All I'm saying is if Mencho can pull that off as well, it'll attract the attention of kids in similar situations who need REAL role models, not the kind who will gladly serve them up as cannon fodder.


    1. I love seeing Abuelo fight them off, but at the same time it’s sad how many ppl keep having to die for one man’s ego

    2. Fight them off? The article says abuelos people were asking for help to the authorities?? Fight them off😂😂😂😂

    3. Abuelos people were crying for help like always. What you talking about Willis? @8:11

    4. El abuelo is a dumb motherfucker he betrayed mencho who helped him be free from prison and also helped him taking back tepalcatepec his hometown from los templarios i mean how stupid you are instead of remaining faithful he cheated on mencho switching sides with menchos enemy and now he can not even have a good night because he is at war with him . how dumb is he

  9. Actually his goons "are gonna stay" well at least until CU kill them cause mencho hasn't been to Michoacan since he got treated like a bitch

    1. 10:33 PM The only ones that are getting CJNG out of Aguillila is going to be the Sedena, Guardia National, State Police, SSP, ect the Gallinas Unidas are nothing just a bunch of brave mata amarados. Look at tepeke crying that CJNG is attacking them every time. It took CJNG since the end of 2016 when Fructoso Comparan flipped to take Aguillila but they took it. The same is going to happen in Tepaltepec, Los Reyes, Periban and La Costa. They will get wiped out by 2025 unless Mencho does a push like they did in Guanajuato.

    2. Bro CU aint killing no one, they need the federal forces just like cds! With out them they aint shit in shoot outs they both have a loosing record

  10. Why would you have your banner up in the town you were born knowing very well you can’t go there. The cartel of clowns, oh look we just conquered a small town in the middle of butt f*ck nowhere. This town is shared with CU, by putting up a banner doesn’t mean you’re the owner. Mencho is soft just like his videographers and Boy Scouts. Let’s make a video outside the White House and claim it’s ours, El Scante put a banner up, go on go on the banner.

    1. Ok big strong macho man

    2. @6:17 You kno somethin about cocaine mang?

  11. Poor people, Amlo would u help us.

  12. Too MANY HATERS in here..
    Whenever mencho takes a PLAZA CDS GROUPIES want to DOWN play it 😆

    1. I am not a hater, speak for yourself.

  13. Michoacán, Jalisco, Colima here to stay


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