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Sunday, May 23, 2021

BC/Sonoran Border: FGE Captures 2 of "Los Omegas"

"Yaqui" for Borderland Beat; TY to "Anonymous"

They are alleged members of the criminal gang, "Los Omegas" which operates in the Mexicali Valley and the limits of Baja California-Sonora, indicates the Prosecutor's Office. Both have criminal records, including homicide.

Agents of the State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI) managed to capture two dangerous members of a criminal group that operates in the region.

Two alleged members of a criminal group, who carried out their criminal activities in both Baja California and Sonora, were detained by elements of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE).

The capture of Jesús Antonio“N”, alias “El Diablo” and Guadalupe “N”, was achieved through the implementation of joint operations in the Mexicali valley area by the State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI).

As a result of the investigations carried out, it was established that the detainees belong to a criminal group identified as "Los Omegas", led by Felipe Eduardo alias "El Omega", who is identified as a priority target for the Government of Baja California.

Jesús Antonio N., originally from Guasave, Sinaloa, is the henchman of the criminal leader, dedicated to the collection from drug dealers and hit men in the eastern part of the Mexicali Valley on the limits of Baja California and Sonora, and has a long criminal history for crimes against health, theft and organized crime.

While "Guadalupe N," originally from San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, is a direct collaborator of Jesús Antonio N., has homes in the Mexicali Valley and San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, and has a criminal record for homicide, kidnapping and possession of firearm.

At the time of his arrest, he was in possession of approximately 2 Pounds of methamphetamine, 4 -.223 caliber assault rifles, 1 digital radio, 1 Honda Accord vehicle, 1 tactical helmet, and 1 tactical vest with fittings.

With these actions, the State Attorney General's Office maintains its commitment to restoring peace and guaranteeing the right to public security for the benefit of all society.

The alleged members of the criminal cell, who carry out their criminal activities in both Baja California and Sonora, were detained by elements of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), the institution said. The suspects detained by the authorities are Jesús Antonio “N” (a) “El Diablo”, and Guadalupe “N”.

The FGE indicated that the arrest was achieved through the implementation of joint operations in the Mexicali valley area by the State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI).

As a result of the investigations carried out, it was established that the detained suspects belong to a criminal group identified as the "Omegas", headed by Felipe Eduardo alias "El Omega".

The Prosecutor's Office added that "El Omega" is one of the priority objectives for the Government of Baja California. Of the detainees, the FGE indicated, Jesús Antonio “N” is originally from Guasave, Sinaloa, and is the criminal leader's trusted man.

Among the activities of Jesús Antonio “N” is to dedicate himself to the collection of drug dealing and the hired killers in the eastern part of the Valley on the limits of Baja California and Sonora.

In addition, he has a long criminal record for crimes against health, robbery and organized crime.

While Guadalupe "N" is originally from San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, a direct collaborator of Jesús Antonio "N", with addresses in the Mexicali Valley and San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora. Guadalupe “N” has a criminal record for murder, kidnapping and carrying a firearm.

At the time of his arrest, he was in possession of approximately two pounds of methamphetamine (908 grams), four .223 caliber assault rifles, a digital radio, a Honda Accord vehicle, a tactical helmet, and a tactical vest with fittings.

The FGE pointed out that with these actions the commitment to restore peace and guarantee the right to public security for the benefit of all society is maintained.

Note to BB Followers: You have no idea how much it pains me to include this:

Mexicali: The United States Government issued a security alert so that vacationers and officials of their country have more caution when traveling in and around the city of Mexicali, its rural area and northwestern Sonora due to the violence generated between drug cartel groups .

In this area of ​​the country, murders and "uprisings" have increased in recent months due to the dispute over the territory of the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel.

During the night, groups of armed and cloaked men break into the houses of members of rival groups, especially in the Mexicali Valley and San Luis Río Colorado, to subdue them and transport them in convoys of trucks to the desert area.

The most prominent case occurred a month ago, on March 9, a commando of at least 20 hitmen shot a couple (Araceli and her husband Enrique Martínez Camacho) in a house in the Chiapas ejido and illegally deprived the men of their liberty. brothers Aarón, Ángel and Alonso Martínez. Minutes earlier, in the Colima ejido, the same group that was traveling in 10 trucks murdered José Fidencio Granados García in an attack in which his seven-year-old son José Yael was injured.

The US authority warned members of the diplomatic community on Friday night, April 9, that one of its Consulates General operates in Tijuana, to avoid visiting the Mexicali area until further notice.

To do this, he asked travelers and officials to review the information about Mexico and the travel advisory, including local news, stay alert during the day and avoid night trips and, in case of emergency, call the emergency number 911.

Also keep friends and family informed of their whereabouts by phone, text messages and social media and let them know that they are safe.

It also invited its citizens who reside in Mexico or make a trip to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program in order to receive security messages and other information.

Sources: ElImparcial / EnlineaBCca  /laJornada 


  1. So, they got El Diablo? Thank goodness, we are finally safe! Apologies, sarcasm ensues...thanks for this. It just keeps getting messier, sadder, massive. Let the pityporn continue....argh. -Ms. H

  2. typical criminal faces

    1. You so damn stupid. A criminal can look like anybody

    2. 11:10 Well, FECAL, salinas, fox, epn, they look like angels...
      but you know the results

  3. Looks like the Carteles Unidos attacked CJNG in Aguillila from 3 directions. The Viagras from El Terrero going into El Agauje, The Tepekes/Viagras from La Bocanda and the Templarios de Rigoberto Diaz Soto Don Belisario 5- 10 km outside San Jose de Chila. A gunmen that was there reported that it went on for 2 hours the Cartles Unidos eventually pulled back and left once more CJNG pickups showed up.

    Near Buenavista El Maguey got into it with the homsexuals in Los Reyes. From what they posted El Maguey got overwhelmed and had to retreat running.

    CJNG burned Chirrius Revueltas house and cars. Yesterday they finally came out to fight the military showed up CJNG retreated and they captured a few of Chirrius Revueltas men. CJNG is hitting them tonight also. Chirrus is hiding in a house like always.

  4. Chirruos Revueltas house on fire and his vehicle. Another of Chirrios Revueltas vehicles.

  5. What an entire shithole mex has devolved into, I mean come on. You talk about 'hard working' this and that, but you can't even fix your own shit and overcome your own greed, yet you want to suck the US teet for a bunch of free shit. Family, respect, principles? What a f'n joke. Any dropout can pull a trigger or swing a blade, but I dare you to do something that ACTUALLY make things better IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY! You are the most resource-rich nation in the world...wake the fk up govt, CDS,CJNG,CDN,CDG,CSRL,CAF,UT, or wtf ever and start using it productively for your own citizens. Población avara ordinaria no más.

    1. Maybe if the us govvv didn’t manipulate politics in Mexico and let the citizens arm themselves there wouldn’t be so much violence? Maybe if the us govvv didn’t work with the carttels they wouldn’t be so strong? Maybe if us govv wasn’t so greedy they would let Mexico grow? Stfu you know nothing other then what you see on tv. Imbecile

    2. You can make the same argument with Americans who passively allow the government to gradually take away more and more rights over time..

      Why don’t the status quo step up to the hyperinflation caused by the federal reserve, warrantless spying by the nsa, and apathy towards foreign billionaires buying up enormous swathes of American real estate?

    3. @1:56 You are so ignorant, USA pulls the strings over Latin American resources since the 50s.

      Countries that tried to rebel against USA: Cuba and Venezuela.

      Look at them now, totally fucked.

      One day you'll understand amigo.

    4. @11:56 yeah, usa pulling the strings is causing Mexicans to kidnap each other, charge extortion taxes, and chop off the heads of their fellow country-folk. And the OP is the ignorant one? Oh, ok.

    5. @1:56
      You seem so unhappy.

    6. 156
      When your right your right.Now let these payosos whine about the US while mexico descends into cartel heaven all the fault of the US.Fuck outta here with that US to blame shit.Does Mexico bear no responsibility for its state?
      Pathetic argument,blaming other countries


  7. 9:55 sure, whatever,
    dirty panty mama.

  8. as a rule, the strongest and most dangerous groups are those who have military training or served in special forces! such groups have the skills of fighting, which is extremely necessary in the underworld, and are also well mobilized and disciplined! therefore Cartels and Russian organized crime groups are the most powerful organizations in the world!

    1. I think you mean the most protected in the world.. and that’s because of the so called “umbrella” that their gov provides to shield them from any scrutiny whatsoever… Stop living in a fantasy, if you were a business owner in a region owned by any of these groups you glorify, they would have their hands so far up your @$$ that you’d be singing a different tune.

  9. How does someone who has a record for homicide and kidnapping walk the streets as a free man? Oh it's Mexico anything's possible come visit us!!

    1. Boxing promoter Don King has a record for murder and walks the streets of the USA.

  10. The state goes after mayos and the feds go after chapos and the municipal takes care of the tienditaa

  11. torture the vermin !:: in order to make more arrests .

  12. Great job ��, with the pounds of drugs, and weapons and belonging to a cartel, was not good enough to get thier full face shown, furthermore with the full names should also have been shown.
    The only thing I think they protect thier identity is so when the judge gets his suitcase full of money, then he sets them free, to commit more crimes.

  13. Why are most criminals so ugly :(

  14. Vatos valeverga andan segun recorriendo sus tienditas con el culo en la Mano y nomas de dia bajan los venados, saben ke por las noches sale el commando de la muerte recorriendo parcelas y ejidos.

    Nomas calentando el terre. The van a ubicar diske omega aya por Sierra Lima.

  15. Omegas chasing Salazares back to sonora

  16. Its too bad macho prieto is not around. He kept all this crap under wraps, a true leader sicario


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