Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, May 30, 2021

CDS El Tatuado Arrested After Killing GESI Agent in Baja California

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

A high ranking member of Los Oaxacos, affiliated with the Sinaloa Cartel, called El Tatuado killed a GESI agent who was serving a warrant for his arrest in San Quintín, Baja California. After sieging the house that El Tatuado was barricaded inside for hours, authorities were able to arrest El Tatuado.

Sometime before 4:30 pm on May 27 2021, on Libertadores Street in the Chavez Barron (more commonly called Cinco Mil) neighborhood of San Quintin, a group of State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI, Baja California’s state police) agents arrived at house #100 in order to execute an arrest warrant for Adrián Barrón Casillas, alias "El Tatuado”. 

El Tatuado is believed to be a leading member of Los Oaxacos, a regional group that serves the Sinaloa Cartel in the state of Baja California. The GESI agents were ambushed by gunshots while trying to serve the arrest warrant. Agent Christian Eduardo Uribe Garcia sustained a serious gunshot wound to the neck. Agent Uribe Garcia requested support via police radio. The shooters barricaded themselves inside a building. 

Municipal and Ministerial police, accompanied by members of the National Guard arrived at the scene of the attack. Uribe Garcia was placed into a patrol vehicle and driven away, in the direction of a hospital. At 4:36pm, a Red Cross ambulance that had been dispatched for Uribe was able to intercept the patrol car he was being driven in. At the Santa Isabel Hotel, located on the highway, paramedics tried to administer medical aid to Uribe Garcia but he no longer showed vital signs. Uribe Garcia was driven in the ambulance to ISSSTECALI hospital where he was formally declared deceased.

In a video taken by Dejando Huella Noticiero, a San Quintín news company, a pickup truck with National Guard men can be seen arriving in the area. Just as their vehicle slows to stop on a street near the house, shots are fired at them. The National Guard members can be seen ducking behind their vehicle, taking cover from the assailants in an unknown position. Eventually, one of the National Guard members gets in the truck and slowly drives it forward, with the men crouched behind the truck following in step thereby moving their cover into a better position. 

At 4:56 GESI, Municipal police and National Guard members pushed into the house the suspects were barricaded in. They were aiming to enter the house at the point where the shots that hit Uribe Garcia originated from; presumably thinking it likely that the shooter had not been able to move positions since. 

No details are given on how the building entry went or how the arrest was achieved but representatives of GESI later announced that Adrián Barrón Casillas, alias "El Tatuado” was arrested. The charges against him that led to his arrest warrant are double homicide and attempted homicide. 

It is likely the double homicide El Tatuado is wanted in connection for is that of two twenty five year olds on March 23 2021. The two men reportedly got into an argument with members of Los Oaxacos at a bar called Brasil.


Christian Eduardo Uribe Garcia was 29 years old at the time of his death. His brother Noé Uribe García, who was also a GESI agent, also died in the line of duty just fifteen months before Christian. Noé was only 26 years old at the time of his death. Christian Uribe was born in Ensenada, Baja California. The prosecutor’s office reports that in the last three months, Christian had participated in dozens of operations and arrests of wanted hitmen in the San Quintin and Ensenada area. 

As previously covered on Borderland Beat, Los Oaxacos are a criminal group based in the state of Baja California who mainly operate in San Quintín, Ensenada and Tijuana. Their name likely derives from their lineage coming from the state of Oaxaca. There was a large population of people from Oaxaca who migrated to work in Baja California on large agricultural projects. 

They operate on behalf of the Sinaloa Cartel, whether they are Los Chapitos or Mayo aligned not specified in news reports. They are used frequently as hitmen and sell methamphetamine as a street level enterprise. Alexis Barrón Medina alias “El Pelirrojo” (The Redhead) was thought to be the leader of hitmen for Los Oaxacos until his recent death on May 2 2021, as previously covered here.  Interesting to note that a previous leader of Los Oaxacos named Hector Antonio Salazar Monzón alias "El Oaxaco" used to work for Alfonso Arzate Garcia, alias "El Aquiles", who is a Baja Sinaloa cartel leader to this day. El Oaxaco was murdered in 2012.

Note: Some reports say both GESI and the National Guard were initially present in order to serve the arrest warrant. Some reports say only GESI was present and that National Guard members came to support after Uribe Garcia was shot.

Sources: ZETA Tijuana Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Puente Libre, Segundo a Segundo, Punto Norte, Article 1, Article 2 

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    1. Oh believe me they have drug addicted criminals in all the organizations. You think they hire fukn medical personnel or something? Or retired special forces? Huh? Gtfoh! All cartels are a bunch of scum of the earth. They all need to get eliminated. I cant wait for the United States to completely intervene on all these pos

    2. I'm sorry I don't read comments with caps locked.

    3. Oh no it's the caps locks kid, no school today.

    4. In that line of work who wouldn't want to take the edge off. Constant adrenaline and paranoia. Many need to take the edge off. Which is why many lose there edge very quickly

  2. The MF are really about that life

  3. Why put their ass on the line after having their man cornered and surrounded? Pinchis cuicos nomás cagandola.

  4. Let the snitching start!!! Ajuaaaaaa!!!!!!!

    1. @3:58 Hahaha sleep time, leave basement clean.

    2. That's all you know how to say, me getting tired of hearing you say that every day. Must have served prison time.

    3. @6:32 you READ it first

  5. HEARST, or anyone who wants to answer?? I realize this may be too vague or difficult to guess for sure, but Does anybody know what the relationship is between CJNG and the Sinaloa Cartel? Are they just tolerating each other at the moment? Do they have any history of working together or outright enemies?
    From the past two years it seems like CJNG has exploded in size and strength, or am I just being naive and buying into the propaganda BS or falsehoods they propagate? Thanks much, as I have been curious but haven't read enough?

    1. You must be new bro.. Cjng used to be part of cds they were called mata sets and they were under nacho Coronel and chapo. They became their own cartel funded by los Cuinis and mencho now they are powerful and the fight Sinaloa in certain states like Zacatecas

    2. 1:58 thanks for taking the time. I use to study but I was a direct victim of extreme violence in Mexico years ago, barely escaping alive and didn't want to learn the intricacies about it. I was nieve to it all other than my ordeal.
      Now, I can't read enough. Fascinating, sad etc. Now,I will definitely look into the history. Appreciate it, thx

    3. 1:58 it was always Milenio. Don’t fool yourself with that cds mara zeta crap

    4. I investigated and verified Yes, from El Milenio, which ran drugs for Sinaloa's Nacho until he died. Leader of Milenio, Lubo is killed. Milenio splinters into 2 groups, El Torcedos is original CJNG. I'm mentioning this for anybody who was as clueless as me.
      I asked question, as Ed Calderone is insinuating it is a matter of time for CJNG vs. Sinaloa. Well respected guy from Tijuana. I wasn't sure if there was a history of strife. Thanks

    5. 9:40 ed is no Mister Ed, i knew Mister Ed, he was my friend...
      If ed were a good cop, there would be no crime in tijuas, do yourself a favor and check guys twice before lappin' it up, he is like leyzaola and el pinchi "rambo de tijuana" a false prophet.

    6. 546, thanks. Ed C. Strikes me as a cartel layman's 'go to' Wiki source. Some of what he says makes sense at other times I have question much of what he has said, and validity of such. That is why I ran it by here, although I have read the CJNG vs CDS proposal from a couple of other places. Do you see anything occurring between CDs and CJNG? I question most everything I hear, such as cdng controls 26 states, also the dumb rumor that continues to go around that CJNG is on its last leg.
      I have had the shit beat out of me in Sinaloa, not to mention robbed by the police at gunpoint, but beyond sitting on my couch stateside.thank you for your input and taking the time- MS. H

    7. 6:35 thank you, MS H...
      I have asked Steve D about Leyzaola BS but he quit posting on BB, same with CISEN "crime expert and security analyst with studies on the US" Alejandro Hope who lost all hope of taking over BB with his BS after one or two questions, by me...
      See you around beibi.

  6. Christian Eduardo Uribe Garcia QEDP RIP

  7. I think I seen the one with the bird lip and the one with the red canelo hair ,lobster boy IDK !

  8. El Tatuado- Edition Especial

  9. Dang CDS crews are getting KILLED and ARRESTED..
    I wonder if they now work with CJNG..
    They are after that crew in a BAD way..

  10. The article said they encountered suspects shooting at them, including the one they caught, does not say if the rest got killed or arrested. They should have killed El tarogo, since he was firing at them, now it's open for him to pay a bribe, and free again.

  11. Judge better not let this criminal killer out, last thing I want to hear from the judge insufficient evidence.

  12. People like this are the ones that make mexico look bad , I hope they get them

  13. At least CJNG doesn't advertise themselves as the 2nd coming of jesus unlike those mierdas Sinaloas with their self righteous bull sh*t que no extorcionan y que no roban. puras mamadas los chaputos a mi me pelan la VRGA

    1. Ya wey no tomes las narco noticias tan serio ,vive tu vida allá tranquilo en los yunaites.

    2. 5:16 vastar cabrión pa' que te la hallen, panochudo.


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