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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Chemistry Student in Tijuana Killed For Reportedly Refusing to Work for the Cartel

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Juan Manuel Delgado Cardenas was killed when he was with his 12-year-old brother on Friday. Last Friday was Children's Day in Mexico.

A student from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) in Tijuana who was about to graduate with a chemistry degree this month was killed for reportedly refusing to work for the cartel.

The student, Juan Manuel Delgado Cardenas (aged 24), was killed on Friday afternoon inside his home. Gunmen broke into his house with the intent to kill him, investigators say. Juan Manuel was playing video games with his 12-year-old brother when he was shot dead. Several other family members were wounded.

So far, investigators say that the killing was carried out by a local cartel because Juan Manuel refused to work for them. They believe that cartel members wanted Juan Manuel to work at one of their clandestine drug labs to create synthetic drugs.

The Baja California Attorney General's Office is actively investigating the murder. No one has been arrested thus far.

In a city where violence is a daily occurrence, Juan Manuel's murder stood out due to its unusual circumstances surrounding the crime.

The rector of the UABC, Daniel Octavio Valdez Delgadillo, condemned the attack and lamented the incident.

"The university's community sends its condolences to the family and friends for the tragic death of Juan Manuel", he said in a press release.

Juan Manuel's friends remember him for his short tint as a professional boxer in Tijuana and for his athleticism. He was also a coach and tried children and teenagers at a local boxing gym before he was killed.

"He was killed just before he graduated. Juan Manuel had a lot of friends and goals to fulfill. He was very dedicated and passionate", a friend said.

Sources: MilenioEl Debate; El Imparcial; La Silla Rota; ADN40


  1. Plata o plomo killed for not joining a Cartel. I guess no choice either with government, which of course major cartel bribe them to control areas.

    1. Such a shame to fall victim of such practices. The continuous struggle to overcome poverty and better oneself has been threatening Mexico for decades now.
      These criminal elements who are deemed High and Almighty by its ignorant subjects are the problem.
      Poor citizens

    2. Most likely Cártel Tijuana Nueva Generación or Cártel de Sinaloa

    3. Had he taken the plata he would have been damned, now he didn't and was also damned.

      Had he not studied and become useful to the cartels he would hab been damned, now he studied and was equally damned.

      I wonder if his surviving friends and family wishes that he had taken the plata.

    4. Wow smart guy,that’s the only cartels in that area

    5. @8:37 - threatening Mexico b/c of Mexico’s cheap labor unprotected by Mexican government b/c of US and European lobbying politicians, US guns going south (yeah the gun stores along the border are just a coincidence..simply idiotic to think otherwise), and of course our sensational demand that funds 70-90% of the drug war.
      DEA agent

    6. Yeah its the fault of the US he was killed,what a fuckin pleb you are ?
      Nothinggggg to do with Mexico ?

  2. Newspapers won't mention the name of the local cartel? That Cartel needs to be exterminated on the spot, how would they like it, if an autodefensa went and killed some cartel members when they slept at night and get the same treatment??? Tijuana is just across the border and imagine homicides occurring everyday, I keep telling Sol P. Not to travel to Tijuana.

    1. No mention of the cartel yet. I will keep an eye because I have a feeling Zeta Tijuana may write an in-depth report on this unusual case.

    2. 7:47 with all hell breaking loose in Mexico, people should rise up and kill cartel members sleeping in thier safe houses, just like they can walk in and kill in cold blood, one can get revenge and wipe out criminals.

    3. "Haz patria, mata un Narco"

    4. As long as the majority look the other way and cheer and hero worship people like chapo,mencho,mayo,chino blah blah mexico will never change,blame every nation on the planet but the people of a country make the country,is this lies?

  3. Under reported, yes. unusual, no.

    1. Murders are not unusual. But cases or stories like these yeah... name me another student he’s been killed for this motive. That’s why this murder got so much attention

    2. Your wrong. Innocent people get killed and go missing all the time and no one says nothing because they are missing

    3. @11:44
      Are you a novice in following Mexico news? How the frank is someone going to name another student with similar circumstances when every reporter and newspaper is scared to tell the truth? My friend was killed in Mazatlan over 15 years ago, leaving a special needs child and wife widowed - just for reporting facts with El Debate.

  4. Sad. Young men who study and work hard are the promising future of Mexico. Or in this case, “were”.

  5. No shid sherlock says: they needed him to be a synthetic drug cook did they? ...doubt persists watson... how about they needed him for his assumed ease of ability to order legally watched chemicals with college lab credentials?

    Seems more likely he may have agreed to do this before but maybe refused only after the demands on him became more than he either felt confortable doing safely or maybe reneged on a previous deal or couldn't deliver? Either way it's ruthless and sad tragedy this's in the details I'm afraid and this story of cartels needing 2nd year college students to cook meth just doesn't pan out...

  6. Para que vean todos que los putos narcos no sirven para pura verga!
    No tienen ni madres de educacion y menos desceo de mejorarse y no dejan que las demas personas hagan por su propio bien.
    Y no salgan que este cartel o este otro no hacen esto.
    Simplemente a la gente no involucrada en sus estupidos negocios nunca les van a decir la verdad de estos cuentos y los que saben nunca van a hablar por razones obvias.

  7. People who knew him claim this story is fake, specially people in the UABC facebook groups. Anyway, rest in peace and may the crooks who did this pay dearly.

    From one FCQI to another.

    1. i would like to see proof that these people knew him...propaganda always

  8. Note to self- forget the STEM degrees-go for underwater basket weaving.

  9. Hate to say this, but people in the know have been saying that he was already working for the one, and resisted going to the other one. Parents have stayed quiet on this for a few reasons.


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