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Monday, May 24, 2021

CJNG Leaves Narcomanta Threatening the Commanders of El Hongo Prison

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

On May 22 2021, a banner threatening two of El Hongo prison wardens appeared on a bridge in Mexicali, Baja California.

On a pedestrian bridge which crosses the Mexicali-Tijuana highway at kilometer 3.5, a threatening narcomanta (narcobanner) was hung with a message warning the prison wardens of El Hongo, Tecate. It was reported to 911 emergency services line that several men were witnessed hanging the banner at around 9:10 pm near Colonia Zaragoza, Mexicali.

Municipal police officers were the first to arrive at the reported location. They removed the banner from the bridge. The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) took custody of the banner and filed it as evidence. 

The narcomanta read as follows: 

Commanders Hongo 1, Hongo 3 "Charly” Murillo Quintero,

Last warning. Stop being a bully with the prisoners. 

We already know where 18's - 29's are located. 


“El Hongo” is a common way of referring to El Hongo area Social Reinsertion Center (CERESO). The prison is located in northern Baja California, between the cities of Tecate and Mexicali, near Federal Highway 2 and Federal Highway 20, relatively close to the US-Mexico border. Commander Hongo 1 and Commander Hongo 3 likely refer to the director of El Hongo Complex I and director of El Hongo Complex III. 

A threatening message against officials at El Hongo prison was left on this same bridge just a few months earlier.

On January 21, 2021, a narcomanta was left which read:

David Flores Valenzuela Dirt. 

I ask you to respect the inmates of El Hongo, otherwise your blood will not be respected. 

El Hongo Prison. A Brief History.

As of 2014, 14 out of every 100 inmates in Mexico serving time for charges related to organized crime would be serving that time imprisoned in the state of Baja California, according to data from National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). Baja California has four prisons: El Hongo, Tijuana, Ensenada, and Mexicali. 

In 2002, El Hongo prison was opened in the town of El Hongo, which is near Tecate. El Hongo gets attention for two main reasons: one, the dangerous prisoners it houses; and two, the dangerous conditions inmates and guards alike endure. 

The Food 

By 2006, La Cosmopolitana, a meal service company, established a virtual monopoly over food service contracts granted for Mexican prisons, including El Hongo. In December 2019, the FGE launched an inquiry into an alleged 20 million peso bribe meant to hinder food service companies other than La Cosmopolitana from gaining government contracts.

In November 2019, Baja California Governor Jaime Bonilla Valdez decided to break La Cosmopolitana’s monopoly over Baja prison food services. Bonilla gave the prisons of Tijuana and Ensenada to rival food service company Alimentos con Ideas, while La Cosmopolitana retained contracts for El Hongo and Mexicali as part of his larger Anti-Corruption campaign.

However this progress was not to last. In April 2020, the Attorney General’s inquiry was frozen due to “insufficient evidence”. That same month, Governor Jaime Bonilla decided to revise his decision and directly award all the Baja Prison contracts to La Cosmopolitana. The food was allegedly no longer being unfairly overpriced. State penitentiary commissioner, Salvador Morales, said there was no longer any overpricing, because the food dishes that cost 70 pesos had been lowered to 55 pesos.

In February 2021, the administration of Jaime Bonilla proposed in Congress a multi-year food service contract that favors La Cosmopolitana for the next six years in which the company guarantees a contract for 2 billion pesos. It was approved by majority and the contract was officially awarded in March 2021. 

The Prisoner Conditions 

In July 2019, relatives of El Hongo inmates protested outside the municipal palace of Tecate. They complained that prisoners in El Hongo endured abuse, poor food quality, and insufficient medical attention so severe that it amounted to human rights violations. 

In March 2020, parts of the El Hongo prison population went on a mass hunger strike in protest of their poor living conditions. Local media reports that one prisoner died of starvation during the hunger strike. In May 2020, it was announced that there was an outbreak of COVID-19 inside El Hongo which infected some 300 prisoners.  

The most recent El Hongo controversy involved 44 inmates falling ill with food poisoning from food presumably prepared by La Cosmopolitana on January 21, 2021. This led the state’s Human Rights Commission to launch an investigation into conditions within the Baja California penitentiary system. 

Sources May 22 Narcomanta: El Imparcial, ZETA TijuanaValor Por Tamaulipas 

Sources El Hongo History: Jornada BC, La Voz de la Frontera, Periodismo Negro, Infobae, Zeta Tijuana Article 1, Zeta Tijuana Article 2


  1. Back in April someone was using a drone to fly contraband in.

  2. Ah lo mas pronto... se compone aqui. No nomas un negosio es. Quantos sesos se han doblado entre las rejas. El compadre mi Joto ni sabe la altitude deonde los lleba. Ah que no dejar nadian atras. El dia nuevo es para todos. El Azteca y El Weso meh salvaron la vida entre la prision. Y Jesus meh lo gana ayi tambien. To the people I am a part of and nothing more.

  3. Like I said, Jaliscas get abused in all prisons. The more they cry the more you know how weak they are.

    1. El boto and his viagras are the best at that tho

    2. Nope have you seen the latest video of CJNG? lol they make videos crying on the daily so stfu

  4. that food looks better than what I had in a US federal prison a few years back... that shit was full of sodium and ex convicts generally have heart / health issues in general after a few years of eating that crap.

    1. Depends on the prison but yeah. Also when the company changes the food providers. But those contracts are years long so you’ll be lucky (or unlucky), you’ll never know.

    2. Photos for propaganda always look good, but the crap they usually serve is classified.
      55 peisos for a meal is over 2 dollars a day, 70 peisos is too much, even on the US, there are all kinds of kickbacks, and the need for fresh chonchon is always thete looking for pendejos to ensnare on the street.
      Private Prisons on the US is a corrupt business, and mexican private prisons are not any better, built by the government with public funds or on the credit card, they are given to enterprising ass kissers by politicians for kickbacks loaded with billions of peisos for dozens of years, then the private prison operators own the prison, nice sekf dealing.
      Minimum wage is still about 3 dollars a day "to stimulate the economy" but most all it does is stimulate crime recruiting.
      Prisoners can cook their own bean soup or maruchan in their own prison kitchens, run their own prisons with guard help and supervision, they only need the hardened troublemaking criminals get segregated by popular acclaim and a hope of a better life after their sentence is over, not a hope of a contract to be a drug dealer again, shit can be helped by making sure private prison entrepreneurs are put behind bars where they belong...

  5. Damn I just drove past El Hongo yesterday. Saw it from a distance. Crazy.

  6. I remember what a good time I spent while at San Diego Central Jail in the 1990. The food was great from pizza pockets to funky Chinese stir fry. Yes the bologna was green at times and the cookies were always wet due to refrigeration. Fry chicken on Thursday was to kill for. SDSO

    1. What were you in for homie?

    2. He just told you, murder over the fried chicken !

    3. 1:35 lol he got 5 years for killing a chicken.

  7. CJNG is active on the borders with Jalisco and Colima and in the areas in Michoacan that they are present in they are making a massive push into Chinicuila, attacking the Chocomiles de Tepeke, securing El Terrero, Pena Colorada, La Nopalera in Aguillila, looking for Chirrios in Aguillila, El Maguey and another commander they sent are fighting in Buenavista. As of now the situation in Coahuayana is unkown their is a Semar base there that protects El Tetos and El Toro. Los Pulido are still going at it with Tena in Huahuas and near that area. Situation in Los Reyes is not known but I expect Cotija to hit them there so they can't send support to El Abuelo and Los Viagras.

    1. @12:19 I expect CJNG to get destroyed by the Gov and then align the Viagras in place or whack them as well.

    2. 12:19 I just came back from manzanillo, colima (family vacation) and at a bar they had on MZ by los Tucanes. I asked the waitress what’s up what that Corrido and she said lots of people from Sinaloa there. No BS I can show my airline ticket

    3. 11:05 AM No one gives a shit about a corrido it is just music only limp dick kids worry about stuff like that. You were at a bar who's goal is to generate money weather they pay extrication money might give them the right to play whatever music they want. It isn't like CJNG members are going to be sitting at a random bar worrying about what music is playing. They are wiggling trying to make money.

      9:21 AM It seems things are changing in Aguillila and those areas the Carteles Unidos don't get as much support from the Guardia National, Sedena, State Police like they use to. The Tepekes ended up making a canyon on the road just outside Pinolapa Michoacan. They also have a large network of CCTV cameras all around the towns they control. They sent them to the media crying that CJNG is attacking them.

      The Tepeks are just sitting there waiting till CJNG kills Chirrius Reuveltas and his family secures the whole of Aguilllila Municipality, Chinicilla and hits La Ruana and La Bocanda start hitting Los Reyes. Then eventaully start to hit tepeke with a real focus. The Viagras are deeply afraid of El M2 he was 10 km for where Los Viagras/ Blancos de Troya are at and they didn't once show up to ruin his night.

    4. @3:39 Stfu bro, CJNG dying out.

    5. 5:52 they are only growing as we speak the ones diying are the cdsnitches nobody wants to get involved with them cause later they'll snitch you out! The only ones joining are other snitches cause they know they can get away with it

  8. Sheeeeiiiiiittttttt in henderson Nevada ,,,, henderson detention center,,you get hamburgers, chicken fried steak, chicken ALA king ,steak,,and your food always warm,,,I couldn't believe it,,,it was like eating at a fast food place,,,won't go back tho behaving and working,,,, saludos a todos especialmente BB

    1. Too bad you did not mention why you were there in the first place

    2. Saludos a ti también, friend.

    3. Smart money says he plead nolo contendere to being a chicken fucker

    4. Mmm… Monsanto GMO’s *drools*

  9. 100% confirmed the families have already crossed into Calexico. Trust me


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