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Saturday, May 22, 2021

CJNG Leaves Two Beheaded Bodies In Zacatecas City

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

The beheaded and dismembered body of a man and woman were left alongside a narcomanta signed by the CJNG in Zacatecas City, Zacatecas on May 21, 2021.

At around 12:30 am several different citizens alerted the emergency services line of suspicious looking packages that were placed near a creek, at the entrance to the CTM neighborhood in Zacatecas city.

Public Security officers arrived at the scene located near the Tránsito Pesado highway and local store La Viña CTM. They discovered the reported suspicious packages containing the remains of two people. They cordoned off the area and both investigators and experts from the Zacatecan Institute of Forensic Sciences were called to the scene.   When the forensic experts and investigators arrived, they found the bodies of one male and one female had been dismembered and placed inside various plastic bags.

The two heads however were placed prominently on the ground in front of the bags. Slung over the bags was a white fabric banner with a threatening message. The banner was held in place by bricks presumably to prevent the wind from blowing it away.

The banner cannot be read in full but some of the message reads “Chapulines” which refers to members who leave to another cartel.  Part of the message also reads “To those who continue to believe the stories that all of Zacatecas has no owner”. 

Warning: Graphic image at the bottom.

Sources: Zacatecas Online, NTR Zacatecas, Express Zacatecas, Noticiero el Circo

Photo credit: @AccesoZac , Zacatecas Online


  1. Jaliscos finding out sinaloa pays better and jumping sides

  2. worse than zetas..killing innocent women.

  3. Lol CJNG always killing females to send messages.
    Why not go for CDS operatives?

    1. Because in the city cjng can hide like rats and pick up addicts while in the outskirts and sierra they get smashed in balaceras by cds

    2. That's all they know how to do cut heads, I am tired of that, that it gets boring.


  5. Cds no vale verga. Cjng no vale verga.

    1. Finally some1 who disses both

    2. Right now there both bad for business


  7. Nomas en la ciudad historica y calmada las menchas y golfas andan bravos asiendo cagadas porque en jerez y fresnillos los dejan encobijados a esos lacras.

  8. What? I thought cds had killed all cjng? Now a days a girl will pull the trigger just like a dude! Equality rights right here!!

    1. @8:56 Pathetic comment, no one has ever said CDS killed all CJNG phony. It's the CJNG fangirls like you that think they are superheroes and live in denial of the facts that CJNG can't achieve anything of importance.

  9. Well known fact that CJNG is in Zacatecas the Capital. Snitchaloas I thought CDS was advancing? They are still stuck in Jerez, Fresnillo bumping culos with the CDN having to fight the Golfos and indis that are holding ground while CJNG makes there way into Fresnillo. You are also losing Aguascalinetes. El Pilo in Teocaltiche ran to Aguilacalientes and didn't stop till he hit Queretaro along with the pig farmers of Cartles Unidos the Children de ese senoron Don Chuy Mendez Varagas and what was left in Leon all of them are huddled up in Queretaro. Los Marros are slowly losing their last strong hold Celaya.

    1. "Well known fact that CJNG is in Zacatecas the Capital."

      That's pretty far south into the state. If CJNG can't even their street corner dealers, like these people obviously were, it doesn't look good for them as far as their control of the city. Celaya won't ever be won, the locals hate CJNG too much, but CJNG will keep sending their forced kidnapping victims and drug addicts to do dumb shit in that city. Celaya just turned in a street gang war.

    2. 3:19 AM forced kidnapping victims make me laugh some more. We both know that is a load of dog shit. That isnt the only front we both know CJNG is pushing into Jerez they are very close. CDS/CDN tried pushing south and ended uo getting sent back. CJNG is pushing north piece by piece.

    3. 3:06 PM

      Quit the lies you Jalisca spokesman.

      And that was back in 2016, Jaliscas are still forced to trick with false jobs and or outright kidnap people to supply people for their "Elite" forces. The military just recently caught more of these forced recruits in Lagos de Moreno, which was also mentioned in that insight article. No matter how much you want to spin it, that makes Jalisca look pathetic and sad. Ooohhh riiiight, wait till the elections! The political protection that Mencho had when Cuini was around is gone and it's not coming back, you Jaliscas need to get that through your retard brains. And it was the Jaliscas got pushed back. If Jalicas have to behead poquiteros to keep them line that says who lose their grip is in even Zacatecas city.

    4. 10:46 PM I am going to force someone to fight for me and hand them a gun yeah right. One thing is forcing people to work in your house as a slave work the illicit fields filled with drugs and another is handing someone a gun to fight for me.

      We both know the media has an agenda on CJNG whatever hipolito Mora, tepekes and Los Reyes send them they will run with it as true. The media favors one cartel and is going against another. The protection Cuini and CJNG enjoyed went out the window once he was imprisoned. Once EPN left office that was over. AMLO isn't the one sending sedena, GN, State police ect after CJNG that is the governors of each state. That is Garcia Huarfuich. Your family is going to die Revueltas we both know it how did it go for them yesterday and today?

  10. Chingen su madre todos los que se cren groupies de estas mierdas de carteles. Arriva mi Michoacan.

  11. CDN is helping Sinaloa, and CDG helping CJNG correct ? Could there be a chance the Sinaloa cartel is helping the CDN push into La frontera chica ? I feel like the Sinaloa cartel already has a handful in Sonora, Zac, and Baja California... what do you think Hearst?

    1. @12:54 CDS probably just sends them top quality drugs at good prices.

    2. 9:19 Quality always dictates the price. Ain't no freebies but the nalgas of the "vuidas" of the sicarios de carne de cañón

    3. @11:24 I mean CJNG has more arrests related to kidnappers than real narcos.

      CDS operatives are actually the real narcos of Mexico, like it or not.

    4. @10:09 you read the articles here with the meth seizures in El Paso and McAllen? Quit being a cheerleader

    5. @10:52 Not a cheerleader unlike you bud, I live in Mexico and know what I'm talking about. The real narcos in CJNG are the Cuinis. Fuck Mencho.

  12. How does jumping sides even work? I feel like trust is so important in this trade and chapulines would be considered bad hires. But most of the times it’s fairly easy. Those that get killed are killed by their old gang. The new one generally seems to be okay. Why and How?

    1. @12:56 Because hitmen are the lowest ranks and they just align with another bunch of low ranks under a contra comandante or jefe de plaza.

      Even Jefes de Plaza can switch easily. These are NOT street gangs, the best way to compare a cartel is to an enterprise, these are enterprises of crime and anyone can employ anyone. But of course, those who jump shit can expect consequences if found by the old crew or bad things against their families.

      People will side to whoever works better or pays better or sometimes to not get executed when a group became superior at an area.

    2. 12:56 I agree, just look at TIJUANA, that place is full of CHAPULINES and they are always getting KILLED. They make themselves known to other CARTELS and then jump to onother, that created too much enemies..

    3. 922a Thank you for clarification. -h


  14. this really happening ?


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