Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 10, 2021

'El 300 de Parral' Is Chihuahua's Most-Wanted Drug Kingpin

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Authorities confirmed on Sunday that Antonio Leonel Camacho Mendoza, alias "El 300 de Parral" and/or "Bin Laden", is Chihuahua's most-wanted drug kingpin.

This was announcement was made after investigators confirmed that his Sinaloa Cartel faction, Los Salgueiro, was responsible for the recent murder of Chihuahua State Police commander Luis Raúl Tarango Ávila. Mexican authorities want the help of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to help them find Camacho-Mendoza.

According to intelligence information from state officials, Camacho-Mendoza is a high-ranking Sinaloa Cartel member and is based in the municipalities of Parral, Jiménez and Chihuahua. He holds both US and Mexican citizenship and grew up in the state of Sinaloa, where authorities believe he is hiding after fleeing Chihuahua following Tarango's death.

Together with his brother Édgar, nicknamed "El Dorado", they coordinated drug trafficking activities to the US from Mexico under the tutelage of Noel Salgueiro Nevárez, alias "El Flaco", who was extradited to the US in 2019.

His cell, Los Salgueiro, is part of the Sinaloa Cartel's faction Gente Nueva in southern Chihuahua and is responsible for drug trafficking, illegal logging, car hijackings, murders, and fuel theft (huachicol).

Like in other parts of Mexico, the Sinaloa Cartel is suffering internal strife in several municipalities in the region. Camacho-Mendoza is competing against the Gente Nueva faction based in Jimenez, Camargo, and Delicias Municipalities, headed by Juan Carlos Pérez Rodríguez, alias "El Placas". In Villa de Zaragoza Municipality, he was against the faction headed by Rogelio Adán Vega Rodríguez, alias "El Rojo", murdered last month.

Other murders reportedly ordered by Camacho-Mendoza:

  •  May 2018: Kidnapping and murder of four nurses from Parral Municipality: Oswaldo Galván Rodríguez, Sigrid Casandra Díaz Huerta, Mayra Guadalupe Mendoza Adame, and Merari Muñoz Lozano
  • September 2018: Murder of former Employers' Confederation of Mexico (Coparmex) president Uriel Ulberto Loya Deister
  • October 2019: Gustavo Valerio López, resident of Parral, was murdered after uploading compromising information on social media.
  • May 2021: Ambush and murder of state police commander Luis Raul Tarango Avila. Investigators believe the motive may be driven by revenge due to several Sinaloa Cartel arrests and drug seizures. 

As reported by Borderland Beat, Camacho-Mendoza was arrested in November 2010 in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, along with his brother Edgar. However, his brother was the one who got more media attention since his name made the headlines and was cited as a leader of the Sinaloa Cartel faction Gente Nueva.

Unlike Edgar, who was sent to Mexico City on organized crime charges, Camacho-Mendoza was kept in Chihuahua on state-level charges. Both were later released.

Sources: Diario de Juarez (1); (2); (3); (4)Border Reporter; Diario de Chihuahua

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  1. 300s men are always getting killed in chihuahua. Its embarrassing.


    But but, only CJNG charges couta: cds cheerleaders.

  3. This can't be!
    Sinaloa people are all saints and would not hurt innocent people nuthuggers claim.
    The newspapers and authorities must be wrong to please nutthuggers.

  4. Jimenez es la linea para alla no entran no viste El video donde le mocharon la cabeza a Las sinaloas por querer meterse

  5. Whos going to be the first to flip. Sinaloas are finished in chihuahua

    1. Been hearing this since 2010 lol

    2. CDS been trying to take Juarez for 13 years still haven’t taken anything

    3. 516 is right. Sinaloa has been getting pushed out. Now all they have is Parral. Cuz Sinaloans get their head chopped off in Jimenez and beyond.

    4. CDJ is from sinaloa si no sabias pues ya sabes. Los patrones son sinaloenses. Chihuahua esta lleno de CDS desde la Sierra asta juarez. Casi todo durango jala por juarez y durango es CDS. Muchos linieros jalan con CDS o mueven merca de CDS. Los topones son por control de venta al menudeo. Por que nimodo que anden peleando siembras de Mota. Nomas los cheerleaders que no saben que pedo hablan a lo pendejo. Juarez esta lleno de CDS cells that work sin aser muchas Olas. Los unicos que pelean son Los de narcomenudeo. Chihuahua city is split in half Linea was there area CDS have there's. Same in juarez

    5. 3:08
      And then you woke

    6. 9:58 oh no your feelings get hurt ?

  6. I thought cdsnitches didnt mess with civilians! 4 nurses really?
    Ahora si comenten gilbertonas!! Lloronas

  7. Well, hopefully just like Bin Laden, he goes out the same way with a double tap the the skull cap.

  8. Cds are no better than Z, only difference is, media is on payroll so every dirty deed is hidden.

    1. According to you right? In reality there's always a psycho leader that fucks things up, these are all psychos but in the end, who has less cases of this type of shit? That's your answer.

    2. Look what happened to javier valdez @5:05
      You cant report bad news about CDS.

  9. Gente nueva in delicias saucillo area love hijacking pecan loads by the ton

    1. Dude ... you’ve been sayin that for years... I’m from delicias and yes this happened back in 2017 and the individuals involved have been caught or are dead by now ... and no it was not all of Gente Nueva doing this ... no different than linieros in Juarez extorting beauty parlors in 2011 .. it wasn’t la Linea as a whole just a few members ... so shut your pie hole already

    2. This literally the first time i said this smh and what part you from?? My cousins in saucillo say this still happens all the time you shut ur pie hole

    3. @billy jean Actually linia got a hold of delicias camargo saucillo meoqui etc...

    4. Since when?? Delicias has been cds bastion for a while now. Last i heard a fam. Gandaria had Saucillo on lock for Gn

    5. That family started having problems with gn

  10. Ben laden is a great name for this low key gangster

  11. who would he be called Bin Laden? cus he's crazy or maybe he just thought it was cool?

  12. He looks exactly like the chemistry student that was killed!

  13. Ranchos in southern Chiwas and northern Durango were so full of life and parties with bands every weekend. But that was in the early 2000's when I was a boy and the old Cartel De Juaréz was around, things are not the same in those areas.

    1. viejos tiempos. I'm from Villa Ahumada, Chihuahua, lived there till 2010 or so. Then we left to El Paso. luckily my family was fortunate enough to buy a house there. i'm lucky, that's all. An uncle and 2 cousins went missing. My ex-girlfiend and a few school friends too. the issue was when El Chuyin moved to the Juarez plaza. CDS moved in on Villa Ahumada, since it was the most strategic corridor south of Juarez. villa ahumada is a small time but it has a lot of rich business owners and cattle ranchers. we also grew up seeing these narcos as normal. "es pedo de ellos y el gobierno, ellos se arreglan", my dad used to say. but the drug war came and took many lives with it.

    2. 7:23 pm 20 years ago that area had a big part in weed growing and weed smuggling. All the big names in that area were all weed growers and they were all making money. From the simple day worker to the owner of the local food stores to da owner of the ferreteria. Everybody was getting money from da weed game. The money was flowing all over the area. Santa Maria del oro, guanasevi, santiago, topia, los barrancos, parral. It was a billion dollar business and everybody got a piece directly or indirectly. Sadly the us took over the weed game and all that money stop flowing. I can remember seeing a lot off cholos from all over chihuahua, Torreon gomez palacio area would come down to work da safra. Each would go back home with money in there pockets to go and spend a good chrismas back home. Weed game feed a lot off people. Sad to see the Double morality of the US government. Now there growing it up there now it's not illegal.

    3. Todo porque el patas cortas no quería pagar plaza y se sentía Todopoderoso con la ayuda del gobierno. Que no el Tigre era el bueno en VA cuando lo torcieron?

    4. My family is from a rancho in Durango and all over Chihuahua. Our stories are very similar and I'm sorry for your losses. Pancho Villa's hacienda Canutilla is by the Chiwas/DGO border and you know about Parral. I think his legend added to the normal we seen growing up because of the outlaw culture the area has. Viejos tiempos, yes those were very fun times growing up.


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