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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

'El Nicky', Cartel Assassin from San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

At 1:00 pm on May 10, 2021, authorities were alerted via a 911 call to the presence of an armed man and the sound of gunshots in the Residencias neighborhood of San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora.

Over the course of that day there had already been three “armed criminal operations” which had already left 2 dead in San Luis Río Colorado (SLRC). The description of the vehicle relayed to authorities was a 2006 black Jeep Cherokee SUV with Oregon, USA license plates.

According to newspaper Tribuna San Luis, Municipal Police with the support of the Mexican Army (SEDENA) surrounded a building on Hidalgo Avenue and 20th Street where a vehicle matching this description had been spotted. They set up a perimeter around the area and insisted those inside turn themselves in. After a few hours, authorities were able to arrest a 30 year old man identified as Ramón “N”.

Authorities executed a search of his vehicle. Inside the vehicle, they found three long barrel guns and a high-powered short barrel gun along with ballistic and tactical vests bearing the insignia CJNG [for Jalisco New Generation Cartel in Spanish]. Some of the firearms found within the vehicle qualified as weapons for exclusive use of armed forces, so the man was able to be detained.

After he was detained, authorities were able to determine the man was Ramón Rosales González alias El Nicky, an alleged CJNG cartel member. El Nicky had an arrest warrant out for him in Mexicali, Baja California for attempted aggravated homicide. In addition, he was currently being investigated in relation to other Mexicali homicides, chief among them is a double homicide of two municipal officers.

The aforementioned double homicide of two municipal officers was also thought to involve two of El Nicky’s former associates, José Eduardo Pérez Jiménez alias El Charal and Jorge Humberto Maya Siqueiros alias El Vampiro.

Jorge Humberto Maya Siqueiros alias El Vampiro was recently killed in Mexicali on April 23, 2021 as previously covered on Borderland Beat after he was shot by rivals on a bridge that connects Mexicali and San Luis Río Colorado. El Vampiro managed to survive this attack but the ambulance transferring him to General Hospital of Mexicali the next day was shot up by two vehicles targeting El Vampiro. 

Meanwhile José Eduardo Pérez Jiménez alias El Charal was a hitman working in Vicente Martínez González alias El Guilo’s group in Mexicali. El Charal was killed December 15, 2019 by municipal police from SLRC.

The vehicle El Nicky was apprehended with a 2006 black Jeep Cherokee SUV with Oregon, USA license plates.

A G3 style rifle, two Colt AR15 style firearms and a FN 509 semi-automatic pistol.

Sources: Tribuna de San Luis, ZETA Tijuana, Letra Roja, Municipal Police SLRC official statement


  1. I posted a link to this story about a week ago, pages from Sonora reported el nicki's gf being "picked up" by los Salazar interrogated and murdered.
    It flew over everyones head.

    - Comandante c.o.d

    1. yeah ok Comandante Clueless Oblivious Dumb

  2. The most dangerous gangsters are the ones who have military training

    1. The guy on the right has a tattoo of the “support the troops” ribbon on his chest

    2. The most dangerous are the ones with the most money which nullifies training.

    3. 2:15 you can have a lot of money but this not save your ass from the bullets

    4. 7:10
      It does save your ass from bullets.

    5. 10:05 tell it to the thousands mob bosses who killed when they have Billions

    6. 10:05 you've seen a lot of movies! money is good, but when there are no people and weapons behind you, it will be easy to get you and send you to the next world!

    7. @12:35 most dangerous of all are those providing for the military training

    8. "Thousands" of "mob bosses"? Foqueros don't count.

  3. The real criminals are the ones who always move in silence

  4. His front hair bangs looks like maruchan cup noodles , what's up if that?

    1. You check out all guys like this or just this dude?

    2. Con esos ricitos de oro me hace pensar que le gusta por el mofle

    3. El mofle prestas.

    4. Hey Sol botella o tapon 😂

    5. That is honestly, a funny and brilliant observation. Who thinks this stuff? Thx

    6. Guera guero paisa.

    7. @4:55 Mándame tu jefita alias la golosa cuando quieras wey. Así pronto te quitamos la duda.

    8. Sol aprende el albur Mexicano

    9. Pos si no le gustaba ora va a vivir de eso en el bote por andar ahi de caliente.
      Ya pa orita ha de tener varias millas en el mofle.

    10. 9:21 guey ni tu saves alburear

    11. 2:00 debolonia saltas por tu mayate!

  5. Cjng Helping Rafa Caro Quintero and Also Ncdj thru the Bournes Brothers

    1. Who would have thought CJNG would have done this much damage. Definitely going way farther then the Zetas ever could and almost surpassed CDS.

    2. @3:35 they traffic drugs to more countries then the zetas ever did.

  6. Ramen curly maruchan noodle hair in front bangs ��

  7. There's video of sicarios lighting up rafa caros Ranchos in caborca

  8. He's wearing a pretty expensive Burberry shirt

    1. It's probably fake and if it was real $600 is not expensive.

    2. Aunque la mona se vista de seda mona se queda!

    3. @5:04 you must be a "millionaire" to say $600 is not expensive for a shirt but yet probably still live with your parents. No mames buey

    4. Eso que @645
      Pinche doña pozoles

    5. $600.00 peisos for fayuca piratiada is not expensive.
      If it was dollars then a fool and his money just got parted out.

    6. 1:09 aunque ese tacuache use ropa que valga $10,000 dolares no se le quita la cara de tacuache! Como se ve que no tienes barrio pinche doña peloz! Jajajaja

    7. $600 MXN pesos is cost prohibitive for a CJNG sicario. If the fashionista above knows what he’s talking about the shirt was either boosted or more likely a fake like most “name brands” seen on the street in Mexico.

    8. I’m sure he means American dollars, nevertheless there’s a very high probability that it’s fake.

  9. Who's his hairstylist lol

    Canadian girl. 💋

    1. 2:01pm is the Troll and not Canadian girl. Sorry BB to waste your time with deleting the Troll's comments.

      Canadian girl💋

    2. Unbelievable the trolls are at it again.

      ~ Canadian Girl. 💋

    3. This is unacceptable BB

      Canadian girl

    4. 1:08 part of the fun,
      But trolling should be more fun than it is, geniuses needed!!!
      Study hard, see:
      devin nunes cow, cartoons, memes and case law, bill barr's DOJ tried illegally to find the anonymous trollers, have fun

    5. It's Canadian girl talking to herself lol.

      Side note:
      What ever happened to the other Canadian "Canadiana"?

  10. Dirty, filthy, stinky looking scumbags. living in the woods or sleeping in cars. Worthless pieces of shit.

    1. 2:53 Jeffie Epstein received Bill Gates in his 77 million dollar mansion, they and their rich billionaire friends and extortion victims must have looked very clean, even while sticking it to each other.

  11. El Charal and El Vampiro were Los Salazar. Not former associates of El Nicky who is CJNG.

    1. HEARST brought that point up too. Maybe they flipped cartels or Nicky did? From the cited source from Zeta Tijuana it says they were former allies.

      “ Este crimen de los uniformados, se les atribuyó también a dos ex socios delictivos de Rosales identificados como Eduardo Pérez “El Charal” y Humberto Maya “El Vampiro”, ambos ya muertos”

      If anyone knows please let us know!

  12. CJNG and Ruso/Caro Quintero being aligned is starting to make more sense now. CJNG in SLRC only means they are getting the support from RCQ or Ruso. Looks like it’s going to be a bloody year in Mexico with all these alliances going on. There was a recent banner in Acapulco too claiming that the governor was supporting Los Russo and it was signed by los Rojos. Los Rojos are against Guerrero’s Unidos/CJNG in Guerrero . Pray for Mexico

    1. Always remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. La Nueva is really a new alliance of people who don't want to be betrayed by the traicioneros. I'm willing to bet "EO" is also with them, the actions taken demonstrate that..

    2. @10:16 The only traicioneros are los torcidos, wake the fuck up.

    3. Remember friends today and enemy tonorrow. Enemy today and friends tomorrow. Thats why Mexico is one fck up country. Millions more people will die of no interference from its government.

    4. @8:57 so who did the "torcidos" betray according to you? I check for your answer
      MABL correctly named CDS "El Cartel de las Traciónes" and look at them testifying against each other in US courtrooms. Jajajajaja

  13. My family hates this guy. He raped my cousin that lives in SLRC and got away with it. The police dint do anything.

    1. Filth. I am so sorry. Is that pretty typical of ‘sicarios’? Or Does one group tend to use rape more than others?

    2. @9:00 It's not a coincidence that rapist weirdos like the one from the pic end up joining the CJNG alliance.

    3. No que le gusta por el mofle y la chingada per comments above?

    4. Tambien le gusta por el chimuelo como al "helio" lol!

    5. 8:58 what? The biggest chomos are cds even in their old songs mayo and chapo proudly say they like 15 yrs old virgins

    6. @2:09 Chapo and Mayo are not the whole CDS families at all, that's what you idiots don't understand. There's many low key traffickers that date from the 70s and won't be haciendo payasadas out there. Stop acting like you know shit "chomo", that word is pocho as heck.

      You really have no idea on shit.

    7. @2:09 Chapo and Mayo are not the whole CDS families at all, that's what you idiots don't understand. There's many low key traffickers that date from the 70s and won't be haciendo payasadas out there. Stop acting like you know shit "chomo", that word is pocho as heck.

      You really have no idea on shit.

    8. 9:49 wow abriste la caja de pandora que nadie savia! "Cds son son muchas familias" wow!!! Nadie savia eso!
      Para que sepas imbecil eso es lo que es un "CARTEL" muchos asociados caminado juntos a una misma direccion que les combiene a todos!
      O tu tambien piensas que mencho es el todo el cartel de CJNG? El que no tiene idea eres tu gey que piensas que nomas los de cds tiene muchas familias involucradas! En jalisco, michoacan, colima y todos estados ahi a ton of low key figures! Pero tu te mojas por tus Gilbertonas Sinalacras! 🤣🤣🤣

  14. would be a very interesting read to get an in depth BB article/inquery re: supposed CJNG in-house hencho en mexico weapons factorys. ive seen bits of information from across the net and some pictures that gave this story some credibility. what really made me start to give real credence to this possibility and started to see this as all the more likely is how well accomplishing this would fulfill the CJNG narrative they have tried to portray themselves as since their beginnings, one as a para military organization, first as a counter to los zetas ala mata zetas, and followed later on by their questionable claim to being a quasi nationalistic or at least politically motivated/oriented para military army....attached footnotes in fine print reads *heavily funded thru the drug business.

    then it hit me, this is something that the FARC in colombia was known to do. i cant be alone in thinking that the timing of the farc peace deal and these high quality orginless long guns appearing in mexico is likely to be coincidence. Many a ex FARC armory specialists graduates of the hard knox school of guerilla warfare, majored in engineering alot while minoring in supplies. These people would be out of work and in high demand by jaliscos who would probably be willing to pay a premium to scoop up the right talent, some might look at their opportunity post farc peace deal and after knowing only conflict ones whole might get disillusioned with the colombian government efforts at reintergration programs and compared to other colombian organizations might see the jalisco cartel of mexico as offering serveral multiples of the next highest bid by another group in colombia for their trade craft and services.

    the result would be the first cartel in mexico to not rely on weapon imports smuggled from the usa.

    "ARMORY DEL NUEVA CARTELES : Hencho en Mexico"

    sounded like it would be a good read, if anyone else agrees plz reply in the comment section so that way BB knows this is something you also think would be a good future article/subject of discussion. on a side note just wana say to all the writers at BB you all are doing awesome stuff really appreciate your dedication to this site. yal have many imitators but BB is thee number 1 by orders of magnitude, we know that takes alot of work and we want to say thank you, for real. yal are solid keep it going.


    1. 2:14 computerized machining centers to make weapons are licensed to the mexican military industries, and it takes a few corrupt military to steal and sell some to La Mencha, ginural Cienpedos and omar hamid garcia harfuch would have the connections needed.

    2. The only thing that does not fit with that line of thinking is that Mencho is not politically aware enough to entertain such a thing, nor are the higher ups. It is greed. That's all.

    3. A few years back BB had an article where they found a gun making machinery in Jalisco.....

    4. Make sumbichis understand...
      pawns like La Mencha do not have to be very smart or know everything, they mostly need the wise godfathers.

  15. You think El Nicky tweaks?

  16. Seems like nice guys to me. No more bullets just Hugs and kisses. Let ne know if works outs.


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