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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Governor Candidate in Michoacán Has Family Ties With Cárteles Unidos Ex-Leader

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat; TY to "Anonymous"

Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla

Alfredo Ramirez Bedolla, the governor candidate in Michoacán for the National Regeneration Movement Party (MORENA), has family ties to a former leader of Carteles Unidos (United Cartels, CU), a criminal group made up of different cartels under a loose alliance. They are rival to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

According to a report from Grupo Reforma, Ramirez-Bedolla's aunt Anabel Bedolla was married to former CU leader Adalberto Fructuoso Comparan Rodríguez (alias 'El Fruto'), former mayor of Aguililla, Michoacan. They have a son named Adalberto Fructuoso Comparan Bedolla, who is in US custody.

In a press conference, Ramirez-Bedolla said that he had no contact with El Fruto or his immediate family.

Jesus Zambrano, the head of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), asked Mexico's Attorney General's Office (FGR) to investigate Ramirez-Bedolla's family links. He said the investigation was crucial in determining whether drug traffickers would rule over Michoacan should Ramirez-Bedolla be elected.

"Michoacán should not be involved in narcopolitics from its very own political structure", he said.

Zambrano pointed out that the possible family connection between the leaders of criminal organizations with the current candidate is worrying.

"It would be very serious that beyond kinship there were other types of ties that bind him with drug traffickers ... It is urgently necessary to investigate whether or not Ramírez-Bedolla has ties with these criminal groups."

Zambrano pointed out that even when it is certain that MORENA will not win the governor post in Michoacán, there must still be an investigation.

El Fruto was arrested in Guatemala City last March

Who is Adalberto Fructuoso Comparan Rodriguez AKA El Fruto?

El Fruto, 57, was mayor of Aguililla, Michoacan, from 2008 to 2010, under the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).

As reported by Borderland Beat, he was arrested in Guatemala in March 2021 on a US extradition request.

Prior to El Fruto's involvement with Carteles Unidos, he was a high-ranking member of the Knights Templar Cartel. One of the cited sources say he was a close associate of Servando Gomez Martinez (alias 'La Tuta'), former Knights Templar Cartel boss.

He is suspected of coordinating methamphetamine and heroin shipments from Michoacan, Mexico, to the US cities like Houston, Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia.

In 2015, he survived an assassination attempt in Mexico, but one his bodyguard Jose Luis Garcia Mendoza was killed. Two years prior, he had served as police officer in the Fuerza Rural (Rural Force) unit in Aguililla. This rural police force was a state-sanctioned unit that was born from the autodefensa (self-defense) groups that were active in Michoacan.

Sources: Reforma (1); (2); (3)South Florida Records


  1. Lately we have been seeing candidates exposed for previous crimes or cartel ties. It’s a good thing. I’m happy to see many are from Morena. It sort of helps remove the cult of personality some people give to AMLO.

  2. Damn hopefully a candidate who is not involved with cjng or cu wins and just lets them fo at it with out involving the militaries and who ever wins wins! The best that can happen in michoacan is that a real cartel takes it! It sounds bad but right now its just the way it is! Well the beat rhing that should happen is every single cartel get anihilated but we know that wont happen in the near future

    1. @6:59 CJNG is not a real cartel at all these days, they act like Gallinas Unidas do everywhere, both groups are mugrosos.

  3. Comandante sargy has been talking about this for the past month.
    I swear people dont give that man the credit he deserves.

    1. Everyone in Michoacán knew before. It just got the spotlight cus Reforma published it. Not saying El Sargy doesn’t have exclusive content. He does. But this was well known before, especially when it comes to politicos. Not too hard to find dirt.

    2. Sargy says things known by everyone in Michoacan to impress outsiders. And Sargy also spreads disinformation to pump up CJNG.

    3. You should get married to that name you keep saying it in every sentence 😂.

  4. Need you say more. Adalberto is crooked as a coiled snake. El Unidos Cartels, arrested in Guatemala? Now a political candidate? Go figure.

    1. The candidate for governor has an aunt married to el Fruto who WAS mayor of a city, it does not mean shit.
      Jesus Zambrano (now a respected senator for PRD party ruling michoacan through auriolas conejo thanks to EPN) WAS a member of the Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre even after he received a gunshot to his snout, after that he got nicknamed "El Tragabalas", went back to the LC 23 de S to spy and cooperate with the DFS, then betrayed AMLO and sold out the PRD to EPN.
      --El Chucho ZAMBRANO has the dirtiest chones.

  5. He’s a poser and not a real Mexican. Everyone know Mexicans don’t get gray hair, and that AMLO died his hair gray to compensate for his inability to speak Ingles.

    1. What the heck?? Michoacano here at age 40 with 25% grey hair. I don’t look old but mature and experienced very professional by the way!

    2. 10:04 if you are posting here your defenetly not mature!

    3. 8:41 is a chayotero without chayote expecting to get paid for his BS, but Claudio X Gonzalez has lost his money from USAID, he got white hair but he is an indian whose name is X For Xicotencatl, not for Xoconostle.
      Maybe prolly these white haired indians were born in Kenya, birthplace of white haired Obama

  6. Everybody is involved

  7. Mexico so Corrupt that, it's a lost country, this B.S. has been going on for 15 years. Only one trying clean it , was Felipe.

    1. 6:53 felipe FECAL tried to clean up a few mexican narcos and propped up a few others, the end game was to clear the country for alvaro uribe velez the greatest drug trafficker with US sponsorship, while they try to cover up their own greedy crimes and EPN was no different, he just had other favorites.


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