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Monday, May 17, 2021

Huimanguillo, Tabasco: CJNG Internal Strife Leads to Dismembered Male

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A new video from the Mexican underworld has just surfaced online. For this broadcast a sicario known as El Pantera mutilates an enemy with a machete. The victim is purported to be a member of a criminal group lead by El Nepo. 

What little information has been released suggests that a cell for the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) has suffered an internal rupture within this municipality. 

The fracture has caused an increase in dismembered captured hitmen in this town. As well as it’s surrounding areas.

Warning: Video Contains Graphic Content

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: This will be the fate of everyone who belongs to the mob of El Nepo. You sons of bitches. Keep fucking off thinking you’re brave. Keep fucking off you sons of bitches. 

Sources: TH3PR3D4TH0R Mxx


  1. These cartel members all know what happens when they get caught. It’s a cycle of violence that will never end. This man getting hacked up was probably doing the same thing to others before he got caught.

    This is the price you pay. Think before you get involved with the criminal underworld.

    1. Also he could have been an ordinary citizen, plucked out to make an example a scare the real cartel of the town.

  2. Holy hell that was brutal

  3. This video is extremely graphic in nature. At 10 seconds into the film the left leg as well as his right arm are hanging by their skin. Bones have been broken or cut through all the way. The victim is screaming in agonizing pain while trying to roll away from the swinging blade. To conclude the last 20 seconds are of him being shot to death in a barrage of gunfire.

    1. @10:33 stfu what do you expect here in Bb?!?!?! Go read your Bible and love in your fantasy. Aqui la vida real es cruel siempre hacido cruel

    2. 10:28 PM Yeah it is bad I always watch things in snippets with the volume down.

    3. 1033 are you referring to sol? He didn’t do the hacking you moron. If you don’t have the stomach for this then why are you on this site. As horrendous as it is this is the reality in the drug world that this site reports on. Go watch a tik Tok dancer or a Disney
      Movie leva

    4. I think maybe he describes it for people that dont have the stomach to watch it, if not then yes he is sick...

    5. Reality is harsh, leave the site then crybaby

    6. Thanks for the volunteering Sol.... People don't realize how hard you work on this stuff.

    7. We got virgins in this thread

    8. Same for Sol, all these morons complaining have no idea how much work and time you spent on BB.
      We are for Info and background on mx and i appreciate you work. Keep on.
      Same goes to MX, Yaqui, chivis and all other and the Crazy guy who loves the number (redlogarithm?).

    9. @10:51 PM
      @11:07 PM
      LMAO.. you two clearly arent the sharpest tools in the shed.

    10. 11:07 he did mean it at Dr. Sol why belittle the messenger, I appreciate Sol gave written details, instead of watching the video, as I haven't had breakfast, and no I don't want my hair standing all day.
      Also 10:51 obviously you don't know who Sol is, he is part of the BB staff that keeps us informed of what transpires in Mexico, furthermore he is an expert Manta reader.
      Luna Apagada

    11. 2:05 10:51 and 11:07 are opposites, 11:07 is explaining correctly, but you 2:05 is not the smartest.

    12. 10:51 you should have not seen the video, your venting it's understandable, may have caused you to pee yourself, or lost control of your bowels.
      A warning in RED was put in place saying graphic content.
      Sol is not the one to take it out on.

    13. Thanks for the description. I dont have the stomach to process this stuff anymore...i used to.

    14. Right ?? Lmao

    15. I’m one of the few that preferred not to watch videos like this. Instead I prefer to someone to Describe I have ask this in the past. I appreciate the work sol.

      10:51 go kick rocks buddy

    16. 3:12 your right one you see that type of video, your brain starts getting de-sentitize, can't believe what it is really watching, then you crave for more.
      That's why I like it when it is explained. Sol your ok in my book keep up the good work.

    17. 3:12
      I'm glad you didn't watch it, literally the second most brutal and stomach turning video I've seen.

    18. 1051 is replying to someone that commented and it got deleted not at Sol

    19. 7:23 if that were the case it would show delited by author

    20. 7:48 There was 1 comment that wasn't pleased with Sols description, it was the first reply that is no longer there so I guess it wasnt deleted by the author

  4. 10:28 PM Sol Prendido from my understanding the rupture happened in 2019 when El Abuelo Farias flipped on CJNG. His brother has his base of operations in Las Chopas. So this isn't new. It is either Carteles Unidos making a play into Tabasco or CJNG pushing from the area they control in Tabasco into Veracruz. CJNG has people on both sides of the territory that El Abuelo Farias brother controls he claims to be an Autodefensa out there also.

    One of the commanders that worked with El Sargy El Commandante Pinto went to Veracruz on a pagada El Abuelo paid him well and killed a CJNG commander that was sent over there from what El Sargy says they turned off all the lights in that town and surrounded and slaughtered them. He then came back to Michoacan and starting hitting El Aguaje took a bunch of guns from CJNG and sold them to the Viagras. He then went back there and pushed CJNG out and the Viagras came in. The people in that town left the viagras came in and sacked the town for 5 months.

    During his time in Michocan El Commandante Pinto banged Nicolas Sierra Santana's wife, El Botos, Poncho La Quiringas and a couple others in the end the Jaliscos lured him to their territory and things went bad for him. He was the one that sent El Sargy all those nudes from the gay men that compose Carteles Unidos wife's.

    After El Commandante Pinto was killed by CJNG they went into El Aguaje and killed many of the viagras that they found there. They captured La Cholita and a few others and let them go. La Cholita paided them with her body. She then went back and was captured again and this time dismembered alive along with the group that came into El Aguaje.

    1. Comandante pinto(fierro carlon) was killed by C.U
      Put some respek on his name. @1057

    2. Lost interest at "CJNG pushing from the area they control" lol

    3. Are people still taking Sargy's info seriously? That guy's information is outdated. Dude ran like a bitch from Michoacan, just like Mencho, and all he does gossip like a hoe online about things he has no current info on. For one Cholita ain't dead, she showed up in Keegan's podcast long after Jaliscas spread rumors of her being captured and killed, if you know the players you can figure out who she was with.

      Plus all this obsession for trying to make out the CU guys gay is because everyone in Michoacan knows that Mencho got a taste for dick when he was locked up in the US, him and M2. That's why when M2 got captured by the military Mencho paid top dollar to have his boyfriend M2 released, it wasn't no 100 convoy coming to M2's rescue, it was broken hearted Mencho that couldn't bare the thought of his lover being put in prison paying out. Everyone in Mexico knows CJNG guys in prison end up as bottoms because they made so many enemies. Even in Guanajuato, a place they always pretend to control, they went after the director of prisons in that state, failed to kill him though, because CJNG are getting abused by Marros people in prison. That's how everyone knows Mencho is running out of money, M2 wants to leave Aguililla but his lover Mencho can't pay M2 way out anymore.

    4. How much does CJNG pay their online spokesmen? You do know it's over for them right.

    5. Do we have more depth of the story of el pinto banging el gordos wife? Besides the act it's self... it's good that ugly fat bitch Nicolas sierra santana got his feelings hurt and hopefully he is living like a rat and paranoid tweeker for being a piece of shit towards the population. We also never heard here on bb about la cholita after she was captures and the other viagras? When exactly was she killed??

    6. I have heard of El Sargy, who exactly does he work for.

    7. Commandante Pinto isn't Fierro Carlon that was El Feo de La Fea commander of the Polcia Federal Preventiva. Commandante Pinto Guardia National came after El Feo de La Fea who was killed December of 2019 from what is said he was killed by La Fresa out of Morelia Alberto Espinoza Barron.

      We know that many members of Carteles Unidos are gay because their own people have said it. They seen Nicolas Sierra Santana and La Sirena out of La Ruana. La Sirena putting mayo in El Gorods do nut.

      12:54 AM leave Borderland Beat like you left Reddit Secret Managment no one takes you seriously because you are apart of Gallinas Unidas you have a horse in that race.

      4:52 AM Right now he is doing youtube, facebook, Breit Bart. He also passes information to the DEA and other agencies free of charge he just asked for protection.

      1:15 AM Their are pictures of her nudes she even shows her taco she is ugly to be honest. I rather see whichos sisters they have a better body and face.

    8. 12:54 secret management?

    9. El sargy was ex autodefensa who belonged to Grupo arce


    1. ignorant? Or in denial? One with common sense wonders

    2. The hell are you smiley face emojing about? The article says this is an internal thing with the Jaliscas.

    3. @11:28 Weirdo...

    4. Such a dumb fuck cds has nothing to do with the state where this happened and a mencha nut licker brings in cds. Atleast they respect the civilians more and will not bother making these types of low life videos cjng commonly makes all the time

    5. Fuck cjng and other cartels that hurts honest people at least sinaloa cartel doesnt do much to regular foes hope cjng get you in this videos types lol

  6. Tabasco have the worst people.

    1. Them and Tlaxcala .

    2. Legit question, trying to learn. What do you mean by “worst”? Are they the most violent?

  7. How do they do this with out thinking about it? I wonder if they drink a caguama after and go to a cantina like nothing ever happens , just wondering what is next on the list for the day , I don't know what to think , maybe mente en Blanco .

    1. Mente en blanco exactly. I wonder how they cope with dismembered people. Especially if the got family there close by

    2. They do think about it, a lot actually. Most sicarios have to put a brave face in front of everyone but most of them never get over it. I knew someone that dissolved bodies in Teca and he committed suicide because he would always remember the victims during the pedas. The other 5 percent of people don’t give a fuck, they use the cartel as a security blanket to cover for their fucked up fantasies.

    3. @1:41 I agreee with you on this one Sur, I bet some natural born psycho serial killers enjoy their jobs at the cartel.

    4. I wonder the same thing myself ( how some guys feel when doing things like this ). My goodness. The amount of drugs or drinking most of them must do before and/or after something like that.
      I hope some of these videos shown here make people think TWICE, OR THREE, OR 10 TIMES before wanting to join.


  8. why so much desire to inflict so much pain on others? one would think it to be personal venedtta to have to take it to such an extreme but it happens so regularly that its hard to believe they are all personal reprisals, its beyond savage, at least they finished him off at the end but still the cruelty involved ensured his last moments of time on earth on his way to the exit were of unimaginable terror pain anguish and suffering... just to send a message?

    creating the next generation of straight up psychopaths, maximizing the level of suffering for all involved and many otherwise not involved, perpetuating over bearing state power, corruption, and thinly veiled tyranny held up and justifed thru creation of ever increasing criminality in tandem with selling you the 'solution' of an ever more militarized centralized authority, artificially inflated cost of cheap substances yet sell for equal or greater value than that of traditional stores of value like gold, plunge in value for the rights of the individual and ones ability to have soverignty over ones own body to ingest a substance but more importantly to feel a certain way, less autonomy, less quality of life, less respect for ones fellow man, less trust, less intelligence, less desire to want the truth, more suspicion and loathing of those willing to see it and tell it, less certainty, more poverty, less cohesion, greater division, less understanding, less tolerance, disintegration of the belief and realization of the idea of a sense held common, lesss reflection, more ineptitude, less gratitude, more servitude, less compassion, more knee jerk impulse to inflated reaction, less sympathy, follow by even less empathy....

    we interupt your regularly secluded disequilibirium to bring you an ad by our sponsors, a big ice cold shout out to our depends and partners of Drug War Inc.-- "1x Reaping the score on drugs, 10000x the :*bleep*ing: war on you".

  9. At least his shirt was off

  10. That video is definitely not for the faint hearted, it is brutal. I can only pray for such souls because I do believe that this shit we watch here is not even close to the majority of good Mexican citizens, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease in this platform… that’s what BB is about, realistic reporting. Someone’s son got lost in his ways and paid full brutal price for it. Disgusting how there’s no value for life anymore, in such worlds.

    1. 12:20 this video should be sent to Obrador to view, at his daily conferences. We all know he won't, there by killing of criminals and Innocents will continue. There was a time..a serious firefight with Abuelos townspeople vs. CJNG Abuelos group won, alot of CJNG got killed. Somehow obradors government sends in the military, to bring order to Abuelo and townspeople, instead of CJNG, which is thier pipeline of bribes coming in.
      Abuelo was merely protecting the town cjng came to invade.

    2. 8:05 AM You are full of it El Abuelo Farias was CJNG since 2013 he was the boss of CJNG in the region. When CJNG along with the PRI, Colombian General funded and planned the whole autodefensa movement.

      He flipped on CJNG after Poncho and Wicho el de los Reyes also CJNG stole a load of coke from CJNG killing the pilot. CJNG found out they were trying to sell the product in Cancun and killed them there. They told el abuelo to hand them over. CJNG then made a video demanding he hands them over he refused and the war started. El Cartel de Tepaltepec got one on CJNG that is true they walked themselves into an ambush like the morons they are and got slaughtered. The Guardia National and the Sedena did the rest of the work. The 15 or so they killed have already been avenged Teplatepec has lost more then 50 people since. They are constantly crying to the government and the media and you yourself have fallen for the fake story of what happened.


    1. LMAO. Better be careful- Sicario 006 has "Tier 1" operators at his disposal. All heavily armed with... whatever weapons he can read about on the web. The saddest part of posers is when they think people actually believe their b.s.

    2. @7:40 Sicario 006 is not a poser he is obviously a troll, how many times has this have to be clarified?

  12. No chances against CJNG

    1. 1:13 nutthugger didn't u read it's cjng vs cjng??

    2. He was killed for listening to cds corridos @8:51

  13. Mexican cartels make italian ndrangheta and camorra looks like amateurs

    1. Stop the Cap. The italians are way more Professional and Just because they don't kill as many people doesnr mean they are AS big. Look at Palermo in the 80s to See what These Guys are capable of

    2. 11:15 they are not on cartels level

    3. The corleonesi were.riina,provenzano bagarella,brusca.they were just as brutal and waged a war against the state killing cops prosecutors judges and every1else.just look up "2nd great mafia war"

    4. 8:54 but not ndrangheta,they move in silence but not on the level of corleonesi in their prime

    5. Italians get put in check by the Mexicans and then they get taxed

      Italians are NOT at the DTO levels these clowns on here just wish they were.

  14. Cartels are so dumb. Think a video is cool

  15. I LOVE BORDERLANDBEAT ( Excuse the caps ). And people need to understand that the REALITY of that lifestyle has some VERY DANGEROUS CONSEQUENCES. The articles are AMAZING here. But all aspects of this lifestyle need to be shown. This is not a Gore site. But how can we really understand the REALITY if we choose not to see certain things. Just don't watch it. My goodness there is noone with a machete or someone hacking your phone or computer demanding you to watch.....
    So just DONT CLICK THE VIDEO if it's not your thing to handle something of that nature. People aren't here jerking off to it. I'm sure the ones that watch , do it to really see what happens with these guys. And the truth is that most of those guys do it to other people ( the killing and cutting and torturing part ).


    1. Not you again...

    2. Stop with the cap using. Caveman. Just type regular. People can understand what point you are trying to make.

    3. 807 ok MOM 😆

  16. CJNG baby Killer Cartel, kills it's competition and acts like they are doing a great service to the town.
    Yet they will get a safehouse (like a recent article on BB), start kidnapping towns people for ransom, extortion, they remind me of Hitler..trying to take all of Mexico.

  17. There should be no human rights for ANY cartel member. The law should state any member should be killed by any means possible. Including military and law enforcement extra judicial assassinations like Duterte in nether Philippines.

    1. UN and ICC only picks on smaller countries that does the right thing for its people. Duterte loves its people and change its status quo and the liberal cried for help to UN and ICC. ICC and UN are useless organization. They tried to duterty but failed cause 80% of pilipinos approves his stance against drug traffickers and the liberal protectors. Suck it ICC ans UN - suxk it hard.

  18. That is the most horrible thing I've ever seen.

    1. You just wait more nitty gritty videos on the way. Cartels favorite to unload videos, Mantas is becoming old school, they hardly find borrachos late at night to pin a Manta.

  19. Those machete hacks were brutal. I can’t imagine the pain and agony he went through. Let those bullets take you and put an end to your pain.

  20. Replies
    1. México ocupo alguien con carácter para hacer el bien por el pais y huevos para partirles la madre a todo perro malnacido y puto vende patrias. Un plomazo en la maseta de mierda y al horno para hacerlos cenizas

    2. As long as consumer demand is high in the USA no dictator with a magic wand will help.


    4. 3:04 Calm down Rambo, USA is one country, Mexico is another country. USA is not Mexico.

    5. @3:04 If USA and Mex wanted, they would clear narcos in a couple years street wise but:

      1.- It would become worse than Middle East.

      2.- They would loose their Drug War business money.

      Both govs like shit as it is.

  21. 10:43

    wait just a minute bud...

    so your telling me that help dictates the USA consumer high is long as this is magic to know and demand!? kinda makes the mind wanda.

    watson you are brilliant.
    you heard the man, push the button, pull the lever, *ding*, *swoosh*, drug war es finito, magic es nacho combo con fajitas burrito. operation good vibes complete yo. sold..completely sold. you sold me on doing this, whats that? your down to drive too?, ah thanks dude your a solid bud ok cool, lets ride.

    that sounds like a 100x better alternative to the trip we are all on now? that wasnt a freakn question mudder ducker lol with me.. the question mark is silent and you know that.. we all know that...shoot id clap my hands loud as mf right now if it would teleport me out this boring rachet azz downer trip generation. real walk.

    that make you wana smile? well good then do it! no you cant imoji fool! *smacks that phone outt your hand*, dont never ever ever try n invoke an imoji again, its beneath you now. yes..rejoice

    and it was good.

  22. I'm so thankful I dont live in mexico, china, North Korea and any Muslim countries. Life span is very short. I have better chance of living to 80 when im out of those countries.

  23. I watched it about 10 times , trying to figure out how , and I'll probably watch it again tonight after I finish my 30 pack of tecates

  24. Yeah. I watched as I ate a hamburger and chili cheese fries with a yellow chili pepper.

  25. His suffering was relatively short. It could have been a much worse end.
    So, I have to ask...what the fuck is this so called 'meth' made of these days? The only real dope is ephedrine based and I know that whatever is being sold as meth is not even fucking close. You motherfuckers fucked everything up. Y'all need to figure out how to produce a drug that works instead of this fake bullshit you fuckers are passing off as speed. If one of you so called 'cartel bosses' would pull your head out of your ass, stop killing innocents, stop being idiots (like telling water not to be wet), and produce some quality stimulants instead of cutting corners and making due with worthless precursers..your product would be sought after. exclusive.
    If you are going through all the trouble of producing it, and distributing it, it should at least do what it is supposed to.

  26. así es la forma que van a sufrir éstos malnacidos cuando lestoken la hora Enel momento y luego cuando lleguen al infierno van a ver Asus víctimas esperándolos con esas ansias de destrozarlos por toda la heternidad y luego servirán como combustible para el fuego eterno pobres almas no saben delo que les espera


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