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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Human Entrails Left in Plastic Bag Outside Military Barracks in Tijuana

 "HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Human entrails were left in a plastic bag outside the entrance to a military barracks in Tijuana, Baja California. 

At approximately 9:00 am on May 24 2021, the emergency services line received a report of a suspicious object located at the entrance to the military barracks of the 28th Infantry Battalion. The report was made by a driver traveling on the Lib. Salvador Rosas Magallon highway in the southern part of Tijuana.

Municipal police were dispatched to check on the reported location and when they arrived on scene, they were able to confirm the presence of a plastic bag with some sort of bloody viscera inside. They alerted military elements within the barracks to the discovery. 

Investigators from the State Prosecutor’s Office and forensic experts were sent to the scene to process the evidence. What they found at the location was a plastic bag containing blood and human entrails. El Mexicano reports that the forensic experts on scene were able to confirm the remains to be human, not animal. The bag reportedly contained a liver and colon. TJ Comunica reports that skin was present as well and that no other corresponding body parts were discovered at the scene. 

There are many possible motives for this aggression against members of the Army (SEDENA) in Tijuana.

Of note, two retired SEDENA soldiers were killed in Tijuana just six days before this discovery. On the night of May 18 2021, two men were found dead of apparent gunshot wounds in the Costa Coronado neighborhood. They were found near a gold Chevrolet Tahoe SUV. Both 380 caliber and 45mm casings were found nearby. Both men had multiple gunshot wounds. The bodies were later identified and confirmed by SEDENA officials to be Pedro Marcial Mariche (46 years old) and Rodolfo Armenta Torres (60 years old). Both were retired and of the rank second lieutenant. 

SEDENA has also been involved in recent arrests of cartel members in Tijuana, though for obvious reasons the press rarely discloses which specific divisions of SEDENA participated in these joint operations. The city of Tijuana falls within Military Zone 2, which is led by Brigadier General Diplomate of General Staff Saúl Luna Jaimes.

In addition, on March 30 2021, over two tons of narcotics which had been seized from various investigations were incinerated within the facilities of the 28th Infantry Battalion of Tijuana. The narcotics came from multiple different seizures made by the regional Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR). 

Among the items incinerated was roughly 

  • 1100 kilos (approx 2425 pounds) of methamphetamine hydrochloride
  • 300 kilos (approx 661 pounds) of marijuana
  • 100 kilos (approx 220 pounds) of marijuana plants
  • 61,168 other units of various drugs

The incineration was attended by military authorities and the Internal Control Body of the FGR. They supervised the incineration to ensure the process was carried out according to regulations. 

Warning: Graphic images below. 


May 26 2021, Remain in Bucket: ZETA Tijuana, El Mexicano,TJ Comunica

Location of remains: Google Maps 

May 18 2021, Two killed: ZETA TijuanaEl Universal, El Imparcial 

March 30 2021, Incineration: El Sol de Tijuana, PortaVoz, Cadena Noticias

Photo Credit: Omar Martinez for El Mexicano, TJ Comunica, ZETA Tijuana


  1. Hell now they are messing with military members, when will the killings stop.

    1. Been doing that a long time now

  2. Mexico is helpless. Same as syria, Yemen and somalia. War torn country.

    1. 8:28 thank you for las mamadas Monico, lemme get the fly up.

  3. Mexico where every day is Halloween

  4. So a random passerby had to notify the police of a suspicious package at a military barracks? Speaks volumes of the Mexican military's unprecedented situational awareness.

    1. Brilliant. I thought the same...the head shaking on my end never ends.

    2. 12:44 notified the barracks, they do not get out of there until they get called to go do something outside, like knocking down the competition or extorting their friends and foes
      In Lebanon they paid heavily for not having proper set-up to protect from wooly head suicide bombers and the likes, more than 200 US Marines was a stiff price but the Queen of England had a nice talk with her intruder, the Whites' House is protected by one or two US Marines and the US Capitol gets sold by about a dozen US Lawmakers to a bunch of crazed vikingos.

  5. Killings happened every where , that's normal

  6. The president of Mexico is so garbage

    1. Body dismemberment is taught as a 101 class at terror camps. The victim/body is usually a fellow sicarios in training that was too slow or didn't catch on quick enough, or flinched at the thought of feeding a man their own feces. Sadly, frequently the case.

    2. Bustamontez diarioMay 28, 2021 at 12:09 AM

      Where did you learn this MS.H ? There's no way you just thought this up on your own , I think you know what I'm talking about

    3. @MS.H
      No. They don't. They do it on the fly. You make TOO many assumptions.

    4. I suspect Ms H was a kidnapped ISIS FAN deluded through the internet by a militant in the style of a prisoner on the US.

    5. 604, You figured it out. 100%

  7. Why and how on that last pic, do human entrails look like a baby hippopotamus laying on its side? Is this a Rorschach test of sorts? 🐫

    1. intestines genius

    2. 9:01 that is the green hot sauce mija, enjoy, get your share!

  8. Where was the routine patrols protecting the barracks from things being dropped. Dont they want to protect themselves ? Too lazy ? Sleepy ? Playing cards ? Siesta ? Wake up !!

  9. Yikes! Dang, I wish I hadn't seen that image. It roiled my innards more than the video of El Siri getting flensed like a harpooned whale.

    1. 9:53 it's because you like Moronga better, (Blood Sausage)

  10. Quien dijo que no?


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