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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Japanese Restaurant Owner Murdered in Tijuana, Baja California

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat; TY to "Anonymous"

According to local reports and the restaurant's Facebook page, Taro Yoshida ran two ramen shops in Tijuana.

Taro Yoshida, 43, the owner of "Yoshi Ramen", an iconic restaurant on Avenida Revolución in Tijuana, Baja California, was murdered last week.

Police officers received an emergency call last Thursday at 11 a.m. that a man was shot on the second floor of another Yoshi Ramen branch in Playas de Tijuana. Upon entering the premises, they found Yoshida's body.

The man, of Japanese origin, was sitting in a reclining chair, with his feet on a table. He was wearing a jersey of the Japan national football team. The victim was hit by a firearm projectile in the chest and head.

According to investigators, the restaurant did not have video surveillance cameras. No one was arrested for the crime.

Citing a security guard of the restaurant, the reports also said Yoshida had left with two men early Thursday morning and the three later returned together, but nothing about the interaction aroused suspicion.

Taro Yoshida opened his first "Yoshi Ramen" establishment on Avenida Revolucion, between Third and Fourth streets. After much success in that branch, he chose to open a second one in Playas in Tijuana, where he was executed.

"He was always a hard-working and happy person. Strict but he just wanted to give good customer service. Even when the restaurant was full, he always gave us cookies and always let me play with his dog Midori," recalled Alexis Ochoa, one of his clients.

Tristán Rivera, another of his regular diners, described him as a helpful man, fond of Tijuana.

“I often went to eat at Yoshi Ramen with my daughter. I got along well with Yoshida because he always treated us kindly, with special attention. He gave us dessert and things for my daughter. Yoshida said he was a Tijuana native", she said.


Investigators do not discard the possibility that Yoshida knew his assassin given the circumstances of the crime. His final position made it clear that he felt comfortable enough in front of his assassin to remain in a relaxed and carefree posture (i.e. sitting on a reclining chair with his legs up on the table).

He was shot in the back, which may also indicate that Yoshida was unaware of his assassin and did not feel danger.

A robbery has not been discarded. In addition to the murder, the assassin stole MXN$30,000 from a safe. Reports do not mention if the safe had a passcode.

Police officers arrived at Yoshida's second restaurant to carry out an investigation

Diners placed an altar outside of Yoshida's restaurant

Sources: El Imparcial (1); (2); Japan Today; Diez10


  1. He was a hard working man, he would not hurt a fly. More likely he did not want to pay piso tax, so they gave him Plata o plomo.

    1. Been going on for years now. Lowkey pay plaza or plomo. Many just shut down. Not a word on the news about it. Makes you wonder who keeps it hush hush

    2. If u do business in Mexico 🇲🇽 u must pay, just another cost of doing business, add as a Piso Surcharge

    3. The hush hush is kept by the same forces that keep our mainstream media hush hushing about the weekly massacres taking place south of the border for nearly a decade now.

    4. @625. Your just wrong. Most municipalities are not burdened by piso. Please do not state as fact what you know nothing about

    5. @4:55 Depends on who runs the show.

  2. Cant have nothing nice in shithole cities with shit brain criminals that never stop

    1. That's what happens when the politicians are corrupted. Politicians corrupt -> police corrupt -> shit lowlife society

    2. That is what happens to politicians when your neighbor to the north sets your exchange rate, controls your GDP through trade (both black and legal), enriches the arms trade - and Mexican politicians don’t have the ability to speak out against these unfair and unethical practices because the US has Mexico by the throat. Pretty f’d up neighbor....not very neighborly.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. 5:57 as florida shithole sinks in the oceans, "governor" de santis promises to protect the Unpresidented with all the states' manpower, laws and resources...all for a promise of a dubious vicepresidency.

  3. The only way for your business will succeed in Mexico is by acknowledging that you’ll be paying piso to police chiefs, nacos and politicians. That’s the reason politicos will kill opponents when running for office. They can’t wait to get their hands in the cookie jar.

    1. Welcome to Mexico

    2. @6:33 u r rite!... but it ain't the politicos killing the opponent. The crime syndicates have their candidates and they are killing the opponent. In Mex you must have goon squad at your service otherwise u r smoked.

      This is the reason that every honest politician is either killed at an early stage (and never climbs the hierarchy) or steps down before they are whacked.

  4. Enything can happen in Tijuana! The gangsters here dont play!

    1. aint no gansters left in TJ. just a bunch of blood thirsty meth heads.

    2. Exactly. Nothing but meth heads and chapulines

    3. That sounds like the rest of Mexico

    4. Chapulines its teenagers?

    5. @7:55 There are still G's who know what's up in Mex, and you won't ever know their names.

  5. Yep it's getting bad , this place is fairly new I have not been back to visit any familia in a while , I mean to say it's getting worse , it's always been bad in T.J just saying ....

    1. La. Quis Paisa ya already stating a comment delite just saying lol.

    2. Soooo the just saying guy is actually a female from Cali? Makes sense.

    3. Ha ha ! Yeah ok

    4. Yes it's me Mrs bitch from tijuana

  6. jaliscas killing innocents like always. let's see how tweaker Menchas cheerleaders try to spin this

  7. Gente de SPEEDY MARES♨️♨️♨️
    A la orden del Flaco 1000% CAF

    🎶🎶Y aquí la plaza ya tiene patrón
    Puro Arellano con los hermanos
    Hasta la muerte voy con mi convoy🎶🎶

    1. broke ass AFO gotta resort to extorting the hard working citizens. Por eso ya casi se acaba esa organizacion cagada.

    2. @9:38 Fuck u and your parasite patron. You are all the scum of the earth and assholes.

  8. Where are the ultra-covert, govt-sponsored, vigilante hit squads? No arrests, trials, or words- just plomo. Clean, efficient, quiet, message-sending. That's all they understand.

  9. Where are the ultra-covert, govt-sponsored, vigilante hit squads? No arrests, trials, or words- just plomo. Clean, efficient, quiet, message-sending. That's all they understand.

  10. ?They have ramen noodles in Mekeeko?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How is a poor attempt at humor even remotely relevant here?

    3. Marucheros, translation: ramen noodle eaters. It's what Mexican people call these untrained ramshackle group of teenagers that fill the ranks of Cds/cjng/Cdn hit squads. they're like kleenex in the eyes of their superiors

    4. Thank you for the translation, however I think the dumb ass above should instead be reading comic books not BB.It makes me sick that anyone attempt to get a laugh out of anything reported here.

  11. Attention: all non Mexican or foreigners lives in Mexico - get out now. Lives is more important than this. Esp all my Asian conpadres, please leave Mexico. Ahora!!!!

    1. @7:41 First comment I read from an outsider of the country that is very correct. Don't come to Mexico, it's not safe at all. Leave if you can.

  12. 9:38 the DECAF hermanos were the first to start dropping dead or in prison.
    Jor jor jor, nada es eterno, it is all a life sentence that ends when you die

  13. Someone messed up this guy was old school yakuza ...

    1. Lmao yakuza won’t step in Mexico bro they will get fucking chopped up and sold and orange chicken

    2. Yakima, triads and Mexican mafias are school girls comparing to Mexican cartels. That fat clemza won't stand a chance.

    3. 12:59 no italians no russians cant fuck with the cartels

  14. Yakuza will just take someone out in Japan and call it a day


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