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Friday, May 21, 2021

Judge Absolved 'El Marro' of Attempted Murder Against Public Officials, President Confirms

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

José Antonio Yépez Ortiz ("El Marro", The Sledgehammer)

During his morning press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) revealed that a federal judge absolved Jose Antonio Yepez Ortiz ("El Marro", The Sledgehammer), former leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL) in Guanajuato, of “attempted murder against public servants”.

AMLO demanded that the federal judge be reviewed by the Federal Judicial Council (CJF) and did not provide more information on the scope of the legal resolution.

El Marro was arrested last August and is currently an inmate at the Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 1 ("Altiplano"), Mexico's maximum-security prison. Although his murder charge was dropped, El Marro is still faces charges for organized crime involvement, kidnapping, oil theft, and drug trafficking. 

The President stated that the report confirming El Marro's exoneration was released that morning during a meeting with his security cabinet. He said that this legal action highlighted the alleged acts of corruption by judges, magistrates, and ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

El Marro was the leader of the CSRL, a criminal group based in Guanajuato whose main criminal activities include huachicol (oil theft) and narcomenudeo (drug dealing). Much of the violence occurring Guanajuato in recent years has been attributed to the turf war between the CSRL and the rival Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

Borderland Beat reported last February that El Marro was segregated from the rest of the prison population and had been complaining of ill treatment. A judge granted him a motion and ordered prison authorities to ensure El Marro was treated appropriately. 

Since 2018, Guanajuato has been the most violent state in Mexico, largely as a result of the territorial dispute between the CJNG and CSRL. Last year, Guanajuato closed the year with 4,490 murders, of which 92 percent had some connection with organized crime, according to local authorities.


  1. Of course, the lives of public servants mean less than the bribe money used to line the judge's pocket.

  2. El perdon de uno. La grandesa que hay en perdonar. Lo vive mi jente en este momento. Facil las manos los esimos de sobras. La Empressa la derije AMLO. DERECHO. Aqual lado Senor?.

  3. Here comes a wave of cjng ass hurt groupies

    1. Atleast our god mencho isnt on video crying

    2. 12:07 asi como al chapo cuando se lo llevaon a USA y dijo "no señor no me lleve yo solo soy un agricultor"
      Pinches ratas lloronas, de menos nuestro gran jefe mencho no a salido llorando en video

    3. @ 10:41 como el cuini esta esta temblando de miedo y anda de soplon

    4. 523
      No, asi como todos los capos sinaloenses mitoteros.

    5. @6:26 A los cuáles Menchito les vive pidiendo chichita XD

    6. Chichita??? Eso que???
      Habla con echos no con frasès taruguillas @12:04

    7. 1204 no, los mitoteros a los que la gente del papà del menchito humillo en p.v "XD"¿? 😂

  4. Guanajuato worse then the middle east


  6. Excuse me, Sr. Presidente but you are simply wrong as usual. Mr. Sledgehammer is a political prisoner who was caught with the help of the government and JAL. In the end, the Judge is an arbitrary party making an objective decision.

  7. Replies
    1. Hes a crying ass biotch como chapo. How embarrassing

  8. As expected, justice and the rule of law prevail once again méxico.

  9. Mexico just seems like a swap meet portapotty that has never been cleaned.

    1. I wish comments had like buttons. Because you definitely deserve one.

    2. That type of unreflective opinion is like a skid mark, shitty and of no use. How about proposing solutions? Poor people not only have to suffer but those at the comfort of their safe homes spit at them with such comments.

    3. @2:40 STFU, his comment is more factual than 99% of the crap the nuthuggers on here post.

    4. Well said @2:40

  10. Cabeza de pelota. Surprised they're not kicking that around on the prison canchas yet.

  11. Marro looks like the average sinaloense😀😀

    1. @1:39 He is from the areas between Guanajuato and Querétaro. Are you ok upstairs?

    2. True typical bum Sinaloan look lol


  13. Marro has a big pair for sure, but he probably shouldn't get out though. Bodies would drop left and right..

    1. Yea so big that he was crying in a video like a little biach

    2. 11:37 do you have a picture? A video? No? What?!?!? O well we do have videos of chapo and marro crying!!! 😭😢😭😢😭😢😭
      Pinches chillones!!

    3. I can't see Chango sparing Mencho. Mencho went after the families of La Resistencia. The Marro comment stands tho, lot of bodies would drop of Marro got out. He's a psychopath.

    4. @11:37
      For all we know that never happened? It's like the bigfoot debate?!!?
      Unlike like marro crying theres actually footage. Lol

  14. Lock him up, says Amlo, I am with the Mrs. GUZMAN

  15. Really great website, even My favorite country is lost , u guys keep me posted.

  16. Excellent 👍 the judge got his kickback money, now he is being set free, yes even with the evidence that was found on him. I love the Mexican justice system.

    1. It's all over the world buddy :)

    2. 9:01 Mexico tops the world in curuption. #1

    3. 10:17 nor even close bro, you would be amaze how many countries are worse than mexico

    4. 10:46 México has nobody's name to put on a wall like the US Vietnam War Memorial because, you know? México has not bombed any other country for decades of War over nothing for no reason other than looting their people's treasury and credit cards.

  17. For the ones who doesn't understand, this means that he already aligned with the right políticos and promised them to say "sí señor" whenever they say so. Kickups will go to the right pockets and it's business as usual.

    The government is going hard against Menchitas now all over the place and Marro will make sure GTO stays quiet as it used to after CJNG get slaughtered.

  18. Sinaloenses are proud of this crybaby?? 😂

  19. First 11:50 AM, , think Marro is more for Menchitos than Mencho. We'll see. Marro being exonerated by AMLO, only show you how deep the corruption.

    1. It’s the judges not amlo

    2. @6:38 Cry a river, fuck the PRI and CJNG.

    3. Can't prove Marro conspired to kill, murder, assassinate, or rape public officers in the ass, all pthers charges stand, marro keeps confined to his suites in prison.
      --Shutthefack up about EXECUTIVE AMLO, THIS IS WITH THE JUDICIARY,

  20. We REAL Guanajuatenses dont claim this guy marro:
    Sinaloa can keep him.

    1. 11:34 do you claim your huachicolero/panista narco-governors?
      Diego Sinhue "the federalista" is a parnas with cabeza de cagadas de vacas and enrique alfaro and other ill refuse like his beloved carlos zamarripa guanajuato's veteran crime head.

  21. I always thought he was half japones , half Japanese maybe? Maybe it's his secret does not want to admit it

  22. I would like to see this guy (amlo) do the same thing when it comes to cjng. I use to have faith in amlo. I actually believed he was going to change things for the better. Now I just smh every time he speaks. I can't believe how dumb (and I'm starting to think currupt) he is. Either he's hell of stupid, or he thinks we are, thinking we're going to believe the rediculous and idiotic things he says at times. Why is he so worried about Marro, a small player with very limited influence nationally, from a small and local cartel, when there is other players with more power and influence nationally (and globally) that have done much worse and more frequently than Marro. Why has he wasted so much time and resources on such a small fry? Every time he's mentioned Marro or spoke of an operation that targeted him, it turned my stomach. He thinks he could distract us or fool us when there's people like mench(cjng), primito(cdg), los chapitos(cds), huevo treviño), etc. out there extorting, kidnapping, etc. innocent civilians and killing our soldiers, police, navy, and other law enforcement. How are you letting that slide amlo! Especially against our armed forces. That's a slap in the face and a big, ofensive, and blatant disrespect,not only to us citizens and our armed forces, but to Mexico itself. But you worry more about little ole' Marro. How could you tolerate that. By you doing so, you're saying it's alright to do so. If you're not going to stand up for Mexico and our armed forces (who by the way enlisted to protect our beloved country), atleast let them do so and allow them to protect themselves. It would be even better if you stepped aside altogether and resigned. You most likely wont so stop making distractions and messing with Marro. Atleast he had the balls to stand up and fight, even when the odds were against him. You might learn something from him if you would get off him and focuse on the ones that earned and truly merit your attention. Just saying


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