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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Late Night Shootout Between CJNG and Cárteles Unidos Reported in Aguililla, Michoacán

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Image is from the night after the gun battle, taken by Michoacán Secretariat of Public Security (SSP)

The silence of the night in the long besieged Aguililla municipality of Michoacán was interrupted by the sound of gun battles on the evening of May 18, continuing into the early morning hours of May 19, 2021. It is widely believed that these battles were between Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) and Cárteles Unidos.

On social media, videos taken by Aguililla residents show the type of clashes that were heard intermittently throughout the night. Sustained gunfire lasting between 20-30 seconds and loud detonations can be heard in their videos, most of which do not capture any of the exchange visually, only through audio.

At 1:34 am on May 19 2021, journalist Carlos Ángel Arrieta shared on Twitter a recent video by an Aguililla resident in which a gun battle can be heard in the distance. The resident can be heard saying "That's enough, Emanuel," as she listened to the sounds. A second, more popular clip was also shared online in which more gunfire can be heard in the distance.

So far government security forces have not reported whether there were any wounded or dead found as the result of the battle, although previous exchanges have demonstrated that both Cárteles Unidos and CJNG try to collect their dead and transport the bodies elsewhere when possible. In the coming days, photos and videos may emerge online from either Cárteles Unidos or CJNG members showing the aftermath of the battles, possibly in the form of dead bodies or captured rival cartel members and their inevitable fate.

A clip of a truck burning was shared by Jalisciense1c on Twitter. They report the clip depicts a Los Revueltas truck that the CJNG had disabled and destroyed during the Aguililla battle however there is no confirmation or corroboration from any official sources of this. Los Revueltas is a Michoacán cartel which is a part of the larger Cárteles Unidos alliance and associated with the Revueltas family. It is reportedly led by El Chirrios, a man who has been named and threatened in many CJNG videos before.

The online rumor mill is similarly abuzz that Los Revueltas recently kidnapped an uncle of Mencho, the leader of the CJNG as well as relatives of Miguel Fernández alias M2, who is one of the most well known CJNG lieutenants operating in Michoacán. Infobae reports a CJNG member posted online a message which reads “The same way you are so brave with the innocent, come out now and let's put an end to this fight. Don Agustin, El Banano and El Cuate were innocent, but not us. Come out and let them kill us to see if it's the same thing.” However these are all rumors and should be taken as such.

For context, after the evening of May 18, 2021, a few hours after to the gunfights, the Michoacán Secretariat of Public Security (SSP) reported on their official Twitter account:

“We maintain free traffic on the Apatzingán-Aguililla section; elements of the Policía Michoacán. They are deployed in the vicinity of the towns of El Terrero, El Limoncito and El Aguaje.”

The SSP and federal forces have made promises to Michoacán residents this month to surveill and maintain free transit on the main thoroughfares of the state, which are regularly blocked by criminal groups in the area. Most commonly these roadblocks come in the form of ditches cut into the asphalt during the middle of the night.

At 9:04 pm on May 19 2021, a day after the gun fights, Michoacán SSP tweeted out saying: 

“In order to preserve order and guarantee free movement, we maintain surveillance at the accesses to the municipality of Aguililla, as well as prevention routes on the road section that leads to the town of El Aguaje.”

SourcesLa Voz de Michoacán, El Sol de Zamora, Mi Morelia, Jornada, Razon, Infobae


  1. Jaliscas pretend they control Aguililla, when in reality all they do is get chased around by the military that they can’t afford to pay off. When they killed those those 2 soldiers, the military came back with a helicopter and killed plenty of Jaliscas. Just keep it hush hush.

    1. Secret management on a roll lol come on bro you are too smart for your own good. It's not as simple as just "hey I have double the money work for me now" .. those military members stationed in the area most likely have family in the area, ties to women in the area, or the CU lacras you so love so much have gained info on where their loved ones are for this very reason. To make them second guess flipping. Give it some time and you'll see what's going to happen you biased moron

    2. Haha will you look at that. Haha will you look at that.

    3. Mencho cries every night because the whole world knows he can’t back to Naranjo de Chila. What a punk.

    4. Whoah $6000 pesos every other week??? That's like $300 every other week meaning $600 dollars a month! Less than minimum wage in California! Dam, Sicarios do all the dirty work,risk their life's, their families life their freedom all for $600 dollars a month, meanwhile the main bosses enjoy their money their luxury and even become untouchable by the local government.

      And a bunch of kids out here think the sicario life is a luxury lifestyle with women and cars not realizing it's only few and it's the high ranking ones with that lifestyle.

    5. Just like cartel de sisies pretend they control Culiacan

    6. @5:25 "Culiacanazo" showed it, you're a retarded hater without any bases.

      Caros' nephew was whacked and Amado nephew as well in Sinaloa. Stfu.

    7. 12:07 the only thing "culiacanazo" showed was the fact that cds has no balls to go one on one against people with guns and dont care about inoccent people!
      Am i wrong?

  2. Jaliscas taking Ls 🤣

  3. Was there a narco called "el 2000" or "el 3000"?

    1. Let me guess you know a guy whose brother knew a uncle of a brother in laws sister who knew him?

    2. Yeah. Panchit0 alias el 2000
      He was BLO

    3. I just know a narco sicario 006.

    4. 7:39PM

      The now defunct dead website "Bordereporter" mentioned a narco by that moniker in a featured article long ago.

      Thank you.

  4. The truth about the Drones that was said the Media were used by CJNG the truth.

    CJNG doesn't control Aguillila just yet but they are able to operate there when every they want. It isn't like your family members los revueltas are goind to come out and fight them. After CJNG lite up and killed the 2 sedena soldiers that came from the 43 zone bassed in Apatzainga. They launched an operation where all they did was patrol Aguillila and the outskirts. Chirrius Revueltas then came out from his hiding spot and killed Don Agustin and 3 other people because he is to chicken shit to go outside Aguilila and fight the Jaliscos that are waiting for him there. The Revuelta family is going to get wiped off the map the ones in the states are never going to be able to come back to Aguillila. The hunt won't stop there.

    1. “CJNG doesn't control Aguillila just yet”

      Jaliscas went from saying they are going to control Michoacan to now admitting they don’t even control Aguililla. Mencho and M2 used to have more control in Aguililla. In two years of fighting they went backwards. I know I know, wait until the elections. Whoever wins the elections in Michoacán, Viagras, Abuelo, FM and Templarios will have them under their control.

    2. You dumb Jalisca spokesman. Nobody cares that Jaliscas enemies are not fighting fair. Not after Jaliscas made a video of themselves putting dynamite on an 8 year old to blow him up and laughing at him as he cried, I’m going to keep reminding you of that all the time. Who cares what makes the Military go after the Jaliscas, they deserve it and nobody is going to feel sorry for them.

    3. “Chirrius Revueltas then came out from his hiding spot and killed Don Agustin”

      So Mencho can’t even protect his own family in his home town? Huh, I guess Mencho not as powerful as his groupies make him out to be.

    4. 11:00 PM His people the guy had nothing to do with CJNG besides one of his brothers daughter dating a CJNG member. He wasn't involved in anything of that sorts. Its just Chirrios Revueltas being a piece of shit killing innocent people he is a cornered rat that is sticking at shadows killing innocent people. Mencho isn't from Aguillila he is from Naranjo Viejo a small village at most.

    5. 8:47 PM Secret Managment are you stupid or acting stupid. CJNG never controlled Aguillila it was always Frutoso Comparan and Chirrius Revueltas. Frutoso Comparan left Aguillila once CJNG burned down the hotel he took from Felix Cornejos widow. Shit was getting spicy from them. A group of gunmen then flipped on them after El Abuelo Farias flipped.

      Secret Management don't worry about it CJNG is going to take over Michoacan no matter what. CJNG controls everything in Aguillila besides Aguillila but they are already there. It is just a matter of time and Chirrios Reuveltas and his family are going to go. They are doing better than they were doing in 2017 and 2018 when Frutosos Comparan left Aguillila. I finally figured it out you are from Aguillila your family are the Revueltas.

      The onlything that matter is that CJNG takes the whole state of Michocan. If they start doing the same shit Carteles Unidos are doing it isn't like the Federal Government isn't going to get them everyone wants them.

    6. CJNG= “Most Hyped Cartel”

    7. 10:46 anger_management defenetly has family members working for the Revueltas! Theres no way a guy seen how cjng is bitting the shit out of the revueltas still denies it!
      Its just like tge snitchloas talking about how vicentillo didnt snitch

    8. 12:48 yea they are so hyped that they make fake narco corridos every day! O wait no thats CDS!

  5. “The Revuelta family is going to get wiped off the map the ones in the states are never going to be able to come back to Aguillila”

    Wasn’t Abuelo and his allies supposed to be wiped out the face of the earth? CJNG failed. But hey let’s just wait till the elections. Mencho can’t banish anyone from Aguililla, Mencho himself can’t even go back Aguililla and he never will.

  6. Mencho should be embarrassed of himself claiming to be the "baddest the most powerful, head of the biggest cartel in mexico supposedly conquering other countries" but CANT even conquer his own hometown... shameful

    1. 😂😂💯💯

    2. He is hiding in a cave, like back in the caveman times.

    3. 9:11 dude chapo & mayo with the help from all the government couldnt take juarez or TJ or Nuevo laredo, plus they got kicked out of jalisco, colima and nayarit!
      I know you guys hate cjng but they mop the floor with the snitchloas in those 3 states, it wasnt even a battle, it was just a massacre🐓🐓🐓

    4. When did he claim that? 🤔 I think that fentanyl in your coke is starting to affect your brain. Didn’t ratón get caught in his hometown? Where’s the control there? They Pulled out of the house and put in time out on the floor 😂😂 they had to put guns to innocent people for them to set him free cuz fighting they wouldn’t have made it out alive

    5. @1:17 Lies regarding the kicking out, CDS still has full presence in Jalisco and CDS capos do control their hometowns with an iron fist while Mencho is just a juido everywhere.

      State facts Mensa or you look more pathetic than you already do with the emojis.

    6. 12:12 state facts? Where are your facts that cds has full precense in jalisco? Im from jalisco and go at least twise a year and yea cds are not around they are hiding like rats! While cjng are all over the place keeping everything in check! So plz dude dont talk none sence i dont talk about sinaloa cause i dont go there, but jalisco and colima plz dude therea no competition for cjng

  7. It’s funny how you say Los jaliscos but half the fighters son de Michoacán. El Chava revuelta was in a ranch that wasn’t even his in coalcoman growing yerba that’s why that rata for smoked


    1. People only know what others post. Therez no real intel here buddy.

  9. You HAVE to give MENCHO props for even TRYING.. GOLFO, zetas, CDS wanted that PLAZA but didn't have the audacity to try TAKE it.
    MAYO even tried to to befriend Dr. MIRELES when he was an autodefenzas to try sneaking in. He asked Dr. If he needed help with guns and money but you know it came with a price.. R.I.P Dr...

    1. Dr mireles was a fucken wolf in sheep's clothing
      Freaken pedophile

    2. 11:35 AM You are still as brainwashed as yesterday. If Mayo Zambada had asked Dr, Mirles if he wanted money and guns the guy would have taken it faster than you can say no. Dr. Mireles was the face of CJNG in Tepaltpec the real boss was El Abuelo and his bosses Mencho and Los Cuinis. El Americano was the face of CJNG in Buenavista backed by CJNG. El Gerardon backed the autodefensas of La Costa El Toro and El Tetos cemeis cousin.

      El Morisqueto was the boss of CJNG in Los Reyes Poncho La Quiringa was the face and the second in command.

      Get this in your little brain CJNG, El PRI and a Colombian General who was the planner created the Autodefensas.

    3. I was always weary of Dr Mireles (his reported past drug smuggling) but Chivis defended him. Is it true he was a pedofile and was generally a self serving opportunist with ulterior motives?

    4. 12:57 I know how they got created..
      MAYO did ask Dr. MIRELES if he wanted gel including SICARIOS. Dr. MIRELES Said NO.. There is an old ARTICLE on that topic here on borderland beat..
      The thing is CU/viagras/autodefenzas knew that if they got help from MAYO CDS would operate in michoacan PLAZA and they DIDN'T want that..
      Get THAT it in your little brain..

    5. 12:57 colombian general oscar naranjas, came to michoacan to help form the Autodefensas for EPN, to kick out the templarios and even used CJNG that were later betrayed to reinstall PRD rule under areolas conejo, miagras, "H3" and polesias ruralez.

    6. @8:20 It was fucked up but Menchos are worse than Miagras, CJNG fangirls from USA or Euorpe don't understand that.

    7. 3:17 PM Yes he was what you described. He liked young girls and was taking full advantage of the movement for monetary gain. El Sargy meet him when he first got to Michaocan he actually came to Michaocan because of Mireles. Once he got to Michaocan Mireles asked him if he had money he said no. After that Mireles left him to die he said he didnt know him and to do whatever they wanted with him. This happened right infront of El Americano and El Burrito de Punta de Agua who ended up saving his life. He left the check point near loss Reyes all sad and down El Burruto de Puta de Agua told him how things rolled that he would put him into contact with El Americano in a few days. He went to Apatzingan to wait for the call. He was theb sent to Paracuaro and his role as an autodefensa started there.

    8. 12:53 Dr Mireles was shy around the one young woman he got with, always asking for her opinion and she was the one that came on to him, if Dr Mireles had been into pedo he would have made a lot of friends with EPN and FECAL, with FOX, even marcial maciel

  10. Las 4 letras Mandan,, Aunque se pongan a llorar como siempre. Las cosas son Como son aunque les duela

    1. #@uk no Nandan que menzo

    2. @1:34 No mandan ni en su casa pendejo. Literal.


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