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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Mexican Drug Cartels Are Fueling the Fentanyl Overdose in Hawaii

"El Choclo" for Borderland Beat

Hawaii police officers warn that many people consume fentanyl without being aware that the pills contain it. Cartels are selling counterfeit pills to opioid addicts who believe the pills contain oxycodone.

The number of fentanyl drug doses in the US state of Hawaii are climbing and have reached a five-year high since last year, according to the US High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA).

A total of 243 of Hawaii's 262 drug-related deaths were accidental. The total number of drug overdoses were up from 265 in 2019 and 226 in 2018.

This increase occurs as the opium problem continues to rise across the United States.

According to the Central for Disease Control, fentanyl has accounted for 55% increase in drug overdoses in the US. It is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine and 25 to 40 times stronger than heroin.

Officials say it is made and distributed by Mexican drug cartels, particularly the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and the Sinaloa Cartel.

“Counterfeit oxycodone pills look just like real oxycodone pills however they’re being manufactured and produced in Mexico in laboratories where there’s no product oversight and regulation. So you have no idea what’s being put into these pills,” Drug Enforcement Agency assistant special agent in charge Leslie Tomaich said.

These pills are becoming popular in Hawaii, according to the Maui Police Department (MPD), Honolulu Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

“I don’t want to say that the flood gates have opened but they’re far more common,” HIDTA Drug Intelligence Officer Rico Witt said. “If I have somebody that’s used to taking a real oxycodone and they take one that’s laced with fentanyl that has a bit more than they need, guess what’s going to happen to them?”

In October 2020, the Maui Police seized 500 fentanyl pills after a bust in the Valley Isle.

Police officers say that counterfeit oxycodone pills containing fentanyl are becoming more prevalent. These counterfeit pills appear as prescribed pharmaceutical oxycodone pills, in color and scene, but in reality contain deadly fentanyl doses.

“Reports of users who obtained the counterfeit pills illegally advise that after ingesting, extreme nausea resulted and report that the effects are nothing like the legally prescribed oxycodone pills,” MPD said.

To tackle this issue, the DEA is working with community groups in what they call a two-pronged approach.

“On the enforcement side which is our primary mission, is to target and arrest for prosecution those who are distributing it on the streets to lower the supply of it,” Tomaich said.

“We can’t be patting ourselves on the back because we don’t have an opiod epidemic yet, HIDTA Director Gary Yabuta said. “We have a methamphetamine epidemic, ice, batu, and it’s been here for 30 years.”

Witt and Yabuta say that people have to be really careful with prescribed opioid medications because that is generally how addictions begin. When prescriptions run out, people look into counterfeit pills to fill that avoid.

“I would suggest anyone they really look through these and really educate themselves if they’re in need of pain management to find other methods of opiods,” Witt said.

Sources: Khon2


  1. Whos worse,the consumer or producer?
    One takes a drug,the other,spreads this shit to many different countries.So when i hear the mexican refrain of US junkies i tend to feel sick at the hypocrisy and endless victim culture of crying mexicans who have been force fed anti US hate since independence.Salt of the earth my half brown ass

    1. Pointing out a fact is not self victimization. Put aside your political platitudes and look at the real issues like addiction and prohibition, among others.

    2. There is no question and if you need to ask than you are braindead yourself. The problem is availability. Without the producer the addict will not have the availability to continue their habit to the point of severe withdrawal. They are disgusting prescription drugs as fetanyl this has nothing to do with the consumer and everything to do with the scumbag producers

    3. @ 3:37 you must be a consumer with that backwards thinking. No demand no supply. Trust me on this one

    4. Junkies by choice

    5. No one forces you to take drugs

    6. 1:25 is on to something. 8:14, not so much. you realize the main reason there are opiate addicts is because their health officials prescribe pain pills in the first place? big pharma money game. these things are engineered to be addicting. what a naive thing to say about choice. addiction is the chemical dependency on something to function. a lot of these people never had a chance.

    7. Take the profits out of drugs and there will be no incentive to sell the shit. If there is no seller there won't be buyer.

    8. As long as there's a demand someone's gonna supply

    9. There's no more demand for brick mexican weed like before. So guess what. There's no more supply like before! Common sense would tell you, not to supply! They're demanding harder drugs so common sense again. Supply the demand

  2. They can start blaming Hawaiians now for the state of mexico lmao

  3. And here is all the CHEMICALS commming from? China..
    Go AFTER China and problem SOLVED
    That will NEVER happwn though, China is too much power NOW even more than before..
    Let's just keep blaming the MEXICANS
    Let's build a wall and so we can change our minds and let thousands of illegals come through the font door 😆 that's HILARIOUS.. Just SAYING..

    1. Cant argue with that logic. Seems we're all hypocrites. So be mindfulof casting stone;)

    2. It’s much more complex than that. The only way to truly put an end to all of this is to kill the entire black market through legalization and regulation. Government becomes the drug dealer...and with that comes quality control, which addresses the issue in this article. Demand for drugs is incurable, so it has to be controlled and distributed by the government(s).

    3. Oh hell the caps kid menso

    4. Where do precursor chemicals land,at which port,ports?
      Dejar de hablar mierda,no me digas chingaderas,you talkin about blame?
      Sheeit you didnt mention the US baby fucks up with you?Feelin alright?Raw material lands and who cooks it up.Illegals?Err just like Mexico which has strict immigration laws,no one has a divine right to enter the US not even mexicans.We all do hypocrisy

    5. 12:47 delite just saying you already stating a comment, otherwise you look like a dork.

    6. Thanks FOR your input but it's my STYLE of writing.. DON'T like it I can care less, my COMMENTS make SENSE. You can HATE all you want but I won't change my STYLE.. Just SAYING.. 😆

  4. Why does this man always type in capital letters when trying to emphasize something lol

    It's not difficult to tell when M30s are pressed.. ppl willingly take these pressed Fetty pills because they fuck you up, they're cheaper and more accessible..
    They are drug users. They don't care how they get their high. They wanna feel what they feel, real or fake. More the better.. there are some users who know better and don't purchase Fetty M30s and only buy real ones but 8/10 times you come across these fake pills. Most the time, these picky users purchase them from people who get real ones prescribed or they happen to have a pharmaceutical connect. Pharmacist, doctor, someone with access to steal them from pharmacist, transport, where they make them.

    1. They call him the caps lock kid, he is a little dumb.

    2. He has more sense than most in this blog
      Too much haters though..

  5. After legally addicting the public to opioids, and having an epidemic of overdoses and deaths resulting from prescriptions for commissions, US pharmaceuticals leave their clients wanting for a lot more, and mexican or others bringing relief.
    Blame US legislators for their part and supply relief in opioid dens where people get free supplies and overdose relief.
    and watch for the coming epidemics the legalizing of experimental, medical and BS mariguana will bring, assured by the hunger for "tax revenue" already spent on political campaigns and contributions, billionaires are buying sports figgueres and politrickos like Ryan Sandberg and former speaker of the house author of "On The House" book
    The only drug I would approve is to look into Chivis eyes to overdose.

    1. 7:01. thank you. exactly this. i have a family member who had multiple surgeries from a car wreck back to back to backl... he was prescribed opiates each time for the pain. what do you think happened? he got dependent on opiates to function because that is what they are chemically designed to do. there are alterative pain medicine that they could be prescribing. thc/cbd to start....the opiate addiction epidemic is perpetuated by the US govt and big pharma because its big $$$$

  6. Fentanyl is worse of the worst

  7. you can tell the ones in the photo are fentanyls by how thick they are...real 30s are more thin and rounded on edges. I was on em for years...finally kicked em 5 yrs ago and have never been on em since. The 30s i would buy in Tijuana were always garbage. That was around 2016 though.

  8. @ 7:21 sorry I have to disagree
    Meth is worse the damage Meth does is just horriable
    Fent well take to much your dead but Methheads man its Bad

    1. 9:37 I don't know, but I've never seen as many drug deaths as from fentanyl

    2. Fentanyl is worse, meth is just more rampant.

  9. precursors come from the u.s.absolutely no regulations or paper trail ?theres pics on the web with U.S precursors name and timestamp.this is not for the timid mind i repeat lmao

  10. J.T baker is the us company selling precursor to the black market

  11. "fijoles quemados N mirrors"


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