Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 28, 2021

Mexico City, CDMX: Susana Sánchez Moreno Captured, Girlfriend of “El Lunares”

 “ Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Elements of the Capital Security Secretariat searched five establishments to prevent the crime of drug dealing

The action was led by Omar García Harfuch, head of the CDMX Secretariat for Citizen Security

After the arrest of Susana “N”, identified as the girlfriend of Óscar Andrés “N”, alias “El Lunares”, the main leader of La Unión Tepito, capital authorities carried out an operation in bars in the Historic Center to prevent the crime of drug dealing in the area.

According to initial reports, the action was headed by Omar García Harfuch, head of the Secretariat of Citizen Security of the CDMX, together with elements and senior managers of the capital's security agency.

The last stop on his tour was on Calle Madero, known for the number of bars it has, especially in Plaza Madero. Upon arriving at the place, the policemen entered "La Nueva 5ta", where they removed the people and searched every corner.

Before entering the site, some people reported that the pedestrian walkway was closed to prevent circulation and thus avoid any risky incident in the vicinity of the Zócalo and the National Palace.

Inside the establishment, a female voice, between shouts, forces the diners to leave.

In some videos that circulate on social networks, you can see how several dozen uniformed men, and some in civilian clothes, come running to the townsquare to start the operation. After climbing the stairs and passing in front of all the establishments, they entered the bar.

Inside the establishment, a female voice, shouting, forces the diners to leave, while several police officers subdue the employees of the establishment. They force them to the ground, face down, and place their hands behind their backs.

Later, a man wearing a windbreaker with the SSC shield, brown pants and black tennis shoes, mentions to the team that carried out the operation not to leave anyone on the ground. "I want them standing or sitting, but no person on the floor," he shouted as he walked through all the corridors.

So far, the authorities of Mexico City have not issued information regarding arrests or confiscated property corresponding to this fact, it was only known that in total there were five searches.

Susana “N” was apprehended at the intersection of Avenida Vidal Alcocer and Costa Rica, Colonia Centro.

Regarding the arrest of the presumed girlfriend of "El Lunares", police reports indicated that the 32-year-old woman was traveling aboard her Volkswagen vehicle when agents of the Security Secretariat carried out actions in Rino Morelos.

Susana "N" was apprehended at the intersection of Avenida Vidal Alcocer and Costa Rica, Colonia Centro, within the Cuauhtémoc neighborhood. 

After stopping her and carrying out a preventive check, they found 27 transparent plastic bags with marijuana, three transparent plastic bags with the same herb, whose weights were evaluated at 300, 250 and 150 grams.

She also carried with her five plastic cans with a capacity of 1 kilogram, with approximately 300 grams each; a plastic bottle with a capacity of 500 grams with approximately 250 grams; two plastic cans with a capacity of 250 grams, with approximately 150 grams each, all with marijuana.

The woman was arrested with several doses of marijuana.

The agents also seized a white digital scale, a Cobra radio,  as well as 2,000 pesos in cash. The detainee, along with what was seized, were made available to the Public Ministry.

El Lunares remained as the head of the Unión Tepito, after the arrest in 2018 of José Alberto Maldonado López, El Betito, who began as the organization's hitman and remained as the top boss since 2015.

This subject was transferred to a prison in the interior of the Republic from the North prison, in July of last year. He is on trial for his ties to drug trafficking and murders.

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  1. I swear she looks like the Fiona from the memes haha

    1. Was about to type that hahaha.

  2. Lmao this is by far the most ridiculous perp press I have ever seen in Mexico.

    Of the hundreds I have seen, I have never seen them provide side shots of the person, let alone this many photos of an arrestee all together.. It’s almost as if they are modeling her, and are nothing short of having her vogue!

    And what the hell is with the labeling of the different grades of pot?

    I can only assume this was how they found it, and left the labels on, but anything besides that would just make all of this even more ludicrous.

    Between the photos of her, and not blacking out her eyes, would anyone else agree that this press release is totally abnormal???

    Maybe they are trying to intimidate and humiliate “El Lunares”?

    1. The ones selling them lable the pot.. Differente strains...

    2. Not a significant drug bust. More of cleaning the area for a rival DTO.

    3. It’s almost like their trying to “humiliate” her just by raising her shirt and exposing her to the max. Really dirty game the Mex. cops play in every state in Mexico.

    4. 12:49 typical inept BS montage by Harfuch, what has the sacking of Madero street joints to do with arresting this pinche chichona?
      As if El Lunares has run out of gas out of his own rear end, now we have harfuch's silly farts to enjoy, coordinated by juakin "el patas de caballo" lopez doriga, famed Televisa Lord Montages.

  3. Gimme a paper bag and thats that!

  4. At least she has a nice body she can do something with that. How did she get a body like that ? She has nice face too , look at those lips! All she has to do is add a little gloss and a little powder on her face , curl her hair and put on some lashes , some people might say looks have nothing to do with it , but I think looks can take you a long way even in jail if you know how to work it

    1. You are not the person I thought I knew, not sophisticated.

    2. Como para ir a echar pata ay pasa. Ya después ay nos vidrios mamis.

    3. Really it is sad, displayed here is that for many, in certain Mexican ethos/ some opinions,a woman's only worth is based on how sexually attractive or not people find her.
      Granted, it is a garbage arrest and press just used her as a desperate attempt to make it interesting. Girdle, body enhancements on parade. I'm surprised they don't have a 'label tag' for her and weight in grams.

    4. Hey 5:00 I'm happy to say you are not intelligent , your brain fog and thought you knew me

  5. Poor little baby. That weed looks trash btw

  6. I thought they legalized Marijuana in Mexico.

  7. whale whale whale... what do we have here.

    1. You know you'd do her in a hearbeat if you had her in front of you.

    2. not everyone is that hard up...

  8. the cockroach bitch looks scared to death lmao

    1. Scared shit less

    2. I was thinking the same thing.hoping they are real cops arresting her I'm sure

  9. Botched nose job.

  10. We really letting disrespectful comments by towards women?? Dont let it be someone calling chivis out on her fakeness because you quickly get censored. But it's ok to ridicule others when it's not you.

    Asi or mas biased?

    1. Equality. Read some comments of captured men...

    2. Hey leave Chivis alone, she is on a well deserved vacation in the mountains of Norway, no TV no Wi-Fi.

    3. 11:42 i am sorry these bastars offended you girl

  11. El meme de la ultima foto:


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