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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Mexico Has Issued 101 Arrest Warrants in the Ayotzinapa 43 Missing Students Case Since 2018

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

The disappearance of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural School in Guerrero aroused horror, indignation, and protest throughout Mexico and the world in 2014. It is widely regarded as a "paradigm shift" in Mexico.
The administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has been aggressive in uncovering the truth of in the notorious 43 missing students case from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero.

Since 2018, the year AMLO joined office, Attorney General's Office (FGR) has requested 101 arrest warrants against people linked to the 2014 case. According to a report delivered at the Mexican Senate, until March 31 of this year, federal judges had only granted 63 of those 101 warrants.

One of them was against the former director of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC), Tomás Zerón de Lucio, who is wanted for torture. He is currently hiding in Israel, which does not have an extradition treaty with Mexico.

In addition, 34 search operations have been carried out in six municipalities in the state of Guerrero: Cocula, Huitzuco, Iguala, Eduardo Neri, Tepecoacuilco and San Miguel Totolapan. Genetic identification work is currently being conducted on 240 exhumed remains found in these areas. The University of Innsbruck in Austria is helping in the DNA examinations.

This revelation comes days after Mexican media outlets reported that former Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) leader Abigael Gonzalez Valencia (alias "El Cuini") agreed to confess what he knew about the Ayotzinapa case.

Earlier this week in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, about 100 students from the rural school in Ayotzinapa went to the local Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) offices and burned a figure of ex-governor Angel Aguirre Rivero as a sign of protest. The protestors say that he is one of the suspects in the disappearance case.

Student protestors burn a figurine in front of the PRD offices in Chilpancingo, Guerrero

The protestors then headed to the home of Evelyn Salgado Pineda, who is running for governor under the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) party, and burned another figure of ex-secretary of Education, Jose Luis Gonzalez de la Vega. Evelyn is the daughter of Felix Salgado Macedonio, former mayor of Acapulco who was recently accused of sexual abuse.

The parents of the missing students activated another search movement in Guerrero from 19 to 23 May 2021. Some of the parents recognized AMLO's work on the case, but admitted that there is much more to be done.


  1. CNJG publicly ratting people out…lol. The 69’s of the drug industry, can’t even call them a cartel. They’re no better than street peddlers. Menchito and his sister stressing, such a low level group they can’t even rat on the bosses of Mexico.

  2. Thank you mr cuini! You are better than all of the mx government who were involved in the 43 missing students case!! DON CUINI PARA PRESIDENTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AJUA!!!!!!
    El sr cuini no entrego a compañeros como el ratoncillo zambada!!! I would rather work with him than any cdsnitches!!!

    1. “ Don cuini para presidente” Well with that comment alone shows how stupid these dickriders are.

  3. I'm not familiar with this case as much as I'd like to be... Can someone please explain why these students? What was the reason for making them disappear?

    1. Read the “mass kidnapping case section” for an overview. BB talked about it a few days before. It covers all general points.

      But to answer your question as to “why”, it is still not known. Cuini said they were confused by rival gang members once the police handed them over to cartels. No one knows why they were killed... some say the mayor ordered it but I don’t think so. Too much heat. I honestly think it was a mistake or confusion with them ...

    2. The leader of Guerrero unidos ordered the killings. To heat up the plaza for FM.They were at war at the time.

    3. And who was joan Sebastian's brother or the mayors wife?? Isnt there a theory that EPN ordered that hit and that bus full heroin was all bogus??

    4. Maria de los Angeles Pineda, her husband mayor of Iguala, her brothers and her parents were and are a bunch of murdering criminals, she was banging Arturo Beltran Leyva and governor Angel aguirre Rivero for years, bit i doubt they called the Federal Police and the melitary army and marinas and the State police to recover billions of dollars "stolen by the students with the hijacked buses" for the rival cartel AND I DOUBT ant of the named suspects ordered the secretary of defense to protect the military base from inspections, from inspecrors, and suppressed the records of weeks long C4 communications.
      El Cuini is being used to distract with BS and save the good name of mexican melitary, but the israelis are no pussies, they learned well from the best, their Nazi Tormentors, and have been practizing their own brand of neo- narcoliberalism all ober the American Continent since they took down the Godfather of drug trafficking and money laundering in LatAm, Klaus Barbie before intergrating Operation Condor from the US
      Now they are sponsoring tomas zeron for his overdose of impunity in israel...

  4. 101 arrest but not one closure nor whereabouts about one damn remain

    1. Your late to the party bud they where burned to ashes

  5. Taking so long, such a big cover up. Didn't they say at first, the mayor at the time a female had something to do with it.

  6. Who the fuck was it then GU right?

    1. 3:40 emilio chuayfett chemor, "la emilia" secretary of education and enemy of the Ayotzinapos school of guerrillas former teacher of EPN who fired his state police as gobernor of estado de mexico for trying to arrest EPN and ernestito zedillo for acts against nature in their car, a veteran of massacres in Acteal chenalho, aguas blancas and el Charco, resigned with ruben figueroa governor of guerrero, who left angel aguirre in his stead, and federal police in the state omar hamid garcia harfuch who asked and got a permit to leave the state after delivering the students who were trying ro go to Mexico City to protest the murdering of students and people by harfuch's grampa secretary of defense marcelino garcia barragan.
      Yheybwere expecting thenstidents to hijack buses, a practice by students since Mexico 68 murders of Tlatelolco many actual politicos have taken part in hijacking buses, but this time they all got together to do it. And nobody can prosecute or interrogate them properly like they do others, with a cattle prod up the ass while they get waterboarded.
      How would El Cuini order massive truckloads of melitary, navy marinas federales estatales and municipal cuicos to do this dirty job? Call bullshit, even zeron only did cover-up and stole 1 billion peisos.

  7. ese cuini ya anda de gira cantando.

  8. 4:58 y tu andas ahi de caliente creyendosela, i mean and you are the horny ass believing anything anybody says the Cuini said, BS.


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