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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Michoacán: CJNG Video Message for Coastal Residents

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

This statement is for the residents of the Michoacan coast. Greetings, beautiful people from the Michoacan coast. This statement is to inform the citizens that our criminal enterprise doesn’t get involved in politics. Nor do we place puppet candidates. On account of us just being drug traffickers.

And we support ourselves solely from these activities. Unlike Héctor Zepeda Navarrete aka El Teto and Germán Ramírez Sánchez aka El Toro. They’re trying by force to place into office the candidate Chema Valencia of the Green Party in Aquila (Aquila, Michoacán). As well as the engineer Gildardo Ruiz Velásquez from the Fuerza Mexico political party in Coahuayana (Coahuayana, Michoacán). 

They’re milking the municipalities. By robbing them of gasoline, public security items, placing assassins within the Municipal Police department, and having mayors to serve as intermediaries with the government to commit crimes freely.

So that they’re able to take care of their drug corridors, unload cocaine on the coasts. And continue using the National Guard, the Mexican Navy, along with the Mexican Army. Including the Michoacan Police as the shock group in favor of Carteles Unidos along the seashore. Pay attention Chema Valencia together with your engineer Gil Ruiz.

Those scumbags El Teto and El Toro won’t take away that ass beating that you’re going to receive. Don’t bother playing dumb asses pretending to be honest men involved in Self Defense Groups.

You're just as bad as any other cartel. The only difference here is that the government has given you protection. That’s the only reason why you’re both still alive. But we won’t stop pointing the finger at you. We will continue advancing until we eliminate the United Cartels in Michoacán. So that we are able to live in peace. Sincerely, CJNG

Source: Jalisciense


  1. They're not in jail facing life! They're snitching in hopes of the authorities coming and helping them. It would be understandable if they were about to get a life sentence but they're not.

    1. Right, because letting the people know about scumbag politicians and their handlers is snitching. No seas mamón hijo ponte a leer en ves de pegarle al foco

    2. 8:06 facts have have triggered the 11:40 tweeker

    3. 11:40 pinchi rata

    4. lol someones triggered a rat

    5. May they go on "snitching as you call it for a long time.Politicos are the motherfuckers who nurture cartels and let them gain power,politicos are the ones who should pay the price.Maybe if more of them were kidnapped and fucked off they might get the message to do the job properly in serving the vast majority of people who want to live without cartels and its inherent carnage

    6. Isnt it a good thing they are outing these rat politicians ?

    7. @11:40 Como si ellos no fueran a comprar gobierno, mamón.

    8. SOOO it's ok to tell on politicians, who are criminals..but not ok to tell on criminals who are Life long criminals... No mames

  2. Crying about the exact same bs they do. Ese tweeker ni Leer sabe

    1. 8:11 You know who literally does not know how to read or write? El chapo guzman! 😉

    2. Son puro foquero maniaco.
      - Ghost of hahaha Joker

    3. @8:33 te tienen traumado los chinolas

    4. 8:33
      Chapo didn’t know how to read or write but he sure did make some governments worry. Not anyone can do what that man did.
      Not a fan of him am just stating facts.

    5. @8:33 y aun haci logro más que tu ... hasta tu madre moja los calzones por estar con Chapo Guzmán

    6. Chapo who? It's 2021 keep up junior. You got left way behind

    7. 12:05 si guey logro mas que yo! El esta hasiendo vida en florence y yo aki en mi jale de 8 horas pasando tiempo con mis morrillos y echando cheves! Que envidia le tengo al chapo 🤣🤣🤣

    8. @7:22 Poor looser, his sons are the next kings.

    9. 12:05 if its killing yea he has a lot more deads than me, dirty money of curse he has way more than me, clean money? That i wouldnt know! Cause i never in my life have sould a gram of any drugs, time in jail yea he has done more than me!
      Raising kids the right way well in that department i like my odds! People who praise a narco are people who have never had a father figure i have and wouldnt change it for nothing i still my dad and mom and i respect them, i also got 3 kids and like i said i like my odds they wount become a narco terrorist like chapo or mencho or any of your role model figures in the narco world, i just like to have a laught at yall for believing this fools! Theres not such thing as a good narco! If you are a good narco you wont even last a day in order to survive you gotta be a killer! And that lofe its just not for me, keep believing those fake corridos si asta ahi te alcansa tu mente de pollo

    10. "Cause i never in my life have sould a gram of any drugs"
      I wonder just how many here have,and been in jug?

  3. Ha ha we won’t stop pointing the finger but then their cheerleaders say they don’t snitch. Yeah they don’t get into politics sure budy

  4. Jaliscas keep crying about the military. I'm sure this message will help people see how unfair the military has been to them and they will gain public support and sympathy. These dumb Jaliscas I swear.

    1. The C.U. Rats did the same thing crying on tv pretending to be self defense pinches rateros ojalá les llegue lo que merecen por hacer a tanta gente sufrir

  5. Damn sounds like a bunch of crybabies!!

  6. Look at these tools thinking CJNG is crying. They are making the war public in their own way the Media isn't going to report the truth they are going to say CJNG is attacking innocent farmers and autodefensas. I already told you CJNG is on the offensive the Gallinas Unidas are crying. Sargy just made it public their is an audio where El Chunde tells the tecatos of the viagras in the town next to El Terrero to hide the weopons and equipment and to come out with rocks and sticks.

    You want to know why kids so that once EL M2 and the boys slaughter the tecatos all the media will say CJNG massacred a bunch of innocent people. The Culos unidos want the Sedena, Semar, Guardia National, State Police, Muncipal Police, SSP and what other government corporations exists to do the fighting against CJNG because they know they can't hack it against them.

    It takes CJNG 30 min to take back what it took the Viagras/Gallinas Unidas months and hundreds of dead to take and they only took it because the Sedena, Semar, Guardia National, State Police, Muncipal Police, SSP did the fighting for them.

    1. 9:13 war public?? 😆😂 I would say begging for help n snitching public


      Hey Sol this is el chunde same guy who comes out in the autodefensa video the media made where he and a bunch of people are next to El Terrero saying CJNG kicked them out of El Aguaje. Here it is EL Famoso Chunde peep the voice.

    3. "They are making the war public in their own way"
      Bro i dont see no wrong in letting everyone know the the shit these rat politicians get up to.Keep postin man

    4. @9:13 An international cartel against a more local-based one composed of cells a.k.a. C.U. Well of course genius, that they would win but if the gov doesn't allow it is because CJNG are complete scum and they create mayhem all over Mexico.

      You armchair commanders doesn't want to admit that CJNG will be destroyed soon, why? because it's the best for Mexico.

    5. Look at the snitchaloas we all know CJNG is on the advance Carteles Unidos can't hang with them so they do what they can to get the state to help them fight. It wasn't CJNG who started this mess is was the snitchaloas. They wanted to take the whole pie for themselves and this is where we are at today. Look at these chumps saying they know what is best for Mexico. I repeat the war in Mexico started because of the Snitchaloas.

    6. 2:15 Ignorant ass comment

    7. Invasion of Nuevo Laredo, Chihuahua, Tijuana, ponen al Mochomo y la guerra contra BLO, balconean a LFM, mandan matar a ICV etcétera. Donde ponen dedo y hacen cizaña siempre está CDS. Ponte trucha @5:55

    8. 7/08 aparte que lla avia una tregua entre todos los carteles y quien lo quebra? Aguevo los snitchloas! Parece que la gente que habla nomas a lo tonto no save todas las traiciones del cds o se acen pendejos o le caso a un corrido de amentiras! De todos los carteles ratas el cds es el mas rata!

    9. 7:08 PM Even before that the snitchaloas were doing things dirty Mayo Zambada had his boss Ines Calderon Quintero killed in 1988. Caro Quintero didn't go to prison just like that they also snitched on him I am certain it was Chapo. Mayo and Chapo then snitched on Felix Gallardo and El Guero Palma. They started their little war with the Arellanos Felis brothers because they were pissed off that Chapo and Mayo snitched on their uncle. They then put cizaña in Juarez and they start going down. Chapo to get out of prison then snitches on Caro Quinteros Brother their shipments were being stopped because Chapo was snitching behind bars. Chapo and Mayo inflate Jorge Valencia and Luis Valencia and kill Felix Cornejo in 1994. Carlos Rosales comes back to Michoacan and gets that one back and forces Milenio to Jalisco. Chapo and Mayo snitch on Carlos Rosales and he is imprisoned. The Familia Michocana comes into existance supported by Snitchaloa. Yeah you already know how the snitchaloas do things. Since 2015 even 2014 the snitchaloas had contact with the Zetas they were allies bajita la mano that is why MZ is working with CDN in Zacatecas.

      Esos Snitchaloas son igual que los puercos de los viagras cizañosos de nivel alto. If they can't win a war on their own they get the state to do it for them even then they are never able to hold what they bought.

    10. @8:15 Cry a fucken river kiddo, it's warfare. CDS has things in peace at the places they are around.

    11. 4:24 yea thats what you think cause you hear it in a corrido

  7. Hahaha they get help from the Guanajuato government , all they do is cry wolf

    1. Guanajuato government? Maybe you can email @MX whatever proof you have? @9:50

    2. @2:16 Obviously that's how they got Marro hunted down and arrested but it's because of Huachicol, it was a different case. But anywhere else Mencho is being left alone.

    3. Obviously, those are your assumptions. @12:35

    4. @11:22 They are not, come GTO.

  8. Sol, my cross rifled brother hope all is well and hope your enjoying retirement.

    1. It's Dr. Sol for heaven's sake.

    2. Saludos El Bulldog. Not really retired sir.

      @10:44 ⤵️ I saw that Tony Lucchese likes to sell CJNG gear on Amazon. Apparently some people are buying clothing marketed to the Jalisco Cartel much like the Chapo clothing brand. Weird.

    3. Dr.Sol is not and old man yet, lol at who ever said retired!

  9. Cjng groupies will still deny the fact that these clowns are nothing but snitches low key begging for a helping hand from the government 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔

    1. You are “elwero1” in youtube haha fan boy 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Man do we have another sicario 006, og shadow and anger_managemwnt?
      I swear whwn ever i see all those rats together the first thing tha comes to mind is the Zambada and Guzman families are having a party!!! Jajajajaja

    3. El wero1, el jabón a hora el rayado( de apoyar a los zetas se voltio con los jaliscos) creo que el vicepresidente en tweeter de los defensores de los Jaliscos 🤣🤣 por que el presidente del club de las Jaliscas es el jaliciense,luego el jabón rayado, le sigue Pedrito el putito,otro que se pone guerrero libre,Tonny luches otro mamá jaliscos,anda un discípulo de ellos un phantom que todo les cree y también se enoja si les comentas algo a esos payasos te bloquean o te atacan entre todas esas Jaliscas, según saben todo y de todos los que dan noticias como grillonautas,zetatj,la silla asta de los compas de borderland beat hablan que no saven que son unos vendidos con los demás carteles que están en contra de los jaliscos. Pero aquí los miras viendo que comentan para llevar el chisme a su capula de expertos 🤣🤣😂😂 aguas con los tweeter sicarios nueva generación defensores de los jaliscos… payasos de doble moral. Defienden a un cartel de bueno y Defensor del Pueblo según ellos, aquí no hay cartel bueno pongan a trabajar su cerebro payasos🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡✌🏼

    4. Snitching,you cracked or what?You want politicos to cause cain and walk away every time,fuckin worse than cartels

  10. They don't get involved in politics 🙄 yet here they are sending a message about politics. 😐 🤦🏻‍♂️no cabe duda que el Mundo esta lleno de gente pendeja.

    1. Como tu? Are they campaigning or asking the people to support a particular candidate? Imbecil, they letting the people know what’s going on and only because the C.U. Tecatos are driving the state to shit, messing with the people and blaming it on CJNG and then crying about it to the guardia nacional

    2. Hey it's the emoji kid, I love it I take him more serious with a lot of emojis. Lol

    3. They just told you,they move gear,they dont need campaigns.Fuckin good idea to keep letting everyone know who is involved.Politicians are supposed to improve life not make it worse,they are helping to prolong the Michoacan war with their bullshit games.Politicians are the lowest of the low

    4. @11:45 The only crying Tecatos are all of y'all lmfao.

  11. Run chorrillas chorrientas! Cjng are getting serious, sobre aviso no ahi engaño! Y el que avisa no es traicionero! Dont get involved government, this fight is 🐥 unidos vs sus papas 🐓🐓🐓
    We know is not a fair fight pero asi lo quisiero esos traicioneros! Ahora se la toman o la derraman culebras!!!

  12. Wait..
    At 1:22 in the video;
    “son peor que qualquer cartel, nomas que el gobierno los ha protegido.”

    Every cartel/mafia is involved in politics and they go hand in hand. CJNG has been accused of having government officials under their payroll on multiple occasions. The messenger is lying out of his ass and sounded confused.. CJNG is snitching and their fan boys love it.

    1. Big DTO'S know political gains are essential to a longevity and prosperous life.
      Despite the whining of unfavorable outcomes. These claims bear investigation.

    2. Carteles wouldn't exist without government bribes bro !

  13. CU do the same just with white shirts and children and women in front

    1. Tellin you bro,they even worse using women and children to help in the fight.CU/Viagras cheap fucks

    2. @1:15 No llores Billita, CJNG es mierda. Michoacán se va a estabilizar, y gran parte del país, cuando chinguen a su madre esos weyes.

    3. 12:32 esta mierda se va a estabilizar asta que se acaven los cds! Que como dijo un compa arriva en los comentarios, ellos empesaaron toda esta guerra por querer todo el pastel! Desde cd juarez, nuevo laredo y TJ! Pinches ratas sinaloences si no fueran tan ambiciosos todo mexico estubiera a toda madre!

    4. 6:23 nadien llora aki wey yo se k los Jaliscos tan mal pero no se asen pendejos como CU

    5. @6:32 Llevas parte de razón en eso, pero qué te puedo decir al Chapo no le cayó bien el Salinas de Gortari y sus protegidos, por eso los mandó a la verga a todos.

    6. @6:32 CDS quiso las fronteras que tenían los del PRI y Cártel de GDL, ese fue el pedo pero el Chapo nunca anduvo con tanta fregadera y el Golfo es un desmadre por ellos mismos.

      La ambición de Chapo fue cabrona y causó mucho desmadre en Juárez sobre todo, lo sé. Pero Mencho quiero hacer lo mismo en todo México, cuál le conviene que se vaya a la gaver a la gente?

      Si a esas vamos que no exista ninguno, pero los que no los quieren ni en su casa es a los CJNG.

    7. 10:08 bueno no importa porque ivadio esas plazas el chapo lo que importa es que las invadio y eso decestabiliso todo! Si no ibiera empesado todo el desmadre los golfos no se uvieran partido los Z no uvieran entrado a michoacan y los michoacanos no uvieran formado la familia! En juarez no uviera muerto tanta jente y para que empezo ahi si de todos modos no gano? Nomas puras massacres! TJ estuviera a toda madre igual con los arellanos al frente! Si no le uviera puesto dedo a nacho el cjng nisiquiera existiria y todo tranquilo! Recuerden se puede decir que el cds creo al Cjng al aver entregado a nacho! Ese fue su peor error y ahora estamos aqui! Con rodo este desmadre! De quien es la culpa? Ahi estan los datos! Yo no lo invente asi paso! asi que diganme quien tiene que pagar los platos rotos?

  14. This foo just made a video snitching! SERIOOOOOOOOO?

  15. CJING are cowards.

  16. Looks like the gang who couldn't shoot straight

  17. CJNG will not GET michoacan BECAUSE they get help from all sides of GOVERNMENT, police, MARINA and PROBABLY even AMLO just like CHAPITOS

    1. Hey it's the stuck incaps kid.

    2. @6:50 Now you woke up, no one likes 'em tweakers.

    3. 12:31 I am A tweAKER, I LOVE those DRUGS, arrival LA migra.

  18. CJNG is snitching on the WAY CU/viagras have political candidatea but as long as they DON'T snitch on each other like CDS, they should be alright..

  19. seems to be trying to read a statement straight from the top rat in charge

  20. out in the open. wait till they get him behind closed doors

  21. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Cdsnitches fan club all over the place! Its gonna take a few decades for cjng to be in the anitching level of Cds! Calling cuini a snitch but saying Zambadas dont snitch Jajajajaja thats when you see all the hate and who its coming from! Go back to making fake corridos and hitting your wives cause thats all cds are good for! Cant hang with the real man

    1. @10:00 No one ever said Zambadas don't snitch fool.

    2. 10:00 and if they snitch on your boyfriends and past and present lover boys, so what?
      --Are you going there in person and hit 'em with your purse or your mom's

  22. "Snitching" On rat bastard politicians?Swear some of these clowns are fuckin touched in the bean.They should be getting kidnapped for all the tragedy in mexico they cause,fuckin rats

    1. Soo. Just let those rat bastard politicians? Get away with playing chess in this narcowar??

      -think before you post-

    2. 2:23 PM
      Huh,what?Err i think you missed the point

    3. 642. Uh, I understood it perfectly.
      Rather than putting "snitch" labels on anyone. We should have more group unmasking CORRUPT politicians, because at the end of the day that's the root of all problems in Mexico. Corruption in all levels of government.

    4. at 11:25 AM
      Err,thats what i said didl i,twooly

    5. 11:25 marcial maciel, who performed carlos slim helu wedding, carlos slim helu, claudio Xoconostle gonzalez, la gilbertona, the vazquez ralas, the hank rohn brothas, jaime kamil garza, jean succar kuri, tje televisa owners, are no politicos, they own politicos and their corruption, and private prisons for the criminals they produce from their associated rabble, all paid and supported by the mexican government, of course they do not pay their utilities or their taxes either...

  23. CJNG has killed countless innocent people, that are citizens of Mexico.
    Then they come out with a propaganda video, to somehow convince the people that they are good people. We all know that they are a ruthless Cartel, that has been running rampant, like a feral Street dog on steroids. We all know the government is curupted as they feed into it. Give me a break.

    1. Learn how to spell and write, tus garabatos demuestran tu estudio truncado

    2. 254 you got your ego hurt because he is telling the truth about the cartel. Next you wish to cut his head off.

    3. The 2:54 11:47 comment was understandable he/she wrote fine.
      Maybe perhaps your a cheerleader of CJNG.

  24. "CJNG is snitching on the WAY CU/viagras"
    No snitching going on when you acoount for elected officials,mi ruka suavecito,its me mandingo,try to be good and chill out,send me some scrilla and ill sort you out.Anyway hope they keep informing everyone who the rat politicians are,and they might get some consequences?


    1. BINGO!!! Cds does want that jar open cause with out corrupt politicians there wouldnt be any cds a live!! Just remenber politicians are the biggest rats they been stilling your money for hundreds of decades, they are the ones who let the cartels grow and when the cartels grow poverty and violence grows! We are just led to believe cartels are the bad dudes but in reality the corruption is our biggest enemy, to my knowledge cds has the biggest currupt network and even with all those corrupt officials they cant do shit ro their enemies! Nimodo sigan creyendo los fake corridos y ojala nunca lea pase nada! Cuidence y si pueden criar a sus hijos fuera de esa perra vida aganlo y enseñenle el bien del mal👍

    2. at 3:48 PM
      Another bingo,finally a mexican who gets it.Politicos are mexicos clear and present danger,not fuckin gringos or the US or China,domestic politicos.They are the ones destroying mexico and pointedly encourage the masses jingoism and insular outlook..

    3. I don't read comments with all capitals, shows immaturity.

    4. I dont read small letters, shows female tendencies.

    5. Capitals or lower case should justify their use with something meaningful to say instead of proving to everyone that some ignorant donkeys have evolved and can type capitals or lower case...

  26. Im not reading or listening to any cartel propaganda. But my guess is they are telling the townsmen/women they are there to build churces and amusement parks for kids, right?

  27. Jajaj pinches lambe sinaculos ven que dice CJNG y hay vienen abrir el osico bien bravas


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