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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas: Government is Searching for Comandante Fantasma

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Developing news has just appeared online concerning Comandante Fantasma. The Mexican government is actively looking for him in the state of Zacatecas. As the story progresses more details will be released. 

Photos of his hitmen handing out aid packages to help cash-strapped residents ride out the coronavirus pandemic have also appeared online. 

The Mexican Army is looking for the "Ghost Commander", the chief of assassins responsible for the insecurity in the municipality of Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas. 

“El Fantasma" is a member of the Gulf Cartel and has an alliance with another cartel in Zacatecas.

Sources: Zacatecas Zona de Peligro


  1. That ghost looks very scary ,,,,,

  2. Animo Sicarios!
    El Commandante Fantasma is already on "la lista Negra " .

    A highly trained commando group of Special Operations Combat Application Group from Grupo Flechas has already identified him . A Search and Destroy mission is currently on its way.
    These operators were trained by a Paramilitary Operations Officers and Specialized Skills Officers from the CIA Special Activities Center and by a British SAS commander who was involved in the search of high Value targets during the Iraq and Libya incidents.
    El Jardinero was removed from the list as he has returned to his job as an assistant manager at the gardening department at a local hardware store.

    Grupo Flechas XXX ANTRAX
    La Mayiza

    1. Special activities division no longer exist under that name.

    2. Is not too late , Mijo. Ya deja de pegarle al foco... Can someone refer Sicario to a rehab center, please...LOL. This guy is just hilarious.

    3. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

    4. That wasn't your best work naughtnaughtsix, but a solid effort. I give it a 6.5.

  3. Your comments are always on point Sicario006. Those daily briefings with CDS higher ups keeps the rest of us well informed. As every yearbook says "don't ever change"👍👍👍

    1. 2:29
      OMG, you're infected!
      - Ghost of hahaha Joker

    2. Fans of sic600 corral welcome.

  4. El fantasma got trained by Rambo and Chuck Norris I highly doubt it he will get caught

    1. Yeah but 006 was personally trained by General Patton, Sun Tzu, AND John Wick.

      They better hope 006 and his super alpha wolf team don’t get involved..

  5. Hopefully dudes sneakers don't come loose or his baggy ass pants get in the way while fighting because if you're that fukn comfortable to think you're about to engage in a gun battle in some sneakers against trained military personnel in Mexico...YOURE TRIPPING!

    These fukn dudes are a bunch of low life scumbags. They all deserved to get killed.

    I'm sure there's organized crime all over the world. Even in countries in western and southern europe and you don't see them dudes mobbing around in convoys tryna tell the govt and society what they can and can't do.

    We passed the point of no return in Mexico a long long long time ago.

    1. Yup that shows how decentralized cartels became. There was a time when they had codes to follow, not just anyone could join, sicarios were respected and we'll paid because they often were bodyguards to the bosses.

      And now that the all the bosses (except MZ) fell, everyone wants to become the next one, they all fight even for street corners, look at those sicarios, you can tell they're broke, some are even forced, alot are into hard drugs so they don't give a shit about anything, Cartels now look less like a mafia, even if the higher ranking guys have political power and are involved in white collar crimes and corruption like all the other organized crime groups around the world, they display an image of a militia rather than a mafia. All these dudes on armored trucks with machine guns looks more like a terrorist group on the middle east or a rebel group on some war torn country.

      Europe has mafiosos that do control the local governtment and people and are also just as crazy killing people who don't do as they say they're also the younger mafiosos that don't follow the codes their elders did, we just don't hear about it because they're not armed like the Mexicans, and that's because Mexico has the biggest arm dealer of the world next door, just like USA armed many rebel groups, they also armed the Sinaloa cartel (operation fast and furious) guns get smuggled into Mexico so easy, and the bigger caliber weapons like .50 cal machine guns are bought from Central American countries that aquired them from the USA during their civil wars. I guarantee that if Italians had easy access to weapons like they do in Mexico, they would've also had a shit show.

  6. Looks like a good man , helping out people plus doing what he has to do , I wonder ,,,,

  7. The 2nd lady looks like she’s over this shit lol it’s stupid. Hey let’s deliver a box with my logo and make them take pictures. So cool.... like come on

  8. It's pretty easy to recognize the "Fantasma"s people, they all wear red sneakers.

  9. Look at those "wannabe" sicarios🤣😂😆

  10. Will suck if the military gets him and hands him over to CDS. Still remember How the Gulf was always telling Cachetes from Talibanes they would get him and yep they did.

  11. All of their weapons lick very old raggedy and poorly maintained definitely seems like the feed with jam before the first mag would be ran through would be ran through

    1. CDG is no CDS or CJNG they are poor compared to them

    2. I assume you mean "look", not "lick" @bigghead. Those weapons look worn, not old. And the only way things look worn is if it's in constant use. That tells me they've been busy with those weapons. I don't know what people expect for sicarios to look like, but I know this... Looks can be decieving. That's fact.


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