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Friday, May 21, 2021

Cuernavaca, Morelos: Sicarios for El Señorón Execute a Captive

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A new video from the Mexican underworld has just surfaced online. For this broadcast hitmen for the crime boss known as El Señorón send their warning out to rivals. 

Their ominous directive threatens citizens not to engage in the sales of narcotics that isn’t sponsored by their drug trafficking organization. The kneeling captive is shot to death once their notice is given. 

Warning: Video Contains Graphic Content

Video translation is as follows:
Sicario: Whoever is selling narcotics here that doesn’t belong to El Señorón will be dealt with like this. This drug corridor already has an owner. 

Source: Estado Fallido MX


  1. Who’s el señoron?

    1. 006 is the señoron.

    2. Assisting the Pacific organization during the day.

      Running Morelos on his days off. What a boss lmao.

  2. The Killing of grameros is ridiculous.

    1. That and who the hell wants to buy drugs from such dangerous people in the end? Lol

      Everyone knows blood is bad for business; why don’t these pushers quietly clean up their rivals… instead of continuing to put on such graphic displays of gore and violence?

      Perhaps ultimately, none of these is really about selling drugs but something even more nefarious?

    2. @11:28 CJNG lacras participate in all sorts of bs against citizens.

    3. 11:28 destabilizing a country is a monster that takes many shapes including terrorism of state
      For example, Federalist Governors firmly believe crime, the worst of it will force AMLO to give them more billions of peisos to steal under guise of fighting crime.

  3. Better that then getting cut too pieces

  4. Who is el Señoron?

    1. I didn't know 006 aka el señoron was also doing street sales in Cuernavaca.

    2. 1:14 Sam Giancanna chose to hide in Cuernavaca from his mobster associates in the 60s, later capitan jesus miyazawa, graduate of the mexican military college, DFS agent, member of Brigada Blanca, and the policia Judicial federal retired to Cuernavacas after getting fired for kidnapping a few too many dozens of victims, along with francisco sahagun baca who retired to his empty grave in Michuakan, but miyazawa first helped luis cardenas palomino avoid prison for his own kidnapping and murdering, he would go for a great life as a kidnapping murdering policuico too, but now is in hiding.

  5. Do that here in the good ol us of A and they will find you by tomorrow morning

    1. 6:14

      Why hasn't the good ol' US of A identified and captured the Lane Bryant shooter who killed five people in 2008?

    2. Did you really have to go all the way back to 2008 to find an unsolved multiple shooting in the USA??? Hilarious. I can name 50 (FIFTY) in Mexico from the past three months.

    3. Haha, @12:07 yep!

    4. 12:07

      Yes, I had to go back to 2008 because the comment @6:14 says by next morning it would have been solved. Well, it's been 13 years and still nothing. That comment was of the good ol' US of A finding people by next morning. Why hasn't that case and hundreds of others been solved by next morning?

    5. 12:07

      Most shootings in the USA go unsolved, hundreds are not solved by next morning. A kid in California was killed yesterday and it's already next morning and it's not solved.

    6. 12:07
      Philadelphia ALONE has 120 unsolved shootings in 2021!

      There's thousands of unsolved shootings in the USA since January that have not been solved since next morning.

    7. Seriously? I think the original poster was generalizing with the "next morning" comment. I don't think he was being absolutely specific in saying every single murder in the USA is solved by the next morning. 🙄 Christ people lighten up! Your comments are ridiculous. You can list specific situations where a crime wasn't solved by the next morning? That's amazing! I can name just as many cases where it was solved by the next morning so your comment has no substance. The funny thing is, I bet most of the people on this site who are always crapping on the USA live here!

      Now folks, that is the absolute definition of white privilege (or first world privilege if they're not white). These Americans sitting in their suburban homes with their well paying jobs. Trashing the country that gave them everything they have, and gave it all to them without having to worry about being extorted for what they earned, or being kidnapped for ransom, or any of that other bullshit.

      To these people I ask... Did you know it is estimated that 80% of the women and children trying to get to the country that you're always shitting all over will be raped during their journey? People are willing to let themselves and their daughters face probable rape to have the same opportunities that have been handed freely to you. Opportunities that you never had to work for nor even fucking appreciated.

      How goddamn disrespectful to the people risking everything to get here; while you sit in the safety of your little bubble and show no appreciation for where you are. You know what? You're free to leave. You think Mexico is safer than the USA? You think other places are better off? Then get the hell out and make room for someone who actually wants to be here! Someone who is willing to sacrifice everything including their own life just to enter the country where you already live. It's truly disgusting and shows what whiney, selfish, unappreciative people you really are. All those who have in the past, and those who are currently sacrificing so much, are more American in their heart than any of you will ever be.

      And you know what else? I don't really give a shit how you respond to my comment. I imagine that you'll tell me how your special in some way so that my statements don't apply to you. I don't give a shit about your specific and unique situation filled with excuses about why you can act this way. I'm generalizing too, just like the original poster. So each of your personal excuses are totally irrelevant. If you live in another country and want to bash the USA, that's your prerogative. But your comments are irrelevant too, because I am specifically speaking about people living in the United States. So save your breath and instead think about what I said.

      It's incredibly disrespectful to the thousands who have died on their journey here and sacrificed their lives in the process. It's incredibly disrespectful to the people risking everything on their journey here now. And it's incredibly disrespectful to the mothers feeding their 8 year old daughters birth control pills because soon their journey will begin.

      -Solothurn la Arma ™️®️©️

    8. 5:24

      You lost me when you said "You think Mexico is safer than the USA?" That is not the issue, neither to me or the original poster.

    9. Yes everyone knows USA has better police institutions that is not news, but for you Americans to act like you do this or that in our country and you will get it straight away is laughable, get off your high horse because America has plenty of its own problems to solve such as mass shootings in schools.... Solve that problem before you start pointing fingers

    10. 9:02... That was a question buddy, not a statement. This symbol "?" following a bunch of words means those words are a question. If you crack open a fourth grade English textbook you can read all about it.

      9:30... I'm willing to bet you're also the 9:02 poster because it's hard to believe that there's 2 people on this site with such poor reading comprehension.

      That said... Never once in my entire comment did I say one word about the USA doing ANYTHING in Mexico.

      What I did say, at the end of my comment is that it is specifically directed to people living in the USA. In your comment you claim you are living in Mexico. That makes your response irrelevant to my comment.

      Go ahead and read what I wrote again. If you're any type of decent person you'll learn something from what I said.

      My comment simply asks that you respect the Mexican people trying to enter the USA. Respect the sacrifices they're willing to make to obtain what you already have. If you can't agree with that, you have far more serious issues than your lack of reading comprehension.

      -Solothurn la Arma ™️®️©️

    11. 1:00

      Doesn't matter if it was a question or a statement, that's not the issue. The issue was the OP which I refuted.

    12. -Solothurn la Arma ™️®️©️
      "White priviledge" You soft twat shows how intelligent you are trotting that media invention out?Im half white and brown and dont go in for the pussy race shit,what kind of grown arse man talks like you?

    13. "-Solothurn la Arma ™️®️©️"
      Bro you wanna watch who you say white priviledge to,be brave online

    14. Wow, do you tools really think the U.S. is as dangerous and corrupt as Mex? I mean ffs, you can't even put trash in the trash can, lol.

    15. 1:12

      The OP and my replies have nothing to do with that.

    16. 7:21 The type of grown ass man who says what he wants and doesn't care if you like it or not.

      You see, I took the term "white privilege" that the Democrats invented and flipped it around on them. Dems are always trashing the USA and showing no appreciation for what this country has given them. I think coming to a website about the Mexican people and shitting on the US when a great number of Mexican people are risking and sometimes losing their lives trying to reach the US is very disrespectful. If you both appreciate living in the United States and respect the Mexican people then you should be agreeing with me. That is what my comment was about. Although if you want to fixate on a "trigger word" that I appropriated, redefined and turned back on the people who invented it that's your choice.

      9:25 I would argue that is exactly what the original poster was saying. He said "Do that here in the good ol us of A and they will find you by tomorrow morning" To me that implies that he is saying the US is safer. I did reference the people disputing the OP with a rhetorical question but that wasn't what my overall comment was actually about at all. Not sure why or how I "lost" you with a rhetorical question of little importance to the rest of the comment but I'll take your word for it.

      -Solothurn la Arma ™️®️©️

    17. 12:34

      That's fair, thanks for explaining.

    18. 4:53. No problem. I have a lot of respect for people who can have a discussion about something and come to some type of understanding at the end of it. Even if our views on things differ, I wish there were more people like you on this website. Thank you.

      -Solothurn la Arma ™️®️©️

    19. 6 months later, with all the motherfacking evidence, US police, legislators, investigators, the US military, can't make a case on "investigating and prosecuting" Jan 6, there are tapes Chingadamadre!

    20. 5:24 thanks for the cornfleis and the bread and the butter, but don't make others flee their countries with LatinAmerican policies that have never worked thanks to US who is who of US criminals in government and business since they and the british figgered how to steal the colonies for "americans"...
      --The french monarchy paid with their necks for having supported the founding fathers War for Independence, remember that?

    21. 8:35 you have that vice of mixing the US and its highest ideals and lovely people with real US criminals doing mayhem all over the world, including mass reassignments of residence due to their sponsoring of terrorism, drug trafficking, destabilization efforts and foreign politricks of state on their colonies...REPENT!!!

    22. 5:32 You're going to start with this type of bullshit. 🙄 Hey buddy you hate your country? Here is how you can fix that problem overnight. Get the fuck out!
      I don't have the time to even try to fix this much stupid. Choose your favorite country, buy yourself a ticket, pack up your antifa posters and Biden fan boy bullshit and go enjoy some socialist paradise. You deserve it. You really do.

      And that's all the time I'm devoting to acknowledging your hilariously ridiculous comment, you unappreciative, disrespectful scumbag. I will not be returning to check this thread again, so save your garbage opinions for someone who's going to read them. I'm not.

      -Solothurn la Arma ™️®️©️

      ... has left the building.

    23. Heres the vieja bruja mad millie been in her feelings again,bitch please your wrinkled arse sittin in the US blaming the US for every ill of mexico,why dont you fuck off back there and help out?
      Mi patria mi patria,fuckin wrongun

    24. All these opinions and chatting shit,listening to people nowadays,man,i would say violence is definitely necessary sometimes

    25. millie and hate,shut the fuck up will ye,give your big fat arse a chance

  6. Very simple to understand and I don’t speak spanish.

    Stay away from all criminal activities and you’ll most likely avoid these kind of problems.

    1. True! But them again your always at the hands of some psycko killer no matter if your in Mx or Usa theres plenty of them in both countries!
      But i still like my odds of been killed by a serial killer than been involved in a drug war in Mx

    2. Maybe, maybe not.

    3. 6:55, I do understand where your coming from with the 'if you stay away from gangs eyc' but I've immersed myself in reading and sadly frequently the ones kidnapped or even shot on video are just random people that have been taken. It's easier to grab the first easy prey on the street rather than hunting down the actual guilty party to make a point. When CJNG announced their presence the bodies hung from the bridge had zero gang relations etc. Just random kidnap victims/ransom beaten and hung from bridge rather than take time, effort and backlash from killing actual vicarious from a rival. A dead body makes a point and they realize that it will just be assumed the hanging or tortured ones on video will be accused of being involved with bad stuff. Basic civilians are an easy grab and has same impact as nobody knows who they are. Before I knew better I felt the same as you. Knowing the truth is much much worse. Zero integrity of these guys...quick show. Miss H

    4. Alvaro Uribe Velez invented falsos positivos and his army and police sicarios reveled on the oppertunity to get free days, vacations and bonuses, then Alvarito told mexican presodentes, governors and police how to do it to get medals and diplomas from colombia and spain, even letters from the US government...

    5. My Lai the crime scene where about 500 got raped killed murdered by US criminals says not every crime victim deserves or had it coming by any means.

  7. Lo hicieron garras al pobre morro RIP

  8. A bit overzealous I think...

  9. At least it came fast.

  10. I cannot imagine the fear in the captives heart.

    This was overkill.. he braced for a coupe de grace but the first two to his chest where enough.

    Why have money/drugs caused this.. It's so sad.

  11. "Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves"

    Can you understand that ?


  13. I will assume that there are many others that are selling w/o el señoron..

  14. Can someone describe

    1. They just shoot the hell out of the guy. Not too bad compared to torture videos.

    2. 10:21 you must see it this time, so your hair can stand up all day and the food will take different.

    3. @10:21 you are are special kind of weakling.

    4. 1:33 the exhuberant use of bullets shows the state of the economy of the shooter, i doubt the maruchan grafe of drug trafficking produces that much money for wasting of bullets, shooter must be US mercenary or mexican police

  15. Yes, and agree wholeheartedly.

  16. Wow. They didn’t blast his head apart. That counts as gentlemanly conduct these days.

  17. American weapons.....

    1. Mexican criminals...

    2. 4:04 what's your point, they are better made than the Chinese ones.

    3. 10:19 at least with the chinese weapons we hope the gun explodes on the face of the killer

    4. @4:04’s logic brought to you by his US public school “education”.

    5. Smuggled by mexicans to kill mexicans

    6. 11:27 smuggling helped by NRA and fans with Russian subsidies in the millions of dollars and US traitor generals like Michael Flynn and his brother.
      Shuddefackup, Boy!!!

    7. Traitor? You are a special kind of stupid.

  18. Once again Dr. Sol digs out a video from the Mexican underground.

  19. Maybe el señoron shouldn't chop up his dope so bad and people wouldn't go looking for alternatives.. good dope sells itself no matter how many dealers are on the block..

  20. This cheap cell thinking they all bad for overkilling this scrawny kid for maybe tryna flip a g. Pathetic. Who would even be afraid of this little kid. I wouldn’t be surprised when a real Cartel comes in and wipes out these wanna be’s.

  21. Getting so fed up with this race shit all the time,i hope no one says anything to my face


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