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Thursday, May 6, 2021

National Guard Kills Agent of Sonora Attorney General's Office; Claims To Have Mistaken Him For Cartel Suspect

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

The picture above shows how the National Guard (GN) members shot directly at José Ramón Reyes.

Elements of the National Guard (GN) killed Jose Ramon Reyes, 36, an official of the Sonora Attorney General's Office in Caborca municipality. They also injured his sister Veronica Reyes, 25. Reports say that the GN confused them for a cartel cell that owns a similar vehicle.

The events occurred on Wednesday evening on a dirt road that leads to San Isidro rural community. At the scene, elements of the GN fired at least seven times at the Tahoe truck in which the victims were traveling.

On Twitter, the GN issued a statement confirming that the troops involved in the attack were detained and under investigation.

"The GN reiterates that abuses or excessive use of force by its personnel will not be tolerated", the statement read.

Pictures of the scene that circulated on social media showed the SUV had been shot through the windshield. Reyes was killed instantly and his sister was treated at a nearby hospital after she was shot on the arm.

Sonoran authorities and Mexico's Attorney General's Office (FGR) said that they would investigate the incident but did not issue any further statements.

As reported by Borderland Beat, much of the violence in Sonora is driven by conflicts between several factions of the Sinaloa Cartel and local drug groups like La Plaza and/or the Caborca Cartel. This turf is a strategic location for drug trafficking given its proximity to the US state of Arizona.

For several months, criminal groups have been competing for control of the Sonoran municipalities of Caborca, Sonoyta, Pitiquito and Altar. They also want control of the Santa Ana-Magdalena-Ímuris corridor in the north and the Guaymas-Empalme-Cajeme corridor in the south.

SourcesProcesoEl ImparcialMilenioAristegui NoticiasXEVT; InfoRoja_MX (Images)


  1. GN hitting a govt official on orders of Sinaloa or Caborca?

    1. Lol makes you wonder why Chapo chose to name his enforcers with the same initials…

    2. Most likely it was Caborca that's who the GN work for RCQ

  2. GN is just a bomb waiting to explode, just young recruits with a happy trigger, this has to be the 10th incident if I'm not wrong, the poor couple killed by gn in chihuahua, the old lady street market and a guy and tried planting drugs because they knew they fucked up bad, make SEDENA great again. Even Sedena and Semar make fun of them GN guys in Facebook

    1. What’s the difference between sicarios and GN?

      Combat boots.

  3. "Whoops,my bad" - GN

  4. Tahoe suburban Escalade silverado lobo yukon Sierra Cheyenne grand Cherokee don’t get caught driving in Mexico with this vehicles. You know what’s gonna happen

    1. Nothing at all, I drive mine through SLRC all the time

  5. You KNOW damn well it was NO accident and they KNEW exactly who he WAS

  6. Another L for AMLO

  7. great way to eliminate a treat. claim it was a mistake...

    1. Wonder which cartel paddled the GN pockets to get the son killed.

  8. I suppose that I am naive about all this. But I don't understand why the GN shot into the SUV. Even if it had been a cartel member behind the wheel, isn't the typical protocol first to try to stop the driver to make an arrest and only shoot if necessary? As the story stands now, this looks like an execution.

    1. Hey, it's the wild wild west in that region. Military are high strung on taking down prey.
      Eager fucks.

  9. He possibly did it on purpose to get some bribe.

  10. Miguel Ángel Félix GallardoMay 7, 2021 at 8:02 AM

    Me imagino que si supo la Guardia Nacional que estaban tirandole a un funcionario de la Procuraduría General de Justicia de Sonora en el municipio de Caborca. Que pinche tristesta es Mexico ahorita, que barbardidad.

  11. What where he and his sister doing out driving in the middle of nowhere?

    1. heading to a poblado i think. but yes, thats a question i have too.

  12. Why is Mexico so fucked up like on so many levels smh how tf does this happen ?!


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