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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Omar Plancarte, Green Party's Uruapan Mayoral Candidate Kidnapped

"Socalj" For Borderland Beat

Unknown subjects broke into Placarte Hernández's property and forced him to board a car (Photo: Facebook @ Omar Plancarte Hernandez)

Omar Plancarte Hernández, candidate for the Green Party for mayor of Uruapan, Michoacán, was kidnapped by a commando of armed subjects. After the party confirmed this fact, the state's Public Security Secretariat began an operational deployment to find the avocado businessman.

"We deployed a search in the municipality of Jiménez, after the report of the alleged kidnapping of the candidate for the municipal presidency of Uruapan, Omar Plancarte Hernández," the Michoacan police reported through networks.

According to preliminary reports, Plancarte Hernández was kidnapped on May 25, while he was on a ranch he owned, in Caurio de Guadalupe. A group of subjects arrived at that place who subdued Omar and forced him to board a vehicle, escaping to an unknown destination.

"We have given part to the authority so that the candidate can be located immediately, " the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) reported in a statement. "It is reprehensible that once again the electoral process is tainted by this type of event that only generates uncertainty for the citizens and our state," added the political force.

Public Security Secretariat began an operational deployment to find the avocado businessman.

According to initial reports, Plancarte Hernández was deprived of his liberty together with a companion identified as Luis Humberto Bueno Fierros. Both, supposedly, were loaded into a sedan-type car of the Volkswagen brand, model Jetta gray color. Some reports indicate that the events occurred in the morning.

As of 5:00 p.m. this Tuesday, the whereabouts of the candidate were unknown and reports of a monetary request for his release had not been disclosed either. The Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, through its president in Michoacán, reiterated the support and solidarity to the relatives and demanded that the authorities locate Omar Plancarte Hernández safely.

It should be noted that the life of Plancarte Hernández was marked by the kidnapping of his two sons Omar and Miguel Plancarte Ramírez, which occurred in Zapopan, Jalisco, on February 2, 2012. Since then, the university students have not been located. From then on, the avocado businessman dedicated himself to the search for his offspring and became involved in activism.

As he has shared with multiple journalists, those responsible for that disappearance was a command of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel in complicity with the Zapopan police. Presumably, he was mistaken for being related to Enrique Plancarte Solís, leader of the Knights Templar.
Source: Infobae


  1. Any relation to kiki plancarte?

    1. Definitely. Uruapan is the Plancarte base. I once met a Plancarte who lives in Guadalajara. He would always tell stories about his relatives in this city. I have no doubt he was a part of the same family

    2. Being with the PVEM complicates shit made worse for a plancarte.
      Cartel business does not forgive or forget that easily.

  2. Feel bad for any Mexican politician. Even if you wanna do good in your community and don’t want to get involved in illegal activity, its plata o plomo. Most of them know what they’re getting into when they run for any political office in Mexico, but still just crazy. Even if they end up getting involved and doing favors, they can get killed by their rivals or live in fear for themselves and their families even after they finish their term.

    1. Most of these ass wipes in Michoacán running for office are owned by C.U. Maybe this isn’t the case in other states but in Michoacán it sure is

  3. Is this guy related to Kiki and Barbie grupera?

    1. 5:50 PM Most likely Plancartes that close to Urupan makes it a real possibility.

    2. 5:50 Kike Plancarte was NO Kiki.

  4. kidnapping and killing university students and political candidates. CJNG is turning into the zetas.

    1. Know the narco history and who is who, everything happens for a reason

  5. Amino Hermanos Mexicanos!
    Deeply appalled by the murder of George Floyd, Sicario 006 has been in touch with representatives from Al Sharpton and BLM. BLM activists who have been thoroughly vetted by EME carnales will have three weeks of intensive training in clandestine locations in Mexico. Instructors are Tier 1's with vast experience in running black ops.

  6. Everyone blaming the cartels but how about we start holding responsible the president and his cabinet for allowing cartel violence to flourish and expand to areas where the normal citizen has no chance of justice!!!

    1. 2:38 USAID promises more help (financial, millions of dollars) for the likes of Claudio "el Xoconostle" X Gonzalez, la gilbertona, denise maerker, brozo, "el patas de caballo" lopez doriga, loret de moolah, the azcarragas (tejanos), the ferrises, and the rest of the chayoteros trying to liberate billions and billions of peisos worth of chayote for their impoverished pockets...
      --But the cartels are not happy about any of them or their propaganda either.


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