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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Possible Family Feud in 'La Empresa', One of the Largest Gangs in Ciudad Juárez

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Three women were found dead in Ciudad Juarez. They were brutally tortured and at least two of them had severe face traumas. No one was arrested for the crime (photo credit: Diario de Juarez)

Once again, the gang wars in Ciudad Juarez have reached a new turning point as local authorities said that there is a violent family feud between two high-ranking members of La Empresa  (The Company), one of the largest gangs in the city.

The Chihuahua Prosecutor's Office believes that La Empresa leader Rene Gerardo Garza Santana ("El 300") is having differences with his half brother Omar Alejandro Chávez Santana ("El Nomo", The Gnome) on how to run the drug business. El 300 is currently behind bars but continues to control part of La Empresa through envoys. El Nomo is the successor of imprisoned gangster Jose Dolores Villegas Soto ("El Iraqui").

A source based in Chihuahua that was consulted by Borderland Beat confirmed that the grudge was likely over Ciudad Juarez's puntos (drug sale spots) and neighborhood boundaries. As reported by Borderland Beat, most of the homicides in Ciudad Juarez are driven by gangs competing over street corners to sell heroin, cocaine, and meth.

News of a possible infighting in La Empresa surfaced this week after sicarios dumped the bodies of three women on a road in Ciudad Juarez. The victims were brutally tortured before they were killed.

Initially it was thought that the victims were men, but when the police arrived they soon realized that they were women and notified personnel of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Women (FEM), who sent experts and investigating agents to process the crime scene.

The first victim was found wrapped in a brown blanket, her hands tied with a red cord. The second was wrapped up to the waist in a black and white blanket and had her face shattered. The third was found on a brown coverlet, her hands were tied with a black cord. She also had blows to the face and chest.

Two of the victims were identified by press time. Their names were Leslie Michel Parra Gallardo, 21, and Eveline Guadalupe Martínez, also 21. The third victim's name was not revealed by authorities, which means she could have been a minor.

FEM personnel worked for almost two hours at the site and then transferred the bodies to the facilities of the Forensic Medical Service. Some factories in that area have surveillance cameras and may have captured the moment when the women's bodies were deposed.

"It had been a while since cartel members dumped bodies here. On this street they have left bodies of murdered men but now they were women. That is what the night guard who stays at a nearby warehouse told us," explained Julio, the manager of a building on Nardos Street, close to Waterfill Avenue, where the bodies were found.

Investigators say that the killing was possibly due to a dispute in narcomenudeo (street drug sales) between members of La Empresa and Los Mexicles, another Ciudad Juarez gang that has recently experienced infighting among its ranks too.

With this triple killing, the murder count in Ciudad Juarez reached 80 in May alone, and 540 since January. At least 71 of those killed this year were women.

Chihuahua ranks among the five deadliest states in the entire country and among the six entities where more than half of the homicides registered in Mexico occurred last year.

The cruelty of some of these murders shows that criminal groups in Ciudad Juarez are sending a message to their rivals.

Rene Gerardo Garza Santana ("El 300") is a founder of La Empresa


La Empresa emerged in June 2018 after El 300 had a disconnect with several leaders of La Linea and Los Aztecas, two groups once allied to the old Juarez Cartel.

Cartel bosses Eduardo Ravelo ("El Tablas") and Juan Arturo Padilla Juarez ("El Genio") considered that El 300 was getting out of line and trying to take over more street drug spots in Ciudad Juarez. When confronted, El 300 and his close associate Luis Gerardo Mendez Estevane ("El Tio") deserted and formed La Empresa.

As violence rose in Ciudad Juarez, law enforcement efforts against La Empresa, La Linea, and Los Aztecas increased. Ravelo was arrested in June, and El Genio was killed two months later. El 300 was arrested in November 2018, but he continued running La Empresa while imprisoned at the Ciudad Juarez federal penitentiary. He then formed an alliance with Los Mexicles, once allied to the Sinaloa Cartel, and gained support of their leaders Jesús Eduardo Soto Rodríguez ("El Lalo") and Luis Elías Cardoza Santiago.

La Empresa is currently headed by El Nomo and two individuals simply known by their aliases El Saavedra and/or El Menos, and La Guera.

Sources: Diario de Juarez (1); (2); (3); (4); (5); (6)Heraldo de Juarez; La Parada Digital


  1. Gang "leaders" in prison should be held "incomunicados" isolated in some faraway prison until released and their replacememts should pay for every murder with their lives.
    The owner La W, (XEW) Peniche is related to chihuahua's attorney general, peniche, and they are AMLO oppositors, bet they have business
    with Cd Juarez gangs and traffickers.

  2. Replies
    1. Lo que el aire le hizo a juarez no tiene comparacion

    2. Juarez es un pinche terregal.

    3. 5:51 tus nalgas son un terrenal.
      Juarez sera lo que sera pero es donde todos queiren estar y mas pasar drogas.

  3. I wonder if this has SOMETHING to do with CJNG being in the mix in CHIHUAHUA now.. Most LIKELY
    Might turn like Tijuana with a bunch of CHAPULINES..

    1. Jalisco has nothing in Chihuas y menos en Juarez... aqui puro Linea y Sinaloas

    2. 6:05 WTF you talking about they're being completely wiped out of Tijuana. No tweeker terrorists wanted in Juarez either! or have you not been paying attention, they're not wanted anywhere.

    3. Bro they havnt been wiped out. They still there they would have taken over if it wasn’t for the chapulines flipping sides. Every cartel gas tweekers

  4. is there a picture of "el Nomo"? i cannot find one online

    1. It is one of the guys on here:

      But they never released the names as far as I know so could not confirm...

  5. Gang gang gang


    1. He's a meco...huge difference

    2. Sorry no offense but I don't read comments with all capitals.

    3. He used to play Fortnite long ago and was using the nickname "sicario 006", people who seen him say he's obese. He replied to two or three comments at the start.

    4. 6:46
      Looks like u have to comment.

    5. 6:46 the hell those capital letters has to do with you responding to a comment? Youre're an idiot


  7. Les dije que estos putos de Juarez no saben de lealtad y se ivan a traicionar entre ellos mismos.
    Pinche Linea pendeja pensando que con estos Aztecas culos de el 300 les ivan a ganar terreno!
    Ahora mas facil le estan dando entrada a Sinaloa los gueyes estos que hace algunoa dias torcieron a cinco integrantes de estos en el valle de Juarez.
    Hagan paz con los Axtecas de El Paso y vuelven a controlar todo Juaritos. Mientras no suceda esto los unicos que van a existir en muy poco tiempo es Sinaloa y pandillas estupidaw que tebajaban y volveran a trabajar con Sinaloa como los Doblados y Mexicles.

    1. Doblados? Any relation to the big Mexican gangs from Phoenix Arizona?

    2. Doblados means double A. Artist Assasins gang in Juarez.
      Don't think it has anything to do with Phoenix.

    3. Nah its not doble or wetback power from phx hes talking about double A "Artistas Asesinos"

    4. Porque no vaz a juarez y se lo dices en su cara? No seas marico escondiendote detras de tu telefono

    5. 1:10 que te pasa penedejo? Le debes las nalgas a el 300?
      Soy de Juarez y El Paso y claro que se lo diria en la cara a el guey si no ae escondiera tras La Linea y 20 chapulines culos cagados como el!

    6. Pichon. Defiendes a tu novio la marrana de el 300?
      No me tengo que esconder.
      Soy de Juarez culito!

  8. La Empresa work for La Linea who blessed their formation and therefore tore itself from it's former allies Barrio Azteca.
    It grew because it began recluting 14 year old and older kids off the street not prison like most other gangs by making them think they were working directly under La Linea cartel. They bagan attacking Barrio Azteca members in a surpirse attack after which this last gang regrouped and started fighting back.
    Empresa because of their stupid greed or whatever reason are now betraying each other and killing these very same kids they hired to work for them.
    They know nothing about loyalty and the whole city of Jaurez suffers because of that.
    The only plus side to all this is if tou can call it that is that this feauding makes original Barrio Azteca gang more powerful.

    1. Chuyin and others blessed their formation but others didn’t. The war in Juarez is full of so many layers. Not all Linea people were on the same page.

  9. “and the survey says…”

    The genocide continues!

  10. Pase lo que pase La Linea esta perdiendo Juarez guste al que le guste. Por pendejos haciendo tratos con queseque la Empresa!

    1. Y a quien??? La linea son los k mandan aqui wey

    2. No indication that La Linea is losing Juarez. Juarez has room for many... there’s a map from BB with the gangs in Juarez and their neighborhoods.

    3. Billy Jean. Solo ves lo que tienes frente a tu cara.
      Si otro cartel se metiera en Juarez la pinche Linea no podra con el.
      No puede ni controlar sus quesque aliados que son La Empresa.
      Menos va a poder contra otro cartel.
      Pero aya todos que se creen muy chingones. Se les advertio.

    4. @11:45 la linea anda dandole Guerra al cartel de sinaloa que segun es el cartel mas poderoso de todo mexico en todo el resto del estado de Chihuahua y los chinolas cuentan xon apoyo de durango sinalos y sonora. La Linea nunca va perder en chihuahua menos en juarez

  11. Damn, how things have changed.

    Before, cartels would fight cartels over control of drug routes to other countries.

    Today, cartels have cells fighting other cells of the same cartel over street corners.

    1. Exactly. And Juarez is the perfect example. Turned into the deadliest city on Earth when Sinaloa/Juarez went at it. And now, although homicides have gone down, it is still bad and things don’t seem to have an end. Back then everyone knew that the all out war would have to end some day. But this constant narcomenudeo competition will stay for many many years .... perhaps as long as Mexico keeps treating this as a security problem and not as a health problem. We may not even be here by the time Juarez comes back to pre-2008 rates.

  12. Only a few here knows anything about what they are talking. If you need any info, let me know and if you don't believe me, ask around my nick name!!!


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