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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Raw Videos From Recent Ambush in Los Aldamas, Nuevo León, Circulate on Social Media

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Note: Images are graphic and may cause distress. Discretion is advised.

Screenshot of the video recordings below

Two videos from the recent Northeast Cartel (CDN) ambush against the National Guard (GN) in Los Aldamas, Nuevo Leon, are circulating on social media. 

The attack occurred last week when one GN member and at least 15 more were wounded in a coordinated when they were patrolling Los Aldamas. 

In the first video recording presented below, two elements of the GN (a man and a woman of approximately 20 years) are seriously injured lying on the pavement. Their colleagues give them words of encouragement and tell them "not fall asleep" while they give them medical attention.

In the second video presented below, several GN members are shown hiding under a vehicle to shield themselves during the ambush. One of the GN members asks for help since he says that one of his colleagues (presumably the one in the video above) is injured.

"Element injured!", "They are shooting at us!", "Assistance!", the GN member yells throughout the video.

One GN member is heard saying to a colleague that their injured comrade is bleeding too much. "Everything is leaking out of this guy", he said.

During the shooting, the officers requested more reinforcements from the GN and the Nuevo Leon State. It is unknown if anyone was arrested in the aftermath of the attack. The injured elements were transferred by helicopter to receive medical attention.

Two days after the ambush, CDN members shot at a police helicopter and injured the pilot while he flew over Los Aldamas. State authorities issued a statement indicating that the aircraft was giving support to the Mexican military in the area by transferring its elements.

Despite the attack, the aircraft had to continue its journey to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, to get to safety and request medical attention to attend to the injury.

In images that circulated on social networks, various bullet holes can be observed in the front of the aircraft. The pilot's blood stained the control panel and his seat. Upon arrival, the pilot was transferred to the hangar at the Mariano Escobedo Airport, where he received first aid. He was later transferred to a hospital in Monterrey.

Last February, the CDN tried to shoot down a military helicopter in Doctor Coss, Nuevo Leon, but were unsuccessful. During the gunfight, the military killed 5 sicarios, as reported by Borderland Beat.

Blood on the control panel

Bullets went through the front windshield

Borderland Beat Analysis

Los Aldamas is located approximately 160 kilometers (100 miles) from Monterrey, the largest urban area in northern Mexico. This town is on the highway that connects Monterrey with Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, just across the US-Mexico border from Roma, Texas.

The shootout occurred close to La Frontera Chica (also known as La Ribereña), a border stretch in Tamaulipas. In the context of the Mexican Drug War, it is a lucrative drug corridor currently under dispute by the Metros faction of the CDG and CDN.

The CDN, based in Nuevo Laredo, is trying to expand east into La Frontera Chica, which has historically been controlled by the CDG. The CDN has tried to make incursions into La Frontera Chica from Nuevo Leon. It is likely that this shootout in Los Aldama may be a result of a CDN cell that was planning to push north into Tamaulipas.

Reports say that the CDN commanders in the area are Ricardo Chapa ('El Ricky') and another individual simply known as 'El Amarillo'. These individuals report to the CDN boss Juan Gerardo Treviño Chavez ('El Huevo').

The CDG commanders in the area are Cesar Morfin Morfin ("El Primito") and his brother Alvaro ("R-8"). The CDG in La Frontera Chica has the backing of the Nuevo Leon cell reportedly headed by Comandante Cubano.

Sources: El Universal; El Norte; Epocaviolenta; TH3PR3D4TH0R Mxx (Video 1); (2); Borderland Beat archives


  1. Youngsters I'll n The GN, do they have the combat experience to fight off Cartels? Also do reinforcements come in time?

    1. i wouldn't be surprised if some of these folks were new... same can be true about cartel members. The issue here is cartels will always have the aggression advantage since they can shoot first, cry later. mexican forces have to follow STRICT human right measures and can't shoot first even if they see armed men are resisting arrest (escaping, or barricading).

    2. The other young recruit is filming his first battle to put on YouTube, instead of helping his comrades.

  2. War is always chaos and disorganized... looks exactly like that. People have a very skewed perception of how war is. In reality its people crying, people bleeding to death, people hiding, people fighting. Thats why sometimes when we see videos like these we think "oh, this guy sucks, poorly trained. etc" while that may be the case to some extent, war is very complicated and chaotic. everyone has a plan until they got shot.

    1. I agree with what you're saying but training does have a lot to do with it. A well trained soldier will use the terrain around them to their advantage like, US soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, they enter surrounding compounds and use their walls as cover. As opposed to hiding under a vehicle with no cover not knowing what to do. A well trained soldier goes into autopilot so to speak and goes through the actions without too much thought. These guys are ill equipped, under trained, and thrown to the wolves with nobody but themselves as back up.

    2. 11:42 - It wasn't meant to be an absolute statement of fact. A "well trained" and "experienced" soldier will likely know what to do in many situations. This is true for both Mexico and the US. But the reality of war is that most don't. That's just a fact.

      That's like saying a trained fighter will always perform well on fight night. We know that's not true. Sometimes they do well, sometimes the pressure gets to them. Sometimes other factors influence their performance.

      Practice will help, but I've seen fighters who are killers in practice and at the gym and then suck at fight night. Same is true for war. I've been to war and can tell you this first-hand.

    3. If they were to be in a branch of the US Military, quick back up with the proper firepower would finish off the snipers.

    4. 1032 & 1142 - Allow me to pitch my two cents here. Hiding under a truck is not the worst idea. It might not look like it, but the sicarios would definitely have a hard time finding them if they are under the truck (especially if it was a drive-by shooting, which I think it was).

      Considering that there was an injured element, I think they were on the ground to give him medical assistance while also taking cover.

      Hiding under the car is practical and better than not hiding at all. It seems like all the houses were gated (its Mexico after all), so its hard to hide between walls.

      Best way to use a vehicle as a shield is to keep the engine between you and the attacker. That would have been the best option. The second best option would be under, like they did here.

    5. 10:32
      Have you participated in war? How many military history or tactics books have you read?

    6. When war is fought among equal parties agreeing to go to war, openly, considering themselves equal to the task, and results are not more or less even, then you have a war, but when you impose your belic superiority on people without resources, because you can, and you want a victory at all costs to give them and others a lesson and massacre them with reckless abandon,
      Then you have a GENOCIDE and a war from war criminals.

    7. 1:45 even if he hasn’t, his opinion remains valid and sound... have YOU been in a legitimate war? Or are you a chicken hawk? Even if you have, you’re probably too dense to see it for what it is

  3. GN guys are pinned gunfire continues, where is Sacario 006 and his British Special Forces?

    1. Haven’t you heard ? He come to the guys who are shooting the gn (CDN) for help Against cjng! sicario 006 personally e-mailed me asking for a truce


  4. Dam cdn really fucked them up

  5. Doesn't CDN have the money to bribe top leaders of the GN?
    Or are they hated so much that the GN doesn't want to work with them regardless of the money offered to them?

    1. Governor heliodoro rodriguez, alias "la mula bronca" is distracting GN with these ambushes to keep'em busy away from his ass...ess all.

  6. I'm losing faith in my boy ALMO.

    1. Many people lost faith in him a long time ago. He could care a rats azz, on people getting killed everyday. As long as him and his brother continue to get evelopes filled with money from cartels, they are free to kill babies, teenagers,ladies, priests, police doing thier job,
      Money talks.

    2. Yeah. It's sad. I had faith in amlo coming in, pero he stomped out that faith and showed me how little he cares about his fellow Mexicans, how stupid he is with his supposed security ideas and/or how out of touch he is with reality and/or how much of a liar he is. Atleast the other presidents didn't allow takeovers of towns and hour long shoot outs at such a rapid clip, the killing and masacares and ambushes of security forces with impunity, the stupid, rediculous, idiotic rules of nonagression, the humiliation and unimaginable disrespect to the soldiers and army,etc. and such blatant in your face corruption. The other presidents atleast did a little something when it came to the so called cartels (which in my eyes are not anymore). He should go and let someone take over the job that's up to the job. Obviously he's not. He doesn't have what it takes. It would be his best decision as president.

    3. 6:04 I agree on what your relations with the US are at an all time low, Obrador and his cabinet want less interaction with DEA on fighting the wars on drugs. Furthermore the US give aid in the millions yearly funding the war on drugs.
      US should cut funding big time, should the government of Obrador misbehave.

    4. All you need to know about AMLO is he fought harder for the release of cartel General Cienfuegos who was then freed than all the Mexican kids separated from their families at the border. He is into transactional corrupt deals. What did he agree to with Trump to make the orange guy lay off his one good idea of labeling cartels as terrorist groups? I am guessing a couple of Trump towers coming soon to a Mexican city near you. The only reporting I found says he threatened to kick the DEA out of Mexico/really really actually try to capture El Mencho. Good call AMLO!

    5. 2:05 you got your news wrong, military generals have some leverage, in making Obrador a puppet to thier favor and it worked. Obradors government also lied that they will serve justice in court, in which the USa handed him back. Nevertheless, when Mexico had him did the bad mouthing and surprise came....DEA had lots of evidence on him, yet within a week, they made a mockery of USA, they let him free, and also Obrador reading a speech from the speech writer, DEA will be controlled from coming into Mexico, the irony, is that USA has been given year aid, in the $millions to fight the war on drugs. But of course Obrador does not have the balls to go after terrorist cartels.

    6. You are kind of making my point. He was freed because the USA believed he would face justice in Mexico? Common let’s not be daft. The US just felt the damage in relations wasn’t worth the grief of one extradition. As far as my news being wrong, in what sense? If the generals working with cartels have leverage over AMLO to do what they want as Mexico spirals into a failed state then he is covering for them and it seems to be a meaningless distinction. So, they threatened to throw out the DEA over this and that was all it took to get the USA to back off? That reeks of corruption, the USA has a lot more leverage over Mexico then vice versa.

    7. AMLO is leftist communist

  7. How can anyone pretend that this conflict isnt a civil war?

  8. Where’s the hugs?

  9. Denles un abrazo.

    1. Nunca funcionará! Pues un Abrazote y un besito eso si

  10. Sad to see how much my child hood memories of this area has changed. We’re only a couple towns away. Maybe 10-15 minutes. I remember going to “Los abarrotes” to pick up lumber and supplies in Los Aldamas.

  11. @MX I got word this was in retaliation of an arrest of someone in charge in the area...

  12. No Sargent's or Captain to direct them on what to plan next. One week training, and given a uniform and weapon.


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