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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

San Antonio, Texas, Is One of the Largest Hubs for Drug Traffickers Out of Mexico, DEA Says

"Anonymous" for Borderland Beat

Several border cities have interstate highways that connect to San Antonio, Texas, making it an important hub for Mexican drug cartels

San Antonio, Texas — "It's easier to hide in a bigger city than it is to hide in a smaller city," says Dante Sorianello, the assistant special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration in the San Antonio district.

San Antonio is the seventh-largest city in the United States and according to the DEA - it's one of the largest hubs for some drug trafficking cells that operate out of Mexico.

"From the DEA perspective, business has been very good but that's also a negative because that means drug trafficking has been very good," says Sorianello.

Much like a regular business, the San Antonio hub counts on plazas - which are major cartel drug trafficking routes from Mexico feeding into the U.S. to get their product into our country.

"So we've been very active so we've had to continually increase in enlarger investigative capabilities to handle that larger region," says Sorianello.

Given the flow of drugs across the border with Mexico - the DEA is focusing its enforcement activities towards parts of the country with the highest need and that's right here in our backyard.

"DEA reorganized the San Antonio district by adding additional people and management staff and split Austin and Waco, away from the San Antonio district," says Sorianello. According to the DEA, the San Antonio district went from 50 to 33 counties, which's now 33% of the U.S. border.

"And in turn, they gave the San Antonio district, counties, and about a third of the US border with the major metropolitan places, there being Del Rio and Eagle Pass with the border crossings," says Sorianello.

"Because those counties all live within the U.S. Western Judicial District of Texas, and most of the drug trafficking that occurs in between Eagle Pass and Del Rio, the majority of that is normally headed through San Antonio."

Massive amounts of drugs are coming into the U.S. through these two border cities. And it will take the combined efforts of the DEA with state and local agencies to get a portion of the drugs coming in and the guns and monies going south.

"Everyone has a piece of the puzzle, by all of us coming together and working together, we can much more effectively do the job," says Sorianello.

Sources: Fox29 San Antonio


  1. Gulf and Zetas favorite laundering hub. Lots of politicos have assets there.

    1. Yes and outside the little money laundering you have los Chapitos y Mayos group flying duffle bags of money from SAT and private airports. My neighbor who owned the Boerne Mercedes Bends dealership is in federal prison b/c for 6 years he was loading funds and flying to Mexico and Dept Homeland Security have him saying this on video.

  2. D.E.A says Texas....duh!! what did they expect Alaska.

    1. Could have been other ports of entry, It can also happen at the Alaska port of entry and work it's way down. So for the top being San Antonio.... Duhamel.

    2. You read what is the most, why you have to be a dork.

  3. What a shock. I’m shocked I tell. Don’t forget El Paso, Houston, Dallas and Austin. Why does the DEA always put out this information like it’s some great revelation?

    1. 9:47 well, by focusin' the spotlight on San Anton, it distracts from other joints full of much better drug deals...
      Drugs fuel a lot of politicians careers and businesses and cover-ups, the russians can't be behind everything all the time.

    2. Ahhh....maybe 9:47 it has something to do with the fact that the one DEA station covers 33% of the US (not Texan) border???? Maybe it is b/c it consists of Laredo, Eagle Pass and Del Rio? Every bag of blow I’ve done for 40 years has originated through one of these towns.
      Comandante Cara Blanca

  4. Dominican politico arrested for trafficking

  5. The genovese family ate the most powerful in the states,mexicans not on Italian level

    1. Neither is your English.

    2. Maybe 30 years ago. Modern era that couldnt be further from the truth. And talk about Ndrangheta if talking italian, not la vosa nostra. And in usa, in terms of drugs, its mexican cartel as bulk suppliers and local operators as distributors.

    3. Yeah like in the Fkn 1800s what’s your point

    4. TF is “la vosa nostra”? This has to be James Brown.

    5. 10:28 Don Vito Genovese took over from Lucky Luciano when he got deported to Italy, he still went to kiss Luciano's ass in Cuba, but after Don Vito got smeared with his own shit in prison and died, decent proper businessmen and industrialistas used DAs to prosecute and get mobsters out of the way to steal their dirty mobster business and make decent business out of vice, rudi giulianni is one example.
      Pooliticos on the US got tired of working for mobster for tips, acchually they own big shares of it and collect their fee as political cuntributions.

    6. Today's genovese family doesn't have shit to do with Vito genovese, they're the one family that's still powerful and have their hands in a lot of shit, but as far as drugs go they're prolly small potatoes compared to the cartels and the people they supply. Once upon a time Italians brought heroin into the country but those days are over. Mexico damn near brings everything in.

  6. Seems like mexican cartels are low profile in the US

  7. I’d say all cartels operate outtta this city

    1. 10:43 entrenle a la vaca!
      (That is when everybody buys a share, organizers make a killing protected by the government that may even work on legalizing to protect the business and the investments to keep the suckers coming, reminds you of puertorrican juego de la bolita.

  8. Any thing on Russo getting caught in mexicali and let go or false info???

    1. 11:18 yeah, Tony La Russa of the White Sox got mad because his player hit one too many homeruns.

  9. San Diego probably worse.

  10. Seems that US border patrol is pretty lazy like the Texas gob.
    But what to expect from gringos

  11. Texas a drug trafficking state

  12. Worked in Southwest San Antonio in 70s Fred Carasco ran all the drugs, Nothing new, congratulations to the DEA just discovered this.

  13. Border is still closed to Mexican Nationals. Why do the Democrats do that. Open borders to Central Americans, is ok

    1. Great post this should be its own news article. They let these others come through the border and then they blame Mexicans

    2. Well, the heirs of Colonel Domingo Monterrosa and battallion atlacatl or arena and roberto D'aubuisson and their murdering hordes can't keep murdering everybody if they leave for the US that created the military/paramilitary murderers part of their foreign policy for LatinAmerica, many with training in the Shool of the Americas franchises.

  14. Fred Gomez Carrasco. Was a real Criminal if he was still alive he wouldn't let those amateurs waltz into San Antonio .or all the shootings happening giving the town a bad rap and too much publicity by those punks.

    1. Carrasco was escaping Mexican prisons hidden in the laundry when El Chapo was still in diapers

    2. Poor chapo never wore diapers, he just shit his pants.

    3. Your romanticized version of Carrasco is intriguing but it doesn’t fit with the realities of SATX where there are highway coming from more than 5 official crossings and illegal crossings from 2 giant well recreated lakes and unguarded rivers. In Texas (both in the 70s and now) the army does’t have road block and random searches making sure only Carrasco or some other kingpen’s drugs are the only drugs coming to San Antonio.

  15. Fred was a real Don he didn't 20 guys behind him with AKs to talk to someone.not like today's wannabees who show their profits driving Escalades and living in 3 story mansions.

  16. Nothing new Texas has historically been a hub for contraband especially the border it's our underground economy.

  17. What's the point of all this maps and focus crap???
    People want their druga and as long as tehre is consumption/demand there is supply.

    1. Very true 1:36! Keynesian Economics at its basics.

  18. Can someone tell the Tres Letras that all cities within 200 miles from the US MX border are already hubs for DTOs. Simply, MX DTOs main business is large scale wholesale distribution of goods. Get their product to their people for it to hit the streets. Their not standing at corners or hanging at bars selling yeyo. Most, are highly educated people that come from money so they already have connections. Take note, people like Mr. Guzman worked for these people. The top management of DTOs are the money people because they have the funds to get the operation going and than they find the MZ to lead the people.

    1. Muy interesante. Do tell more about the top management and their education level! Did you know Licensio Guzman?

    2. @8:30 Lic Guzmán didn't have the hands of a varsity athlete to write bonita letra.

  19. DEA needs to use more the RICO act in Texas and lock up everyone on income tax evasion like Capone and send more IRS special agents and Accountants; Hope they read these website everyday unless they're making money on the side like the CIA.

    1. 8:58 the independent socialistic neoliberal republic of tejas and former SA bill barr won't allow

  20. Is this news? You'd be amazed of the number of people who don't know this! How many of the largest cities are in TX? Small facets of the world. Everybody is going on a TX tour.

  21. Im from Austin and Austin is full of drugs waiting to go to other places prices for quanities of these drugs are going for all time low prices it used to be high dollar for hard drugs 12-1600 dollars for an Oz of Crystal and 6-800 for an Oz of good quality Coke now its 250-300 for an Oz of Meth and 300-400 for an Oz of Coke Lots of MdMa/molly and Lsd by the sheets are always plentiful as well. But for the influx of college kids every year its a non stop party if you know the right people and stay under the radar but unfortunately most people have to be that guy and the thing Austin has more of then the drugs is Rats ! Snitches and informants the strip clubs are full of em every other person in those places are law enforcement with their eyes and ears wide open . But people still have to be that guy ??? Do your drugs keep your head down and mind your Fn bizness and youll be alright . Just Sayin

    1. Delite just saying
      You already stating a comment lol


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