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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Security Experts Claim CJNG Possesses Multiple M134 Miniguns Within its Arsenal

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel  (CJNG) has an arsenal of up to 10 M134 machine guns nicknamed "Minigun", according to security experts, advanced weapons valued at around a quarter of a million dollars and capable of firing up to 10,000 rounds per minute.

There are two versions of how the Jalisco Cartel was able to acquire these weapons. One report points out that the criminal group was methodically importing parts from the United States to arm in Mexico, from the hand of military advisers, the multi-barrel machine guns.

The other indicates that an adviser to the cartel, a former US marine, is the one who manages the transfer of the weapons.

The Minigun is flaunted not only by the Jalisco Cartel, but also by the Gulf Cartel.

This multi-barrel weapon, operated by an electronic system, is capable of firing 10 thousand rounds per minute, on average 167 per second; the cost of one minute of operation is around 120 thousand pesos in ammunition.

These weapons are generally mounted on helicopters and military vehicles.

In the United States, this model is available for civilian use under certain requirements and not accessible in all states.

Source: Noventa Grados


  1. That's nothing, CDS Has countless more of them and even better weapons in its arsenal, Jaliskas can't ever compare in firepower

    1. CDS didn't even know those guns existed, do you want to know how we know? Its because it wasnt in any of their corridos

    2. why you idiots be cheerleading.. No wonder Mexico went to shit

    3. Exact and accurate statement El Pichon

    4. Mexico went to shit because of "cheerleading"? Really? 😂😂
      I thought it was corruption.

      Amlo needs to do something about "cheerleading".

    5. What does CDS have? Where are the articles??? If not its bullshit...

    6. The thing here most of the people cheerleading either are not Mexicans they are Americans infatuated with cartel life or Mexican Americans that have never set foot in Mexico because any paisa that really loves and has lived in Mexico and knows how it was in the old days when you can go and travel freely and feel free and safe knows you can’t do that anymore where ever cartel has presence would not be rooting for a cartel like assholes the people who sit here and root Jalisco this Sinaloa that are just keyboard warriors witting from there messy shitty smelly rooms or shitty smelly parents basement

    7. You are 100% correct tijuas al 100 this is a hellhole everyone against everyone and the cops nor the goverment protect anyone its the purge everyday!!! No lie

  2. What evidence do we have they actually have them? Against who have they been used? I don't think it's impossible but I doubt this is true.

    1. I'm sure if this article were about CDS having the miniguns you wouldn't be so doubtful.
      That's that cheerleader syndrome.

    2. Sounds like a “I don’t like this news so I’m going to claim it’s not true”. @10:05

    3. Not at all. The article did not state why the “experts” think they have them.

    4. @12:40 takes one to know one.

    5. @1:37 if there was a video of some tontos riding around with a mini gun mounted on the back of a dump truck yelling, "Puras cuatro letras" or some dumb shit like that, then I'd believe it. But the article is based purely on rumors, heresy and speculation. There's no proof... but whatever, I guess. Keep believing what you want to believe.

    6. I agree with 1240 you have cheerleader syndrome

    7. Well can anyone respond to 10:05's questions??? Or is it just attack if you don't like the question and/or don't have the answer. It's a sound question. For example, CDG had atleast one for sure and we know this cause the were caught with one acouple of years ago. And they are assumed to have more because the machinist that was making them for them was apprehended and gave that info. Now, can someone, anyone, answer this man's/woman's question??? What info/evidence is there that backs this story up??? I'm also curious to know this info. Anyone with any 411 who responds with real data and not attacks, I thank you ahead of time.

    8. It is an expensive, costly to maintain weapon. Those who know it say that its effectiveness is legendary. The guardian of the leader of the Jalisco Cartel is loyal, destructive and, in the eyes of some arms industry experts, also beautiful.

      Her alias is "La Minigun," or "The Minigun,"

      Its technical name is M134 and it is a multi-cannon gun that spits bullets so frantically that it needs an external engine and a cooler to prevent it from overheating.

      Depending on the model, an M134 can fire up to 150 rounds per second.

      In other words, 10 seconds of use can cost up to 20,000 pesos in spent ammunition alone.

      One minute can cost about 120,000 pesos in bullets.

      Because of their high cost and specialized maneuvering, only two types of groups possess them: governments and cartels.

      they acquire them because they are a guarantee of a withering attack that penetrates almost any armor: a few seconds with the trigger at the bottom can eliminate entire regiments.

      In February 2017, military-held M134s fired from the sky at several Gulf Cartel safe houses in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, instantly killing men in civilian clothes.

      That same month they used it again in Tepic, Nayarit, surprising the Beltrán Leyva clan and instantly killing their lieutenant, Francisco Patrón Sánchez, alias "El H2", who was unable to repel the aerial attack.

      In 2019, Rolling Stone magazine published a report claiming that, following the 2017 airstrikes, officials in Austin, Texas, and the US Department of Homeland Security learned that the Gulf Cartel showed interest in acquiring several smuggled M134s.

      That investigation published by journalist Seth Harp includes an extensive interview with a retired police officer who bought spare parts to assemble up to four M134s for an arms dealer who smuggled them into Mexico and sold them to the cartels.

      And this is precisely how the DEA believes "El Mencho" has gotten his hands on several M134s: piece by piece, almost screw by screw, he has slowly introduced pieces of the prized "Minigun" from the United States to Mexico and his contacts have assembled them on national soil.

      Two DEA agents who monitor the million-dollar US-MX arms trafficking business say they have reason to believe that the founder of the CJNG has between one and ten M134s.

      And that his version is much more dangerous than the original for civilians, police and military.

      The "Minigun" of the "jaliscos" would be more compact, a little lighter, but just as deadly, modified to be used not only from the air in a helicopter, but from Technicals, known as monsters, that protect the cartel's main strongholds.

      That's his feared bodyguard. Expensive, angry, potentially genocidal. Lethal to security forces.

      The "mini-gun" that the Jalisco Cartel would have brought to Mexico as the new protector of its leader.

    9. @2:21 can you please provide the source to where two dea agents say the founder of cjng has between one and ten m134s.
      damn so mencho has better minigun thn us military? Lol if it smells like shit and looks like shit it is shit.

    10. 236
      I'm sure they have the $$$ and connections to obtain that and more.
      If it were cds I'm positive you wouldn't be so doubtful.

    11. Why every time something like this is posted about cjng having a lot more fire power than cds all this guys want prove? But again little things about cds dont get questioned? Its easy mencho aint stupid as you guys claim, if he was as dumb as you guys say trust me he would of been dead long ago! Those mini guns are strictly to gard him! And his soldiers are not gonna show them! No son tan presumidos como los sinaloas con sus corridos! This is real life not cartoons!!!!


    13. @4:19 we want proof not assumptions. Stop dancing around the question and give 236 some facts.

    14. Government officials cant even provide that? You asking for to much son.
      You want el mayo ZAMBADA to pick you up for some tacos too? @8:39am

  3. These guns were reported on this site a couple of years back. A retired man in Southern Texas was approached by a "straw" buyer from Dallas. He built the gun, and it was smuggled into Mexico. This is a serious gun, similar to a laser but with real bullets. Imagine the ammo per second/minute/hour. Taking these guns out would be a big chore. These guns give the cartels the audacity to say bring it on. Whether plane, infantry or drones, it will cut a vicious line. The man in S. Texas needed the money. He thought he was providing a weapon to an arms afficiando, little did he know it was a frontman. Shit

    1. yep, i read the same article

    2. Seems like if it runs off a small computer one could come up with a way to jam the signal . Just saying !

    3. Yup, rollingstone article. Allegedly 3 miniguns were sold to 3 different top lieutenants from CDG back in 2015-2018 circa.

  4. This is old news.
    But nonetheless impressive information. Supposedly his personal security posses them.

    What now snitchaloas? Lol

    1. when was it first reported then? cus the link says may 5, 2021 lol

    2. Again, against who have they been used? Where are the pictures of the damage they have inflicted? I'll believe it when I see it, not believe just because some unknown news outlet speculates they have it...


      Legend says, those miniguns guard him day and night.
      While mayo hides underneath rocks, MENCHO just bought himself some miniguns, heck.

    4. Lmfao just cus its on infobae doesnt mean its true. Read the article and tell me how they know this besides saying the got the info from a reporter with no actual evidence to back up his claim.

    5. 1232
      Stop being so emotional.
      I rather much 1000x believe news outlets than some random nobody here commenting.

      Theres literally no proof of Mayo Zambada still being alive? Doesnt mean hes dead right?
      Fucken idiot.

    6. It is an expensive, costly to maintain weapon. Those who know it say that its effectiveness is legendary. The guardian of the leader of the Jalisco Cartel is loyal, destructive and, in the eyes of some arms industry experts, also beautiful.

      Her alias is "La Minigun," or "The Minigun,"

      Its technical name is M134 and it is a multi-cannon gun that spits bullets so frantically that it needs an external engine and a cooler to prevent it from overheating.

      Depending on the model, an M134 can fire up to 150 rounds per second.

      In other words, 10 seconds of use can cost up to 20,000 pesos in spent ammunition alone.

      One minute can cost about 120,000 pesos in bullets.

      Because of their high cost and specialized maneuvering, only two types of groups possess them: governments and cartels.

      they acquire them because they are a guarantee of a withering attack that penetrates almost any armor: a few seconds with the trigger at the bottom can eliminate entire regiments.

      In February 2017, military-held M134s fired from the sky at several Gulf Cartel safe houses in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, instantly killing men in civilian clothes.

      That same month they used it again in Tepic, Nayarit, surprising the Beltrán Leyva clan and instantly killing their lieutenant, Francisco Patrón Sánchez, alias "El H2", who was unable to repel the aerial attack.

      In 2019, Rolling Stone magazine published a report claiming that, following the 2017 airstrikes, officials in Austin, Texas, and the US Department of Homeland Security learned that the Gulf Cartel showed interest in acquiring several smuggled M134s.

      That investigation published by journalist Seth Harp includes an extensive interview with a retired police officer who bought spare parts to assemble up to four M134s for an arms dealer who smuggled them into Mexico and sold them to the cartels.

      And this is precisely how the DEA believes "El Mencho" has gotten his hands on several M134s: piece by piece, almost screw by screw, he has slowly introduced pieces of the prized "Minigun" from the United States to Mexico and his contacts have assembled them on national soil.

      "Two DEA" agents who monitor the million-dollar US-MX arms trafficking business say they have reason to believe that the founder of the CJNG has between one and ten M134s.

      And that his version is much more dangerous than the original for civilians, police and military.

      The "Minigun" of the "jaliscos" would be more compact, a little lighter, but just as deadly, modified to be used not only from the air in a helicopter, but from Technicals, known as monsters, that protect the cartel's main strongholds.

      That's his feared bodyguard. Expensive, angry, potentially genocidal. Lethal to security forces.

      The "mini-gun" that the Jalisco Cartel would have brought to Mexico as the new protector of its leader.

      Should we believe the specialists? The DEA agents? Or secret management virgin cousin who's in denial?


    7. What does Sinaloa have to do with this? You know they’re living rent free when you’re the one always bringing them up

    8. snitchaloa?? really be orginal that word is played out.. all cartels snitch dummy

    9. @12:44. Thanks - perfect answer. Those that don’t like the question are rooting for innocents to die and their favorite cartel.....they really need to get a life.

      @2:24 - thanks for nothing.

    10. 12:48 - Exactly, by definition they snitch b/c they are unlocalized to anything greater than themselves (in their mind) and looking for the short way out. Any that don’t have something to lose they value more than themselves like family or loved ones.

    11. 1248
      Cds implemented that.
      Let's not forget.

    12. The USA Navy's Phalanx CIWS gun is actually more power and shoots more rounds than these old school mini guns.

    13. 612 bro this is not call of duty:warzone

  5. FYI - article from mainstream media about Mexican military

  6. "available for civilian use under certain requirements...".


    1. You can buy transferrable miniguns in the US as a civilian just as you can any other machine gun. It must be made before 1986 and registered under the 1934 National Firearms Act. There are a couple out there.

  7. M2 probably gonna have one on his black bullet proof raptor pretty soon

  8. Civilian use my ass, what should a civilian do with this? Keep on Mexicans and sell more meth and fent to the EU

    1. In Mexico Criminals have the right to guns. Criminals need guns to rob, kill, kidnap, innocent people in Mexico who does not have guns. Mexico has an army to protect the politicians from the people.


    Pretty hard to believe they have these and how heavy duty they really are..

  10. "In the United States, this model is available for civilian use under certain requirements and not accessible in all states."

    What the actual fuck? I'm totally fine with people having a right to own wepons, hell, I wish I could Buy one legally here, but a freaking minigun?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Shall not be infringed.

  11. Source of the problem: 'In the United States, this model is available for civilian use under certain requirements and not accessible in all states' !!!

    Using it for hunting huh?!

    1. It's not available for civilian use in the US, nor is any other fully automatic.

    2. Best way to kill them feral hogs

    3. The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting.

  12. In the Vietnam war, they were mounted to helicopter gunships. The soldiers called them, "Puff the magic dragon". This weapon can vaporize an area the size of a football field in a couple seconds

  13. 167 rounds per second??? How is that even possible??

    1. He probably meant per minute 😂 lol

    2. Think of it as an electrically powered 6 barrel Gatling gun. Fires at 50 rounds per second.

    3. Max would be 100 rounds per second. M134 can fire up to 2,000-6,000 rounds per minute

    4. 100 pr second? Wow that's some serious firepower.

  14. Gun control in Mexico 🇲🇽is working, only the Criminals own guns.

  15. Of course they aquired those weapons, thanks to the funds from Kidnapping, extortion, land thefts, drug sales, on the long run, it's the people that are suffering, Obrador won't move an arm regarding homicides, since he and his brother get bribes coming in.

  16. Protect the Criminals, give them weapons

  17. I cant speak for CJNG but CDG has had confirmed miniguns since 2007. The original Zetas had them but as far as I know the remnants that stayed with CDG maintained them when the split occurred. We encountered them in Matamoros and Reynosa in 2010 and 2016. We also seized parts, ammo and support equipment for them several times in Matamoros in 2015-2016. There are reports of them being in Sinaloa but no verified confirmation. CJNG has close ties to US Military deserters and is aligned with CDG so it is no stretch to think that this is credible.

  18. What do you people mean what use? Bc you aren’t a criminal, have the money and licenses, amd it’s fun as hell to shoot. You can kill a lot of people if you fly your private plane with the internet to hurt others, same with many other items people are free to own, why, bc they don’t break the law and why the fuck should anyone be ok with any government saying you can’t have that bc you might! That kind of weak ass pandering leads to a vast number of freedoms being criminalized without actually commuting any criminal act or even possessing the intent to do so. Sheep, same way we saw everyone meekly accept the lockdowns all over the world.

  19. Us marines will still dismantle this shit

  20. All cartels have mini guns don’t you here the coreEdos

  21. There is no reason that civilians need access to this weapon. This is not what the forefathers had in mind

    1. Civilians don't have access to these weapons or any other fully automatic. Just because the article says so, you believe it? That's more scary than the weapon itself.

    2. Its mencho he can have anything he wants.
      Theres a new M grande in Mexico and it ain't mayo.

  22. couldnt agree more with the post above re: people so willing to give up their freedoms and the freedoms of others. its not governments job to mandate lockdowns as they did very disturbing..2 weeks just to get over this curb...yeah got straight curb stomped didnt we? year plus in now with no end in sight unless we take it back. no violence needed just stop complying with the bs its that simple..

    look i dont have a political party i dont play identity politics, why am i pro freedom for individual citizens to own firearms? well bcuz i have come to know that most people are decent people or at least try to be, i trust you as my neighbor with a firearm more so than i do the government trying to restrict you.

    last but not least...the 2nd amendment does not grant anyone any freedoms, the document and the referenced amendments are all about dictating to government that they the government are not to infringe on you the individual citizens god given right to protect him or herself, this cannot be taken away...tho sadly they will continue to try to get u to give up this right...gotta educate oneself, not give into fear.

    dont be afraid of guns folks, be weary of the dregs who dont trust you with something as fundamental protecting yourself.

    these ideals we hold self evident, fundamental, not left wing not right wing... self evident and fundamental...enough with being so eager to ceed our freedoms to placate the corporate state, its un american and just plane stinks..


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