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Monday, May 24, 2021

Sinaloa State Police Chief Killed in Drive-By Shooting

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Joel Ernesto Soto, the Head of the Sinaloa State Police, was murdered while driving through the highway that connects Los Mochis with Culiacán. The attack occurred near La Angostura and Salvador Alvarado Municipalities.

Investigators say an armed commando paired up with his vehicle and shot him over 200 times. Soto lost control of his vehicle and drove off the highway. The sicarios then pulled him next to him finish him off.

The police chief was found dead on the driver's seat of his white Nissan Sentra. He was traveling from Los Mochis, his legal residence, to Culiacán. He was in Los Mochis over the weekend visiting family members.

Cristóbal Castañeda Caramillo, the Sinaloa Public Security Chief, confirmed the attack on Twitter earlier today.

"In a cowardly attack, this morning, unfortunately, the director of the State Police, Joel Ernesto Soto, lost his life. The incident occurred on the Los Mochis-Culiacan highway. Our condolences to the family and society of Sinaloa who have lost a great man."

The Sinaloa Attorney General's Office (FGR) has taken on the case. No one has been arrested thus far.


Soto joined the Mexican Army on 2 December 1981. He graduated from the Heroic Military Academy, Mexico's top military institution, and took basic and advanced classes in military intelligence.

During his military career he carried out tasks in different states such as Sinaloa, Sonora, Mexico, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Guerrero, and Baja California Sur. In these places, he has served in several Battalions, as well as in the Motorized Cavalry and Armored Reconnaissance Regiments.

In 2017, he served as the head of the Public Security Department in Mazatlan municipality. He was later promoted to Sinaloa State Police chief in December 2018.

On 6 May 2021, Soto was the victim of an attack in Mazatlán, when alleged members of the Sinaloa Cartel attacked a state police convoy in which he was traveling in. Soto was not injured.


Sources: Milenio; Diario de Mexico; Infobae; Noroeste; Riodoce; Esfera Informativa; La JornadaCronica de Hoy (Images); Wire (Images); Centro Noticias O (Graphic Images)


  1. Who's payroll was he in?

  2. Traveling alone it seems like. This is rare for any police director. Seems like he was comfortable doing that, which may suggest some cartel collusion. Order came from the top, that's for sure.

    1. Or he just felt like driving alone?

    2. What kind of state police director travels that far without any guards? The government really can’t afford a helicopter trip if they refuse to send guards?

    3. 2:42 Correct

    4. Maybe he just felt like driving alone?

    5. They couldn't afford a bullet proof car for the chief.???

    6. AWOL in uniform, at least take off the fatigues to conceal you ass chingadamadre, but to have been "head of public security in Mazatlan" and to have earned the chief of state police, he must have done somebody bad, milicos need to stay away from police duties, as cienpedos said, military elements do not have the training to be cuicos.

  3. the mayos fiction has been taking lots of hits and losing power and people to the chapitos. looks like mayos people are getting desperate.

    1. Can you elaborate? How are they losing power?
      I want to know more about it.

    2. Mayo is the jefe of the jefes

  4. Unlucky to Jose Ramirez on Saturday night much respect to Mexican warriors they never quit but my fellow Scottish zeta josh Taylor is undisputed champion his hands also like mine are deadly weapons of mass destruction el senor huevo has said that cds have requested both of us to lead the frontlines in Zacatecas with the troopa del inferno and grupo Fletcha behind


  5. These idiots(commentators) have lost all sense to what's really important in this narcowar!!!! Rather then focusing on what side is winning, why not on the countless lifes lost and the ones it continues destroying.
    Damn sinaloan rats.

  6. Hardly do the victims get any compassion in these comment threads. All we see is cheerleading. Makes me sick.
    I'm sure 99% of the readers would've picked up a phone and recorded the incident rather then calling for help.

  7. Chapos take another hit

    1. He caught chapo’s people in Mazatlán dude got hit by chapitos

    2. Dude just did an operation in Mazatlán on chapo’s people, chapos hit back

    3. He caught chapo’s people in Mazatlán dude got hit by chapitos

    4. ther area where they shot at him and arrested 7 people a few weeks ago, chapitos people were out there a few days ago giving out packages to the people there, maybe to keep the people happy after the shootout that happened there.

  8. Not even sure why Mexico has a military... it’s all corrupt anyway.... never been in a war and won’t be... cant even defend herself from herself.... still a developing country and a beautiful one but the government just ain’t workin...
    The US is about five times the size of Mexico and more stable... Mexico depends on the USA for its economic success whether it’s drugs or legal products...
    All catholic countries are fuked up...

    1. So religion is to blame?
      Such ignorance! It's people like you that makes this world f@#k up.

    2. The thing is that Mexican politicians have no shame and don't even hide the corruption like the politicians in the USA. In American corruption, politicians take money from companies, giant powerful corporations and do as those corporations say. The government also pumps way more money on its law enforcement agencies, gangs in the USA aren't as powerful as cartels in Mexico, so a really good funded and armed police agency isn't going to do what a gang says.

      In Mexico, the government takes money from the cartels so they do as the cartels say, also the politicians tend to keep the money to themselves rather than fund its law enforcement and military, Most of the equipment and training is provided by the USA rather than Mexico itself American weapons bought from the USA with money given to them by the USA through the Meridia Initiative.

      Mexico is just too confident because for them it's just an internal problem within them selves, a Mexican problem that even AMLO says it's for Mexicans to solve. Maybe that's why they don't take it serious because they probably feel like it's a contained problem they can handle them selves.

      What Mexico needs is a foreign threat. They have no foreign enemies so they don't take the military serious. I bet if another country was to threaten Mexico with war and make them nervous, there would suddenly be unity in Mexico. Mexicans are proud and patriotic to their country like Americans they just don't respect politics. So I'm sure they would suddenly unite and take the military serious they wouldn't kill each other as much and actually focus on the threat.

      Unless they start thinking it's ok, USA will defend them

    3. The thing is that Mexican politicians have no shame and don't even hide the corruption like the politicians in the USA. In American corruption, politicians take money from companies, giant powerful corporations and do as those corporations say. The government also pumps way more money on its law enforcement agencies, gangs in the USA aren't as powerful as cartels in Mexico, so a really good funded and armed police agency isn't going to do what a gang says.

      In Mexico, the government takes money from the cartels so they do as the cartels say, also the politicians tend to keep the money to themselves rather than fund its law enforcement and military, Most of the equipment and training is provided by the USA rather than Mexico itself American weapons bought from the USA with money given to them by the USA through the Meridia Initiative.

      Mexico is just too confident because for them it's just an internal problem within them selves, a Mexican problem that even AMLO says it's for Mexicans to solve. Maybe that's why they don't take it serious because they probably feel like it's a contained problem they can handle them selves.

      What Mexico needs is a foreign threat. They have no foreign enemies so they don't take the military serious. I bet if another country was to threaten Mexico with war and make them nervous, there would suddenly be unity in Mexico. Mexicans are proud and patriotic to their country like Americans they just don't respect politics. So I'm sure they would suddenly unite and take the military serious they wouldn't kill each other as much and actually focus on the threat.

      Unless they start thinking it's ok, USA will defend them

    4. @4:36 Correction, the USA depends on Mexican resources for their economic success along with resources from whole Latin America and Middle East.

      Gracias for your comments!

    5. STFU. Italy and Germany are Catholic countries and yet they are not like this.

    6. The situation is not about religion. Such an ignorant kid, I won't waste my time with you.

    7. 1247 can you name some of those resources? besides aguacates, platanos y nieve

    8. Italy is corrupt with mafia and Germany had a guy called hitler....

    9. @8:11 Mining resources, and lots of oil, pendejo...

    10. The 🇺🇸 will never let Mexico I become a stable first World country because it would defend itself from all the resources the 🇺🇸 takes from Mexico..
      Keep them killing each other and give the cartels guns is the plan

    11. 4:36 the faulty education of the american people led them to the unpresidential arms of the Unpresidented Disgrace , that cost 600 000 americans their lives to his oringe virus.
      Living off colonies leads to colonies poverty and parasites get too fat for their own good

  9. Maybe he's been helping RCQ and Isidro so Mayo or Chapitos had him wacked. He was coming from Los Mochis afterall.

  10. Sadly the conclusion that is inescapable is that the government in Mexico is not the least bit interested in stopping the cartels. It is obvious they are only interested in advancing the cartels that pay them the most for their inaction or using government to go after the rival cartel.

    Also why is this man who should know better traveling in a car that is not reinforced with bullet proof capabilities? He can’t be to smart excepting a job like his that makes him a target and not demand the resources to at least be somewhat safe while traveling.

    50-75% of all cartel deaths happen in vehicles. They are little more than metal coffins with wheels.


  11. My condolences go to his family.
    It sucks seeing this in this country and in this state also. Hopefully all this violence will come to end. I love living here in Culiacan but damn it's gotten worse. They're starting to extort regular people now. My mother in law owns a Papeleria and they're charging her quota. For all those people that think it doesn't happen here it does. They're grimy as fuck now. In the rural areas they're forcing people with stores to sell the cartels cigarettes andiquor stores have to sell cartels alcohol after a certain time of the night.

    1. No va faltar el babotas que te llamará mentiroso o que eres miedoso y que todo está al cien y controlado en la cuna del CDS

    2. So sorry, I sincerely wish you and family well.-h

    3. I am sorry for this family. The volience will not end, Amlo has no plan to stop it.

  12. They were going hard after CDS lately and seems that the orders were coming from this police chief. Remember Mazatlan, where 7 sicarios have been arrested a few weeks go, then 2 days ago, they arrested 3 sicarios in Culiacan in a bulletproof Jeep. Let's not forget the drugs which have been seized these months in safe houses in Culiacan. Unfortunately, he had it coming.

    1. He's lucky they haven’t went after his fams also.

    2. This type of action is what keeps good cops out of the force and let’s the scumbags flourish, good cops are dead cops in the land of the serpent and the eagle

    3. @6:44 Now you understand.

  13. The cartels make other crime groups around the globe looks like a amateurs!

    1. Not really Japanese Yakuza stands out big time, thier swords can cut a head in 1 swing 5 seconds, they mostly resort to Glocks with silencers. Underground still thrives.


    1. @9:58 Mr. Emoji man, CJNG kidnaps and kills innocents and creates mayhem for the normal citizens wherever they try to enter to heat up the plaza while in this case, a police director died, he isn't a director out of the blue, he was in the contra payroll.

      You are officially very not-knowing about how the Mexican underworld operates, no one gets a high rank on the police or army without having something to do with the "game".

    2. Emoji man is the same as the caps lock kid.

    3. So being on the payroll of a contra makes it ok????
      Still someones father, brother, son. And it's ok because he was on a payroll??? Death is death. You just proved my point. Thanks.

      When its CJNG no matter what the crime is, they need to get annihilated???

      But when CDS commits the crime, its ok?? Because you speculate he was on a payroll for the contras????

      You little kids make me sick.

      Creates mayhem? Like attacking the enemies?? Isnt that how wars are fought??? Last thing I remember it was the Michoacanos(C.U) organization, disrupting everyday life by, destroying roads, putting women and children in the front lines, crying to the government for help??? But it's all cjng? Right?

      Since when did we start picking sides? Of criminal organizations? But we can choose right from wrong??? Cheerleaders at their best.

    4. This dude talking about doesn't know how the Mexican underworld works is somewhat on the slow side. Obviously you don't know. What is he didn't want to take the money and that's why he got killed? I'm not saying I know because I don't. But I really doubt you know.because if you did you wouldn't be on this site getting information so u can then discuss the "cartel life" to ur friends.

    5. @251
      Literally everything of what you just said made 0% sense.


    6. I understand perfectly how it works; you dont comply you get murdered. My issue is, cds cheerleaders always try justifying whenever that group murders someone but go full on karen when CJNG commits a crime?? 😂😂😂

      Biased pricks.

    7. @4:11 CJNG crimes are worse, that's the point. They usually target a lot of innocents.

    8. That's your judgment. I see CDS and CJNG both the same, criminal groups. If we literally compare crime for crime, CDS has been at this longer. I'm sure they have more deaths under they're belt per ration than CJNG. Its probably the corridos, lay of them son @546

  15. One thing Mexico 🇲🇽 president can be proud of is the crime wave in Mexico

    1. Would you believe he cares a rats azz.


      Oops I mean AMLO… 🤣

    3. 9:46 abrazos del MALO,
      y mamadas de contigo...

  16. Overkill he never had a chance, the car was oversprayed with bullets, poor car too, not salvageable either.

    1. Ex-military cuicos are real abusive of their authority, cuicos trained by former military "experts" who think they are generals with demigod qualities produce murdering cuicos, a problem on the US too.
      Better pay is not the problem obviously, community guards have done pretty efficient work for free, lately in Venezuela where they captured invaders within hours of their entering the country, or Cuba where same thing happened on Bay of Pigs.


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