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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Tecate is the New Base of the CJNG in Baja California, Report Says

"El Choclo" for Borderland Beat

Pictured above is a crime scene in Baja California. The surge in violence in once tranquil Tecate has prompted families to create the municipality's first search brigade for missing persons. Violence in the municipality has increased 280% in first 3 months of 2021.

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has made the northern border municipality of Tecate the base of its operations in Baja California, according to local security forces.

As has occurred in other parts of the country where the cartel has expanded its influence, violence has increased in Tecate, sandwiched between the municipalities of Tijuana and Mexicali and located across the border from San Diego County and Imperial County in California.

According to a report by the newspaper El Universal, homicides in Tecate increased 280% in the first three months of the year. Among the victims were a high-ranking municipal government official, an independent political candidate and an activist.

El Universal reported that the CJNG announced its presence in strategic points in Baja California in a recent video posted to social media.

It also said that intelligence departments of local security forces have warned that the cartel — an extremely violent criminal group which the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says is the primary drug trafficking organization in 24 of Mexico’s 32 states — is using the municipal seat of Tecate, a Magical Town 50 kilometers east of Tijuana, as its operational base.

For unknown reasons, one thing the Jalisco New Generation Cartel did to announce its presence in Tecate was target firefighters.

The CJNG is also believed to be responsible for recent attacks on rural fire stations in Tecate, forcing authorities to close all four. The criminal group also allegedly abducted an ambulance paramedic and forced him to treat the wounds of a hitman injured in a gunfight with a rival cartel.

A fire chief in the town of Tecate told El Universal that a young firefighter in the community of La Rumorosa was captured and tied up by cartel members who stole his car to make a getaway before dumping it and setting it on fire. In addition, a fire engine was recently riddled with bullets by gunmen, leading firefighters to walk off their jobs.

“Nobody could guarantee our security. How can I send young men to work like that?” the fire chief said. It is unclear why the presumed CJNG members have been directly targeting firefighters. One possibility is that they wanted to scare off all authorities in the areas where they are seeking to operate with impunity.

The recent increase in violence in Tecate has interrupted years of tranquility enjoyed by residents, El Universal said. The newspaper also reported that a group dedicated to searching for missing people has been created in the border municipality for the first time.

Madres Buscándote Tecate (Mothers Looking for You Tecate) found the remains of seven men and women in a single month on a track that runs along a local river, El Universal said.

Sources: El Universal; MND


  1. looks like Tijuana didnt work out. LMAO

  2. Typical cjng messing with the peace

  3. Must be only a few CJNG members there and they to scared to attack police so they go after firefighters.

  4. Tecate se esta poniendo caliente!!!

  5. lets see if they can actually establish themselves there or if they just try and cant win

    1. Smart money would be on the latter

  6. Seems like a decent neighborhood. I’ve always had the impression tecate was a raggedy looking town. Worst than Sanchez Taobada.

    1. Lol stop name dropping neighborhoods you never been to, tecate is beautiful a lot of tourist in the area small town vibe and you compare it to el Sanchez Taboada** not tao, Sanchez is a area of Tijuana not a city like Tecate and it is filled with meth and small groups, 2-3 killings a day in Sanchez, you would not walk around in Sanchez 1000% but you could walk around Tecate without a problem huge difference

  7. Who actually officiates these “decisions “? Lol since 2019 (yes of course even much farther back) none of the border points have been entirely taken over by a single group..

    That is besides Nuevo Laredo, until now, of course..

    Either way, this is clearly and merely propaganda. Everyone knows Tecate was Chapo’s little pearl in the beginning and CDS dominated for ages…

    I am not advocating for any side here (being a fanboy), just stating the obvious*

  8. I wonder if they targeted the firefighters for the following reasons..

    1) there is about to be a war

    2) they can keep their Narco blockades burning even longer now

    3) nobody will come to help out the fires set upon rival locations and businesses


  10. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO next thing you know CJNG gonna be attacking taqueros and marisqueros to announce they're arrival.

    Cartel payasos nueva generacion

  11. Isn't this where Taylor has a guitar factory?

  12. Pinches mugrosos de cuatro letras. Nomas sirven para atacar inocentes y calentar plaza.

  13. Los cuatro letras: J.O.T.Os

    1. Your joke was good until you added tge last s! Esa le uviera quedado mejoral cds s! 4 lettas🤣

  14. El BULLDOG and CDS GROUPIES are GOING to go bananas 😆
    I COULD hear THEM now "That is not TRUE, I live in mexicali and CHAPITOS CONTROL that PLAZA and, and, and"... 😆 (sarcasm)

    1. WTF? These tweekers are burning and terrorizing. Control?

    2. El bulldog was in the US Army or us chair force to much of a bitch to join the Marines but here on BB he’s hardcore

    3. So funny he calls others groupies while being a cjng groupie...u know he isnt anywhere near Mexicali either. 🤣🤣

    4. Can someone please cut this emoji smile clown from posting here.

    5. 4:08 PM… well I am not sure where you get the notion that if one joins the US Army they are to much of a bitch because they chose the army over the marines. Because the Army has some bad ass operators and some very high level of special operations with some of the best tactical training on the planet. Additionally there are a lot of US Marines who are currently joining the US Army. I know several Marines who have joined the Army and it was reported to be happening in record numbers. As far as the Air Force I get where your going with that one but I respect all military branch members and will never think of anyone willing to dedicate there life to being of service to there country. Don’t know any El Bulldog. Just speaking facts.

    6. 9:16 escribiste mucho y no dijiste nada! All i can say is cds nutthuggers talk big game but dont do shit! Real recognize real! Puro gallo jugado en jalisco!

    7. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8. 6:33 right? This guy is the biggest cjng lover on this website. Probably rarely if ever steps foot in Mexico too, just likes to watch all the chaos cjng causes to poor Mexicans from the comfort of his own home in America

    9. @9:36 Bueno pues gallito, véngase a Mex y me avisa.

    10. 9:16 the US military should add a black ribbon for members who served under the corrupt regime of their commander in chief Cadet Bone Spurs, to hide the presumed innocent, yu know?

    11. @9:36 como nadie quiere a los jaliscos se están metiendo ahuevo en todo mexico pero se la van a pelar

  15. All these comments for a couple of lil punks who can’t even fight local cops, firefighters… really? Not a fan of anyone but this sounds like a bunch of lil tweaked out bitches to me. Oh, but I forget the CJNG is “top tier operators” gtfoh!

  16. I have a lot of family in all Military branches but I strongly feel the AirForce are the smartest and they are all pretty tough...."ChairForce"wtf???? I live in TJ and help my Mother's House in San Diego but leave Tecate alone. It is peaceful and the residents love where they live.

  17. CJNG - burn the house down. Your's as well. Fools . . . where is the ng, marinas, SEDA, right before your eyes . . in small town Mejico. AMLO - piece of sh**.

  18. Tecate is borring and I hate the motels there , even the cantinas suck ! Just pure billiard's and weird hotels

  19. Mexicali makes me sick too mucho rata

  20. Soy guera paisa de tijuana gracias baby


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